View Full Version : How to Get Rid of A Bad Neighbor

22nd June 2014, 11:10 AM
One of many ways to deal with problems without resorting to calling the 'Cops' (violence).


22nd June 2014, 11:39 AM
One of many ways to deal with problems without resorting to calling the 'Cops' (violence).


This guy always seems like he has the answer but he really is not much help. Basically 1) ignore your problem hope it goes away 2) bribe it to stop or go away 3) always stay away from the police. He is right about number 3 everything else..not so much.

22nd June 2014, 11:59 AM
I don't like the idea of bribing bad neighbors. Foremost, bad neighbors are usually ignorant people. If they do what you ask and keep your money, they will probably do something else to annoy you hoping to get even more money.
Or, they might think you have a lot of money to throw around and rob your place. Remember, they're ignorant.

22nd June 2014, 12:12 PM
Call HL and tell them that you believe that they are terrorists, or making meth, they will gone next day....make the call from a public phone.


22nd June 2014, 01:41 PM
If you see something, say something.

Call 911 from their phone and hang up.

23rd June 2014, 04:55 AM
...make the call from a public phone.


Where can I find a 'public phone'?

23rd June 2014, 05:18 AM
sure but the problem is that in our society, it will always be about money

The 2nd option would have been that the guy gets sleeping pills (paying a doctor or paid by medicare/taxpayers)

but in this particular case, it is worth the 60 bucks for 2 years of peaceful nights

I don't like the idea of bribing bad neighbors. Foremost, bad neighbors are usually ignorant people. If they do what you ask and keep your money, they will probably do something else to annoy you hoping to get even more money.
Or, they might think you have a lot of money to throw around and rob your place. Remember, they're ignorant.

23rd June 2014, 12:11 PM
You either kick some ass and live with the consequences or you learn to ignore a lot of shit. Unless you live in a rich gated community be prepared to deal with shitty neighbors often.

23rd June 2014, 01:40 PM
This guy always seems like he has the answer but he really is not much help. Basically 1) ignore your problem hope it goes away 2) bribe it to stop or go away 3) always stay away from the police. He is right about number 3 everything else..not so much.

I agree, i wouldnt offer any money to a rude neighbor.

BUT, this man used his own free will and conscience instead of calling the 'Cops' (resorting to violence), which is what we need more of. Him wasting his money to quiet down a neighbor has no effect on me whatsoever. This is what people will figure out how to do without any 'Government', and i commend him for it.

23rd June 2014, 04:10 PM
You either kick some ass and live with the consequences or you learn to ignore a lot of shit. Unless you live in a rich gated community be prepared to deal with shitty neighbors often.

How to deal with a bad neighbor, hmmm go knock on the door and politely ask them to cease and desist, while "unintentionally" showing the G19 in your waist band. Make it VERY CLEAR that what you want must be done.

23rd June 2014, 04:10 PM
I wouldnt call this bribing but a "deal" since both agree and that it doesnt affect anybody else....

sure but the problem is that in our society, it will always be about money

The 2nd option would have been that the guy gets sleeping pills (paying a doctor or paid by medicare/taxpayers)

but in this particular case, it is worth the 60 bucks for 2 years of peaceful nights

willie pete
23rd June 2014, 04:23 PM
Friend of mine back in the day, he lived in a trailer too out rural, not in the city, had a neighbor that had a couple of dobermans that "ran " the neigborhood. It sucked when I'd go visit, you pull up and theres those dogs growling. Then the next time I visited, no dobermans, I asked why. It seems they not only "ran" the 'hood they would scratch and dig up his front yard. He told me the last time they came in the yard, he cracked the trailor door open got a fishing weight and loaded it in his wrist-rocket, and let her go'. He said it dropped the dog right where it stood. I asked him if he killed it he said he thought he did because the dog wasn't moving. So what'd you do I asked? He said he went and got the water hose and turned it on the dog, the dog jumped up and hauled ass back home never to return :D

As for paying off a neighbor; I wouldn't go there, almost like blackmail, in most cases you'll never stop paying up

23rd June 2014, 07:17 PM
Id assume they knew each other for quite a while here and that the guy who made the offer knew he was dealing with someone who has an honest reputation. but I agree that there is a danger.

As for paying off a neighbor; I wouldn't go there, almost like blackmail, in most cases you'll never stop paying up

Stop Making Cents
23rd June 2014, 07:50 PM
Id assume they knew each other for quite a while here and that the guy who made the offer knew he was dealing with someone who has an honest reputation. but I agree that there is a danger.

We moved from our brand new house because of bad neighbors. Itcost me a bundle to move but it was the only solution that didnt involve me getting arrested. Too long of a story to get into but I hope God repays them in full.