View Full Version : New VT COMPREHENSIVE article by James Fetzer about Sandy Hook Hoax June 14, 2014
14th June 2014, 08:57 AM
Friday, June 13th, 2014 | Posted by Jim Fetzer
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
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Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
Is 22 June 2014 about to be "a date that will live in infamy"?
Academic Freedom: Are there Limits to Inquiry? JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust
Friday, June 13th, 2014 | Posted by Jim Fetzer
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
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Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
By Jim Fetzer (with Sofia Smallstorm and Paul Preston)
This is a good one because it sets forth all the facts we have so far on this Sandy Hook evil deception.
Some of the commenters so far had some excellent ideas as to what legal charges could be pursued. This article gets us even closer, and we were already getting much closer, to blowing the lid off this Sandy Hook Hoax.
Even if nothing ever pans out in the courts and none of these scum ever go to the big house, Dr. Fetzer has once again hit one out of the park FOR TRUTH.
14th June 2014, 07:12 PM
Nice job with the transcription Dachsie (ref:Transcription by Jeannon). :)
The Fetzer/Smallstorm/Preston outcome of your work in the resulting VT article adds value with the various youtubes peppered through in appropriate places, so the uninitiated can get right up to speed with the research.
I haven't gone through the (40 atm) comments yet, but off hand, it seems Preston's claim about:
Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.
...means it's time for Preston to poop out WHO those officials are, and those officials need to go public. Tall order, as said officials would be forfeiting their careers/pensions/etc, on top of being tarred/feathered in the joozmedia (imagining they cover the development at all). But without that happening, Preston's claims will remain hearsay, vapor-ware, Sorcha Faal's seekrit Kremlin sources; and just be discarded by the wayside. :(
edit: I commented ( 24032701)on the article at Fetzer's latest radio blog entry, to help bring eyeballs to it. Same comment pending moderation in Tracy's Probing Newtown’s Media Industry Elites ( blog entry.
14th June 2014, 08:45 PM
"But without that happening, Preston's claims will remain hearsay, vapor-ware,"
I just kind of ignored his whole claim about his "sources" and all that. I knew that was never going to mean anything. To me the value lies in his experience with how these active shooter school drills work, and telling us things like acting companies can easily provide patched together families. People think the idea of "crisis actors" is just so not possible but he showed that employing actors for these drills is standard operating procedure.
I thought he made a few good observations about what he viewed on TV and in video replays. He noted that there was no panic atmosphere or behavior and said that really struck him immediately. That was good. I had not thought of that.
He also pointed out how the media set up several sub stories that took the camera away from the school site and said that makes the whole thing easier to sell. That too was a good observation.
All in all more and more people are becoming familiar with this event and similar events of late and our whole "conspiracy views" do not seem so far out anymore. I noted that in the comments area the people who accept the official story become rather angry and name calling and never seem to give any solid strong facts to support their view. These people are looking more and more ridiculous so that is good.
A couple of the commenters made mild criticisms and Dr. Fetzer seemed to jump on the commenter too strongly. He really does not need to do that. He ought to be above that, but I think he is getting better because he now has more and more people on his side.
All in all, taking a closer and closer look at these events and analyzing them up one side and down the other brings the public into awareness of how taken over our government is.
Sandy Hook and Boston appear to be the first false flag events that involve fake victims, but I think 9-11 had some fake victims too. I just do not go along with September Clues people who seem to insist that ALL the 3000 purported victims were fake victims. That is where the Clues bunch seem like they are wanting their whole body of good work to be joked about. They keep insisting that all the victims were fake and ALL the videos are fake and even all the still photos of ground zero after the event were faked too. It really puzzles me why they have taken that all or nothing stance.
14th June 2014, 10:46 PM
yeah, Preston brought some valid, thought provoking new observations to the S.Hoax research table; the lack of apparent "urgency" at the pretend-scene, Rosen & camoflage guy in the woods as perhaps red herring distractions (though I submit Bumbling Gene FEMA/SAG Rosen's involvement is a pure liability for the official joo S.Hoax story)... but I'm afraid I don't see those going anywhere. The reality of crisis actors, and how family/photos can be patched together, isn't really telling S.Hoax researchers anything new. The only way Preston's offerings can "grow legs" and take us anywhere, is if his claimed O'Bummer admin sources progresses to something we can actually chew on.
Sandy Hook and Boston appear to be the first false flag events that involve fake victims,
Mostly in hindsight, I'd guess the 2011 AZ shooting was the first. Then Aurora/Batman. S.Hoax was first where the joo-deception/hoax MO really hit the fan among truth researchers, with skeptical voices piping up the same day (Barrett published a skeptical article the same day, though I can't find ATM), and the JSM desperately seeking to character assassinate Dr. Tracy within a month later.
I'd also guess that the real survivors of the real victims of 911, the minority of them who rejected the Feinberg victim's comp deal with the devil to take some shekels & shut up, and who instead went on speaking tours & pursued litigation & "official investigation", were a huge factor in's moving to the use of full hoaxes with crisis actors... who play along & wouldn't sue anyone.
That, and want complete control over "the set(s)" of their hoaxed dramas. I predict their next "improvement" will be, everything being filmed in advance, edited where debacles like Rosen are left on the cutting room floor, the supposed victims long off to their new life/identities in Patagonia/wherever; and then a polished, tidy "blockbuster drama" package delivered to the joozmedia for worldwide propagation at the optimum prescheduled time, to be presented as BREAKING/LIVE. The requisite post-event "interviews with victim's survivors" will be part of the package, though presented as if "LIVE" in the joozmedia, thereby eliminating the tearless-mourner & obvious green-screen FAILS we saw over & over with S.Hoax.
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