View Full Version : Israeli military carries out airstrikes in Syria

22nd June 2014, 04:55 PM
Israeli military carries out airstrikes in Syria


Israeli soldiers load shells in their tank following the first death on the Israeli side of the Golan since the Syrian civil war erupted more than three years ago, near the Israeli village of Alonei Habashan, in the area of Tel Hazeka, close to the Quneitra border crossing in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, Sunday, June 22, 2014. A civilian vehicle in the Golan Heights was targeted by forces in neighboring Syria on Sunday in an attack that killed a 15-year-old boy and prompted Israeli tanks to retaliate by firing on Syrian government targets, the Israeli military said. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli warplanes bombed the Syrian military headquarters and a number of other targets inside Syria, the Israeli military said Monday, in a blistering response to a cross-border attack that left an Israeli teenager dead the previous day.
In all, Israel said it struck nine military targets inside Syria, and "direct hits were confirmed." In addition to the Syrian military headquarters, Israel said it targeted unspecified "launching positions." There was no immediate response from Syria.

In Sunday's attack, an Israeli civilian vehicle was struck by forces in Syria as it drove in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. A teenage boy was killed and two other people were wounded in the first deadly incident along the volatile Israeli-Syrian front since Syria's civil war erupted more than three years ago.

"Yesterday's attack was an unprovoked act of aggression against Israel, and a direct continuation to recent attacks that occurred in the area," said Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a military spokesman. He said the military "will not tolerate any attempt to breach Israel's sovereignty and will act in order to safeguard the civilians of the state of Israel."

The sudden burst of violence has added to the tense situation in Israel, where forces have spent the past week and half in a broad ground operation in the West Bank in search of three teenage boys believed to have been abducted by Hamas militants.

Israel has carefully monitored the fighting in Syria, but has generally kept its distance and avoided taking sides. On several occasions, mortar shells and other types of fire have landed on the Israeli side of the de facto border, drawing limited Israeli reprisals. Israel is also believed to have carried out several airstrikes on arms shipments it believed to be headed from Syria to Hezbollah militants in neighboring Lebanon. But never before has Israel gone after a target like the Syrian military headquarters.

It was not immediately clear whether Syrian troops or one of the many rebel groups battling the government carried out Sunday's deadly attack in the Golan. But Lerner said it was clear that the attack was intentional. Israel has repeatedly said it holds the Syrian government responsible for any attacks emanating from its territory, regardless of who actually carries them out.

The Israeli vehicle was delivering water as it was doing contract work for Israel's Defense Ministry when it was struck. Israel captured the Golan Heights, a strategic plateau overlooking northern Israel, from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel's annexation of the area has never been recognized internationally.

The incident occurred in the area of Tel Hazeka, near the Quneitra crossing. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Syrian troops had shelled nearby targets on the Syrian border earlier in the day.

Israeli police identified the boy as Mohammed Karaka, 14, of the Arab village of Arraba in northern Israel. Local media said he had accompanied his father, the truck driver, to work.

Late Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he spoke to the boy's father and sent his condolences. "Our enemies don't differentiate between Jews and non-Jews, adults and children," he told an international gathering of Jewish journalists.

In his address, Netanyahu said in conflicts like Syria, where al-Qaida-inspired extremists are battling Iranian-backed Syrian troops, there is no good choice and it is best for Israel to sit back and let its enemies weaken each other. "This is a fault line between civilization and savagery," he said.

22nd June 2014, 05:01 PM
It was not immediately clear whether Syrian troops or one of the many rebel groups battling the government carried out Sunday's deadly attack in the Golan. But Lerner said it was clear that the attack was intentional. Israel has repeatedly said it holds the Syrian government responsible for any attacks emanating from its territory, regardless of who actually carries them out.

Just what I thought. They were likely attacked by anti-Syria forces so what does Israel do? They attack Syria. If this is the case, they bring curses upon themselves. Israel will be hit by the savages they are helping.

22nd June 2014, 10:47 PM
It was not immediately clear whether Syrian troops or one of the many rebel groups battling the government carried out Sunday's deadly attack in the Golan. But Lerner said it was clear that the attack was intentional. Israel has repeatedly said it holds the Syrian government responsible for any attacks emanating from its territory, regardless of who actually carries them out.Just what I thought. They were likely attacked by anti-Syria forces so what does Israel do? They attack Syria. If this is the case, they bring curses upon themselves. Israel will be hit by the savages they are helping.
This is one of their tricks. By making a statement beforehand, that somehow justifies anything they do. They use red lines and zero tolerance action/reaction schemes.

23rd June 2014, 01:42 AM

7th trump
23rd June 2014, 04:23 AM
Why not fire back...they were fired on first by hostiles who aren't to be there in the first place.
I don't understand why Israel doesn't blitzkrieg the land they are given and get over with it and settle it once and for all.
By doing so they would be obeying God and ridding the world of a barbaric religion of murder, rape, pillage and plunder.

23rd June 2014, 05:36 AM
As Israel was given the land, they were also ordered by YHWH to give portions of their land as inheritance to sojourners coming into their territory. They have not been faithful to the law and are under judgment.

Celtic Rogue
23rd June 2014, 06:33 AM
BS israel is an abomination! It has stolen everything from others. SO in a book written by jews it says that god gave them this land. How fucking convenient! BS What a bunch of BS England gave the jews land that didnt belong to them because Rothschild had them by the balls! That was the only way the Rothschilds would pay off englands war debt. Not to mention the terrorist bombings done by the jews! Tel avi is going to be the world capital in the NWO. If someone came to your house and stole it and bull dozed it to the ground maybe with grandma still inside... YOU WOULD BE PISSED and take the same actions the jews have forced their neighbors to take. The jews scream bloody murder as they steal from and murder their neighbors.s As I have said so many times before... Religion is a mental disorder where people believe in things that cannot be proven until you die! Christian have killed as many if not more people spreading the so called love of their god. All religions are inherently evil because they make people act in ways that would otherwise be unthinkable!

23rd June 2014, 07:18 AM
CEBU, are you really a mother fucking son of a whore ass liking pro-Zionist, by showing that flag? or are you only plying games with us?.......if you are really a pro-Zionist I will hunt you for as long as I am here...that's not a promise BUT A FACT.


7th trump
23rd June 2014, 07:45 AM
As Israel was given the land, they were also ordered by YHWH to give portions of their land as inheritance to sojourners coming into their territory. They have not been faithful to the law and are under judgment.

True....however, if my memory serves me correct, they are only ordered to give portions to beleivers, not enemies after another faith.

7th trump
23rd June 2014, 07:53 AM
BS israel is an abomination! It has stolen everything from others. SO in a book written by jews it says that god gave them this land. How fucking convenient! BS What a bunch of BS England gave the jews land that didnt belong to them because Rothschild had them by the balls! That was the only way the Rothschilds would pay off englands war debt. Not to mention the terrorist bombings done by the jews! Tel avi is going to be the world capital in the NWO. If someone came to your house and stole it and bull dozed it to the ground maybe with grandma still inside... YOU WOULD BE PISSED and take the same actions the jews have forced their neighbors to take. The jews scream bloody murder as they steal from and murder their neighbors.s As I have said so many times before... Religion is a mental disorder where people believe in things that cannot be proven until you die! Christian have killed as many if not more people spreading the so called love of their god. All religions are inherently evil because they make people act in ways that would otherwise be unthinkable!

And I suppose these people occupying the land given to Israel are gonna just hand it over huh?
I dont think so and I do beleive God knows this and has ordered them to drive them out. And if they refuse and start killing then I guess the law of execution for murder comes into play.
So now you have confusion among who started what and why some have died.
I see on this board all the time about bashing the Isrealies as murderers for going in and clearing out land that is suppose to be theirs in the first place.
Fuck these murdering muslims....they dont beleive in anything but their religion and shown the world over they will murder innocent to dominate the world.

23rd June 2014, 09:32 AM
True....however, if my memory serves me correct, they are only ordered to give portions to beleivers, not enemies after another faith.

I believe the concept was that they agree to live within the laws of the land and when they are given land for an inheritance, they have a vested interest in making that place better.

Celtic Rogue
23rd June 2014, 09:39 AM
Fuck these murdering muslims....they dont beleive in anything but their religion and shown the world over they will murder innocent to dominate the world. The same could be said about christians! ie., crusades, inquisition and witch trials!

7th trump
23rd June 2014, 10:46 AM
I believe the concept was that they agree to live within the laws of the land and when they are given land for an inheritance, they have a vested interest in making that place better.

Harboring an enemy is not vested inerest in making a better place.
Giving the enemy a smack over the head with a 2x4 or pumping some billigerent enemy with lead is making the place better.
Driving out the enemy ...is driving out the enemy by any means neccessary.
Lets not forget God is no pussy and shouldnt be mocked as one.

7th trump
23rd June 2014, 10:47 AM
The same could be said about christians! ie., crusades, inquisition and witch trials!

All of which arent even closely related to the land giving to the Isrealites and the command to drive the enemy out.

23rd June 2014, 11:16 AM
True....however, if my memory serves me correct, they are only ordered to give portions to beleivers, not enemies after another faith.

beleivers - when you put the e before i like that does it mean you believe in the Tora, or Christ turning the other cheek to his enemies.

this is more than just a simple spelling error, its an error of biblical proportion, and inherent contradiction of the bible.

God shouldn't contradict himself, or give 2 point plot plans, when 4 points are required to make a plot plan.

In summary and conclusion, obviously only the word of God to those with much bele wool in front of their ivers.

23rd June 2014, 11:41 AM
Where was it that Christ mentioned following people from Israel in lieu of himself?

That we should somehow guide and support a people who are already chosen, what's the use?


Celtic Rogue
23rd June 2014, 11:42 AM
All of which arent even closely related to the land giving to the Isrealites and the command to drive the enemy out.
You said this...

and shown the world over they will murder innocent to dominate the world. and what I said hold to be perfectly accurate... you are twisting your words. Also prove to me that god said that land was the jews? God told me that all of your property belongs to me ... So get off it or I might have to kill you like the jews are doing to innocent Palestinians! You see My god is more real than your god and that make me right? LOL Well thats the same lame argument of all religions

23rd June 2014, 11:55 AM
What is the greatest contradiction of all judeo-christians, is they will crucify you if you say you've heard the word of God,

while they insist they've read it daily.

Trump firstly is judeo, secondly christian only in surname.

7th trump
23rd June 2014, 02:31 PM
You said this...
and what I said hold to be perfectly accurate... you are twisting your words. Also prove to me that god said that land was the jews? God told me that all of your property belongs to me ... So get off it or I might have to kill you like the jews are doing to innocent Palestinians! You see My god is more real than your god and that make me right? LOL Well thats the same lame argument of all religions

Wow....why do you even read the Bible if you cant understand it?

The palestinians (muslims) aren't the chosen. The muslims don't belong in the land God gave to the Israelites who consist of (both the house of Judah and the house Israel)
The house of Israel are the ten tribes that migrated over the Caucasus mountains to settle Europe and so forth after being released from Egyptian slavery.
The house of Judah are the two tribes that stayed in the middle east...particularly Jerusalem.
Get it now?
Two houses....Judah and Israel....call it judeo Christianity or what ever your confusion tells you to call it but there is two houses with one having an imposter fake screwing things up.

Now where you get all confused is the people who call themselves the chosen who are not from the real house of Judah...they are mixed and are difficult to determine whos who.
This is why in Revelation God instructs us not to pull the tares from the wheat (the chosen) as that may damage the wheat.....the tares (the fake chosen) will be plucked from the wheat by the angels at the return of the real Christ.

The house of Israel is lost...not lost as in not knowing where they are but who they are. They are the Caucasians (because they went over the Caucasus mountains of Georgia) who settled Europe, America and Australia (the white man).
These muslims are NOT innocent...they are murdering idol worshippers that do not belong in the area.
Trust me.... if the chosen (the 12 tribes) allowed any idols or idol worshipping in the land given to them God will punish the Israelites for such an abomination.

Now that I pulled your head out of your ass about the two houses and an imposter.......go back and reread the Bible.

7th trump
23rd June 2014, 02:53 PM

The link says a sheik in Jordan says that Israel belongs to the jews and the koran backs the claim.

Celtic Rogue
23rd June 2014, 03:02 PM
Wow....why do you even read the Bible if you cant understand it?

The palestinians (muslims) aren't the chosen. The muslims don't belong in the land God gave to the Israelites who consist of (both the house of Judah and the house Israel)
The house of Israel are the ten tribes that migrated over the Caucasus mountains to settle Europe and so forth after being released from Egyptian slavery.
The house of Judah are the two tribes that stayed in the middle east...particularly Jerusalem.
Get it now?
Two houses....Judah and Israel....call it judeo Christianity or what ever your confusion tells you to call it but there is two houses with one having an imposter fake screwing things up.

Now where you get all confused is the people who call themselves the chosen who are not from the real house of Judah...they are mixed and are difficult to determine who's who.
This is why in Revelation God instructs us not to pull the tares from the wheat (the chosen) as that may damage the wheat.....the tares (the fake chosen) will be plucked from the wheat by the angels at the return of the real Christ.

The house of Israel is lost...not lost as in not knowing where they are but who they are. They are the Caucasians (because they went over the Caucasus mountains of Georgia) who settled Europe, America and Australia (the white man).
These muslims are NOT innocent...they are murdering idol worshippers that do not belong in the area.
Trust me.... if the chosen (the 12 tribes) allowed any idols or idol worshipping in the land given to them God will punish the Israelites for such an abomination.

Now that I pulled your head out of your ass about the two houses and an imposter.......go back and reread the Bible.

I never said that the Palestinians were the chosen ones.

LOL Your history is written from made up storries to justify the jews so called chosen place. So semetioc people are white? LOLL Wrong. Cuacasions are white not semetoic people.

So tell me how did a semetic people turn white because they travelled to another area? They didnt. Man was there LONG before the times of the so called jesus. 10's of thousands of years before your so called god existed to mankind!

The land belongs to Palestine and NO ONE ELSE! Just be cause some jewish fairy tale says otherwise does not constitute proof of any kind! England gave it to them after Rothschild threatened to destroy their economy otherwise!

They are thieves and usurpers of others property! Show me the deed the jews have to the land. If there is none ... then they dont own it ! PERIOD!

7th trump
23rd June 2014, 03:25 PM
I never said that the Palestinians were the chosen ones.

LOL Your history is written from made up storries to justify the jews so called chosen place. So semetioc people are white? LOLL Wrong. Cuacasions are white not semetoic people.

So tell me how did a semetic people turn white because they travelled to another area? They didnt. Man was there LONG before the times of the so called jesus. 10's of thousands of years before your so called god existed to mankind!

The land belongs to Palestine and NO ONE ELSE! Just be cause some jewish fairy tale says otherwise does not constitute proof of any kind! England gave it to them after Rothschild threatened to destroy their economy otherwise!

They are thieves and usurpers of others property! Show me the deed the jews have to the land. If there is none ... then they dont own it ! PERIOD!
Wow...the truth really hurts doesn't it!

Show me a palestinian deed to the land....if not then the Bible trumps you....even the Koran says it was given to the jews.
Before there was palestinians in the area there was another people who actually founded Jerusalem who were wiped out by the murdering Palestinian muslims.
Jerusalem was a whore as far as God was concerned but He fell in love with the place and gave it to His chosen....who He will return and make it His seat of the thrown to the universe.

Don't really care about man in the area before that time....I'm not argueing there wasn't a people there before God gave it to his chosen.........why do you think God said to drive the palestinians out....do you think he said because nobody was there?
How stupid can you be?

Besides Gods own word is the deed to the land...He created the whole universe did He not?

Celtic Rogue
23rd June 2014, 03:41 PM
What truth? LOL You debate like a child. I feel sorry for those that are so blind they cannot see the truth. I do not believe any religious documents claiming anything. They are all lies and deception used to control the feeble minded.

Actually before 1948 Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine together peacefully. But in 1948 a bunch of Jewish people moved to Palestine or Israel as we know it today. Pretty much they took over the government and the Palestinian (which consists of not only Muslims but CHRISTIANS too) people weren't happy about it, because they took away all of their rights, and even their homes. Now most of the Palestinian people are crowded into a small piece of land called Gaza, unable to go anywhere. The Israelis have even gone as far as building a wall around them. Also shoot fisherman for going past the borderlines trying to get fish for their family. There are not many jobs. The Israelis have cut off supply's to Palestinians so many men and young boys dig tunnels under the borders of Egypt and Gaza. Many Palestinians are homeless due to the Israelis by bull dozing down their homes. One American who went to protest against them bulldozing down a doctors home was ran over and died. Also the UN set up refugees in children schools and Israelis went and bombed the area saying they didn't know they weren't suppose to bomb there even though it was pointed out on a map for them(which you can find on the news on youtube).

You can look up many of these things on youtube. You can also look up pictures of Israelis pointing guns at small children and videos of them hurting small children for no reason.
Watch this link and tell me if you wouldn't be pissed off and throwing rocks if those were your kids ? Also if all I say isn't true why are there Jewish Rabbis protesting against Israel saying what they are doing is wrong and is Against Judaism ? Obviously it is the Palestinians land but it was taken from them.

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SsidHtHUJ4)Besides what happened thousands of years ago is mute! Otherwise the US would have to return all of this country to the tribes that were here when we stole their lands. I dont see that happeneing. This is what happens when you put religion into the mix.

23rd June 2014, 04:18 PM
I am with Israel, till death do we part :3

23rd June 2014, 05:52 PM
I am with Israel, till death do we part :3

LOL... saw a license plate in someones window while walking in a parking lot. It disgusted me in knowing that whoever they were are either stupid as fuck or are evil, most likely stupid. I know people like this, so stupid it hurts to say I know them. If I would have parked next to them I would have made sure to wedge a shopping cart against their door handle or mirror.

Again Ponce's new yard flag:


23rd June 2014, 06:19 PM
Again Ponce's new yard flag:


Hey Poncipe.... so you are a closet Jew? First you turn out to be a Puerto Rican and now a Jew? The world is coming to an end.

23rd June 2014, 06:32 PM
Puerto Rican Jew? Somehow that sounds familiar.

23rd June 2014, 06:35 PM
The world is coming to an end.


7th trump
23rd June 2014, 07:24 PM
What truth? LOL You debate like a child. I feel sorry for those that are so blind they cannot see the truth. I do not believe any religious documents claiming anything. They are all lies and deception used to control the feeble minded.

Actually before 1948 Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine together peacefully. But in 1948 a bunch of Jewish people moved to Palestine or Israel as we know it today. Pretty much they took over the government and the Palestinian (which consists of not only Muslims but CHRISTIANS too) people weren't happy about it, because they took away all of their rights, and even their homes. Now most of the Palestinian people are crowded into a small piece of land called Gaza, unable to go anywhere. The Israelis have even gone as far as building a wall around them. Also shoot fisherman for going past the borderlines trying to get fish for their family. There are not many jobs. The Israelis have cut off supply's to Palestinians so many men and young boys dig tunnels under the borders of Egypt and Gaza. Many Palestinians are homeless due to the Israelis by bull dozing down their homes. One American who went to protest against them bulldozing down a doctors home was ran over and died. Also the UN set up refugees in children schools and Israelis went and bombed the area saying they didn't know they weren't suppose to bomb there even though it was pointed out on a map for them(which you can find on the news on youtube).

You can look up many of these things on youtube. You can also look up pictures of Israelis pointing guns at small children and videos of them hurting small children for no reason.
Watch this link and tell me if you wouldn't be pissed off and throwing rocks if those were your kids ? Also if all I say isn't true why are there Jewish Rabbis protesting against Israel saying what they are doing is wrong and is Against Judaism ? Obviously it is the Palestinians land but it was taken from them.

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SsidHtHUJ4)Besides what happened thousands of years ago is mute! Otherwise the US would have to return all of this country to the tribes that were here when we stole their lands. I dont see that happeneing. This is what happens when you put religion into the mix.
An atheist arguing scripture.
Now that's funny..!

Theres a physical city named Jerusalem with the chosen...and a shit ton of white guys that are called caucasians because it is they who migrated over the Caucasus mountains and would become many nations.
Here you go Celtic...watch this video of a family who has discovered where Moses took the Israelites after the end of the Egyption slavery....complete with pottery and the cave over looking where God supplied water to the his people from a split rock....the rock is exactly as described in the bible...everything is there...even where they put the golden calf to worship.
Watch and become a believer!!
Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia as this video proves and as the bible says it is.
this is one heck of a video...its confirmation.


Here is video of underwater footage to what is apparently whats left of the Eqyption chariots in the red sea. Complete with a chariot wheel that's not covered in corals.

23rd June 2014, 08:44 PM
So who is right and what should I believe besides this non ending bullshit between non jews that claim to be jews? Why is this not documented so a simple person such as myself can understand? The division is clear, the answers are not.