View Full Version : Detroit Shuts Off Water to Thousands

20th June 2014, 08:27 PM
Reciepe for more enslavement... asking The UN for help

june 18, 2014 by Common Dreams
Groups Appeal to UN for 'Humanity' as Detroit Shuts Off Water to Thousands
'By denying water service to thousands, Detroit is violating the human right to water.'

As thousands of people in Detroit go without water, and the city moves to cut off services to tens of thousands more, concerned organizations have taken the unusual step of appealing to the United Nations to intervene and protect the "human right to water."

“After decades of policies that put businesses and profits ahead of the public good, the city now has a major crisis on its hands," said Maude Barlow, founder of Blue Planet Project and board chair of Food & Water Watch, in a statement. “By denying water service to thousands, Detroit is violating the human right to water."

The Submission to the Special Rapporteur was released Wednesday by the Detroit People’s Water Board, the Blue Planet Project, the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and Food & Water Watch.

It calls for the "state of Michigan and U.S. government to respect the human right to water and sanitation" and for shut-offs to be halted, services restored, and water to be made accessible and affordable.............

Residents say the mass cut-off of this vital service is especially unjust in a city already struggling with high unemployment, a poverty rate near 40 percent, and a foreclosure crisis that has devastated and displaced people across the city, hitting Detroit's African American community especially hard.

"When delinquent corporate water lines are still running without collection of funds, it demonstrates a level of intentional disparity that devalues the lives of the people struggling financially," said Lila Cabbil, President Emeritus of the Rosa Parks Institute, which is part of the People’s Water Board. "Where is our compassion? Where is our humanity?"


Twisted Titan
20th June 2014, 09:14 PM
"When delinquent corporate water lines are still running without collection of funds, it demonstrates a level of intentional disparity that devalues the lives of the people struggling financially,"

21st June 2014, 01:21 AM

21st June 2014, 02:55 AM
So the city shuts off the water. Go to the Home Despot and get the water box key for $20. Then turn on your water then charge the neighbors $20 a piece to turn on their water.

21st June 2014, 04:08 AM
So the city shuts off the water. Go to the Home Despot and get the water box key for $20. Then turn on your water then charge the neighbors $20 a piece to turn on their water.
Are you CRAZY! Charging money for having water. Crimes against humanity!

21st June 2014, 04:24 AM
......then charge the neighbours $20 a piece to turn on their water

That sounds a bit like you're not planning to stay neighbourly. I doubt they would embrace you as a neighbour. They'll treat you like a bankster!

21st June 2014, 06:07 AM
This shows you the real condition of this country when they have to ask the UN for help instead of the US government.....think of the future.


21st June 2014, 07:10 AM
Nowhere in the article a reason was stated as to why water was turned off...

willie pete
21st June 2014, 07:32 AM
Nowhere in the article a reason was stated as to why water was turned off...

"The report comes on the heels of the Detroit's city council's Tuesday approval (http://www.freep.com/article/20140617/NEWS01/306170107/City-Council-water-rate-hike) of an 8.7 percent increase in water rates, part of a long-standing trend that, according to Food & Water Watch (http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/pressreleases/as-water-crisis-in-detroit-escalates-groups-pressure-united-nations-to-take-action-restore-water-service-to-thousands-of-residents-and-ensure-the-human-right-to-water/), has seen prices increase 119 percent over the past decade.
This rate hike follows an announcement in March by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department that it would start turning off water for accounts that are past due. According to a late May Director's Report (http://dwsd.org/downloads_n/about_dwsd/director/directors_report_2014-05-28.pdf) from the DWSD, there were "44,273 shut-off notices sent to customers in April 2014" alone, resulting in "3,025 shut-offs for nonpayment, and additional collections of $400,000."

the negroes aren't paying their water bills, I have to pay for water/sewer so should they, of course it doesn't work that way in the real world, negroes are a blight and liability on society....


21st June 2014, 09:05 AM
I thot so!

21st June 2014, 09:09 AM
So the stupid ass niggers don't pay their bills and then claim it is a human right. Yeah baby! That makes sense. Paying bills is a racist policy. GIBSMEDAT.

21st June 2014, 10:03 AM
This article doesn't say anything about the price of water rising some 600% in 4 years...

21st June 2014, 10:33 AM
considering the economic squeeze and adjusted inflation, it is not completely a racial issue. Keeping people poor, whatever their color and culture is a part of the agenda.

This article doesn't say anything about the price of water rising some 600% in 4 years...

willie pete
21st June 2014, 11:40 AM
This article doesn't say anything about the price of water rising some 600% in 4 years...

got a link? taking 5 minutes to look, all I saw was 119% in 10 years http://www.blueplanetproject.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Detroit-HRTW-submission-June-18-2014.pdf

clearly detoilet has a multitude of problems, I'd say, and I'm no political scientist, that whitey-flighty starting in the 1950's (a million few people live in detoilet now than in the 1950's) maybe the largest underlying factor for most of the causes of the fuxation you see today

Black alone - 575,321 (81.4%)
White alone - 57,010 (8.1%)
Hispanic - 51,502 (7.3%)
Two or more races - 12,631 (1.8%)
Asian alone - 7,861 (1.1%)
American Indian alone - 1,643 (0.2%)
Other race alone - 595 (0.08%)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 76 (0.01%)

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/city/Detroit-Michigan.html#ixzz35Iistimm

21st June 2014, 12:03 PM
Ponce had this covered a while back: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?77655-Detroit-Cuts-Off-Water-To-Thousands-Unable-To-Pay-Their-Bills

21st June 2014, 12:51 PM
Lemme guess,

those special government commissions setup to govern increases in utility rates are at once filled with those same members of governance?

Then the nerve to go asking elsewhere for support, once you've bled dry your own constituents, and the actual uitility workers have seen reduced returns or hourly work schedules.

21st June 2014, 03:07 PM
considering the economic squeeze and adjusted inflation, it is not completely a racial issue. Keeping people poor, whatever their color and culture is a part of the agenda.

Is it really? I don't think anyone cares whether you are poor or rich. The government just looks for ways to take anything they can. But the GIBSMEDATS in the cities are getting everything free! Government is stealing from me and giving to them. They keep themselves poor. It starts with being poor in mentality and spiritual values. The rest is a natural follow-on.

21st June 2014, 03:10 PM
$75.00 a month for a water hookup is a lot. Not to mention the water probably sucks.

21st June 2014, 03:20 PM
$75.00 a month for a water hookup is a lot. Not to mention the water probably sucks.

And how many armed guards are required to go into that hell hole with any service techs? Water line goes down or service needs to be worked in the area, who stops the gunfire? Who guards the trucks?

21st June 2014, 04:25 PM
Services in the last 10 years have probably been reduced if anything, for every unit turned off the difference sent to the existing.

The only thing that remains as fat as ever is bureaucracy, a symptom of probably 75% of U.S. cities, Detroit the extreme.

21st June 2014, 05:27 PM
Services in the last 10 years have probably been reduced if anything, for every unit turned off the difference sent to the existing.

The only thing that remains as fat as ever is bureaucracy, a symptom of probably 75% of U.S. cities, Detroit the extreme.

What I think is funny, the theiving mayors over the past few decades blamed for everything never had these small domestic problems. Now you get an honest mayor who is white and boom no water if you don't pay. Michigans water was always put onto a lien of the house. I rented out a house and 3 years later when they left I got a nice fat multi thousand water bill. I guess when the houses turn to shit that it doesn't cover the water bill, which now with an honest WHITE mayor has become a problem.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
21st June 2014, 08:39 PM
This has been going on for years. Detroit's Water Dept is so utterly corrupt that they can no longer function as a proper municipal entity. Once they appointed an emergency manager they had to show some action so the people who had been getting away with not paying for so long all of a sudden are being forced to pay. Many of these people haven't paid a water bill in years because there was no enforcement behind it.

22nd June 2014, 05:50 AM
But minimum 75 a month?

Twisted Titan
22nd June 2014, 05:59 AM
That mayor is a fool and was put there for no other reason to be the whiping boy for black rage.

As Ceb said....The failure of detoilet wont be because of corrupt political black vermin.

It will be because of his "oppressive" policies.

And when the time is right they will cherry pick the one or two sweetheart deals he brokered as proof.

He knew this going in.

Hes a stooge to keep the race bating fires well stoked.

22nd June 2014, 08:51 AM
A rather acute example in cities of what their backward to ruin intentions for the world are. The robot nature and multiple cat lives of a corrupt city is highly over looked, imo. Sometimes I think cities are the elites main knot, yet benignly overlooked.