13th June 2014, 01:07 AM
The core of the database are a series of what I would describe as headers and pointers.
Each person in America (and all Americans are being tracked, and most people abroad in western countries) has a single summary page of information that contains series of scores. At a high level These risk scores are then broken down into a color category scheme. The red area of this score is then broken down further into several categories to include whether or not the person is of interest and to what extent resources have been dedicated to this person. The system has on a broad sense an Unlimited electronic resources and tools, but there is a limit to the amount of human intelligence that can be dedicated to each person of interest. On a specific sense monitoring can be a costly affair if the jewels in the crown of electronic assets are applied to include the positioning of specialty equipment. The system is broad in scope and once it is applied specifically it becomes expensive. People are of Imminent or Latent Threats, they are either surveilled using electronic or human intelligence. Each person of interest has a budget so to speak, A constant cost benefit analysis is computed on each person of interest which governs which kind of assets are dedicated to that individual or group. There is a built in slack in the system - not all are elevated threats which are surveilled are interfered with; plots and crimes (especially business and political crimes) are allowed to proceed even to fruition. I would say that no all imminent threats that are surveilled would be stopped as well. Existential threats are allowed proceed without interference. What I am trying to explain to you is that there are intentional cracks in the system; they are in place by design. This is for several reasons; the system seeks to root out not only the participants of those perceived to be the counterforce but also the leadership. The second reason is that use the system degrades the effectiveness of the system because it telegraphs the capabilities which the entire system has. These scores range from personality profile to include personality types including Jung types and a subset of them even more specific, financial records, medical records including what prescription drugs the person has taken or takes, whether or not someone was institutionalized for any reason, a score to represent the value of the person both in a functional society and also as it would apply to a crisis situation, biometric data including photograph DNA fingerprint. Many of these data points are from private companies using private metrics, others are are from public companies whereby data is stored; via a Hadoop farm. This is especially true regarding financial assets and it also applies to the physical details of each individuals lifestyle and also transportation habits, and/or a lifestyle audit.
The core of the database are a series of what I would describe as headers and pointers.
Each person in America (and all Americans are being tracked, and most people abroad in western countries) has a single summary page of information that contains series of scores. At a high level These risk scores are then broken down into a color category scheme. The red area of this score is then broken down further into several categories to include whether or not the person is of interest and to what extent resources have been dedicated to this person. The system has on a broad sense an Unlimited electronic resources and tools, but there is a limit to the amount of human intelligence that can be dedicated to each person of interest. On a specific sense monitoring can be a costly affair if the jewels in the crown of electronic assets are applied to include the positioning of specialty equipment. The system is broad in scope and once it is applied specifically it becomes expensive. People are of Imminent or Latent Threats, they are either surveilled using electronic or human intelligence. Each person of interest has a budget so to speak, A constant cost benefit analysis is computed on each person of interest which governs which kind of assets are dedicated to that individual or group. There is a built in slack in the system - not all are elevated threats which are surveilled are interfered with; plots and crimes (especially business and political crimes) are allowed to proceed even to fruition. I would say that no all imminent threats that are surveilled would be stopped as well. Existential threats are allowed proceed without interference. What I am trying to explain to you is that there are intentional cracks in the system; they are in place by design. This is for several reasons; the system seeks to root out not only the participants of those perceived to be the counterforce but also the leadership. The second reason is that use the system degrades the effectiveness of the system because it telegraphs the capabilities which the entire system has. These scores range from personality profile to include personality types including Jung types and a subset of them even more specific, financial records, medical records including what prescription drugs the person has taken or takes, whether or not someone was institutionalized for any reason, a score to represent the value of the person both in a functional society and also as it would apply to a crisis situation, biometric data including photograph DNA fingerprint. Many of these data points are from private companies using private metrics, others are are from public companies whereby data is stored; via a Hadoop farm. This is especially true regarding financial assets and it also applies to the physical details of each individuals lifestyle and also transportation habits, and/or a lifestyle audit.