View Full Version : All eyes are on the grassroots, and the grass will burn.

old steel
28th June 2014, 08:48 PM
"ALL ON wiki, All in Brazil. Reference to "Future we want" They are about to pull the trigger."

Guess this is it then?

old steel
28th June 2014, 09:40 PM
After America falls, comes North America - Says, Former General Petraeus


old steel
28th June 2014, 10:39 PM

29th June 2014, 02:11 AM
It's hard to believe that anyone can envision the US merging with a third world shithole like Mexico, but that's what is happening. Maybe it's why we're being flooded with so many immigrants right now? They have been getting too much resistance by the US population on immigration reform that if they create a bigger problem and overwhelm the US with illegals, we'll no longer have a choice.

Funny how Patraeus was handed a new position as the chairman of the KKR Global Institute, being such a disgrace and all.

Also funny how he's always given the moniker by the MSM as being a "disgraced general", like what he did was unforgivable?

Petraeus, who resigned from leading the CIA “killing machine” in disgrace after his extramarital affair was exposed.
I know it's hard for many to believe that a powerful married man, heaven forbid (gasp) could have hetero-sex with a girlfriend/mistress. He would have been better off to have come out of the closet admitting he's a faggot. At least then he would have been given praise and/or sympathy and he would be protected under discrimination/hate speech laws.

Why is Clinton never quoted as being a "disgraced impeached president"?

This treasonous bastard Petraeus should be stood in front of a firing squad along with all the politicians.

America is so lost and most of it's people are clueless and complacent.

29th June 2014, 04:15 AM

What was this video about? It's been removed because of shocking and disgusting content. Is it the one where mexican drug cartel members take the heads off some of their rivals with a chain saw? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=94f_1343002966&comments=1

Muslims, mexicans and niggers are tools the Jews are using to bring on the NWO but the goyim are to dumbed down and brainwashed to see it.

29th June 2014, 04:31 AM
What was this video about? It's been removed because of shocking and disgusting content. Is it the one where mexican drug cartel members take the heads off some of their rivals with a chain saw? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=94f_1343002966&comments=1

Muslims, mexicans and niggers are tools the Jews are using to bring on the NWO but the goyim are to dumbed down and brainwashed to see it.

Nancy Pelosi said we're all Americans now...hope she gets a visit by her new friends. I'd like to see her in the photo.


29th June 2014, 04:34 AM
Fuck Nancy Pelosi and everyone else that thinks like she does.

Twisted Titan
29th June 2014, 06:31 AM
Thats some surreal shit....that humans (and i use that term loosely) can inflict that level of terror and violence on another human all in exchange for the power that comes from ficticiouspieces of paper is a tragedy of epic porportions.

I take little solace in the fact that the day is coming when i will have to dole out violence on such a level to protect me and mines.

Those who are the archietects of such destruction should be exterminated with extreme prejudice.

29th June 2014, 07:25 AM
When I see sh*t like this, it makes me think that maybe the crazies are right and that humanity needs to be wiped out completely. Rule of law (who's ever law) is the only thing that keeps it all in check. If we end up in a SHTF scenario, I won't think twice about pulling the trigger. Every soft brained "westernized" person needs to be forced to watch this, so as to get an idea of how the world really works outside the bubble.......

old steel
29th June 2014, 10:25 AM
" We're ALL Americans"

Nancy Pelosi


mick silver
6th July 2014, 12:04 PM
back up