View Full Version : Girl scarred by pit bull attack asked to leave restaurant

16th June 2014, 07:39 AM
JACKSON, Miss. —A 3-year-old girl who was attacked by pit bulls in April was asked to leave a Jackson restaurant because her scars scared customers, the girl's grandmother told 16 WAPT News.

"Does this face look scary to you?"
accompanied a picture of Victoria Wilcher on the Facebook page Victoria's Victories (https://www.facebook.com/victoriasvictories), which documents the child's recovery from the attack at her grandfather's home in Simpson County. Authorities said one of Donald Mullins' dogs ripped open the back door and jumped on the girl. Two other dogs dragged her into the back yard and began mauling her, investigators said.

"The right side of her face is paralyzed. She's got a lot of surgeries to go through and she won't even look in the mirror anymore," said Victoria's grandmother, Kelly Mullins. "When we go to a store, she doesn't even want to get out (of the car). She's 3 years old and she's embarrassed about what she looks like. She's embarrassed and I hate it because she shouldn't be. It ain't her fault."

Victoria hadn't felt that way until last week when she was turned away from a KFC in Jackson, Mullins said.

"I took her to the doctor and I went to KFC. I ordered a large sweet tea and her some mashed potatoes and gravy because she was hungry. She was on a feeding tube at the time, but I figured she could just swallow (the potatoes)," Mullins said. "They just told us, they said, 'We have to ask you to leave because her face is disrupting our customers.' (Victoria) understood exactly what they said."

Mullins said she put Victoria in the car and left. She said Victoria cried all the way home to Simpson County.

"No matter what's wrong with a person, if a person's different, if a person's scarred, or is a different color or anything, people shouldn't be discriminated against," Mullins said. "Her being 3 years old and already being discriminated against, it makes me mad, because I know for the rest of her life it's going to be like that."

KFC officials sent an email Friday to 16 WAPT News in response to the incident.

"KFC launched an investigation as soon as we were made aware of this report. We take this very seriously, as we have zero tolerance for any kind of hurtful or disrespectful actions toward our guests. Our investigation is ongoing, but we have been in touch with the family and are committed to doing something appropriate for this beautiful little girl and her family. We will also work with the franchisee to take appropriate action at the restaurant once the specifics of the incident are determined," said KFC spokesman Rick Maynard.

Victoria is on antibiotics and still has more surgeries ahead of her, but she's doing well, her grandmother said.

"She surprised us. I think she surprised everybody. She's a fighter," Mullins said.

Donald Mullins, who is Kelly Mullins' ex-husband, shot and killed two of the dogs that attacked Victoria. The third dog was euthanized. Donald Mullins and his girlfriend, Rita Tompkins, were arrested after the attack on child endangerment charges.


16th June 2014, 07:43 AM
She's the same age as my own daughter. As a dad, really breaks my heart to see a beautiful little girl disfigured from an animal attack. Even worse seeing how people treat the victim of the attack.....

Here is how she looked one day before the attack:

http://3b4efb995be6c5c64252-c03f075f8191fb4e60e74b907071aee8.r12.cf1.rackcdn.c om/1306480_1399034251.9178_app.png

16th June 2014, 07:48 AM
As you all know I don't like screaming, smelly kids.......but........the individual who told this to this little angel would cease to exist that very same day. I hope that her dad an mother sue the shit out of restaurant an of the individual who kick the kid out that damn place.


16th June 2014, 08:57 AM
If anyone wants to help with the medical bills. Here is her gofundme address.


I'll be donating later when I get home after talking with the wife.

16th June 2014, 09:16 AM
No name, I just sent a few bucks.........however.....by the time that the KFC is solved she should be able to buy a whole hospital...and about from the owner of the dogs?


16th June 2014, 09:18 AM
No name, I just sent a few bucks.........however.....by the time that the KFC is solved she should be able to buy a whole hospital...and about from the owner of the dogs?


The couple next door.. The dogs that attacked her were all put down and they are facing child endangerment charges.

From reading into the case more. It sounds like the owner of the dogs actually shot 2 of them. The 3rd was put down after the cops arrested him and his girlfriend.

16th June 2014, 09:24 AM
I am referring to the owner of the dogs paying the hospital bill.......plus. If he wants to go to court it will be worse for him because he is 100% guilty and he should know it.


16th June 2014, 09:35 AM
I am referring to the owner of the dogs paying the hospital bill.......plus. If he wants to go to court it will be worse for him because he is 100% guilty and he should know it.


It sounds like both families aren't really well to do. (Victoria's family, as well as the dog owners) So getting the owner to pay anything will be nearly impossible. Let alone piling on court cost, lawyer fee's etc. It's good to see the out pouring of support financial as well as uplifting words on her facebook page and gofundme page.

I REALLY hope the grandmother isn't lying about this. With this day and economic decay, medical bills piling up. Its pretty tempting to make that restaurant incident up to gain support.

I'll be supporting Victoria regardless if her grandmother made up the restaurant story or not.

willie pete
16th June 2014, 09:55 AM
If I'd been the manager that day I'd bought the little girls lunch and then given her coupons for free meals. What a disgusting story.

16th June 2014, 10:23 AM
I REALLY hope the grandmother isn't lying about this. With this day and economic decay, medical bills piling up. Its pretty tempting to make that restaurant incident up to gain support.

What's sad is this wouldn't be the first time something like this was faked. Remember a while back that lesbian waitress who faked a customer receipt from a minister that made it look like he didn't leave her a tip and told her homosexuality was a sin, just to get attention?

16th June 2014, 10:56 AM
What's sad is this wouldn't be the first time something like this was faked. Remember a while back that lesbian waitress who faked a customer receipt from a minister that made it look like he didn't leave her a tip and told her homosexuality was a sin, just to get attention?

Yep I remember. Why I'm really hoping it's not made up. Regardless that little girls scar's and missing eye are very real. The facebook page was setup the day after it happened. So I know that part of the story is real.

16th June 2014, 11:42 AM
After talking to the wife over instant messaging. Donated what we could.

16th June 2014, 06:16 PM
Bumping for the evening crew. :)

16th June 2014, 06:36 PM
Have sent what I can,

Agree that they are not well off, any of the family.

And have looked as hard as my web experiance and I believe this is sure as hell

not a scam!

16th June 2014, 07:11 PM
Jackson, MS.
I don't want to undermine the integrity of this story, but this is GSUS.

Any word on the "social class designation" of the individual that made the complaint? Or of the manager that took action on the complaint?

I can only imagine the type of crowd that hangs out at KFC in Mississippi.

Just think if it had been a black kid walking into a West Hollywood sushi bar with his grandmother, all things being equal. Would the story have been different?

This question is worth asking, I think, because I don't think the focus of the story would be the same in that case.

Bottom line, I don't see the race card, and the term "hate crime" being thrown around in this case. In the above scenario, would it have been different?


16th June 2014, 07:18 PM
Jackson, MS.
I don't want to undermine the integrity of this story, but this is GSUS.

Any word on the "social class designation" of the individual that made the complaint? Or of the manager that took action on the complaint?

I can only imagine the type of crowd that hangs out at KFC in Mississippi.

Just think if it had been a black kid walking into a West Hollywood sushi bar with his grandmother, all things being equal. Would the story have been different?

This question is worth asking, I think, because I don't think the focus of the story would be the same in that case.

Bottom line, I don't see the race card, and the term "hate crime" being thrown around in this case. In the above scenario, would it have been different?



This was brought up on GLP of all places. There's the demographics link.

16th June 2014, 07:24 PM
More like a blind idiot, sheep card was played.

We will protect our customer from any bad things that could upset your dinning pleasure!

I lost my appetite looking at that horribly mangled little girls face!

said with mundo Sarcasm

16th June 2014, 08:41 PM
Grandfather: My grandbaby almost died because of my dogs
Story gains international attention after scarred girl turned away from KFC

SIMPSON COUNTY, Miss. —The grandfather of a 3-year-old girl who was recently turned away from a KFC because of her scars said he will never get over the fact that his dogs caused those scars.

"It has been a heart-breaker, I can tell you that right now," said Donald Mullins in an exclusive interview with 16 WAPT's Scott Simmons. "It has just about killed me that my grandbaby almost died because of my dogs."

Mullins' granddaughter, Victoria Wilcher, was attacked by three of his pit bulls at his Simpson County home in April. Bones in her face were broken and she lost an eye because of the attack.

After one of her many doctor's appointments, Victoria's grandmother said she took the little girl to a KFC in Jackson last month, but was asked to leave.

"They just told us, they said, 'We have to ask you to leave because her face is disrupting our customers.' (Victoria) understood exactly what they said," said Kelly Mullins, who is Donald Mullins' ex-wife.

Donald Mullins said the day Victoria was attacked will forever haunt him.

"I don't regret shooting my dogs because of what happened. I don't know. It seems pretty much like I am lost," Donald Mullins said.

He said he will never forgive himself for what happened. Victoria had been playing with some cats before two of her grandfather's dogs broke through the back door and attacked Victoria.

"The next thing I know, it was all three of (the dogs) and one of them pulled me down," he said. "The next thing I know, they pulled me, the baby and my girlfriend out the door."

Donald Mullins said he told his girlfriend, Rita Tompkins, to lay on top of Victoria and try to protect her from the dogs.


"I ran in the house and got my pistol. I came back and I started shooting," he said.

Mullins shot and killed three of the pit bulls that attacked his granddaughter,

Donald Mullins and Tompkins were charged with child endangerment after the attack. Simpson County court officials said the case will be presented to a grand jury in September.

Over the weekend, KFC said it would pay $30,000 toward Victoria's medical expenses after the story that began as a post Thursday on Victoria's Victories, a Facebook page designed to share Victoria's recovery from the attack and the many surgeries and rehabilitation she has undergone since, went viral.

The story, which appeared on WAPT.com Friday, has been reported by newspapers and television websites all across the U.S. and even in Italy. Victoria's Victories has grown from a few hundred likes to nearly 100,000, with fans as far away as Alaska, France, Russia and the U.K.

"We are all amazed with all the support Victoria has received over this last week. The stories that you've shared with us have truly touched our hearts. It's amazing how many people all over the world have a similar story to hers," a Victoria's Victories status message said on Friday.

Because of the overwhelming response, Victoria's Victories, which is run by Victoria's aunt, has opened a P.O. Box and asks that all letters, cards and "gifts of love" be sent to P.O. Box 66, Braxton, MS, 39044.


16th June 2014, 08:50 PM
Yahoo news also did a segment on Victoria.


willie pete
23rd June 2014, 05:57 PM
Looks like this story may have been a hoax, not the pitbull attack, the part that insinuated the little girl was asked to leave the kfc ::)


23rd June 2014, 06:06 PM
If I'd been the manager that day I'd bought the little girls lunch and then given her coupons for free meals. What a disgusting story.

This! I've managed restaurants before, though no coupons I would tell the Mexicans in back to make it and not ring it up, and tell the family that every time here after you come in and get free meals, for your beautiful daughter. Anyone who had a problem with the girl I would ask to leave. Or dem Po-Pos be a-commin.

23rd June 2014, 06:55 PM
Looks like this story may have been a hoax, not the pitbull attack, the part that insinuated the little girl was asked to leave the kfc ::)


If true this is sick. I pray for the little girl but wow...

• The source said surveillance videos show that at no time on the 15th were any children in the store who match the description of Victoria Wilcher or Mullins. The tapes were viewed in both the Meadowbrook and Woodrow Wilson KFC locations in Jackson, the source said. In hours of tape, the source said one small boy with his parents is seen, but they order food and leave the store.

• The source said no orders were recorded to include mashed potatoes and sweet tea on the same transaction, or even the two items as part of a larger order on May 15. Mullins told WAPT TV in Jackson shortly after the incident went viral on social media June 12 that: “I ordered a sweet tea and mashed potatoes and gravy. I sat down at the table and started feeding her and the lady came over and said that we would have to leave, because we were disturbing other customers, that Victoria’s face was disturbing other customers.”

• The family initially told KFC the incident happened at the location on State and High streets, a claim backed by a Facebook post by Victoria’s Victories, a page run by Teri Rials Bates, the girl’s aunt that read: “Thank you for your support for Victoria. If you would like to file a complaint its the KFC on State Street in Jackson MS.” That store is not in operation and has been closed for several years.

Victoria’s Victories changed its story Friday, saying the State Street reference was a mistake. In it, Bates wrote. “Im the Aunt, I run her page and Im the one that miss quoted that it was State street when it was actually Woodrow Wilson. Dont blame the grandmother for my mistake!

The source said it was no mistake at all.
“It just didn’t happen,” the source said.

23rd June 2014, 06:58 PM
Looks like this story may have been a hoax, not the pitbull attack, the part that insinuated the little girl was asked to leave the kfc ::)


I gave a brief thought at the beginning that they were bullshitting, but dismissed it. I didn't believe that they would be that stupid to run this publicity for a scam.

23rd June 2014, 07:37 PM
I gave a brief thought at the beginning that they were bullshitting, but dismissed it. I didn't believe that they would be that stupid to run this publicity for a scam.

I also had a feeling and made a remark hoping the Grandmother wasn't making up the KFC story. But its looking like she did. I still wouldn't change my donation. But if the grandmother made it up KFC should sue her for slander. As that has most definitely cost them business for making a completely false accusation.

Stop Making Cents
23rd June 2014, 07:54 PM
Pitbull owners are mentally disturbed.

Some mudshark and her nonwhite husband moved in next us and have 2 pitbulls. So now i have to suffer in watching my kids like a hawk whenever they go out to play. I fucking hate people.

23rd June 2014, 08:06 PM
Pitbull owners are mentally disturbed.

Some mudshark and her nonwhite husband moved in next us and have 2 pitbulls. So now i have to suffer in watching my kids like a hawk whenever they go out to play. I fucking hate people.

I disagree.. Growing up we had a Pitbull. She was a great guard dog, was protective of all of us and was great with my younger siblings. She would let my baby brother and sister crawl on her without so much as a nip at them. She was tragically hit by a car.....

willie pete
24th June 2014, 06:31 AM
I also had a feeling and made a remark hoping the Grandmother wasn't making up the KFC story. But its looking like she did. I still wouldn't change my donation. But if the grandmother made it up KFC should sue her for slander. As that has most definitely cost them business for making a completely false accusation.

I wouldn't change my donation either, it's not like I donated a lot at all, the little girl just looks so precious I had to give'em a few bucks, story said they collected about $135k with the negro chicken donation. I don't know the motivation, odds are it was greed, but in the story medical bills and being hounded by the hospital and insurance company for payment is mentioned, bottom line is the little girl gets continuing treatment

24th June 2014, 06:35 AM
I wouldn't change my donation either, it's not like I donated a lot at all, the little girl just looks so precious I had to give'em a few bucks, story said they collected about $135k with the negro chicken donation. I don't know the motivation, odds are it was greed, but in the story medical bills and being hounded by the hospital and insurance company for payment is mentioned, bottom line is the little girl gets continuing treatment

This was on Victoria's Victories facebook page this morning:

I promise its not a hoax, I never thought any of this would blow up the way it has. The article circling the web calling this a hoax is untrue. The article it self say the investigation is not complete. It is not over until KFC releases a statement. The media outlet running this story is not connected with KFC. The family has not asked for anything, a attorney is handling all the media publicity for the family pro bono. Please do not believe untrue media. I have personally watched this family go without to provide for Victoria. They have not and would not do anything to hurt Victoria in any way.
