View Full Version : One Of The World’s Richest Countries Wants To Ban Begging

24th June 2014, 03:46 PM
.. my guess is that the pickpocketing and crimes will begin to spikes even more if passed, setting the stage for the next law caging further people
‘Norway’s parliament is expected to pass an anti-begging law on Friday.

Proposed by members of the right-wing government with support from an opposition party, the bill is said to be aimed at addressing the capital city of Oslo’s pickpocketing problem. According to Agence France-Presse, Oslo’s pickpocket rates are reportedly as high as Berlin’s, while the capital has one-seventh of the population of the German city.

Under the proposed ban, those caught begging on the street would face fines and up to three months in prison.’


24th June 2014, 05:33 PM
"Ban Begging"?

Someone needs to beg them not to.

Luke 16:3 Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.

24th June 2014, 07:24 PM
Under the proposed ban, those caught begging on the street would face fines

Ah, Norwegian humor...can't get enough of it!

24th June 2014, 08:06 PM
Because of a very, very corrupt man called Jonas Gahr Støre which i hate with a passion and whom the Norwegian media worship we are members of something called EØS which basically is a backdoor to the EU, and because of it we have a ton of gypsies roaming around. He and others like him were not to happy that the Norwegian people voted no to the European union twice.

Often i see gypsies selling a magazine called Folk er folk (people are people) and doing that is something which to the state is considered "work" and because of it they get into the system as leeches that drain the welfare state.

He is currently being groomed by the media as the next prime minister.


24th June 2014, 08:23 PM
Also.. that Norway is rich is a myth. The state is rich, top executives are rich, the population and especially the younger parts of it are piss poor and can't afford even the cheapest of apartments due to the massive immigration where the state is renting almost everything available on the private and state markets in order to house immigrants thus upping the prices over the whole segment because at the same time little new houses and apartments are being built. They also put in place all sorts of new restrictions.. that every new house should be built so it's suitable for handicapped persons, that bigger apartment buildings are required to have a large outside area etc...

1 liter of petrol costs $2.60 where over 80% of it is in taxes. We also have one of the oldest car parks in Europe.. and that is saying a lot considering the amount of eastern European former communist shitholes there are.

Rich my ass. It's a myth to keep the population in it's place so they don't criticize their masters.

Sure, we have a lot of credit available.. but that isn't the same as being wealthy.

24th June 2014, 09:53 PM
But he wears a cool hat, that must be one consideration.