View Full Version : 7 D Hologram Show In Mall- More Proof Alien Invasion Easy To Simulate

22nd June 2014, 04:50 AM
In fact I have wondered for a long while already, since the Universe is Holographic, if we werent avatars, the brain being wired on reproducing any cosmic patterns, visible and invisible. Imagination is everything.

anybody agreeing with the theory of the holographic universe, also understands why all fights between humans must cease. Anybody who would have claimed 100 years ago that we'd be able to create holograms would have been deemed a dire case of mental of retardation. So what will we be discovering in 100 years from now?

Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 5 ) its all illusion.

7 D Hologram Show In Mall- More Proof Alien Invasion Would Be Easy To Simulate
watch at 3:47mins, the man walks through it


7D - Eventual UFO and Alien Projections? (starts at 1:47min)


22nd June 2014, 11:20 AM
amazing, folks... I never saw this in the mainstream news. if this what is available to the public, DARPA is much further ahead, and this means that they could simulate an alien invasion at ANY time.

google this:
Ronald Reagan Speech About Alien Invasion - YouTube
Bill Clinton Says Alien Invasion Only Way to Unite World (april 2014)

Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms (2009)


7D Laser Holograms are EVOLVING
You know how rich the business men are in Dubai? Well watch this video because it is utterly amazing technology being displayed . . . at a mall. It also shows you the capability of this technology if you are richer than Tony Stark. Many people in the blogosphere were awaiting a certain “Project Blue Beam” event that did not happen. They need only to travel to this mall in Dubai and they can experience Blue Beam 2.0.


(2013) 7D CINEMA Film 7 Dimension (better quality than the 2nd one in previous posting)


22nd June 2014, 12:57 PM
they could simulate an alien invasion at ANY time.

They certainly are doing a good job CONvincing the public (with computer animation) they sent and are monitoring vehicles on mars

22nd June 2014, 08:22 PM
what do you think of Hubble?

They certainly are doing a good job CONvincing the public (with computer animation) they sent and are monitoring vehicles on mars

22nd June 2014, 08:24 PM
I find interesting that they feature a dragon - reptilian

23rd June 2014, 04:00 PM
Amazing, for it's "potential" misuse... In another world this would be amazing, but of course this tech will be used to further enslave us. If this is in a mall... what do TPTB posses? It makes me glad that as human beings we die.

23rd June 2014, 06:20 PM
what do you think of Hubble?

Never looked into it. What say ye?