View Full Version : Obama Suggests US Needs Ban On Semiautomatic, Automatic Weapons

14th June 2014, 02:29 PM
Obama Suggests US Needs Ban On Semiautomatic, Automatic Weapons

6:33 PM 06/10/2014

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/10/obama-suggests-us-needs-ban-on-semiautomatic-automatic-weapons/#ixzz34eRlkdZu

President Barack Obama Tuesday suggested that the U.S. government should follow Australia’s example in dealing with shooting sprees, which involved strict gun bans on semiautomatic and automatic weapons.

“Australia had a mass shooting [in 1996 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_%28Australia%29)] similar to Columbine and Newtown, and just said, ‘That’s it, we’re not seeing that again,’ and basically imposed very severe tough gun laws and they haven’t had a mass shooting since,” Obama said, after he was asked for his reaction to recent shooting episodes in California and Oregon. Those laws included the confiscation of nearly all handguns and rifles.
“We can have respect for the Second Amendment and responsible hunters and sportsmen can have possess weapons,” Obama told an audience of students during a broadcast on the Tumblr website.

But the country needs “commonsense rules in place that make a dent in what’s happening,” he said, after an emotional appeal to the students and young people who were watching the Tumblr broadcast, which was advertised as a question-and-answer session about student debt.

Australia also instituted (http://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/2/4/253.full.pdf) a gun buy-back program and a national registery and licensing system in the wake of the April 1996 mass shooting.

Obama’s statement is likely to cause heartburn for Democratic candidates in Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas and other states where gun rights are valued.

But it may also spur turnout among young Democratic voters, who are demoralized by the lousy Obama economy.
Obama’s comments on guns came after the host asked him about the recent shootings, and Obama replied with an unusually emotional pitch.

“My greatest frustration so far is that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people you know who can do just unbelievable damage,” he said.

“We’re the only developed country on Earth where this happens. … Our level of gun violence is off the charts. There’s no advanced developing country on Earth that would put up with this,” he said.

Obama dismissed the argument that shootings are not the fault of the mental health of Americans. ”The U.S. does not have a monopoly on crazy people, it’s not the only country that has psychosis, and yet we kill each other in these mass shootings at rates that are exponentially higher than anyplace else,” Obama said.

Obama did refer to the Second Amendment, but didn’t describe the limits that it imposes on government. “We have a Second Amendment, we have historically respected gun rights, I respect gun rights, but the idea that we could not get a background check [into law] … makes no sense,” he complained.

“I’ve been in Washington, and most things don’t surprise me, [but] the fact that 20 six-year-olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town could not do anything about it, was stunning to me,” he said about the Newtown shooting in December 2012.

“If public opinion does not demand a change in Congress, it will not change,” he said.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/10/obama-suggests-us-needs-ban-on-semiautomatic-automatic-weapons/#ixzz34eRdiww3

old steel
14th June 2014, 02:33 PM
Is there no one in the USA that has the balls to tell him to shut the fuck up?

14th June 2014, 04:18 PM
Will retain our freedom because we have guns, give up your guns and you will be giving up you freedom.


14th June 2014, 04:27 PM
Is there no one in the USA that has the balls to tell him to shut the fuck up?

No one cares what that whiny little faggot bitch has to say. He can issue all the executive orders he wants. They will be ignored like Connecticut and New York gun bans. Less than 10% of the population of either state complied. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell of even 5% compliance with that douche bag. What makes it even more hilarious is that fucking idiot (Obama) knows it. He's powerless to do anything regarding gun control / confiscation.

14th June 2014, 05:31 PM
No one cares what that whiny little faggot bitch has to say. He can issue all the executive orders he wants. They will be ignored like Connecticut and New York gun bans. Less than 10% of the population of either state complied. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell of even 5% compliance with that douche bag. What makes it even more hilarious is that fucking idiot (Obama) knows it. He's powerless to do anything regarding gun control / confiscation.

The constant bombardment of the idea will tend to sink into the minds of younger people. Think about it, everywhere you go they mention guns. Schools, doctors office,teevee I am sure and probably radio but I am guessing there cause I don't do either. Kinda like subliminal messages. Over and over then add the horrifying mass shootings. How that that asshat fill the stadium with 20K idiots in 2 days about his poor dead son (that probably don't exist). We are getting smarter but a lot of youth don't have people like us to teach them.

14th June 2014, 05:36 PM
Just a friendly reminder that if you don't use violent means when they come for your guns you will never be given the chance again.

14th June 2014, 07:43 PM
How heavy would a solid steel door be? My home would probably be crushed just installing it.

old steel
14th June 2014, 09:56 PM
How heavy would a solid steel door be? My home would probably be crushed just installing it.

Old steel definitely would, heh.

14th June 2014, 10:12 PM
The guy is a idiot, I really don't know who he is playing for? Yes the young are getting brainwashed, but I would love to know the plan behind TPTB .

15th June 2014, 07:47 AM
The government need to lead the way and prohibit their agents from carrying semi-auto and automatic weapons. Then after criminal element follows suit....

15th June 2014, 10:46 AM
so we know...

Veterans Arrested For Anti-Obama Facebook Posts – Police Militarized For Veterans

15th June 2014, 04:42 PM

107 countries with higher murder rates than the U.S.!

15th June 2014, 05:02 PM
Just a friendly reminder that if you don't use violent means when they come for your guns you will never be given the chance again.

Thing is, they don't know what long guns we have. There's so many guns in this country, there's no way they can go door to door and get them all.

What they are doing, is brainwashing the young generations into thinking of guns as evil. Let the older folks, who remember what freedom is, die off.

They are all about the long slow decay of society. More and more I get convinced of this.

15th June 2014, 05:35 PM
Thing is, they don't know what long guns we have. There's so many guns in this country, there's no way they can go door to door and get them all.

What they are doing, is brainwashing the young generations into thinking of guns as evil. Let the older folks, who remember what freedom is, die off.

They are all about the long slow decay of society. More and more I get convinced of this.deception by the gradual!

15th June 2014, 07:46 PM

Exactly as I said, good to know you read the posts.

15th June 2014, 08:33 PM
Exactly as I said, good to know you read the posts.

Didn't read your post, until just now, but you said it better that I did!!