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18th June 2014, 11:26 AM
After reading this, I just ordered some organic grass fed ghee from Amazon. Seems this can be used like butter but also can cook high heat with it. Will keep some of it at room temp by toaster to spread on toast and will keep rest in fridge and use to cook fish in oven. Don't do much frying anymore but I think ghee can be used for frying.


Healthy Cooking Oils – The Ultimate Guide
May 11, 2013 | by Kris Gunnars | 173,922 views

Chef Cooking in KitchenYou have many options when it comes to selecting fats and oils for cooking.

But it’s not just a matter of choosing oils that are healthy, but also whether they stay healthy after having been cooked with.
The Stability of Cooking Oils

When you’re cooking at a high heat, you want to use oils that are stable and don’t oxidize or go rancid easily.

When oils undergo oxidation, they react with oxygen to form free radicals and harmful compounds that you definitely don’t want to be consuming.

The most important factor in determining an oil’s resistance to oxidation and rancidification, both at high and low heat, is the relative degree of saturation of the fatty acids in it.

Saturated fats have only single bonds in the fatty acid molecules, monounsaturated fats have one double bond and polyunsaturated fats have two or more.

It is these double bonds that are chemically reactive and sensitive to heat.

Saturated fats and monounsaturated fats are pretty resistant to heating, but oils that are high in polyunsaturated fats should be avoided for cooking (1).

Alright, now let’s discuss each type of cooking fat specifically.
The Winner: Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

When it comes to high heat cooking, coconut oil is your best choice.

Over 90% of the fatty acids in it are saturated, which makes it very resistant to heat.

This oil is semi-solid at room temperature and it can last for months and years without going rancid.

Coconut oil also has powerful health benefits. It is particularly rich in a fatty acid called Lauric Acid, which can improve cholesterol and help kill bacteria and other pathogens (2, 3, 4).

The fats in coconut oil can also boost metabolism slightly and increase feelings of fullness compared to other fats. It is the only cooking oil that made it to my list of superfoods (5, 6, 7).

Fatty Acid Breakdown:

Saturated: 92%.
Monounsaturated: 6%.
Polyunsaturated: 1.6%.

Make sure to choose virgin coconut oil. It’s organic, it tastes good and it has powerful health benefits.

The saturated fats used to be considered unhealthy, but new studies prove that they are totally harmless. Saturated fats are a safe source of energy for humans (8, 9, 10).


Butter was also demonized in the past due to its saturated fat content.

But there really is no reason to fear real butter. It’s the processed margarine that is the truly awful stuff (11).

Real butter is good for you and actually fairly nutritious.

It contains Vitamins A, E and K2. It is also rich in the fatty acids Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and Butyrate, both of which have powerful health benefits.

CLA may lower body fat percentage in humans and butyrate can fight inflammation, improve gut health and has been shown to make rats completely resistant to becoming obese (12, 13, 14, 15, 16).

Fatty Acid Breakdown:

Saturated: 68%.
Monounsaturated: 28%.
Polyunsaturated: 4%.

There is one caveat for cooking with butter. Regular butter does contain tiny amounts of sugars and proteins and for this reason it tends to get burned during high heat cooking like frying.

If you want to avoid that, you can make clarified butter, or ghee. That way, you remove the lactose and proteins, leaving you with pure butterfat.

Here’s a great tutorial on how to clarify your own butter.

Make sure to choose butter from grass-fed cows. This butter contains more Vitamin K2, CLA and other nutrients, compared to butter from grain-fed cows.
Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil is well known for its heart healthy effects and is believed to be a key reason for the health benefits of the mediterranean diet.

Some studies show that olive oil can improve biomarkers of health.

It can raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and lower the amount of oxidized LDL cholesterol circulating in your bloodstream (17, 18).

Fatty Acid Breakdown:

Saturated: 14%.
Monounsaturated: 75%.
Polyunsaturated: 11%.

Studies on olive oil show that despite having fatty acids with double bonds, you can still use it for cooking as it is fairly resistant to the heat (19).

Make sure to choose quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It has much more nutrients and antioxidants than the refined type. Plus it tastes much better.

Keep your olive oil in a cool, dry, dark place, to prevent it from going rancid.
Animal Fats – Lard, Tallow, Bacon Drippings


The fatty acid content of animals tends to vary depending on what the animals eat.

If they eat a lot of grains, the fats will contain quite a bit of polyunsaturated fats.

If the animals are pastured raised or grass-fed, there will be more saturated and monounsaturated fats in them.

Therefore, animal fats from animals that are naturally raised are excellent options for cooking.

You can buy ready-made lard or tallow from the store, or you can save the drippings from meat to use at a later time. Bacon drippings are especially tasty.
Palm Oil

Cut Oil Palm Fruit

Palm oil is derived from the fruit of oil palms.

It consists mostly of saturated and monounsaturated fats, with small amounts of polyunsaturates.

This makes palm oil a good choice for cooking.

Red Palm Oil (the unrefined variety) is best. It is also rich in Vitamins E, Coenzyme Q10 and other nutrients.

However, some concerns have been raised about the sustainability of harvesting palm oil, apparently growing these trees means less environment available for Orangutans, which are an endangered species.
Avocado Oil


The composition of avocado oil is similar to olive oil. It is primarily monounsaturated, with some saturated and polyunsaturated mixed in.

It can be used for many of the same purposes as olive oil. You can cook with it, or use it cold.
Fish Oil

Fish oil is very rich in the animal form of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are DHA and EPA. A tablespoon of fish oil can satisfy your daily need for these very important fatty acids.

Cod Fish

The best fish oil is cod fish liver oil, because it is also rich in Vitamin D3, which a large part of the world is deficient in.

However, due to its high concentration of polyunsaturated fats, fish oil should never be used for cooking. It’s best used as a supplement, one tablespoon per day. Keep in a cool, dry and dark place.
Flax Oil

Flax Seeds

Flax oil contains lots of the plant form of Omega-3, Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA).

Many people use this oil to supplement with Omega-3 fats.

However, unless you’re vegan, then I do recommend that you use fish oil instead.

Evidence shows that the human body doesn’t efficiently convert ALA to the active forms, EPA and DHA, of which fish oil has plenty (20).

Due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fats, flax seed oil should NOT be used for cooking.
Canola Oil

Rapeseed Oil

Canola oil is derived from rapeseeds, but the euric acid (a toxic, bitter substance) has been removed from it.

The fatty acid breakdown of canola oil is actually fairly good, with most of the fatty acids monounsaturated, then containing Omega-6 and Omega-3 in a 2:1 ratio, which is perfect.

However, canola oil needs to go through very harsh processing methods before it is turned into the final product.

Check out this video to see how canola oil is made. It is very disgusting and involves the toxic solvent hexane (among others) – I personally don’t think these oils are suitable for human consumption.
Nut Oils and Peanut Oil


There are many nut oils available and some of them taste awesome.

However, they are very rich in polyunsaturated fats, which make them a poor choice for cooking.

They can be used as parts of recipes, but do not fry or do any high heat cooking with them.

The same applies to peanut oil. Peanuts technically aren’t nuts (they’re legumes) but the composition of the oil is similar.

There is one exception, however, and that is macadamia nut oil, which is mostly monounsaturated (like olive oil). It is pricey, but I hear it tastes awesome.

If you want, you can use macadamia oil for low- or medium-heat cooking.
Seed- and Vegetable Oils

Vegetable Oils

Industrial seed and vegetable oils are highly processed, refined products that are way too rich in Omega-6 fatty acids.

Not only should you not cook with them, you should probably avoid them altogether.

These oils have been wrongly considered “heart-healthy” by the media and many nutrition professionals in the past few decades.

However, new data links these oils with many serious diseases, including heart disease and cancer (21, 22, 23).

Avoid all of them:

Soybean Oil
Corn Oil
Cottonseed Oil
Canola Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Sunflower Oil
Sesame Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Safflower Oil
Rice Bran Oil

One study also looked at common vegetable oils on food shelves in the U.S. market and discovered that they contain between 0.56 to 4.2% trans fats, which are highly toxic (24).

It’s important to read labels. If you find any of these oils on a packaged food that you are about to eat, then it’s best to purchase something else.
How to Take Care of Your Cooking Oils

To make sure that your fats and oils don’t go rancid, it is important to keep a few things in mind.

Don’t buy large batches at a time. Buy smaller ones, that way you will most likely use them before they get the chance to damage.

When it comes to unsaturated fats like olive, palm, avocado oil and some others, it is important to keep them in an environment where they are less likely to oxidize and go rancid.

The main drivers behind oxidative damage of cooking oils are heat, oxygen and light.

Therefore, keep them in a cool, dry, dark place and make sure to screw the lid on as soon as you’re done using them.

18th June 2014, 03:24 PM
For almost 10 years now, I have been using saved bacon grease that I pore into a #10 can and when it is full it gets heated and filtered through some paper towels to get rid of the bacon pieces.

I have never had to refrigerate it, it does not age as far as I can tell, I do not have to buy lard, it is rendered when the bacon is done and it keeps my cast iron very happy for most of my cooking.

I use olive oil, but that stuff has a shelf life and can age (change taste), as most cooking oils do.

They that have access to real milk straight from the cow can make their own ghee, I like it but more expensive for me.

I will stick with my lard for frying, double whammy, you buy bacon and you get lard.

Other oils have their places and should be tried and enjoyed, love peppered olive oil on my salads and such.

Whoo Hoo, power went out in the middle of this post, thunder bumper over head!

Also get some regular (un bacon flavored ) lard free from some people I know that raise/butcher pigs in the area that we go back many a year (over 40).

18th June 2014, 05:08 PM
Yes, bacon grease is wonderful and I always save it. I keep it in tiny plastic bags in my freezer. It is great to bake fish with bacon grease. Also, when I used to live in Galveston and had lots of fresh oysters I would fry the oyster in bacon grease.

In fact, what's not to like about cooking everything in bacon grease. Good stuff.

I bought a large package of lard years ago and have kept it in my freezer as part of my preparedness supply. It is best for making biscuits.

I am trying to eat a little healthier these days so that's why I thought it would be good to know about some healthy oils for cooking.

I think I am going to make my own ghee next time. Apparently ghee is exactly the same thing as clarified butter so I am going to get some Kerry Gold organic butter at Whole Foods and make my own clarified butter next time. The article I posted ha a link that explains the easy steps to making clarified butter.

You are lucky to live near a source of good raw farm products.

18th June 2014, 05:23 PM
Yes, bacon grease is wonderful and I always save it. I keep it in tiny plastic bags in my freezer. It is great to bake fish with bacon grease. Also, when I used to live in Galveston and had lots of fresh oysters I would fry the oyster in bacon grease.

In fact, what's not to like about cooking everything in bacon grease. Good stuff.

I bought a large package of lard years ago and have kept it in my freezer as part of my preparedness supply. It is best for making biscuits.

I am trying to eat a little healthier these days so that's why I thought it would be good to know about some healthy oils for cooking.

I think I am going to make my own ghee next time. Apparently ghee is exactly the same thing as clarified butter so I am going to get some Kerry Gold organic butter at Whole Foods and make my own clarified butter next time. The article I posted ha a link that explains the easy steps to making clarified butter.

You are lucky to live near a source of good raw farm products.

I have never had any bacon/lard go bad as long as the container has a good seal at room temps.

I believe it keeps dam near forever! As long as it is kept sealed from oxygen.

I do not freeze/cool lard , mainly ignore it until needed!

Have better uses for frig/ freezer space!

And yes sorta in a non weather way, lot,s of rural farm/ranch types in this area.


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