View Full Version : Scientists : it's ‘crazy (dangerous’ creation of deadly airborne flu virus)

13th June 2014, 04:56 PM
scientists oppose, nevermind.


Scientists condemn ‘crazy, dangerous’ creation of deadly airborne flu virus
Researchers say recreation of Spanish flu strain highlights risk of pandemic, but critics say work puts global population at risk

june 14

Scientists have created a life-threatening virus that closely resembles the 1918 Spanish flu strain that killed an estimated 50m people in an experiment labelled as “crazy” by opponents.

US researchers said the experiments were crucial for understanding the public health risk posed by viruses currently circulating in wild birds, but critics condemned the studies as dangerous and called on funders to stop the work.

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison used a technique called reverse genetics to build the virus from fragments of wild bird flu strains. They then mutated the virus to make it airborne to spread more easily from one animal to another.’

"The work they are doing is absolutely crazy. The whole thing is exceedingly dangerous," said Lord May, the former president of the Royal Society and one time chief science adviser to the UK government. "Yes, there is a danger, but it's not arising form the viruses out there in the animals, it's arising from the labs of grossly ambitious people."

The freshly made virus – the first of several the team created – was more harmful to mice and ferrets than normal bird flu viruses, but not as dangerous as the 1918 strain. It did not spread between ferrets and none of the animals died. But the scientists went on to mutate the virus, to see what changes could make it spread. Seven mutations later, they had a more dangerous version that spread easily from animal to animal in tiny water droplets, the same way flu spreads in humans.......

13th June 2014, 05:22 PM
That article truly represents DOOM!!!

14th June 2014, 12:32 AM
This article is a great example of where your "scientific cartel" theory falls appart.

Here we have some scientists condeming the work of other scientists who are in the pay of the FED. Clearly some scientists have a moral compass in regards to what is accetable and do not all follow a subscibed agenda.

Blaming "scientists" for the ills of society and labelling them as mason/NWO/CIA/mossad agents is the equivalent of blaming the chick behind the front desk at the fed reserve or the many clerks that simply push paper for the destructive pratices of the FED Reserve.

It is complete moronic stupidity and defies all logic.

14th June 2014, 03:02 AM
I just posted this in an old "Pandemics" thread,

I don't think I've seen K.Barrett do a feature article on this subject b4.

Bio-weapons could lead to ‘apocalypse’ (http://presstv.com/detail/2014/05/05/361346/bioweapons-could-lead-to-apocalypse/)

A mock victim is helped by emergency personnel during a biological preparedness drill being led
by members of the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF), a unit in the US Marine
Corps at Penn Station in New York City, September 22, 2012.

Mon May 5, 2014 3:56AM
By Kevin Barrett

This week we learned that the Middle East Respiratory Virus (MERS) has appeared in the USA. Simultaneously, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 240 cases of Ebola have been reported in West Africa, causing 136 deaths.

Both viruses are notoriously lethal. Those infected are likely to die.

Fortunately, neither virus is sufficiently transmissible to create a massive outbreak. But that could change – if weaponized forms are developed and released. The worst-case scenario: hundreds of millions or even billions of deaths, and an end to civilization as we know it.

The bad news is that MERS, Ebola, and many other disease agents have almost certainly been weaponized. And it gets worse: some of the world’s biggest biological weapons programs are in the hands of criminals and lunatics.

Israel and apartheid-era South Africa have been among the most notorious bio-weapons outlaws. Israeli scientists not only helped apartheid South Africa develop nuclear weapons, but also spearheaded Project Coast, which included a bio-weapons component. The South African apartheid leaders were looking for a way to reduce or eliminate the black population, and the Israelis eagerly assisted them.

Israel has also tried to develop race-specific and ethnic-specific bio-weapons targeting Arabs. In 1998, the British newspaper Sunday Times reported that Israeli germ warfare scientists were looking for “distinctive Arab genes” that could be targeted by genetically-engineered biological weapons. The Sunday Times cited inside sources, as well as a US Defense Department report on Israeli race-specific bio-weapons.

Unfortunately, Israel is not the only regime with criminals and madmen running its germ warfare program. The United States of America also fits that description.

In 1975, the US ratified the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). That treaty prohibits the 170 state signatories from developing, stockpiling, or using any form of biological weapon.

The unfortunate effect of the treaty was to force the US bio-weapons program underground. A draconian system of “national security” classification atop a shell game of private contractors and spin-offs has resulted in a program that has spun totally out of control – and may even have fallen, at least in part, into the hands of global organized crime.

The 9/11 anthrax false flag operation revealed the criminality of the secret US bio-weapons apparatus. Unknown actors within the US bio-weapons apparatus murdered five Americans with ultra-weaponized anthrax manufactured by CIA assets at Battelle Memorial Laboratories in Ohio and tested at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. The FBI’s two anthrax scapegoats – first Steven Hatfill and then Bruce Ivins – were used to distract attention from the obvious fact that the anthrax letters were part of the larger 9/11 operation.

The 2001 anthrax attacks were part of a false flag attack in service to Zionism designed to incite the mass murder of Muslims. The anthrax letters contained the message: “Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great.” Obviously, whoever sent the anthrax letters wanted people to blame Muslims – and to mass-murder Israel’s Muslim enemies. Since then, Americans have killed more than a million Muslims and badly damaged most of the “seven countries in five years” that Israel didn’t like and that were therefore targeted for destruction, according to Gen. Wesley Clark.

Meanwhile, the only non-Muslim member of the “axis of evil” – North Korea – has been allowed to develop and deploy nuclear weapons, and to threaten to incinerate Washington D.C. The US government does not care. It only worries about countries that Israel doesn’t like. Obviously, the US has become an abject slave of the Zionists who seized power in the 9/11 coup d'état.

How can we be sure that 9/11 anthrax was a single operation? Just ask Jerome Hauer, the radical Zionist and Project for a New American Century (PNAC) bio-warfare expert who put the Bush-Cheney White House on Cipro – an anti-anthrax drug – on September 11, 2001. Hauer, also an expert on responses to building collapses, was managing director of Kroll Associates – the company that provided “security” for the World Trade Center and facilitated the controlled demolitions of the three skyscrapers on 9/11.

Hauer also supervised the massive Tripod 2 bio-warfare exercise that brought thousands of FEMA personnel to New York on September 10, 2001, and provided cover for the deceptive demolition of the World Trade Center the following day. Some of Hauer’s FEMA personnel on 9/11 were told by higher authorities that the attacks that day involved anthrax. Yet the anthrax attacks, which began on September 18, 2001, did not become public knowledge until the beginning of October.

America’s underground bio-weapons programs are criminal by their very nature. The participants are, by definition, international outlaws. No wonder these programs have been infiltrated by global organized crime.

The latest American bio-weapons scandal involves covert US-controlled germ warfare facilities in the former Soviet republics. One notorious example is the Richard G. Lugar Center for Public and Animal Health Research in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. The Center was supposedly closed in May 2013, after reports that it was experimenting with cholera and other deadly viruses.

Former Advisor to President of Georgia Jeffrey Silverman broke the story about the bio-weapons research at the Lugar Center, suggesting that its high-profile closure was a red herring designed to distract attention from the many other joint US-Georgian facilities doing similar work. According to Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff, reliable sources have claimed that Georgian facilities run by the same operators manufactured the sarin gas used in last August’s failed false flag attack at al-Ghoutha, Syria.

Fears that dangerous biological agents are in irresponsible hands spiked in 2009 when it emerged that deadly H5N1 (avian flu) viruses were “inadvertently” inserted into Baxter International’s batches of flu vaccine shipped to 18 countries. The “mistake” was miraculously caught by a Czech lab worker who discovered that ferrets given the vaccine died. Had this contaminated vaccine been administered as intended, it could have led to a highly contagious and extremely deadly hybrid seasonal flu - avian flu mutation that could have killed millions of people.

Why does the international community continue to allow lunatics and criminals to develop deadly biological agents? Obviously, the Biological Weapons Convention needs to be strengthened with enforcement provisions, and known bad actors, including all participants in the US, Israeli, and Georgian programs as well as Baxter International personnel, need to be thoroughly debriefed and rehabilitated.

If we do not address this problem now, the next outbreak of MERS or Ebola could be the last.



14th June 2014, 03:15 AM
give me a break, Aeon!!!

yes the scientific cartel **IS** winning since it greenlighted the experiement in the first place and that the virus is created now. Are you aware of the depopulation agenda? or are you just in denial?

dissent can be found everywhere, in every field.... dissenters are always a minority

you are soooo naive, that it is scary :(

how can you compare front desk persons with PhDs scientists who are obviously government brainwashed working on such a project to doom mankind? You are defying all logic here

This article is a great example of where your "scientific cartel" theory falls appart.

Here we have some scientists condeming the work of other scientists who are in the pay of the FED. Clearly some scientists have a moral compass in regards to what is accetable and do not all follow a subscibed agenda.

Blaming "scientists" for the ills of society and labelling them as mason/NWO/CIA/mossad agents is the equivalent of blaming the chick behind the front desk at the fed reserve or the many clerks that simply push paper for the destructive pratices of the FED Reserve.

It is complete moronic stupidity and defies all logic.

14th June 2014, 04:50 AM
Clearly some scientists have a moral compass in regards to what is accetable and do not all follow a subscibed agenda.

and may they R.I.P.,
Dead Scientists 2004-2014 (http://www.stevequayle.com/?s=146)

14th June 2014, 05:17 AM
the scientific cartel **IS** winning since it greenlighted the experiement in the first place and that the virus is created now. Are you aware of the depopulation agenda? or are you just in denial?

A myhtical 'scientific cartel' doesn't greenlight anything, bankers and bureaucrats do, plenty of bureaucrats wearing scientist hats thats for sure...you really know nothing about the real world at all do you.

Stuck in your fairy-tale make-believe world that you assert with such conviction is real, its too funny :D


14th June 2014, 05:27 AM
you just thanked patcolo without clicking on the link... the link mentions all the dissenting scientists that have been murdered or died in strange circumstances... for OPPOSING the cartel

the pic just exposes your mental age...

when are you going to address the OP, which is about DEPOPULATION being set into motion?

Your denial is just too child-like

A myhtical 'scientific cartel' doesn't greenlight anything, bankers and bureaucrats do, plenty of bureaucrats wearing scientist hats thats for sure...you really know nothing about the real world at all do you.

Stuck in your fairy-tale make-believe world that you assert with such conviction is real, its too funny :D

14th June 2014, 05:41 AM
you just thanked patcolo without clicking on the link... the link mention all the dissenting scientists that have been murdered or died in strange circumstances... for OPPOSING the cartel

Thats exactly FUCKING right nutjob, a cartel which isn't 'scientific' in essence by any measure but psychologically meglamaniacal, destructive and violent to that end.

Patcolo posted that because he knows that 'science' or scientists aren't the root of all evil in regards to the geopoliticaland social landscape we inhabit, because they're just like everybody else, some have good intentions and some not, its a pitty the good ones are suicided.

I might disagree with Pat about the method and extent to which these vermin manipulate and control us, but we would never disagree with the outcome, particularly when it comes to inocent lives like this. I have repsect for Pat, you though, I suspect are just a really bad troll.

You know very well that Pat was indirectly proving a point of mine much to your chargrin.

Don't try and sow the seeds of disharmony asshole

14th June 2014, 06:11 AM
YOU Don't try and sow the seeds of disharmony asshole ... RE:why do you think I posted the OP... because I TOO disagree and fear for innocent lives - mine included.

so... when are you going to address the OP, which is about DEPOPULATION being set into motion?

The few dissenters havent much power here, obvisously, since the virus has been CREATED with the approval of the academic cartel (few at the top)... brainwashing scientists into believing that they work for humanity while in fact they just do the opposite.

additionally, I am on the dissenting side... so what you have been saying all along against me makes NO sense at all.

Thats exactly FUCKING right nutjob, a cartel which isn't 'scientific' in essence by any measure but psychologically meglamaniacal, destructive and violent to that end.

Patcolo posted that because he knows that 'science' or scientists aren't the root of all evil in regards to the geopoliticaland social landscape we inhabit, because they're just like everybody else, some have good intentions and some not, its a pitty the good ones are suicided.

I might disagree with Pat about the method and extent to which these vermin manipulate and control us, but we would never disagree with the outcome, particularly when it comes to inocent lives like this. I have repsect for Pat, you though, I suspect are just a really bad troll.

You know very well that Pat was indirectly proving a point of mine much to your chargrin.

Don't try and sow the seeds of disharmony asshole

14th June 2014, 06:42 AM
[b]so... when are you going to address the OP, which is about DEPOPULATION being set into motion?

The few dissenters havent much power here, obvisously, since the virus has been CREATED with the approval of the academic cartel (few at the top)... brainwashing scientists into believe that work for humanity while in fact they just do the opposite.

Most of what you posted here, remarkably, I don't diagree with, but you need stop using misleading terms like 'academic' or 'scientific' cartel, because technically it isn't.

If you have a bone to pick with them it needs to be framed in a different way that justifiably explains the who, what and where and how of these goons. It doesn't operate on fairy dust and incantations, its run by mobsters for fucksake. Its a fucking banking bureuadratic cartel with zionist jews at the top and their pro-Israel goy following.

SOME goons might be deliberately placed in positions of power within academic and scientific institutions, it doesn't mean 'academia' and 'science' on the whole is the cartel, its fallacious and misleading and serves only to drive away anyone interested in truely understand how the world really works or for that matter someone that actually DOES understand the concepts without some inane philosphy that serves no constructive physical purpose.

Technically, the article was about an engineered Flu strain that was made airborn (weaponised), not so much depopulation.

That is what is you're reading into the subject when you accept the article on face value, but its not the main gist of the subject. The matter itself (engineered viirus) was the subject the rest is just tacked on silcaious conjecture.

14th June 2014, 06:56 AM
Technically, the article was about an engineered Flu strain that was made airborn (weaponised), not so much depopulation.

thats it: you are in denial.... and your denial prevents you from connecting the dots between this successful lethal experiment and the INTENDED world depopulation agenda

you also refute
Chemtrails and Depopulation
GMOs and Depopulation
Big Pharma and Depopulation
Military complex and Depopulation
Central banking and Depopulation
Goe-ingeneering/weather modifications and Depopulation

yet you see nothing wrong with the OP.... like I said, your naivete is remakable and terrifying at once

so from now on, you will continue chatting and speculating with yourself.

7th trump
14th June 2014, 06:57 AM
Most of what you posted here, remarkably, I don't diagree with, but you need stop using misleading terms like 'academic' or 'scientific' cartel, because technically it isn't.

If you have a bone to pick with them it needs to be framed in a different way that justifiably explains the who, what and where and how of these goons. It doesn't operate on fairy dust and incantations, its run by mobsters for fucksake. Its a fucking banking bureuadratic cartel with zionist jews at the top and their pro-Israel goy following.

SOME goons might be deliberately placed in positions of power within academic and scientific institutions, it doesn't mean 'academia' and 'science' on the whole is the cartel, its fallacious and misleading and serves only to drive away anyone interested in truely understand how the world really works or for that matter someone that actually DOES understand the concepts without some inane philosphy that serves no constructive physical purpose.

Technically, the article was about an engineered Flu strain that was made airborn (weaponised), not so much depopulation.

That is what is you're reading into the subject when you accept the article on face value, but its not the main gist of the subject. The matter itself (engineered viirus) was the subject the rest is just tacked on silcaious conjecture.
Yep...there's a whole lotta fallacy, conspiracy flying with a few posters in this forum that are baiting others to be mislead.
You see words like "cartel" you know the person is doing this for brainwashing and control..........its purposely used to get emotions to overrule any commonsense.
When I see the word "cartel" in a post or article like this article it reminds me of the endless tool mouth breathers on the Jerry Springer show.
Good going for bringing this kind of bad journalism out in the open!
We have good people on this forum but few ever realize they are easily controlled with emotional words.

7th trump
14th June 2014, 07:02 AM
thats it: you are in denial.... and your denial prevents you from connecting the dots between this successful lethal experiment and the INTENDED world depopulation agenda

you also refute
Chemtrails and Depopulation
GMOs and Depopulation
Big Pharma and Depopulation
Military complex and Depopulation
Central banking and Depopulation
Goe-ingeneering/weather modifications and Depopulation

yet you see nothing wrong with the OP.... like I said, your naivete is remakable and terrifying at once

so from now on, you will continue chatting and speculating with yourself.

I doubt the article mentions engineered "world depopulation" so why are you turning this article into drama?
You are projecting to stir emotions.
Why cant you just leave out your injected drama?
Pretty much everything you post has an agenda of being ..."drama".

So they made a lethal virus and are learning from its progression.
I understand your concern of using this as a weapon...but what they are learning could save millions of lives when other oppressive countries use these viruses as a weapon...heck you don't even know if what they are learning could be used to stop other viruses from spreading

14th June 2014, 07:04 AM
Chemtrails and Depopulation
GMOs and Depopulation
Big Pharma and Depopulation
Military complex and Depopulation
Central banking and Depopulation
Goe-ingeneering/weather modifications and Depopulation

if science/world isnt the hands of cartels (people at the top and their henchmen) .... HOW would you call this? Maybe can we agree on another term?

yet, many refer to central banking as a cartel... could they be wrong?
or you just jump into the thread because you and I dont see religion the same way? Im which case it would be dishonesty from your end.

7T, get a grip, you insert bible quotes wherever you can... isnt it baiting perhaps?

Yep...there's a whole lotta fallacy, conspiracy flying with a few posters in this forum that are baiting others to be mislead.
You see words like "cartel" you know the person is doing this for brainwashing and control..........its purposely used to get emotions to overrule any commonsense.
When I see the word "cartel" in a post or article like this article it reminds me of the endless tool mouth breathers on the Jerry Springer show.
Good going for bringing this kind of bad journalism out in the open!
We have good people on this forum but few ever realize they are easily controlled with emotional words.

14th June 2014, 07:12 AM
Chemtrails and Depopulation
GMOs and Depopulation
Big Pharma and Depopulation
Military complex and Depopulation
Central banking and Depopulation
Goe-ingeneering/weather modifications and Depopulation

if science/world isnt the hands of cartels (people at the top and their henchmen) .... HOW would you call this? Maybe can we agree on another term?

yet, many refer to central banking as a cartel... could they be wrong?
or you just jump into the thread because you and I dont see religion the same way? Im which case it would be dishonesty from your end.

I think the funniest take home for you from all this goldie, is that 7th trump and Pat would rather agree with an atheist like me than with you and all your bullshit.

Interesting stuff.:rolleyes:

14th June 2014, 07:22 AM
obviously you are not aware of patcolo's threads which are all about pervasive conspiracies... ALL OF THEM. you are misinterpreting his link.

as for 7T, he is not my reference of choice.

Chemtrails and Depopulation
GMOs and Depopulation
Big Pharma and Depopulation
Military complex and Depopulation
Central banking and Depopulation
Goe-ingeneering/weather modifications and Depopulation
Water and food supply control and Depopulation

yet, many refer to central banking as a cartel... could they be wrong? be constructive, can you come up with another name for cartel... show your imagination now instead of calling all the above bullshit because these are REAL issues... unless you prefer sticking to your denial of this deceptive reality

7th trump
14th June 2014, 07:22 AM
Chemtrails and Depopulation
GMOs and Depopulation
Big Pharma and Depopulation
Military complex and Depopulation
Central banking and Depopulation
Goe-ingeneering/weather modifications and Depopulation

if science/world isnt the hands of cartels (people at the top and their henchmen) .... HOW would you call this? Maybe can we agree on another term?

yet, many refer to central banking as a cartel... could they be wrong?
or you just jump into the thread because you and I dont see religion the same way? Im which case it would be dishonesty from your end.

7T, get a grip, you insert bible quotes wherever you can... isnt it baiting perhaps?

Yes many refer the banking industry as the cartel...and I look at that just the same....its drama.
Reason being the bank system is to intricate for thousands of people around the world to be working together...its not a cartel.
There are wall street investers and their are bankers...not necessarily the same...different rules and laws apply to each.
And no I didn't jump in here because we view the bible differently...I jump in here because the drama needs to stop. I've been posting in other threads for the same purpose.
take for example Spectrism...he full of drama when it comes to cops and lethal force...discernment flies out the window.
I cornered him to answer a specific question to see if he was being honest or biased...he failed to answer so hes basically biased against all cops no matter what they did or do...good or bad.

He'd rather shoot a cop and let a criminal free....not to be trusted in my book....a dangerous person to be around if they cant truly discern right from wrong giving the circumstances.

I insert bible passages in where ever to get people properly thinking instead of thinking with their emotions...... where discernment flies right out the window.

14th June 2014, 07:51 AM
Drama is for sure, I posted a while ago the "galactic history" from the Akashic records point of view and you didnt respond that thread, and which contends that drama rules over all dimensions in the Universe. So yes I could agree here with you.

but that doesnt mean that cartels arent real as there are agendas to depopulate the world in due time. And I have been one of the most vocal on here as how to end this perception-deception with the power of thoughts.

I have posted enough materials on here to help people change their mindsets, it is up to everybody to take it or leave it.

cartels = people at the top and their henchmen .... Either you come up with a better term, or we stop discussing about it. I have no time to debate if we can't agree on a word first.

edit: I do not support cops in this time and age because, it is the education stupid. If people could access unbiased information, 90% of cops would have not a job.

Yes many refer the banking industry as the cartel...and I look at that just the same....its drama.
Reason being the bank system is to intricate for thousands of people around the world to be working together...its not a cartel.
There are wall street investers and their are bankers...not necessarily the same...different rules and laws apply to each.
And no I didn't jump in here because we view the bible differently...I jump in here because the drama needs to stop. I've been posting in other threads for the same purpose.
take for example Spectrism...he full of drama when it comes to cops and lethal force...discernment flies out the window.
I cornered him to answer a specific question to see if he was being honest or biased...he failed to answer so hes basically biased against all cops no matter what they did or do...good or bad.

He'd rather shoot a cop and let a criminal free....not to be trusted in my book....a dangerous person to be around if they cant truly discern right from wrong giving the circumstances.

I insert bible passages in where ever to get people properly thinking instead of thinking with their emotions...... where discernment flies right out the window.