View Full Version : Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Barrier Approved

27th June 2014, 02:02 PM
Golden Gate Bridge officials have approved a plan for a suicide barrier on the iconic bridge.
The 19-member board unanimously voted to approve funding for the project.

The directors approved spending $20 million for the $76 million project. The rest of the money will be covered by the state and federal government.

Construction on the proposed steel cable net system would is expected to be completed by 2018, with bidding on the job expected to begin next year.

Some people oppose the barrier, saying it will be unsightly, but officials say the barrier will not mar the landmark bridge's appearance.

District general manager Denis Mulligan said the bridge district staff's opinion is that "construction of the suicide deterrent simply is the right thing to do at this time."

The motion for Friday's vote came from board member and former bridge district director John Moylan, whose grandson, Sean Moylan, jumped off the bridge to his death earlier this month.

A tearful Dan Barks of Napa, who lost his son, Donovan, to suicide on the bridge in 2008, said after the vote that he was almost speechless. ``A lot of people have done so much incredible work to get this accomplished,'' he said.

After the vote, he rose from his knees and shared a tearful embrace with Sue Story of Rocklin, whose son Jacob jumped off the bridge in 2010.
``We did it, Dan! We did it! It's no longer the Bridge of Death anymore,'' she said.

At least some of the money still requires additional approval. The bridge's board, however, has now taken its final step in adopting the net.

The Golden Gate Bridge, with its sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, has long been a destination for people seeking to end their lives. Since it opened in 1937, more than 1,400 people have plunged to their deaths, including a record 46 suicides last year, officials said.

The bridge's board voted in 2008 to install a stainless steel net, rejecting other options, including raising the 4-foot-high railings and leaving the iconic span unchanged. Two years later, they certified the final environmental impact report for the net, which would stretch about 20 feet wide on each side of the span.

The funding plan includes $22 million of federal Local Highway Bridge Program money programmed by Caltrans, $27 million from federal Surface Transportation Program funds programmed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, $7 million from California Mental Health Service Act funds and $20 million from the district's reserves.

Uncle Salty
27th June 2014, 02:07 PM

Now the suicidal will just go to another bridge.

Problem solved!

27th June 2014, 03:24 PM

Now the suicidal will just go to another bridge.

Problem solved!

Once I was at BART when somebody jumped in front of an oncoming train.

It happened behind me. All I saw was train, and I heard a scream.

Celtic Rogue
27th June 2014, 03:32 PM

Now the suicidal will just go to another bridge.

Problem solved!

BIG WASTE OF MONEY! In times where money is short... Would it not be better to spend those limited funds on people who actually want to live?

We live in a world that has been taken over by panty-waisted light loafered supernumeraries! That think you have to pass laws against people getting their feelings hurt! And save all the people from killing themselves. Instead of creating a climate by where businesses thrive and people are employed, have the money to have fun and live their lives instead of jumping off of bridges.

They are like chimpanzees playing with matches in a ammunition dump!

27th June 2014, 03:35 PM
the $76 million project

$76 million to keep people from offing themselves on a bridge? Clearly, politicians have no concept of cost/benefit analyses. Of course, why would they when it's other people's money they're spending?

A tearful Dan Barks of Napa, who lost his son, Donovan, to suicide on the bridge in 2008, said after the vote that he was almost speechless. ``A lot of people have done so much incredible work to get this accomplished,'' he said.

I don't understand. The bridge shared blame in his suicide? He thinks that if there was a barrier on the bridge that the kid wouldn't have jumped it or found some other way of doing himself in?

27th June 2014, 06:09 PM
Completed by 2018... great. All this fish food will go to waste when completed. Another WIN! for the man.

27th June 2014, 07:23 PM


27th June 2014, 08:35 PM


2 useless minutes.

28th June 2014, 03:59 AM
2 useless minutes.

Yeah, it might send some to jump sooner.