View Full Version : It's the JESUITS - NOT the Jews!!!

13th June 2014, 12:41 PM

13th June 2014, 02:23 PM
"After Christians took back Spain from the Moors in the 14th Century, they wanted "to root out all non-Catholic elements in the country and unite it under Catholic rule." (Prinz, The Secret Jews, p.25)

Jews had lived in Spain since the 4th Century BC and had prospered under the Moors. The Church demanded that the more than 400,000 Jews convert or leave. Because thousands had been massacred in anti-Jews riots of 1391, more than 250,000 Jews agreed to convert and became known as "conversos."

However, the Church soon realized it had made a fatal blunder. As you would expect, the majority of these converts were not sincere. These were called "Marranos" (pigs.) But now that they could pass as Christians, they were exempt from the taxes and restrictions that governed Jews. They were more influential and powerful than ever.

They intermarried with the nobility and rose to the highest ranks in government and the Church. The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola , was a converso, and so was his successor Diego Lainex. Most conversos practiced Judaism in secret and were considered "Judaizers."

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The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus by Robert Aleksander Maryks (review)
Thomas M. Cohen

From: The Catholic Historical Review
Volume 99, Number 2, April 2013
pp. 355-356 | 10.1353/cat.2013.0124
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews is a superb study of the relationship between Jesuits and New Christians—converts from Judaism and their descendants—during the three generations after the founding of the Society of Jesus in 1540. It has long been known that many New Christians joined the Society in the sixteenth century. The opposition that this influx of New Christians inspired both within and outside the Society, however, is something of which only a few specialists have been aware until recently. James W. Reites and Francisco de Borja Medina have written important studies of St. Ignatius of Loyola’s philosemitism and of the divisions within the Society that developed after Ignatius’s death. Maryks, however, does something that no one has attempted until now—he investigates the genealogical roots of dozens of sixteenth-century Spanish and Portuguese Jesuits. Among these men were several of the most notable Jesuit intellectuals of the period, including José de Acosta, Diego Laínez, Juan de Mariana, Jerónimo Nadal, Juan Alfonso de Polanco, Pedro de Ribadeneira, and Francisco Suárez.

Maryks links his genealogical study to a sophisticated analysis of the various factions that developed within the Society as a result of the debate about the admission of New Christians. In addition, Maryks analyzes the strong opposition in court and clerical circles in Spain and Portugal as a whole to the admission of New Christians in the Society.

The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews provides a profound and convincing analysis—based on extensive archival work—of the conflict between theory and practice in the Society of Jesus. The Society’s founding documents called for an inclusive approach to the admissions process. In practice, however, discrimination in the admission of a wide range of minorities—including not only New Christians but also Asians, Africans, Amerindians, and mestizos—was widespread.

The debate about New Christians hinged on the interpretation, by individual Jesuits, of Ignatius’s intentions. Drawing on their direct contacts with Ignatius, on their understanding of the Institute of the Society, or on both, Jesuits on both sides of the debate about New Christians asserted that they sought to adopt the policy that Ignatius would have adopted had he been alive in the 1570s, when the debate threatened to produce a schism in the Society.

The vocal minority in the Society that opposed the admission of New Christians gained strength at the Third General Congregation in 1573, when it prevented the election of Polanco to succeed Francisco de Borja as Superior General. Opponents of Polanco said that they wished to elect the first non-Spanish Superior General, but their true goal—to prevent the election of a New Christian—was clear to all the electors. The new Superior General, Everard Mercurian, removed influential New Christians from their administrative posts in Rome and ordered them to return to Spain.

At the Fifth General Congregation in 1593, the electors voted to exclude men of Jewish and Muslim descent from the Society. Acosta cast one of only two dissenting votes. Maryks provides the most comprehensive analysis to date of the bitter debate surrounding the passage of the exclusion decree. Several notable Jesuits, including Ribadeneira and Antonio Possevino (an Italian who was likely of Jewish descent), mounted an eloquent defense of the principle of nondiscrimination in general and of the admission of New Christians in particular. The decree was modified slightly in 1608 to ensure that investigations of lineages not extend beyond five generations, but it was not formally rescinded until 1946.

Ironically, as Maryks notes, Mercurian’s marginalization of the New Christians gave several of these Jesuits—notably Nadal, Polanco, and Ribadneira—the opportunity to explore interests that they had not previously had time to pursue. During the next forty years, these men produced a brilliant collection of writings—ranging from history and biography to spiritual reflections, philosophy, and political theory—that were influential in their day and that continue to inform our understanding of the Society.

13th June 2014, 02:31 PM


13th June 2014, 03:00 PM

I have been away from examining the Jesuit problem for a long time so can't say much now, though I have read extensivley on the subject. I remember that guy, Eric Phelps I think was his name, who wrote a book and was always focusing on the Jesuits. Phelps was exposed as a Zionist shill. I think that "it's the Jesuits" and "it's the Jews" and "it's George W. Bush" all are manufactured products from the same source.

One might search on terms like

E. Michael Jones, conversos, CultureWars.com


Conversos, "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit", E. Michael Jones

to get his perspective.

Though there are plenty of bad Jesuits many of us have encountered, I have a hard time believing that Loyola and the whole order were evil and corrupt from the beginning and all in it have also been to this day.

Pointing to the Jesuits not the Jews as the problem is, I have a strong feeling, something that some powerful entities just love to hear.

13th June 2014, 03:22 PM
The jesuits are undoubtedly scum, but in another arena.

13th June 2014, 04:08 PM
early freemasonry was already practiced in ancient Egypt, spread throughout Mesopotamia, so it is really difficult to say if the jews came first. Additionally one finds the same esoteric teachings (harmony of the opposites) in the Vedic culture and in Buddhism ... this Knowledge is TRULY universal

when Truth will come out, since ALL religious leaders/textbooks/scriptures are corrupt and have subverted the Teachings, everything will come to crash down - the Bible included.

Look up on the net for "esoteric Christianity"

Keep fighting and the 'harmony of the opposites' will eventually manifest. Both ends of spectrum mean same. But how many deaths before it is acknowledged ??? That peace lies in balance, the only Natural Law.

13th June 2014, 04:13 PM
Do the Jesuits control mass media?
Do the Jesuits control the Federal Reserve?

13th June 2014, 05:18 PM
early freemasonry was already practiced in ancient Egypt, spread throughout Mesopotamia, so it is really difficult to say if the jews came first.

Bullshit. That is an utterly fallacious statement.

Show us where 'freemasonry' was practiced in Egypt.

Just because Egyptian cultic symbolism has been adopted by the Masons doesn't mean Egytptians practiced freemasonry.

You are easily duped.

Lets see if you start that fraudulent ancient knowledge crap or assert that you are some kind of 'expert' in this field

13th June 2014, 05:40 PM
Google this... thats only on the first page :)

Freemasonry: The Legacy of the Ancient Egyptians
Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians - Amazon.com
The history of Freemasonry encompasses the origins, evolution and defining .... Thomas Paine traced Freemasonry to Ancient Egypt,
The Magicians of ancient Egypt and Freemasons
Why do freemasons wear ancient egyptian attire?
Freemasonry and Judaism Worship the Same Egyptian Gods
Thomas Paine - On the Origin of Free-Masonry - Scribd

Egyptian Mysticism and Freemasonry - Seattle Freemasons
How masonic traditions evolved out of Egyptian Mysticism

Aeondaze, I have been researching the 'origins of power' and all the roads lead to ancient egypt (for the Western/middle Eastern cultures). Forget about the cavemen one and for all. :)

zionists and Freemansons = same = they SUBVERT the **law of the harmony of the opposites** to implement their **divide and rule** agendas.

You ARE dupe, Aeon...

as long as people do not want to know where and how the ancient egyptians got their Knowledge which rules humanity today, the global elite is here to stay. Thats as simple as that.

Bullshit. That is an utterly fallacious statement.

Show us where 'freemasonry' was practiced in Egypt.

Just because Egyptian cultic symbolism has been adopted by the Masons doesn't mean Egytptians practiced freemasonry.

You are easily duped.

13th June 2014, 05:44 PM
Do the Jesuits control mass media?
Do the Jesuits control the Federal Reserve?

If the Jesuits are still ran by closet jews, then they are in control.

13th June 2014, 05:45 PM
Yep just as suspected, right on song, you're so predictable in that crap that you post.

You go do some homework, your understanding of this subject matter is appalling.

Again, you go and make a stemement and fail to back it up with any proof that adopts a rigorous scientific methodology. You're a complete FRAUD.

13th June 2014, 06:18 PM
Egyptian Mysticism and Freemasonry - Seattle Freemasons
How masonic traditions evolved out of Egyptian Mysticism

did you bother to click on the link, Aeon?

Masons are a fraud, thats for sure

next time make a search before answering

now that you have the evidence that masons and ancient egptians are related, which is even corroborated by Thomas Paine, you speak if 'scientific methofology'.... LOL

Yep just as suspected, right on song, you're so predictable in that crap that you post.

You go do some homework, your understanding of this subject matter is appalling.

Again, you go and make a stemement and fail to back it up with any proof that adopts a rigorous scientific methodology. You're a complete FRAUD.

13th June 2014, 06:43 PM
Egyptian Mysticism and Freemasonry - Seattle Freemasons
How masonic traditions evolved out of Egyptian Mysticism

did you bother to click on the link, Aeon?

Masons are a fraud, thats for sure

next time make a search before answering

now that you have the evidence that masons and ancient egptians are related, which is even corroborated by Thomas Paine, you speak if 'scientific methofology'.... LOL
You have a problem seeing cause and effect. Masons writing about Egyptian mysticism doesn't make Egyptians masons. :)

13th June 2014, 08:20 PM


14th June 2014, 02:56 AM
as long as people do not want to know where and how the ancient egyptians got their Knowledge which rules humanity today, the global elite is here to stay. Thats as simple as that.

I'll tell you what knowledge they have, they know how to manipulate the herd is all. Hardly ancient knowledge, I'm sure many sociopaths do as well. The difference between them and the current ruling cabal is they don't have an accepted legal authority to thrash someone within an inch of their life, thats the real power these vermin wield.

Is not secret knowledge, its called V-I-O-L-E-N-C-E!

Even with your imature view of the world I'm sure you've heard of this...o)(~

14th June 2014, 03:41 AM
go and ask Thomas Paine, most likely freemason himself, why he thinks so :)

I have no problem seeing cause and effect, trust me. But it seems like you have an issue with connecting the dots dealing with a lethal power game that is as old as mankind.

... maybe a call to the Fed to ask why they have a pyramid on the one dollar bill could help. But I digress, they will most likely tell you that it is all about art if they are following you reasoning here.

You have a problem seeing cause and effect. Masons writing about Egyptian mysticism doesn't make Egyptians masons. :)

14th June 2014, 03:42 AM
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." ― Voltaire

14th June 2014, 03:46 AM
so why do they meet in SECRET ... have you followed the Bilderberg latest meeting in copenhage?

are you going to deny that secret societies exist perhaps?

I recall the day you found the link of a masonic lodge informing people about how to procede to become a freemason, that if interested individuals didn't know a sponsor, all they had to do is to go to county house and ask there for the list of freemasons registered with the population department... ROFLOL...

sure Aeon, there is no secret knowledge. It is all about impulsive and mindless violence

you are so naïve... that it is jaw dropping

I don't have time to answer your postings anymore, sorry

Is not secret knowledge, its called V-I-O-L-E-N-C-E!

Even with your imature view of the world I'm sure you've heard of this...o)(~

14th June 2014, 04:54 AM
Being secretive and exclusionist are two completely different things. They may well have met in secret years ago, but it sure as shit ain't anymore, lol, or you wouldn't be foolishly posting nonsense about it.


You know very well that post was to prove atheism isn't looked upon favourably in masonic circles when you stated that "atheism is a masonic directive". (take note here)

You're the one who brought up masons in the first place remember.

You're the one who is trying to convince everyone masons have some secret voo-doo knowledge which is the source of their power.

You're the one trying to inculcate readers into believing they don't possess this so called "secret knowledge" and by default power

Who is the one who might be considered pro-mason and pushing their agenda then....I'll give you a clue, it isn't me...


14th June 2014, 05:09 AM
I feel so sorry for you, Aeon... your naivete is MUCH too appalling - or you are just in plain denial. You will have to grow out of it by yourself.

Being secretive and exclusionist are two completely different things. They may well have met in secret years ago, but it sure as shit ain't anymore, lol, or you wouldn't be foolishly posting nonsense about it.
Who is the one who might be considered pro-mason and pushing their agenda then....I'll give you a clue, it isn't me...


14th June 2014, 05:20 AM
Look into the mirror Esmerelda...


14th June 2014, 05:43 AM
looks like you forgot to take your meds

hopefully some day, you will realize that Jesuits, freemasons and zionists are all the same and they follow the same ancient teachings which they subverted in order to control mankind... denominations are meant to confuse people

14th June 2014, 05:56 AM
looks like you forgot to take your meds

hopefully some day, you will realize that Jesuits, freemasons and zionists are all the same and they follow the same subverted ancient teachings... denominations are meant to confuse people

Blah, blah, blah. Thrust and parry.

You're still pushing that same old rusty, delapidated wagon Esmerelda...


14th June 2014, 06:27 AM
hopefully some day, you will realize that Jesuits, freemasons and zionists are all the same since they all are united in this battle against world populations.

you forgot to address the OP... so please comment on it. But acknowledging esotericism in secret societies would make you REconsider atheism and see why the latter is merely an agenda pushed by them.

as to wonder what you are doing in this thread if you refute the existence of secret societies to start with???

14th June 2014, 07:22 AM
I don't really understand anyhting you are posting anymore.

I don't knopw what point you're trying to prove or what post or topic your posting on with these off-the-cuff ramblings.

You are confusing the two post and sound like a lunatic, haha :D

Take home: you suck, the other posters would rather agree with me and now your just rambling on in anger...lol

14th June 2014, 08:12 AM
sure thats too difficult for you to fathom, I really feel sorry for you Aeon... all what is happening to earth according to you is the result of 'stupid and random violence".

I am not angry... just appalled.

I don't really understand anyhting you are posting anymore.

I don't knopw what point you're trying to prove or what post or topic your posting on with these off-the-cuff ramblings.

You are confusing the two post and sound like a lunatic, haha :D

Take home: you suck, the other posters would rather agree with me and now your just rambling on in anger...lol

14th June 2014, 08:14 AM
sure thats too difficult for you to fathom, I really feel sorry for you Aeon... all what is happening to earth according to you is the result of 'stupid and random violence".

I am not angry... just appalled by your naivete.

1st : you wont address the OP that I did NOT post

2nd: you ignore members discussing it, instead you jumped into the thread and started stalking me because I mentioned "ancient egypt".

3rd: by accusing me of being a lunatic and an as*h*le, you systematically include OP's author and all those saying that it is the jews, since conspiracy is the topic of this thread.

4th: you cannot debunk the OP. you arent even versed in the topic as it is antagonistic to atheism.

5th in several occasions, you labelled me as a masonic front while refuting that secret societies exist... a contraction in itself. You seriously shoot yourself in the foot here

truth to be told, I know several atheists who can discuss world/power issues at a level that you may never attain.

I don't really understand anyhting you are posting anymore.

I don't knopw what point you're trying to prove or what post or topic your posting on with these off-the-cuff ramblings.

You are confusing the two post and sound like a lunatic, haha :D

Take home: you suck, the other posters would rather agree with me and now your just rambling on in anger...lol

14th June 2014, 08:33 AM
hopefully some day, you will realize that Jesuits, freemasons and zionists are all the same and they follow the same ancient teachings which they subverted in order to control mankind... denominations are meant to confuse people

I can see that, any of the sects that have a long history of indoctrinating people to their will most likely work in consort within their upper echelons.

Ones that would not cooperate (or so small as to be manipulated themselves), are or have been eliminated/marginalized. The Jesuits may have been on a right course initially then subverted. True History about them rewritten then re-categorized. Then once being reduced to a manageable size, manipulated.

14th June 2014, 12:02 PM
exactly, Horn... they created all these divisions among themselves because they must compartmentalize societies... as a result humans fight for their own compartment while remaining oblivious to the whole picture. Sometimes they wont agree among each others as how to do it, but all share the same focus: Total enslavement of mankind.

the bilderberg comprises freemasons, jesuits and zionists - and their henchmen. Trying to dissociate them wont resolve the problem we have on our hands.

I can see that, any of the sects that have a long history of indoctrinating people to their will most likely work in consort within their upper echelons.

Ones that would not cooperate (or so small as to be manipulated themselves), are or have been eliminated/marginalized. The Jesuits may have been on a right course initially then subverted. True History about them rewritten then re-categorized. Then once being reduced to a manageable size, manipulated.

14th June 2014, 12:25 PM
Dunno, I just don't see it

14th June 2014, 01:32 PM
Published: June 14, 2014, 11:16 am

BOSTON (AP) — Three Boston College graduates, including one Massachusetts native, are being ordained as Jesuit priests.

The ordination of Thomas Simisky, Mario Powell and Sam Sawyer is scheduled for Saturday in New York City.

The 43-year-old Simisky is a native of Worcester, Massachusetts. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and has a master’s in economics from Boston College. The 32-year-old Powell spent his early childhood in Hawaii before moving to Santa Monica, California. He earned an undergraduate history degree from BC. The 35-year-old Sawyer is from Scranton, Pennsylvania, and has a computer science degree from BC.

The Society of Jesus, founded in 1540, says it has seen an increase in interest in becoming a Jesuit priest since the election of the first Jesuit pontiff, Pope Francis.


14th June 2014, 01:57 PM
Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Aug 24,2012 - by AIDC (http://www.anwaraidc.com/?author=2)14 (http://www.anwaraidc.com/?p=26999#comments)

The first of two Co-Chairmen of the CFR is Carla A. Hills, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Gerald Ford (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club) and as Trade Representative underGeorge H. W. Bush (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club, Vatican-controlled Skull & Bones, aka Papal Knights of Eulogia, CFR).
She was an assistant to Attorney General Elliot Richardson, whose son, Henry S. Richardson, is a professor of philosophy at Jesuit Georgetown University. She is part of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, and one of the three chairmen of the Trilateral Commission (Peter Sutherland) was Jesuit-trained at Gonzaga College.
She is an advisory board member of the Partnership for a Secure America (PSA), which is chaired by brother CFR members Warren B. Rudman and Lee H. Hamilton. Rudman was Jesuit-trained at Boston College Law School and Lee Hamilton has close ties to the Jesuit Order’s Knight of Malta-directed Central Intelligence Agency.
Hills is also on the board of American International Group (AIG), which CFR corporate member is run by Edward Liddy (its CEO), who was trained at the Catholic University of America. Since 1993, Hills has been on the board of Chevron, along with brother CFR member Donald S. Rice, who was trained at the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame, its President Emeritus being long time CFR member, Roman Priest Theodore Hesburgh, one of the Vatican’s foremost leaders of Pope Benedict XVI’s 14th Amendment American Empire.

The other Co-Chairman of the CFR is Jewish Freemason Robert E. Rubin, who served under President Bill Clinton as Treasury Secretary and headed Clinton’s National Economic Council. He was a Clinton crony. Rubin’s ties to Clinton are interesting, since Bill Clinton was Jesuit-trained atGeorgetown University, where he was close to the Jesuit faculty (became Class President in his junior year).
Rubin has served on the board of the Center for National Policy (CNP), which is led by it’s President, Roman Catholic Tim Roemer (another graduate of the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame as is CFR member and past Secretary of State, the mulatto Condolezza Rice).
The Vice Chairman of the CFR is anothe r Jewish Freemason, Richard E. Salomon, a senior adviser to the Jesuit cohort Knight of Malta David Rockefeller. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Blackstone Group.
Blackstone Group is run by brother CFR members Peter G. Peterson (a former head of the Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank in New York City) and Stephen A. Schwarzman. Peterson is married to Joan Cooney, who has received honorary degrees from two Jesuit institutions (Boston College andGeorgetown University) and whose mother was Roman Catholic.
Peterson, holding an honorary degree from Jesuit Georgetown University, co-founded the Concord Coalition along with Warren Rudman, who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College.
Jesuit-trained Peterson was also a crony of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton. As for Stephen Schwarzman, he was a member of Skull & Bones (which is really the Vatican’s Papal Knights of Eulogia) and he celebrated his 60th birthday on February 13, 2007.
One of his friends who attended the party was Knight of Malta Edward Cardinal Egan. So, we can see that both of the men running the Blackstone Group, which Saloman had close ties to, are Jesuit coadjutors.

The President of the CFR is another Freemasonic papal court Jew,Richard Haass, a member of the Jesuit/Knight of Malta-controlledBilderberg Group (Founded by Jesuit priest Joseph Retinger, and Knight of Malta Prince Bernhardof the Netherlands). During his time in the U.S. State Department, Haass was a close adviser to CFR-member and mulatto Colin Powell, a 33rd Degree Freemason (admitted on Masonic websites) who addressed the Roman Catholic Marymount University in 2006. Haass was also the U.S. Special Envoy for Northern Ireland, which is 40% Roman Catholic as a country.
Haass also served as a special assistant to George H. W. Bush, the Knight of Malta, member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club, High-level Freemason, and Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia.
Haass is also a Rhodes Scholar (Rhodes Scholarships have been given out to Jesuit grads, in many cases). As is the typical Jesuit modus operandi: the Freemasonic Jews are placed in the foreground, while the White Gentile Jesuits and Papal Knights direct all policies from the background!

The New York Jesuit of supreme power overseeingTimothy Cardinal Dolan’s Council on Foreign Relations is Jesuit Priest Joseph A. O’Hare.
A past president of Jesuit Fordham University in the Bronx, Jesuit O’Hare is a PRESIDER of the CFR as is Knight of Malta David Rockefeller—the Black Pope’s most influential White Gentile American Cartel Capitalist and Central Banker.
O’Hare was also responsible for putting papal “Court Jew” and CFR-member Michael R. Bloomberg into the mayor’s office of New York City. Yes, Freemasonic Jew Bloomberg is a “made man,” made by the Jesuit Power ruling New York.
That is why Bloomberg fawned and groveled at the feet of sodomite Pope Benedict XVI when that man of sin arrived in America to converse with “Skull and Bonesman” President George W. Bush, the Caesar/Commander-in-Chief of Rome’s “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment, Cartel-Corporate Fascist, Socialist-Communist, Masonic American Empire.
Other members connected to the Jesuit Papacy are as follows:
CFR Director Peter Ackerman is Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Freedom House, which is run by William H. Taft IV, a crony of Gerald Ford, a SMOM Papal Knight and 33rd Degree Freemason. Taft went to school with John Kerry, a Jesuit-trained 33rd Degree Freemason and Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia.
CFR Director Fouad Ajami is a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Founded by Jesuit priest Joseph Retinger, S.J. and SMOM Papal Knight Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands) and a former adviser to Condoleezza Rice, who graduated from the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame (as well as the CIA/MI6-controlled University of Denver). Ajami is also a friend of Masonic Zionist Paul Wolfowitz.
CFR Director Madeline Albright is a professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University and another papal court Jew.
CFR Director Charlene Barshefsky was trained at the Catholic University of America. She was nominated by Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton to serve as a Deputy US Trade Representative, along with Richard W. Fisher, the head of the Jesuit Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Fisher joined a bank run by the Harriman Brothers (Both Skull&Bones Papal Knights of Eulogia) and worked under Robert Roosa, who had links to the Jesuit cohorts Rockefeller family and worked for the Jesuit Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
CFR Director Henry Bienen is the President of Northwestern University, which has ties to the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Motor Company is run by the Ford family (Jesuit cohorts who supported the Vatican-controlled Nazi Party). The President and CEO of the Ford Motor Company is Alan Mulally, who is Roman Catholic.
CFR Director Alan Blinder was a crony of Jesuit-trained Freemason Bill Clinton and an advisor to Jesuit-trained John Kerry (33rd Degree Freemason, Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia). Blinder was Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jesuit Federal Reserve under Chairman Alan Greenspan (SMOM).
CFR Director Stephen W. Bosworth was given the post of special representative by Hillary Clinton, the wife of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton, and a part of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Joseph Retinger, SJ, Prince Bernhard SMOM). Bosworth is an adviser of the Jesuit-trained President of the Philippines (Gloria Arroyo) and is a member of the board of International Textile Group, which is run by Wilbur Ross, who was Jesuit-trained at Xavier High School, had ties to the Rothschild Family (Guardians of the Papal Treasury).
CFR Director Tom Brokaw has honorary degrees from the Jesuit Boston College, the Jesuit Fairfield University, and the Jesuit Fordham University. He was a longtime friend of Tim Russert, the Jesuit-trained Freemason who was part of a Jesuit frat club at John Carroll University and had a son who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College.
CFR Director Sylvia Burwell was a crony of Bill Clinton (his deputy Chief of Staff 1997-1998), who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, where he served once as class president and was close to the Jesuit faculty.
CFR Director Frank Caufield co-founded Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers along with Brooks Byers, a member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. He is on the board of Caremark, which is run by Thomas M. Ryan, who is a director of the Bank of America, which was founded by a Knight of Malta and is 51% owned by the Jesuits, as reported by Der Spiegel in 1958.
CFR Director Kenneth Duberstein was a crony of Ronald Reagan, the Knight of Malta and happy member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. Duberstein was the Vice President of Timmons & Company, which was founded and run by William Timmons, a Jesuit-trained (Georgetown University) 33rd Degree Freemason who was influenced by Jesuit-trained (Georgetown University) Thomas Boggs. One of the clients of Duberstein’s lobbying firm is American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), which is run by Frank Keating, a Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta. Duberstein is a director of Conoco Phillips, which is run by James J. Mulva, who is funding a library that’s being built at the Roman Catholic St. Norbert College in Wisconsin.
CFR Director Richard N. Foster is a director of the TCW group, which is owned by a Rothschild-linked company in France. The Rothschilds are Jesuit cohorts and “guardians of the Papal treasury”.
CFR Director Stephen Friedman worked for Goldman Sachs, which is run by Lloyd Blankfein, an associate of the Rockefeller family (Jesuit cohorts). From 1998-2002, he served as a senior principal of Marsh & McLennan, which is run by Jeffrey Greenberg, who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University.
CFR Director Ann Fudge has close ties to General Electric, which is run by Jeffrey R. Immelt, who has addressed the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame.
CFR Director Maurice Greenberg, a friend of Henry Kissinger (Jesuit coadjutor) who served on the Jesuit Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies. Greenberg’s son, Jeffrey, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. Greenberg was also a crony of Ronald Reagan, the Knight of Malta and happy member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. For one year, Greenberg was an adviser of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, who is a Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic named Donald Tsang (educated at an all-male Jesuit school called Wah Yan College).
Greenberg is an associate of the Rockefeller family (Jesuit cohorts) and is a past Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Director of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
CFR Director J. Tomilson Hill is the Vice Chairman of the Blackstone Group, which we already saw is controlled by two Jesuit coadjutors.
CFR Director Richard Holbrooke is a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Joseph Retinger, SJ, Prince Bernhard SMOM). He was an advisor to Jesuit-trained 33rd Degree Freemason and Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia John Kerry.
He was an advisor to Hillary Clinton, a member of the Jesuit/Knight of Malta controlled Bilderberg Group and the wife of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton.
CFR Director Alberto Ibarguen is on the board of Pepsico, which is run by Indra K. Nooyi, a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group and a board member of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
CFR Director Shirley Jackson is a trustee of the Jesuit Georgetown University.
CFR Director Henry Kravis is the son of Raymond Kravis, who had been a close business partner of Joseph Kennedy, a most devout Roman Catholic Knight of Malta.
CFR Director Jami Miscik was Deputy Director of the Vatican-controlled CIA. She served as an Executive Assistant to Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta and CFR member George J. Tenet.
CFR Director Joseph Nye was a crony of Bill Clinton, who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, where he had close ties to the Jesuit faculty and was once class president. Nye served on the board of the Jesuit Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies.
CFR Director Ronald Olson clerked for Chief Judge David L. Bazelon, who had a close friendship with William J. Brennan, a Georgetown University professor.
CFR Director James Owens is a director of the Peter G. Peterson Institute, which is run by Peter G. Peterson, who is married to a woman who has honorary degrees from several Jesuit universities. Peterson also co-founded the Concord Coalition with Warren Rudman, who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College.
CFR Director Colin Powell is a 33rd Degree Freemason who addressed the
Roman Catholic Marymount University in 2006.
CFR Director David Rubenstein is a co-founder of the Carlyle Group, which has been controlled by Knights of Malta such as Frank Carlucci and George H.W Bush.
CFR Director George E. Rupp is the dean of Harvard Divinity School a favorite non-Catholic University for Jesuit Coadjutors.
CFR Director Anne-Marie Slaughter is a crony of Hillary Clinton, who is a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group and the wife of Jesuit puppet Bill Clinton (Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University).
CFR Director Joan E. Spero is a crony of Bill Clinton, the Jesuit coadjutor who was trained at Georgetown University, where he was class President and very tight with the Jesuit faculty. (A lot of these CFR spooks have ties to the Jesuit coadjutor Clinton family, huh?)
CFR Director Vin Weber co-chaired a task force with Madeline Albright, a professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University. Weber is part of PNAC, which is controlled by Jewish Jesuit Coadjutor William Kristol, the former roommate of 4th Degree Knight of Columbus Alan Keyes.
CFR Director Christine Todd Whitman is an associate of the Rockefeller Family (Jesuit cohorts).
CFR Director Fareed Zakaria is an editor of Newsweek, which is owned by the Washington Post Company, which is run by Donald Graham, a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg


14th June 2014, 03:00 PM
hopefully some day, you will realize that Jesuits, freemasons and zionists are all the same since they all are united in this battle against world populations.

sure thats too difficult for you to fathom, I really feel sorry for you Aeon... all what is happening to earth according to you is the result of 'stupid and random violence".

I am not angry... just appalled by your naivete.

1st : you wont address the OP that I did NOT post

2nd: you ignore members discussing it, instead you jumped into the thread and started stalking me because I mentioned "ancient egypt".

3rd: by accusing me of being a lunatic and an as*h*le, you systematically include OP's author and all those saying that it is the jews, since conspiracy is the topic of this thread.

4th: you cannot debunk the OP. you arent even versed in the topic as it is antagonistic to atheism.

5th in several occasions, you labelled me as a masonic front while refuting that secret societies exist... a contraction in itself. You seriously shoot yourself in the foot here

truth to be told, I know several atheists who can discuss world/power issues at a level that you may never attain.

uh ... are you guys arguing ? :)

14th June 2014, 03:46 PM
uh ... are you guys arguing ? :)

I'm only interested in the jesuit priwsthood so far as can I become liscensed to marry them.

14th June 2014, 07:46 PM
I just want to see who is banned, usually the winner is but sometimes the loser is so I can't even wager on this one.

Shouldn't we have a betting who will be banned room?

Just thinking.

14th June 2014, 08:26 PM
just trying not to LOL

uh ... are you guys arguing ? :)

14th June 2014, 08:32 PM
The Vice Chairman of the CFR is anothe r Jewish Freemason, Richard E. Salomon, a senior adviser to the Jesuit cohort Knight of Malta David Rockefeller. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Blackstone Group.

thanks for posting this... indeed we really can see how they band together behind the curtain. There is another forgotten subdivision of the same evil: Opus dei, whose founder Josemaria Escriva, is said to be jewish. If willing to go deeper into the rabbit hole, there are interesting links about Islam and Arianism and the Christian origins of Islam... it is very likely that Islam is a masonic front. Anyone pondering all this for several weeks/months will have to have to conclude that there is a *theory of relativity* binding all these secret societies.

It is interesting however that Buddhism and Hinduism share the same esoteric teachings (harmony of the opposites, which when subverted becomes 'divide and conquer)... hence why elites holding other spiritual beliefs are too easily corruptible. The power game as an equation in essence.

Santa's post, The Conspiracy is Spiritual in Essence : http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?77792-The-Conspiracy-is-Spiritual-in-Essence

there is no place to hide. That is the meaning of Judgment Day... seeing the Light. The church of God is within. The NWO will go away when we let it go. Thats the harmony of the opposites applied. All this *real* suffering because of an perception-deception.

Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Aug 24,2012 - by AIDC (http://www.anwaraidc.com/?author=2)14 (http://www.anwaraidc.com/?p=26999#comments)

The first of two Co-Chairmen of the CFR is Carla A. Hills, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Gerald Ford (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club) and as Trade Representative underGeorge H. W. Bush (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club, Vatican-controlled Skull & Bones, aka Papal Knights of Eulogia, CFR).
She was an assistant to Attorney General Elliot Richardson, whose son, Henry S. Richardson, is a professor of philosophy at Jesuit Georgetown University. She is part of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, and one of the three chairmen of the Trilateral Commission (Peter Sutherland) was Jesuit-trained at Gonzaga College.
She is an advisory board member of the Partnership for a Secure America (PSA), which is chaired by brother CFR members Warren B. Rudman and Lee H. Hamilton. Rudman was Jesuit-trained at Boston College Law School and Lee Hamilton has close ties to the Jesuit Order’s Knight of Malta-directed Central Intelligence Agency.
Hills is also on the board of American International Group (AIG), which CFR corporate member is run by Edward Liddy (its CEO), who was trained at the Catholic University of America. Since 1993, Hills has been on the board of Chevron, along with brother CFR member Donald S. Rice, who was trained at the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame, its President Emeritus being long time CFR member, Roman Priest Theodore Hesburgh, one of the Vatican’s foremost leaders of Pope Benedict XVI’s 14th Amendment American Empire.

The other Co-Chairman of the CFR is Jewish Freemason Robert E. Rubin, who served under President Bill Clinton as Treasury Secretary and headed Clinton’s National Economic Council. He was a Clinton crony. Rubin’s ties to Clinton are interesting, since Bill Clinton was Jesuit-trained atGeorgetown University, where he was close to the Jesuit faculty (became Class President in his junior year).
Rubin has served on the board of the Center for National Policy (CNP), which is led by it’s President, Roman Catholic Tim Roemer (another graduate of the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame as is CFR member and past Secretary of State, the mulatto Condolezza Rice).
The Vice Chairman of the CFR is anothe r Jewish Freemason, Richard E. Salomon, a senior adviser to the Jesuit cohort Knight of Malta David Rockefeller. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Blackstone Group.
Blackstone Group is run by brother CFR members Peter G. Peterson (a former head of the Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank in New York City) and Stephen A. Schwarzman. Peterson is married to Joan Cooney, who has received honorary degrees from two Jesuit institutions (Boston College andGeorgetown University) and whose mother was Roman Catholic.
Peterson, holding an honorary degree from Jesuit Georgetown University, co-founded the Concord Coalition along with Warren Rudman, who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College.
Jesuit-trained Peterson was also a crony of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton. As for Stephen Schwarzman, he was a member of Skull & Bones (which is really the Vatican’s Papal Knights of Eulogia) and he celebrated his 60th birthday on February 13, 2007.
One of his friends who attended the party was Knight of Malta Edward Cardinal Egan. So, we can see that both of the men running the Blackstone Group, which Saloman had close ties to, are Jesuit coadjutors.

The President of the CFR is another Freemasonic papal court Jew,Richard Haass, a member of the Jesuit/Knight of Malta-controlledBilderberg Group (Founded by Jesuit priest Joseph Retinger, and Knight of Malta Prince Bernhardof the Netherlands). During his time in the U.S. State Department, Haass was a close adviser to CFR-member and mulatto Colin Powell, a 33rd Degree Freemason (admitted on Masonic websites) who addressed the Roman Catholic Marymount University in 2006. Haass was also the U.S. Special Envoy for Northern Ireland, which is 40% Roman Catholic as a country.
Haass also served as a special assistant to George H. W. Bush, the Knight of Malta, member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club, High-level Freemason, and Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia.
Haass is also a Rhodes Scholar (Rhodes Scholarships have been given out to Jesuit grads, in many cases). As is the typical Jesuit modus operandi: the Freemasonic Jews are placed in the foreground, while the White Gentile Jesuits and Papal Knights direct all policies from the background!

The New York Jesuit of supreme power overseeingTimothy Cardinal Dolan’s Council on Foreign Relations is Jesuit Priest Joseph A. O’Hare.
A past president of Jesuit Fordham University in the Bronx, Jesuit O’Hare is a PRESIDER of the CFR as is Knight of Malta David Rockefeller—the Black Pope’s most influential White Gentile American Cartel Capitalist and Central Banker.
O’Hare was also responsible for putting papal “Court Jew” and CFR-member Michael R. Bloomberg into the mayor’s office of New York City. Yes, Freemasonic Jew Bloomberg is a “made man,” made by the Jesuit Power ruling New York.
That is why Bloomberg fawned and groveled at the feet of sodomite Pope Benedict XVI when that man of sin arrived in America to converse with “Skull and Bonesman” President George W. Bush, the Caesar/Commander-in-Chief of Rome’s “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment, Cartel-Corporate Fascist, Socialist-Communist, Masonic American Empire.
Other members connected to the Jesuit Papacy are as follows:
CFR Director Peter Ackerman is Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Freedom House, which is run by William H. Taft IV, a crony of Gerald Ford, a SMOM Papal Knight and 33rd Degree Freemason. Taft went to school with John Kerry, a Jesuit-trained 33rd Degree Freemason and Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia.
CFR Director Fouad Ajami is a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Founded by Jesuit priest Joseph Retinger, S.J. and SMOM Papal Knight Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands) and a former adviser to Condoleezza Rice, who graduated from the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame (as well as the CIA/MI6-controlled University of Denver). Ajami is also a friend of Masonic Zionist Paul Wolfowitz.
CFR Director Madeline Albright is a professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University and another papal court Jew.
CFR Director Charlene Barshefsky was trained at the Catholic University of America. She was nominated by Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton to serve as a Deputy US Trade Representative, along with Richard W. Fisher, the head of the Jesuit Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Fisher joined a bank run by the Harriman Brothers (Both Skull&Bones Papal Knights of Eulogia) and worked under Robert Roosa, who had links to the Jesuit cohorts Rockefeller family and worked for the Jesuit Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
CFR Director Henry Bienen is the President of Northwestern University, which has ties to the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Motor Company is run by the Ford family (Jesuit cohorts who supported the Vatican-controlled Nazi Party). The President and CEO of the Ford Motor Company is Alan Mulally, who is Roman Catholic.
CFR Director Alan Blinder was a crony of Jesuit-trained Freemason Bill Clinton and an advisor to Jesuit-trained John Kerry (33rd Degree Freemason, Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia). Blinder was Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jesuit Federal Reserve under Chairman Alan Greenspan (SMOM).
CFR Director Stephen W. Bosworth was given the post of special representative by Hillary Clinton, the wife of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton, and a part of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Joseph Retinger, SJ, Prince Bernhard SMOM). Bosworth is an adviser of the Jesuit-trained President of the Philippines (Gloria Arroyo) and is a member of the board of International Textile Group, which is run by Wilbur Ross, who was Jesuit-trained at Xavier High School, had ties to the Rothschild Family (Guardians of the Papal Treasury).
CFR Director Tom Brokaw has honorary degrees from the Jesuit Boston College, the Jesuit Fairfield University, and the Jesuit Fordham University. He was a longtime friend of Tim Russert, the Jesuit-trained Freemason who was part of a Jesuit frat club at John Carroll University and had a son who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College.
CFR Director Sylvia Burwell was a crony of Bill Clinton (his deputy Chief of Staff 1997-1998), who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, where he served once as class president and was close to the Jesuit faculty.
CFR Director Frank Caufield co-founded Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers along with Brooks Byers, a member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. He is on the board of Caremark, which is run by Thomas M. Ryan, who is a director of the Bank of America, which was founded by a Knight of Malta and is 51% owned by the Jesuits, as reported by Der Spiegel in 1958.
CFR Director Kenneth Duberstein was a crony of Ronald Reagan, the Knight of Malta and happy member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. Duberstein was the Vice President of Timmons & Company, which was founded and run by William Timmons, a Jesuit-trained (Georgetown University) 33rd Degree Freemason who was influenced by Jesuit-trained (Georgetown University) Thomas Boggs. One of the clients of Duberstein’s lobbying firm is American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), which is run by Frank Keating, a Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta. Duberstein is a director of Conoco Phillips, which is run by James J. Mulva, who is funding a library that’s being built at the Roman Catholic St. Norbert College in Wisconsin.
CFR Director Richard N. Foster is a director of the TCW group, which is owned by a Rothschild-linked company in France. The Rothschilds are Jesuit cohorts and “guardians of the Papal treasury”.
CFR Director Stephen Friedman worked for Goldman Sachs, which is run by Lloyd Blankfein, an associate of the Rockefeller family (Jesuit cohorts). From 1998-2002, he served as a senior principal of Marsh & McLennan, which is run by Jeffrey Greenberg, who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University.
CFR Director Ann Fudge has close ties to General Electric, which is run by Jeffrey R. Immelt, who has addressed the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame.
CFR Director Maurice Greenberg, a friend of Henry Kissinger (Jesuit coadjutor) who served on the Jesuit Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies. Greenberg’s son, Jeffrey, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. Greenberg was also a crony of Ronald Reagan, the Knight of Malta and happy member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. For one year, Greenberg was an adviser of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, who is a Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic named Donald Tsang (educated at an all-male Jesuit school called Wah Yan College).
Greenberg is an associate of the Rockefeller family (Jesuit cohorts) and is a past Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Director of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
CFR Director J. Tomilson Hill is the Vice Chairman of the Blackstone Group, which we already saw is controlled by two Jesuit coadjutors.
CFR Director Richard Holbrooke is a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Joseph Retinger, SJ, Prince Bernhard SMOM). He was an advisor to Jesuit-trained 33rd Degree Freemason and Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia John Kerry.
He was an advisor to Hillary Clinton, a member of the Jesuit/Knight of Malta controlled Bilderberg Group and the wife of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton.
CFR Director Alberto Ibarguen is on the board of Pepsico, which is run by Indra K. Nooyi, a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group and a board member of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
CFR Director Shirley Jackson is a trustee of the Jesuit Georgetown University.
CFR Director Henry Kravis is the son of Raymond Kravis, who had been a close business partner of Joseph Kennedy, a most devout Roman Catholic Knight of Malta.
CFR Director Jami Miscik was Deputy Director of the Vatican-controlled CIA. She served as an Executive Assistant to Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta and CFR member George J. Tenet.
CFR Director Joseph Nye was a crony of Bill Clinton, who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, where he had close ties to the Jesuit faculty and was once class president. Nye served on the board of the Jesuit Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies.
CFR Director Ronald Olson clerked for Chief Judge David L. Bazelon, who had a close friendship with William J. Brennan, a Georgetown University professor.
CFR Director James Owens is a director of the Peter G. Peterson Institute, which is run by Peter G. Peterson, who is married to a woman who has honorary degrees from several Jesuit universities. Peterson also co-founded the Concord Coalition with Warren Rudman, who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College.
CFR Director Colin Powell is a 33rd Degree Freemason who addressed the
Roman Catholic Marymount University in 2006.
CFR Director David Rubenstein is a co-founder of the Carlyle Group, which has been controlled by Knights of Malta such as Frank Carlucci and George H.W Bush.
CFR Director George E. Rupp is the dean of Harvard Divinity School a favorite non-Catholic University for Jesuit Coadjutors.
CFR Director Anne-Marie Slaughter is a crony of Hillary Clinton, who is a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group and the wife of Jesuit puppet Bill Clinton (Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University).
CFR Director Joan E. Spero is a crony of Bill Clinton, the Jesuit coadjutor who was trained at Georgetown University, where he was class President and very tight with the Jesuit faculty. (A lot of these CFR spooks have ties to the Jesuit coadjutor Clinton family, huh?)
CFR Director Vin Weber co-chaired a task force with Madeline Albright, a professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University. Weber is part of PNAC, which is controlled by Jewish Jesuit Coadjutor William Kristol, the former roommate of 4th Degree Knight of Columbus Alan Keyes.
CFR Director Christine Todd Whitman is an associate of the Rockefeller Family (Jesuit cohorts).
CFR Director Fareed Zakaria is an editor of Newsweek, which is owned by the Washington Post Company, which is run by Donald Graham, a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg


15th June 2014, 08:44 AM

15th June 2014, 09:12 AM

16th June 2014, 04:22 AM
your 2nd video isnt related to the OP at all. Just listened.

Because nothing can progress without negative -- a (inner) conflict, a setback, a threat -- I wonder when "they" decided that it would be the jews the scapegoats for everything, if centuries of jewish persecution was already part of the plan 2000 years ago. They already were aware of the usury evils back then. OR if they eventually realized that the persecution had strengthen the jews and proposed them to join the world domination agenda.

I lean toward the 2000+ years old plan.

If people understood the side effects of what is deemed negative, we wouldnt have this global mess. Negative and positive must coexist to show us the Path, hence the harmony of the opposites lying in (inner) balance/self. God being within. But since that very Natural Law has been completely subverted, here are we facing the abyss and unprecedented drama in human history.

This fight of "good vs evil" is being manufactured on a grand scale and will engulf us all if we continue fighting among each others. Again I recommend Santa's link. A spiritual conspiracy as old as mankind itself.

16th June 2014, 08:00 AM
your 2nd video isnt related to the OP at all. Just listened.

Its a story of a jesuit disciple being kidnapped.

It has merit for anyone wondering if Jesuits are even active or of value, I rarely hear mention of them doing any missionary work anywhere.

Guess I'm always a step behind them.

16th June 2014, 05:52 PM
ok, I was expecting a conspiracy oriented material, that what I meant by "not about the jesuits"

16th June 2014, 07:08 PM
not out the woods just yet... They are all the same, just create divisions between themselves as a diversion.

I am listening to the postcast/video, see link at the bottom, which connects many dots

The Secret History of the Jesuits - by Edmond Paris (free ebook)
Foreword by Edmond Paris. 7
I The Founding of the Jesuit Order
Ignatius of Loyola. 15
The Spiritual Exercises. 20
The Founding of the Company. 23
The Spirit of the Order. 25
The Privileges of the Company. 28
II The Jesuits in Europe
during the 16th and 17th Centuries.
Italy, Portugal, Spain. 31
Germany. 34
Switzerland. 38
Poland and Russia. 40
Sweden and England. 42
France. 45
India, Japan, China. 50
The Americas: The Jesuit State of Paraguay. 55
The teaching of the Jesuits. 59
The morals of the Jesuits. 63
The Eclipse of the Company. 67
Rebirth of the Society of Jesus during the 19th Century. 73
The Second Empire and the Falloux Law — The War of 1870.
The Jesuits in Rome — The Syllabus. 82
The Jesuits in France from 1870 until 1885. 88
The Jesuits and General Boulanger. 95
The Jesuits and the Dreyfus Affair.
The Years before the War — 1900-1914. 110
IV The Jesuits in the European Society
Foreign Missions


Israel was created by Jesuit controlled High Level Freemasonry

Israel was founded by High Level Freemasons just after WW2 the very war
Grandmaster of the Scottish Rite 33rd degree Albert Pike designed for
The jesuit papacy in 1871 , Albert Pike was adviced by Jesuit John Peter
de Smet also Guseppe Mazzini was a Mason and founder of The Maffia he
was closely friended with Albert Pike.

Jesuit John Peter de Smet
also designed the USA 14th Amendment and co-founded The Mormon Cult
together with High Level Freemason Joseph Smith


Most of the Freemasons involved in The Creation of
Masonic Nazi Israel were 33rd degree Freemasons

Harry Truman
Winston Churchill
Josef Stalin
Chaim Weizmann
David Ben Gurion

James Jesus Angelton (Knight of Malta)

Edmond de Rothschild
Lord de Rothschild

The United Nations was also created by 33rd degree Freemasons
Winston Churchill
President Franklin D Rooseveld
Josef Stalin

Also during the Oslo Accords there were mostly 33rd degree Freemasons involved.

Bill Clinton
Shimon Peres
Yassar Arafat
Yitzhak Rabin (Mossad)

of The Britih Empire and High Level Freemason Shimon Peres handed over
60 % of jerusalem to the Jesuit Papacy during The Oslo Accords.

Benjamin Nethanyahu is also a 33rd degree Freemason and a CFR member


Nazism and Freemasonry in Islam

WW2 Adolf Hitler visited The Grand Mufti of jerusalem Haj Amin al
Husseini in 1941 so the plans to bring Nazism to The Middle East were
already made.
Also heinrich Himmler visited The Nazi Collaborator.who
founded the PLO in Palestine , 33rd degree Freemason Yasser Arafat got
in his footsteps.

After WW2 Knight of Malta / High level Shriner
Freemason Benito Mussolini was send to The Middle East and he was
controlled by Jesuit Piettro Tacchi Venturi , Benito Mussolini brought
Nazism to the Muslim Brotherhood and The Masonic High Council of Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood created Hamas

Some Masonic Muslims

Yassar Arafat (Palestine)
Saddam Hussein (Iraq)
Bin Laden (Saudi Arabia) Wahibi Sunni islam
Hamid Karzai (Afghanistan)
The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
King Hussein of Jordan (Club of Rome)
Mahmoud Abbas (Palestine)
King Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Michel Suleiman (Lebanon)
Gadaffi (Libya)
Al Assad (Syria)
Ahmedinejad (Iran)
Mohamed Morsi (Egypt)

Jesuits are in control of High Level Freemasonry because the High
Jesuits (and High level Knights) are the Revived Knights Templars and
Freemasonry derived from The Knights Templars

The Jesuits were
created by some of the Papal Bloodlines based on Aragon Templarism and
the Islamic Assassins to counter reformate the protestants and they are
created to destroy Christianity and they work together with Radical
Wahibi sunni Islam.

Before the Jesuit were created , Los Alumbrados was created in 1491but this Illuminati cult was banned.

on in 1773 due to a public outcry of the people in Europe Pope Clement
XIV banned the Jesuit order in more then 80 countries , that's exactly
why The bavarian Illuminati was created and also the reason that the
Jesuits brought Papal Court Jews to places of Power , like the
Rothschilds , Meier Amschel Bauer even changed his name into Roth-Schild
when he became a Knight of Malta

I hope this explains some of
the things that we face today , The corrupted Masonic Labor Zionist Jews
in power serve as a front to cover up the role of The Jesuit Papacy.

1st VIDEO (couldnt embed)
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2a7_1379923168#ejov8JkVKFpuzrJK.99



16th June 2014, 10:42 PM
Its not the jesuits. Its the jews and they're laughing at how you swallow their propaganda hook line and sinker, lol

16th June 2014, 11:51 PM
Loyola was a Jew.

17th June 2014, 12:14 AM
You'd figure the jewsuits would have to keep that religious arm opened up fairly well in case we regress backwards off a technology cliff.

Gentiles are going to want to be assured they can get a better plot again in the afterlife if not receiving any here.

17th June 2014, 04:20 AM
I NEVER said that jews are sinless... NEVER...

when rome prohibited usury BUT allowed jews to handle the commerce of it, it is the evidence that they gave them the 'dirty job' with a pact behind the curtain. And the pact was: you will be blamed for all the ills BUT eventually we will make you untouchable. What is exactly happening.

the prohibition of usury is key to understand that Rome is the brain of this world nefarious conspiracy. They pretty well knew what they were doing... nothing is random here

Aeon, think whatever you wish but start discussing intelligently. I am NOT swallowing any propaganda just looking at FACTS.

It worked the same way with 'drug prohibition', today drug cartels are in bed with governments and corrupt them even further. Same framework with the Masonic Jews.

Its not the jesuits. Its the jews and they're laughing at how you swallow their propaganda hook line and sinker, lol

17th June 2014, 04:44 AM
Time to make a serious U-turn in the way we see things ?
Rome, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Roosevelt...usury...usury...usury...usury.
The Vatican invented "Jews" as a smokescreen for usury

Since usury was prohibited by the early church this left the money loving Vatican in a terrible dilemma. Officially they condemned usury in the most stringent terms, but behind the scenes they found a way to circumvent it. Their answer was to invent Jews and use them as a smokescreen for their money lending. This way the popes could continue to act pious and let the Jews take the rap for the loan sharking.

Finding fake Jews was no problem for Rome. Centuries before Christ, the Samaritans were pretending to be Jews. One of the most infamous Samaritans was Simon the Sorcerer, who tried to buy the Holy Spirit from St. Peter. This Simon later went to Rome, and was the actual founder of what later evolved into Roman Catholicism.


You'd figure the jewsuits would have to keep that religious arm opened up fairly well in case we regress backwards off a technology cliff.

Gentiles are going to want to be assured they can get a better plot again in the afterlife if not receiving any here.

17th June 2014, 05:12 AM
I NEVER said that jews are sinless... NEVER...

No, you said they are patsies to the catholics, I even highlighted it below..

when rome prohibited usury BUT allowed jews to handle the commerce of it, it is the evidence that they gave them the 'dirty job' with a pact behind the curtain. And the pact was: you will be blamed for all the ills BUT eventually we will make you untouchable. What is exactly happening.

By stating this you are saying that the 'Church' (including whatever factions from within) is at the apex of global power and by default the joows are below, you couldn't be more clear.

This is utter bullshit with no logical basis.

You only need to look at the Popes relations with israel to see who wears the pants.

When you peel back the sanitised and vacuous discourse we in the West are 'allowed' to have you see who sits hidding at the apex of the global power strucutre. They ARE the secret power, thats why most people don't know who the joos are or what power they wield, its designed that way.

Q: Why is it that the ONLY real intelectual controban in our soiety is honest discourse about the joos?

A: Because the jews hate people talking about them and they have the power to shut us up, the church doesn't.

...and they stay below the radar for a purpose, thats the WHOLE freaking point of the excerise. Your whole theory is utterly absurd. Compared to the jews propensity to obscure their namesakes, power and wealth the actual 'power' of the papal reach, its just a silly make believe little game children play.

the prohibition of usury is key to understand that Rome is the brain of this world nefarious conspiracy. They pretty well knew what they were doing... nothing is random here

I am NOT swallowing any propaganda just looking at FACTS.

Yes you are...you want us to think that the church would ban christians form something so poweful and let a bunch of people who apparently killed their god, the monopoly on creating wealth out of nothing.

No the REAl stroy is, nobody tells the joos what to do, they do EXACTLY as they want, and what they want is to print wealth out of nothing and sit on their asses while christians did all the heavy lifting. It can only happen if the church is either influenced externally by the joows OR the joos, like Saul were in there from the very start.

The whole idea is a ludicrous and gross missdirection.

17th June 2014, 05:44 AM
I stick to what I say.... rome's declaring usury prohibition and allowing jews to handling it in ITS name, can hardly been dismissed. Check out the reformation.org link.

But thanks for stating your 2 cents in a more diplomatic fashion

Jews are not pastry, but as evil as vatican-jesuites-freemasons. Thats why many zionists today are freemasons

Yes you are...you want us to think that the church would ban christians form something so poweful and let a bunch of people who apparently killed their god, the monopoly on creating wealth out of nothing.

17th June 2014, 07:01 AM
"When money is lent on a contract to receive not only the principal sum again, but also an increase by way of compensation for the use, the increase is called interest by those who think it lawful, and usury by those who do not" (Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, p. 1336).

17th June 2014, 12:12 PM
According to the book "Proofs of a conspiracy" by John Robison, the Masons were originally founded as a guild for architects and their stoneworkers. Temple builders, stone cutters, etc. The purpose of the secret handshakes was strictly to identify your rank in the field, almost like an apprenticeship. In order to perform certain types of work, you needed certain qualifications, and the handshakes were a way to prove that you were of the level of experience you claimed to be, considering the lack of documentation and bureaucracy.

When Adam Weishaupt (jew) saw the Masonic guild as a vehicle to disseminate their plans for global domination, it was immediately infiltrated. At that time it became known as the "Free" masons, aka the freemasonic cult, because you no longer had to be in the masonic profession to join the cult. You just needed to ask.
But before the infiltration, it was simply known as teh Masons, and did not have nefarious intentions.

And lol at the title of this thread. Again, like in every other case, when an organization if founded for the purposes of good, those who say they are jew but are not end up infiltrating it and corrupting it. The Society of Jesus is no different.

Get the book at omni Christian book club online.

17th June 2014, 03:17 PM
I stick to what I say.... rome's declaring usury prohibition and allowing jews to handling it in ITS name, can hardly been dismissed. Check out the reformation.org link.

But thanks for stating your 2 cents in a more diplomatic fashion

Jews are not pastry, but as evil as vatican-jesuites-freemasons. Thats why many zionists today are freemasons
The fact is that usury is also prohibited in Islam, and Jews did the same in the Islamic countries. They did it in Babylon and Roman Empire too. Remember Jesus kicking the table of the money changers of the temple. The fact is that lending money at interest fulfills a need, because very few with money would do it without at least not to strangers.

Prohibition for Christians and Muslims to do this, is good for the Jews, as it limits competition, and thus increases the profit. I don't know when the Vatican got its act together and prohibited lending money at interest, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened AFTER the Jews wrote their cookbook for world domination, the Talmud, in the 6th century. Follow the money on this one!

17th June 2014, 05:39 PM
wait a minute, lending/usury came along with the 'money invention' itself. Hence its double edged sword as it also is a tool for slavery since its inception....

what do you do with the Medicis bankers that were in business BEFORE Mayer Amschel Rothschild - but were closely linked to the Jews of Florence? Partners in crime.

Natural Laws and Predatory Lending for 3000 Years - Origins
Usury has long been viewed negatively because unethical individuals and groups exploited borrowers. To the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and even pre-Islamic cultures, collecting interest represented a possible way to impoverish people. Such an act, scholars and intellectuals claimed, violated natural laws.


Jews didnt invent anything, they have perfected it but again, anyone turning a blind eye to Rome leaving the usury business by the hands Jews, is missing the whole picture. Both are as evil, Rome and the Jews. I am not taking any side, trust me. I wont be one sided, because it is a bias.

Some of the earliest known condemnations of usury come from the Vedic texts of India (2,000-1,400 BC) . http://www.alastairmcintosh.com/articles/1998_usury.htm

between 2000-1400 BC ???
Important Canaanite populations first appeared in Egypt towards the end of the 12th Dynasty (wikipedia)... however, it is very likely that ancient egypt invaders called the Hyksos, became the hebrews later on. The hyksos, formed their own dynasty, the 15th Dynasty, but ended up being expelled from egypt, in 1550 BC.

this to say the crime of usury was already known BEFORE the hebrews/jews entered the arena.

ps: ancient egypt resurfacing again, my guess is that while ruling egypt the hyksos/hebrews learned a powerful knowledge, which they subverted.

ps: the hyksos being the hebrews is a controversy among scholars, (although many do think so) because it contradicts the 1st testatment, the Exodus story (hebrews not slaves but occupiers). Modern Jews refute it completely. But since history is a mostly a scam, I go with the alternative view.

Houkes writes that early objections to interest and usury were generally religiously and morally based and pervaded most ancient cultures.

"In the Old Testament and in India, the attitude was 'don't exploit the poor,'" Houkes said. "The early cultural exception was China. Confucius didn't see a problem with charging a fee for lending money."

The fact is that usury is also prohibited in Islam, and Jews did the same in the Islamic countries. They did it in Babylon and Roman Empire too. Remember Jesus kicking the table of the money changers of the temple. The fact is that lending money at interest fulfills a need, because very few with money would do it without at least not to strangers.

Prohibition for Christians and Muslims to do this, is good for the Jews, as it limits competition, and thus increases the profit. I don't know when the Vatican got its act together and prohibited lending money at interest, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened AFTER the Jews wrote their cookbook for world domination, the Talmud, in the 6th century. Follow the money on this one!

17th June 2014, 06:20 PM
wait a minute, lending/usury came along with the 'money invention' itself.

Natural Laws and Predatory Lending for 3000 Years - Origins

Jews didnt invent anything, they have perfected it but again, anyone turning a blind eye to Rome leaving the usury business by the hands Jews, is missing the whole picture. Both are as evil, Rome and the Jews. I am not taking any side, trust me. I wont be one sided, because it is a bias.

Some of the earliest known condemnations of usury come from the Vedic texts of India (2,000-1,400 BC) . http://www.alastairmcintosh.com/articles/1998_usury.htm

between 2000-1400 BC ???
Important Canaanite populations first appeared in Egypt towards the end of the 12th Dynasty (wikipedia)... however, it is very likely that ancient egypt invaders called the Hyksos, became the hebrews later on. The hyksos, formed their own dynasty, the 15th Dynasty, but ended up being expelled from egypt, in 1550 BC.

this to say the crime of usury was already known BEFORE the hebrews/jews entered the arena.

ps: ancient egypt resurfacing again

No this is ALL wrong again, forms of credit have been known for a LOT longer than 1000 to 2000 BC.

Clay balls known as token were in use in the early neolithic as far back as 7000 BC, and where was this? THE LEVANT, right smack bang in the middle of the home of the soon to be called jews. The ancestor of the 'jew' invented credit, they have always been at the coal face.

Also you're interpretation of credit moneys usage during the second millenium BC is WRONG.

These forms of credit money stopped being used when the Egyptian and Mesopoatamian city states were in their infancy, why? No one knows for sure, but you can bet it was because there was a glut of credit and eveybody lost confidence in it use. Balance of trade payments were made in GOLD and other metals or commodities.

You deliberately confuse 'money' lending at interest and notes of credit. They are two different things, although often they coexist side by side.

17th June 2014, 06:41 PM
no confusion.... Natural Laws and Predatory Lending for 3000 Years - Origins.... Some of the earliest known condemnations of usury come from the Vedic texts of India (2,000-1,400 BC) .

what makes lending predatory are the interests. No?

However, the Templars created the frist notes of credit, see The Money Masters, Part 1. Just mentioning this as Templars are the early freemasons.

also here

No this is ALL wrong again, forms of credit have been known for a LOT longer than 1000 to 2000 BC.

17th June 2014, 08:02 PM
That may be a good way to slow a clan you don't care for, so you could surpass them.

Tell their religious leaders that usury is a sin.

Non usurping states would have a hard time launching a lawful war to stop usurping in another state, and without the power to do so they become usurped.

17th June 2014, 08:16 PM
YOu all miss the point... before usury the borrowers got money on blind faith to a reason. I buy a shit hut on borrowed money and cant pay, the issuer gets my shit hut and can sell it for profit. It was a legal gamble. All you userpers for pro usury are fukt man. Before the issuance of usuary just for usury gain weather won or lost the Jews still got the prize. Either you guys are retarded or jews, this fact stands the test of time.

Contest this fact bitches.

17th June 2014, 09:03 PM
Cebu, I just try to get history of usury in perspective.

did you know that the chinese invented paper money and went through several hyperinflationary disasters, one of which was witnessed by Marco Polo himself. While in EU, gold and silver were legal tender at the time. Can we blame this on the jews? Usury and currency debasement are an elite problem, among all races, in India it was prohibited long before Judea.

The problem we have here is multidimentional and to resolve it, we'll have to put ALL the elites on trial. Money was never designed for masses to proper but enslave since day 1.

Polo, 1987)

Marco Polo’s account of the paper money system in China may have been a bit optimistic. China had been issuing paper money since a.d. 910 and had already suffered at least one round of hyperinflation before Marco Polo’s visit. Around 1020 inflation and currency depreciation became such a problem that the authorities resorted to perfuming the paper money to make it more attractive. China seemed to have experienced phases of reformed currencies, punctuated with bouts of inflation. By 1448 the Ming note was worth only 3 percent of its face value, and no further references to paper money are found after 1455.

Paper currency was a by-product of Chinese block-printing. It started in Tang but not until Song dynasty that it became institutionalized as a governmental policy. It had two main advantages over money made out of silver, gold, copper or iron: It was easier to carry around and the copper and iron could be saved for use in everyday objects. Names and seals were printed and written on paper money by the government officials who issued it. Unfortunately no written documents exist today which enable us to know how this system of paper currency actually functioned prior to the Yuan period. When Marco Polo traveled to China in the 13th century, he was so impressed by paper money that he described how it was made, used and valued. Paper money was not used in Europe until the 17th century.

so WHO really got the idea to switch to fiat money ?

all rotten to the core, and in the west, vatican and judeo-freemasons and zionists must go.


In the meantime, I have to thank streetofgold for starting a thread and disappear. My guess is that he is afraid of some peer pressure.

17th June 2014, 09:37 PM
China had been issuing paper money since a.d. 910[/b] and had already suffered at least one round of hyperinflation before Marco Polo’s visit.
.WHO really got the idea to switch to fiat money ?

It would ahve to have been the Joos,

Jews traveled from West Asia over the Silk Road and by sea via India probably in Tang dynasty (618 – 907 CE). Some scholars think they may have arrived even earlier, during the Later Han dynasty (25 – 220 CE), which would coincide with Roman persecution in Judea.

Jews were certainly established in Kaifeng by 960 CE, which was then called Bianliang, when it served as a capital of the Song dynasty. China was then a world center of civilization and trade. Jews also settled in major shipping cities, such as Guangzhou (a southern coast port with access to SE Asia and Persia), Quanzhou (in SE Fujian and a center for foreign trade), Ningpo (from which the Kaifeng Jews received Torah scrolls after the flood in 1461), Yangzhou (a Grand Canal port near the sea on the Yangzi River), and Hangzhou (also on Grand Canal, which is known to have had a synagogue). There is also evidence of Jewish presence inland along the Silk Road in such locations as Dandan Uiliq, Dunhuang, and Ningxia.

In 1163, a synagogue was built in Kaifeng and the community lived close by the synagogue in two lanes called the North and the South ''Teaching Torah'' lanes. The Jewish community prospered despite repeated disasters, such as fires or the flooding of the Yellow river, which frequently destroyed the synagogue.

Whenever disaster struck, the Jews worked together to rebuild their synagogue. A stele was erected each time to commemorate the rebuilding of the synagogue. The Kaifeng Jews erected four steles in total, one each in 1489, 1512, 1663 and 1679. These stelae, except that of 1663 (which remains lost), are currently kept in the Kaifeng Municipal Museum. The stelae tell us how the Jews believed they entered China, their history in Kaifeng, their view of the development of their religion and their religious beliefs, and their practice of the mitzvot (commandments), which was, for centuries, very traditional.

Kaifeng Contacts with Westerners
In his diary, Marco Polo describes meeting with Jews in China in 1286. He reported that Kublai Khan celebrated Jewish, Christian and Muslim festivals.

So, in all probability the joos introduced the Chineese to paper money...you need to come up with better information than that to persuade anyone that the joos are'nt responsible for the current monetary system we have.

It certainly isn't the Vatican, lol :rolleyes:

17th June 2014, 11:16 PM
YOu all miss the point... before usury the borrowers got money on blind faith to a reason. I buy a shit hut on borrowed money and cant pay, the issuer gets my shit hut and can sell it for profit. It was a legal gamble. All you userpers for pro usury are fukt man. Before the issuance of usuary just for usury gain weather won or lost the Jews still got the prize. Either you guys are retarded or jews, this fact stands the test of time.

Contest this fact bitches.

I think there's usury when money is flowing and overall economy hot, then jewsury when its not.

Or only those willing to get on their knees and blow, receive little tiny amounts @ 0% interest (or call it slavery).

17th June 2014, 11:43 PM
here is your link: http://www.sino-judaic.org/index.php?page=kaifeng_jews_history

actualy for someone who claims himself an atheist and being so bent on the jews, is a little strange, but never mind.

I NEVER said that jews arent reponsible for the monetary system we have, I just see other influences and stakes. in my investigation, masonery, the jesuits and vatican cannot be left out... as it is Vatican that prohibited usury.

if everythng was black and white, the world would be at peace by now... what do you do with India prohibiting usury BEFORE Judea even existed? And not only India...

FROM THE SAME WEBSITE... contradictions?

But, the first time that Israelites referred to their own presence in China was in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). .....

The Beginnings
No one can say with any degree of certainty precisely when Jews first set foot on the soil of China. Numerous theories have been proposed that place them there, either as travelers or as settlers, at varying intervals within a time-span beginning shortly before the birth of Moses and extending several hundred years beyond that. Some of these theories, however, are totally contrived; others are patently conjectural; some are tied in with the mythology surrounding the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel; and still others are derived from the inept readings of Hebrew and Chinese texts. Nevertheless, the fact that no corroborating evidence has so far come to light does not necessarily exclude the possibility that Jews could have made their way to China during the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE- 220 CE). We know, of course, that large numbers of the descendants of those hapless Jews who sat and wept by the waters of Babylon in the 6th century B.C.E. wandered progressively eastward towards China.. ........ Unfortunately, tangible evidence of this early Jewish presence in China is hard to corroborate. All the artifacts, relics traces, and whatever evidence might have been found, was probably lost due to negligence and natural, and man-made disasters........ There is, in any event, additional credible evidence of Jewish activity in China that goes back to the latter part of the 9th century, when ibn Khurdadbih, the so-called Postmaster of Baghdad, alluded to Jewish traders known as Radanites who traveled from such distant points as Spain and France all the way to China and back by any of four already well-established land and sea routes......... No further indications of a Jewish presence in China appear to have been received in Europe until the middle of the 16th century, when rumors of the survival of one or more Sino-Judaic settlements were passed on to Rome by the missionary Francis Xavier (later to be canonized for his work in the Far East). http://www.sino-judaic.org/index.php?page=kaifeng_jews_history

The first modern Western record of Jews residing in China is found in the records of the 17th-century Jesuit missionaries in Beijing.. (wiki)

so your link, if true, speaks of a few jewish settlers ?? And we have to believe that they are the insigators of fiat money in china?

I smell a rat...

It would ahve to have been the Joos,

So, in all probability the joos introduced the Chineese to paper money...you need to come up with better information than that to persuade anyone that the joos are'nt responsible for the current monetary system we have.

It certainly isn't the Vatican, lol :rolleyes:

18th June 2014, 12:39 AM
actualy for someone who claims himself an atheist and being so bent on the jews, is a little strange, but never mind.

Why? Whats strange is your ignorant opinion that atheists should have no interests whatsoever with the religions of the world.

This is a prime example of how much you don't know about atheists and exposes your ill prejudice.

I NEVER said that jews arent reponsible for the monetary system we have, I just see other influences and stakes. in my investigation, masonery, the jesuits and vatican cannot be left out... as it is Vatican that prohibited usury.

And I never stated you said that, you fool. What you are trying to portray is the joos as innocent victims, forced into usary by the papacy, which is downright rediculous.

I smell a rat...

Yes, its the stench of you own fetid theories!

18th June 2014, 12:53 AM
It would ahve to have been the Joos,

So, in all probability the joos introduced the Chineese to paper money...you need to come up with better information than that to persuade anyone that the joos are'nt responsible for the current monetary system we have.

It certainly isn't the Vatican, lol :rolleyes:
The Radhanites would be a good candidate for teaching the Chinese making paper money...

"While traditionally many historians believed that the art of Chinese paper-making had been transmitted to Europe via Arab merchants who got the secret from prisoners of war taken at the Battle of Talas, some believe that Jewish merchants such as the Radhanites were instrumental in bringing paper-making west.[11] Joseph of Spain, possibly a Radhanite, is credited by some sources with introducing the so-called Hindu-Arabic numerals from India to Europe.[12] Historically, Jewish communities used letters of credit to transport large quantities of money without the risk of theft from at least classical times.[13] This system was developed and put into force on an unprecedented scale by medieval Jewish merchants such as the Radhanites; if so, they may be counted among the precursors to the banks that arose during the late Middle Ages and early modern period.[14]"

It fits with the 910 AD appearance of paper money in China. The Chinese had the technology to make paper. The Jewish Radhanites the financial knowledge.

18th June 2014, 04:36 AM
thats good info, thanks

THE MAKING OF AN ENEMY: (from same wiki link)... how governments enable cartels... Jews didnt do it alone. WHY were they given a neutral status to start with ???

During the Early Middle Ages the Islamic polities of the Middle East and North Africa and the Christian kingdoms of Europe often banned each other's merchants from entering their ports.[9] Corsairs of both sides raided the shipping of their adversaries at will. The Radhanites functioned as neutral go-betweens, keeping open the lines of communication and trade between the lands of the old Roman Empire and the Far East. As a result of the revenue they brought, Jewish merchants enjoyed significant privileges under the early Carolingians in France and throughout the Muslim world, a fact that sometimes vexed local Church authorities.

exactly what happened when Rome prohibited usury, jews took over... now the only real bottom line question is what it planned all along.... I'd say YES. Why? because the elites are still at it today, history repeats itself. It is the tactic they have used to shape the world government. They are not stupid.

I sustain that currency debasement and predatory lending/usury were born along with the invention of money, that is WHY we find anti-urusy laws in most religions/countries. The prime objective of money to enslave.

so obviously, governments being in bed with jews has a 2000 years timeline... WHY... until we have the answer to that very question, we wont get rid of the NWO. Blaming it all on the jews is circular thinking.

Until we start discussing what I am saying and go deeper down this rabbit hole, adding to this thread is useless

18th June 2014, 07:33 AM
Many have said that before, it takes two to tango... a dance with a devil done in secret. When no devil is available another suitable concubine will be made available. Jews were the premier concubine since their origins. The user is just as guilty as the used, and as are the agents in other majority sects with more permanent residence, such as the Vatican.

18th June 2014, 07:41 AM
And I never stated you said that, you fool. ... And I never stated you said that, you fool. What you are trying to portray is the joos as innocent victims, forced into usary by the papacy, which is downright rediculous.

contradiction in what you say about me... jewish elites is as much brainwashing their own people as the rest of us. And obviously they are winning with the blessing of freemasons/vatican/jesuits.

anyone who doesnt see the whole picture, is regarding himself as a victim. It works both ways.

But addressing the talmud will systematically take down Judaism, Christianity and Islam this is why many wont go there. They'd rather have a war, hoping the good guys will prevail, but thats a complete delusion because violence begets violence, until everything is destroyed. Violence is exponential.

the conspiracy is SPIRITUAL (esoteric) in essence, did you bother to read santa's link ??? keep disregarding it and judgment day will come this way.

what we see today makes the case for anarchism-voluntaryism. Thats what happens when people want to be governed. It is a Cosmic Lesson about FREE WILL... and being RESPONSIBLE for one's own actions. This Natural Law is inescapable. And the masters of chaos (satanists) know this very well.

Take responsibility or suffer Oblvion

18th June 2014, 07:53 AM
The turth is, you don't have a fucking clue about anything. You just parrot on like a lunatic

Theres a saying, "knowing enough to be dangerous" and that suits you to a tee. You know the very bare minimum to make an absolute dogs breakfast of any subject.

The bit thats irritating is your insistance that you're morally righteous. When you're just an air head, flittting about from one misinterpretation to the next stitching it all together to form some absurd and outlandish frakenstein theory.

You contradit yourslef endlessly, particularly about the concepts of "good and evil" and make an absoute mess of any subject that you touch, its like the midas touch, but instead of turning into gold it turns in a steaming pile of dogshit.

I wouldn't take any interpretation you make on any subject seriosly, to me you're the female equivalent of Matt Marriott at GIM1, only good for ridicule and a laugh.

18th June 2014, 07:56 AM
The turth is,

I hold the turth to be self evident, and never sent into the ashtray along with bad science.

18th June 2014, 07:57 AM
Your insults = running out of arguments

the conspiracy is SPIRITUAL (esoteric) in essence, did you bother to read santa's link - keep disregarding it and judgment day will come this way.

as a matter of fact, you dont go after Santa for posting this: W-H-Y ??? ... Are you seriously biased or being enraged because I really struck a nerve?

actually, there are quite a few members on here who understand what I mean but they rarely speak out because they are afraid of the Aeondaze's type of insults... good job, thats what the NWO wants... to keep the status quo.

in the mainstream talking about zionism = racism
saying that it is a spirtual issue = apologist

see how the divide and conquer works? ... so we are STUCK standing on the edge of the abyss. I am so happy for you you get thanked for doing the dirty job for going after me.... do you see how it works?

Take responsibility or suffer Oblivion

Vatican prohibiting usury = gave a neutral status to the jews

18th June 2014, 08:08 AM
Your insults = running out of arguments

the conspiracy is SPIRITUAL (esoteric) in essence, did you bother to read santa's link - keep disregarding it and judgment day will come this way.


The conspiracy is racial, political, psycholigcal and social in its scope.

Spiritual is the word you use when you either don't understand something or are attempting to misdirect by portraying the battle as supernatural or other worldly, which it isn't by any means.

The opponents defecate and wipe their ass just like the rest of us, unless they are French of course, in which case they defecate and spray their ass', the only real difference is the quality of the dunny paper, lol

But you go on believing your fairy tales and fantasies, heaven forbid should I bring you back down to reality...:D

18th June 2014, 08:20 AM
The turth is, you don't have a fucking clue about anything. You just parrot on like a lunatic

Theres a saying, "knowing enough to be dangerous" and that suits you to a tee. You know the very bare minimum to make an absolute dogs breakfast of any subject.

The bit thats irritating is your insistance that you're morally righteous. When you're just an air head, flittting about from one misinterpretation to the next stitching it all together to form some absurd and outlandish frakenstein theory.

You contradit yourslef endlessly, particularly about the concepts of "good and evil" and make an absoute mess of any subject that you touch, its like the midas touch, but instead of turning into gold it turns in a steaming pile of dogshit.

I wouldn't take any interpretation you make on any subject seriosly, to me you're the female equivalent of Matt Marriott at GIM1, only good for ridicule and a laugh.

aeondaze, you're never going to win a date with the sensual and beautiful Miss Singular, with hostility and attacks.
You could have just disagreed with her, but now you blew it!
Hope you're happy fucking your fist.

18th June 2014, 08:44 AM
here is a thought Aeon, just start a thread on here about atheism and trash all religions, I suggested that to you several times AND will we see HOW successful you are with it :). Fact is that you do not have the courage doing so, and since you are a coward, you go after whoever is spiritually more outspoken.

you stalk me because I struck a nerve. Just be honest about this. You are projecting into me your ALL disdain for spirituality. I am your scapegoat... I am fine with it as your insults speak for WHO you really are.

Many on here may not agree with where I am coming from, but thats another story. I do believe in God more than ever when I see all this evil perpetrated against mankind.

NO, you do NOT understand spirituality, or do NOT want to.

There are more and more people who awake to the spiritual aspect of globalism, and if they are still a minority, I am glad to be counted among them. Moreover what I am saying has been around for millennia.

answer the question: you dont go after Santa: W-H-Y?

Spiritual is the word you use when you either don't understand something or are attempting to misdirect by portraying the battle as supernatural or other worldly, which it isn't by any means.

18th June 2014, 08:57 AM
here is a thought Aeon, just start a thread on here about atheism and trash all religions, I suggested that to you several times AND will we see HOW successful you are with it :). Fact is that you do not have the courage doing so, and since you are a coward, you go after whoever is spiritually more outspoken.

you stalk me because I struck a nerve. Just be honest about this. You are projecting into me your ALL disdain for spirituality. I am your scapegoat... I am fine with it as your insults speak for WHO you really are.

Many may not agree with where I am coming from, but thats another story. I do believe in God more than ever when I see all this evil perpetrated against mankind.

You're a lying sack of shit.

Show me WHERE i trahsed religions?

Why would I start a thread which has no PREMISE just because you think I should? You're affront is utterly delusional.

Here we go again, one minute you say that good and evil are part of this false duality bullshit that you push, then you come out and say something is evil. the contradictions are extraodinary and yet you persist without ever once looking at the nonsense you spew. Remarkable.

You're right who am I to question your superior thinking and advanced spiritual awreness. pffft what a complete scheister you are...:o

18th June 2014, 09:08 AM
thats what you imply with spirituality as a whole in the quote below

Show me WHERE i trahsed religions?....HERE: Spiritual is the word you (people) use when you (people) either don't understand something or are attempting to misdirect by portraying the battle as supernatural or other worldly, which it isn't by any means.

divide and rule has a theory Aeon :) think about it... and this theory is 4000 years old, a shabby elites' secret... populations just fail to grasp/see it, hence the impasse we are in.

it was nice talking to you again

The Conspiracy is Spiritual in Essence
santa: Here's a short article that more or less sums up what I think.

I am redirecting to the thread so you can go on with what you were saying here, and plz if you do so, stay focus on the OP.

ps: thanks streetsofgold for starting a thread, you can't handle obviously

29th November 2014, 04:32 AM
Brendon O'Connell, who I just noticed was re-arrested nearly 2 months ago (http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/arrested-by-state-counter-terrorism.html)...

Why Are Countries So Terrified Of Israel? (http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/02/why-are-countries-so-terrified-of-israel.html) There are a few reasons.

29th November 2014, 06:30 AM
Thanks Pat.

That guy knocks it out of the park! If there was any doubt that Freemasonry is a Jewish construct, then its been completely destroyed by this piece.

mick silver
29th November 2014, 03:03 PM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S1RpF9-Q9h4/UwgvySMvBuI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/t7-SOGwA4Vc/s1600/Freemasons+Perth.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S1RpF9-Q9h4/UwgvySMvBuI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/t7-SOGwA4Vc/s1600/Freemasons+Perth.jpg)

mick silver
29th November 2014, 03:04 PM
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SIxPRYLyzjM/Uwf1eMNn8_I/AAAAAAAAAHo/gDVgyu_RPRg/s1600/P-14.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SIxPRYLyzjM/Uwf1eMNn8_I/AAAAAAAAAHo/gDVgyu_RPRg/s1600/P-14.jpg)

mick silver
29th November 2014, 03:10 PM
THESE ARE THE JEWS YOU ARE DEBATING ONLINEhttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QxuLYxwXjjs/VHYasFy0EBI/AAAAAAAADCE/I4C4E0WZgtI/s1600/Firing%2Bonline%2Bcomments%2Bin%2B34%2Blanguages%2 Bto%2B61%2Bcountries%2B427422401002499640360no.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QxuLYxwXjjs/VHYasFy0EBI/AAAAAAAADCE/I4C4E0WZgtI/s1600/Firing%2Bonline%2Bcomments%2Bin%2B34%2Blanguages%2 Bto%2B61%2Bcountries%2B427422401002499640360no.jpg )

mick silver
29th November 2014, 03:12 PM

The fact is, Israel has a highly organized army of these "hasbara" operations both formal and informal all over the world.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3ugsObobATg/VHYcj1i1lXI/AAAAAAAADCY/_HVPG6F4RyQ/s1600/usb-headsets-business-computer-office-voip-headset.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3ugsObobATg/VHYcj1i1lXI/AAAAAAAADCY/_HVPG6F4RyQ/s1600/usb-headsets-business-computer-office-voip-headset.jpg)

They co-ordinate with each other via Skype

They will never answer a simple question. They change the subject, insult, cry that you are hurting their feelings, seek to trap you under legislation.

The following article depicts Israel as a "helpless maiden", barely holding its own against a sea of anti-Jewish invective.

“The idea we worked by was that we are not official representatives of the country, but simple people writing about our personal feelings living under fire, and that’s how we achieved what we did,” said Yarden Ben-Yosef, who started the war room. “I remember that on a news site in Denmark (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4418204,00.html), comment posters promoted an anti-Israeli protest, and our posters developed a dialogue with them and showed them, in Danish, the Hamas Charter that calls to destroy Israel and links to Hamas summer camps that teach Palestinian children hate. Remarkably, a comment poster who was so active in promoting the protest suddenly admitted he never saw those things before.”

Four years ago, it was said that the Foreign Ministry was starting a division of paid comment posters to increase Israeli (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4430693,00.html) presence online, but the idea never took off. The Foreign Ministry explained that not only questions of cost went into the process, but questions of morals and reliability. A country that pays people, regardless of their opinion, to market it to the world, guised as independent surfers, is playing a very dangerous game.

http://www.big-lies.org/jews-sayanim-hasbarat/ (http://www.big-lies.org/jews-sayanim-hasbarat/)


To defeat them is easy - simply repeat your short question over and over and watch what they do. They will insult, they will change the subject, they will cry that you are hurting their feelings and they will try and entrap you. Recently I asked this simple question -

Why is there no cyanide residue on the walls of the alleged Auschwitz "gas chambers"?

mick silver
29th November 2014, 03:14 PM
"50% of Soviet government in each town consists of Jews of the worst type, many of whom are anarchists. It would be a grave mistake on our part to officially recognize Bolshevik who scarcely represent of the population."
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ycakl3OiSNc/Uwf1pBTO-pI/AAAAAAAAALA/A2GI5ULX8B4/s1600/P-40.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ycakl3OiSNc/Uwf1pBTO-pI/AAAAAAAAALA/A2GI5ULX8B4/s1600/P-40.jpg)

US Military Intelligence officer, one captain Montgomery Schuyler, sent a report to Washington from Omsk on 1 March 1919, describing in detail the Jewish role in the Russian Revolution...
"It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type..."

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jfSZl0M6TkA/Uwf1pRTJ5OI/AAAAAAAAAK8/E0k7GvSpisw/s1600/P-41.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jfSZl0M6TkA/Uwf1pRTJ5OI/AAAAAAAAAK8/E0k7GvSpisw/s1600/P-41.jpg)

US Military Intelligence officer, one captain Montgomery Schuyler, sent a report to Washington from Vladivostok dated 9 June 1919 stating that Jews [control Bolshevik Revolution]…
"These hopes were frustrated by the gradual gains in power of the more irresponsible and socialistic elements of the population guided by the Jews and other anti-Russian races. A table made in 1918 by Robert [Hilton], the correspondent of the London Times in Russia, shows that at that time there were 384 commissars including 2 Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial Government."
Three "Jews" - Hess, Engels and Marx were the founders of Communism. Marx would call Hess, "My Communist Rabbi." Did you even know this? Shit gets deeper. Don't believe what you're reading? But wait, there's more, this time from Winston Churchill himself - Winston Churchill wrote a full page article for the Illustrated Sunday Herald on 8 February 1920 detailing the Jewish involvement in the Russian Revolution?

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nt0t-cdwxNM/Uwf1pnH0YOI/AAAAAAAAALM/2R6BufhANnY/s1600/P-42.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nt0t-cdwxNM/Uwf1pnH0YOI/AAAAAAAAALM/2R6BufhANnY/s1600/P-42.jpg)

[B]"Good and Bad Jews...
And it may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which, if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical.
'National' JewsThere can be no greater mistake than to attribute to each individual a recognizable share in the qualities which make up the national character. There are all sorts of men -- good, bad and, for the most part, indifferent -- in every country, and in every race. Nothing is more wrong than to deny to an individual, on account of race or origin, his right to be judged on his personal merits and conduct. In a people of peculiar genius like the Jews, contrasts are more vivid, the extremes are more widely separated, the resulting consequences are more decisive.
At the present fateful period there are three main lines of political conception among the Jews. two of which are helpful and hopeful in a very high degree to humanity, and the third absolutely destructive.
First there are the Jews who, dwelling in every country throughout the world, identify themselves with that country, enter into its national life and, while adhering faithfully to their own religion, regard themselves as citizens in the fullest sense of the State which has received them. Such a Jew living in England would say, "I am an English man practising the Jewish faith." This is a worthy conception, and useful in the highest degree. We in Great Britain well know that during the great struggle the influence of what may be called the "National Jews" in many lands was cast preponderatingly on the side of the Allies; and in our own Army Jewish soldiers have played a most distinguished part, some rising to the command of armies, others winning the Victoria Cross for valour.
The National Russian Jews, in spite of the disabilities under which they have suffered, have managed to play an honorable and useful part in the national life even of Russia. As bankers and industrialists they have strenuously promoted the development of Russia's economic resources, and they were foremost in the creation of those remarkable organizations, the Russian Co-operative Societies. In politics their support has been given, for the most part, to liberal and progressive movements, and they have been among the staunchest upholder of friendship with France and Great Britain.
International JewsIn violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
Terrorist JewsThere is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd) or of Krassin or Radek -- all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing."

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jTGax4nXPRw/Uwf1qvDMX1I/AAAAAAAAALY/6s8Sg80IZ4s/s1600/P-44.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jTGax4nXPRw/Uwf1qvDMX1I/AAAAAAAAALY/6s8Sg80IZ4s/s1600/P-44.jpg)
To repeat what Winston Churchill has written is enough to have you labelled an "anti-semite" - at least. Or put in jail :-) Did you know anything about this? Most likely not. It has been hidden from you - quite deliberately.

The legislation I was put in jail under was in fact first enacted in the Soviet Union. In fact, it was the very first piece of legislation they enacted -

mick silver
29th November 2014, 03:18 PM
Stalin's JewsWe mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish
And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."
Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.
Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.
Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.
In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.
President Kennedy made a famous speech not long before he was shot.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qgJleJW0UXQ/Uwf1n2OEACI/AAAAAAAAAKk/QfZ_yoTKCE0/s1600/P-37.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qgJleJW0UXQ/Uwf1n2OEACI/AAAAAAAAAKk/QfZ_yoTKCE0/s1600/P-37.jpg)

President John F.Kennedy (Catholic)

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
Full transcript –
He wasn't just talking about Communism in the Soviet Union. Did you know any of this?

How about American Jews who were also members of the Communist party spying on America?

mick silver
29th November 2014, 03:23 PM
thanks pat I posted a little of the page you posted ... http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/02/why-are-countries-so-terrified-of-israel.html

29th November 2014, 07:43 PM
^ good thing you finally posted the source link. I, and I'd guess everyone, doesn't read pasted articles which lack the original paragraph breaks. When I paste an article here and it loses the paragraph breaks, I add them again before submitting the post. :)