View Full Version : Finally, a good use for silver bars

21st June 2014, 10:34 PM
When you buy physical silver in the form of 10oz bars (or other PMs if you can afford them), they just sit there occupying space for the years that you own them. OTOH they're the very definition of value, but OTOH they're worthless.

But today I found a good use for two 10z bars of silver.

It's always annoyed me when a book refuses to lie flat and let me read it while my hands are busy doing some mindless task, like eating. But a 10oz silver bar is the perfect size and weight to keep each side of the book open for me!

21st June 2014, 11:29 PM
Contrary to what many believe, it is actually good to put your silver in your boat, as ballast, it may actually prevent a boating accident. Flame away!

22nd June 2014, 03:00 PM
When you buy physical silver in the form of 10oz bars (or other PMs if you can afford them), they just sit there occupying space for the years that you own them. OTOH they're the very definition of value, but OTOH they're worthless.

But today I found a good use for two 10z bars of silver.

It's always annoyed me when a book refuses to lie flat and let me read it while my hands are busy doing some mindless task, like eating. But a 10oz silver bar is the perfect size and weight to keep each side of the book open for me!

Hey, not a bad idea actually...

22nd June 2014, 03:00 PM
Contrary to what many believe, it is actually good to put your silver in your boat, as ballast, it may actually prevent a boating accident. Flame away!

lol, I don't bite that easily ;-)

22nd June 2014, 03:12 PM
A 10 ounce silver bar sits in the water of my Berkey

22nd June 2014, 03:27 PM
Ponce seemed to have found some use for them in keeping his stockpile of tp fresh at ine point.

23rd June 2014, 05:48 PM
Ponce seemed to have found some use for them in keeping his stockpile of tp fresh at ine point. The anti-bacterial effects of the metal keep the tp fresh.

Also I once used silver for turbines on a Malaysian airplane....