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27th June 2014, 07:57 PM
a new doc about fiat money

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4 | Mike Maloney

part 4


To all the Bitcoin folks - we are making an episode about cryto-currencies right now. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss it.

all parts of series
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=The+Biggest+Scam+In+The+Histo ry+Of+Mankind+-+Hidden+Secrets+of+Money

Hatha Sunahara
28th June 2014, 12:52 PM
I think an even bigger scam is the way TPTB have been able to hide this money system scam. That is through ownership of mass media and control of public education. How else could it be that fewer than one in a thousand people even has an inkling that the money system is a scam? The real problem we face is that TPTB have used the wealth they have stolen from us to make sure that we never develop critical thinking abilities or ways to communicate ideas publicly. And to keep it all so well hidden that even fewer people have an inkling that their thoughts and beliefs are being manufactured and manipulated by TPTB. The money system won't change until this mass mind control is dismantled. I think that will happen shortly after the money system collapses from the sheer size of the unpayable debt that is now being created at an exponential rate.

When Maloney's video reaches 20 million views, and if only 10% of them understand it, TPTB are in big trouble. But they are already in big trouble because the numbers related to debt are climbing into levels of absurdity that guarantees a collapse of the money syste, which will be followed by a collapse in all their other control mechanisms. That is the way I understand things when people talk of a 'reset' of the global financial system.


28th June 2014, 01:59 PM
And here are the scammers...

Are Jews the Master Race?

Here are a few selected quotes. I’ll be glad to provide hundreds of other quotes. There can be no doubt. Modern Jews are possessed by an all-consuming spirit of bigotry and a haughty arrogance never seen before in human hearts. Only a devil could dream these up.

“Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate the rest of mankind and to be the masters of the earth.”

Rabbi Harry Waton


“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other Races... Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled.”

Baruch Levy, letter to Karl Marx


“All non-Jews are evil by nature. The Jews are the crown of creation, the non-Jews are the scum of the earth.”

Rabbi Shneur Zalman


“We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy (Gentile) are not the same thing. Every law that is based on equating goys and Jews is completely unacceptable.”

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg


“The blood of the Jewish people is loved by the Lord; it is therefore redder and their life is preferable.”

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg


“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin


“We have a case of the Jew...a totally different species. The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of members of other nations of the world… A non-Jewish person comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish world stems from holiness.”

Rabbi Mendel Schneerson


“Everything about us is different. Jews are ontologically (biologically) exceptional.”

Elie Wiesel, holocaust activist


“Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a Gentile.”

Rabbi Yitzak Ginsburg


“According to the Talmud, one may kill any Gentile.”

Rabbi Ido Elba


“A Jew who kills a non-Jew is exempt from judgement and has not violated the prohibition of murder.”

Rabbi Israel Ariel

Please understand that these quotes are not from rabbis who lived centuries ago. Most of these men are alive today and are quoted often by the Jewish press.

28th June 2014, 09:35 PM
they have gotten away sor far by twisting everything one can think of in a way that people will consent to their enslavement. Hegelian dialectic mastery. They have tainted and/or corrupt all trains of thoughts.

I think an even bigger scam is the way TPTB have been able to hide this money system scam. That is through ownership of mass media and control of public education. How else could it be that fewer than one in a thousand people even has an inkling that the money system is a scam? The real problem we face is that TPTB have used the wealth they have stolen from us to make sure that we never develop critical thinking abilities or ways to communicate ideas publicly. And to keep it all so well hidden that even fewer people have an inkling that their thoughts and beliefs are being manufactured and manipulated by TPTB. The money system won't change until this mass mind control is dismantled. I think that will happen shortly after the money system collapses from the sheer size of the unpayable debt that is now being created at an exponential rate.

When Maloney's video reaches 20 million views, and if only 10% of them understand it, TPTB are in big trouble. But they are already in big trouble because the numbers related to debt are climbing into levels of absurdity that guarantees a collapse of the money syste, which will be followed by a collapse in all their other control mechanisms. That is the way I understand things when people talk of a 'reset' of the global financial system.


6th July 2014, 09:37 PM
That isn't how it works, banks don't loan from deposits.

The loans are made first then the deposits from the loans are reserved.

The asset note held as collateral also serves as a medium for meeting reserve requirements.

That's also why it is crucial to the banking system that those assets do not lose or deflate in value as this would make them become insolvent.

*Oh, I commented on that video a while back:

"He got fractional reserved banking wrong. Banks loan first and reserve second. This means that banks don't rely upon deposits for loans, they just write a check for the amount of the loan, then fractionally reserve what is deposited from that check. Private banks create the vast majority of the credit currency in use throughout the economy, not the Fed."