View Full Version : The 3 Golden Principles of Anarchy

30th June 2014, 06:04 AM

Principles are found in Peace.

Anarchy is the ULTIMATE respect for Humanity.

2nd July 2014, 06:05 PM
That sounds very nice, but in the real world it will never happen.

That might be able to work in a homogeneous White/Western country [which doesn't really exist anymore] or some Asiatic countries. Mexico, Arab countries, or sub-Saharan Africa/Haiti/Detroit -- never gonna happen.

Nice pipe dream though.

2nd July 2014, 07:26 PM
That sounds very nice, but in the real world it will never happen.

That might be able to work in a homogeneous White/Western country [which doesn't really exist anymore] or some Asiatic countries. Mexico, Arab countries, or sub-Saharan Africa/Haiti/Detroit -- never gonna happen.

Nice pipe dream though.

Do YOU PERSONALLY follow these moral principles in your day to day life?

old steel
2nd July 2014, 10:50 PM

2nd July 2014, 11:06 PM
That sounds very nice, but in the real world it will never happen.

That might be able to work in a homogeneous White/Western country [which doesn't really exist anymore] or some Asiatic countries. Mexico, Arab countries, or sub-Saharan Africa/Haiti/Detroit -- never gonna happen.

Nice pipe dream though.

It could happen in a basket case turd-world country in the middle of nowhere. Doug Casey thinks remote places in Argentina are good places for anarchist enclaves of rich White people, so it may be possible as long as they are all heavily armed.

I think Patagonia might be a prime spot too since the population is so low and almost nobody thinks about it.

The other option that may be viable is seasteading, but it would have to be very time homogenous communities. I think anarchy could be possible in settings like that.

There's also this, which is a real anarchist community for rich people:

I like anarchism. It's great idealism. But I just don't believe it's possible anymore. I'm burnt out, and looking at things in a more practical way now. The world I live in versus the world I want to live in. The way people are versus the way I think people should be. :( I think we are going in the OTHER direction. Most people want to too.

3rd July 2014, 04:31 AM
thinking that "anarchy is impossible" is perpetuating the utopia. It is not about "the others" but each of us, what each of us wants to project. It is the fear of society which is the prime cause of this global oligarchy.... the ONLY REAL choice we have is:

ant colonies (total serfdom)

There can't be any compromise with coercion

3rd July 2014, 05:16 AM
Each principle is declaring 'humanity' as a foundation. Hue-man is color of man and human can be interpreted as 'not man' (wo-man is 'not man' as well ... just use the Crocodile Dundee test if in doubt on this issue).

Within the set called 'human' you will find communists, capitalists, fascists, anarchists and marxists. Within the set called 'man' none of these subdivisions exist.

3rd July 2014, 05:31 AM
Within the set called 'man' none of these subdivisions exist.

Do the moral principles of Self Ownership, Voluntaryism and the NAP exist within the set called 'man'?

3rd July 2014, 05:38 AM
Do the moral principles of Self Ownership, Voluntaryism and the NAP exist within the set called 'man'?

Perhaps you would better understand the concept by doing your own research? I will provide several links for you though where you may start your journey


Where there is no free agency, there can be no morality. Where there is no temptation, there can be little claim to virtue. Where the routine is rigorously proscribed by law, the law, and not the man, must have the credit of the conduct. [William H. Prescott, "History of the Conquest of Peru," 1847]

3rd July 2014, 05:51 AM
Perhaps you would better understand the concept by doing your own research? I will provide several links for you though where you may start your journey


I dont care what other people think. I asked YOU what YOU PERSONALLY thought.

Can YOU articulate to me YOUR own thoughts on this subject? Can YOU tell me whether YOU think Self Ownership, Voluntaryism and the NAP are found within the set called 'man'?

3rd July 2014, 07:28 AM
I dont care what other people think. I asked YOU what YOU PERSONALLY thought.

Can YOU articulate to me YOUR own thoughts on this subject? Can YOU tell me whether YOU think Self Ownership, Voluntaryism and the NAP are found within the set called 'man'?

What I believe matters only to me and can be of no concern to you. My opinion is that man was never intended to survive humanism. Perhaps humanism was conceived as a form of hurdle for man to overcome. Or perhaps humanism was intended as a pen in which to contain animals awaiting slaughter. The dark ages (medieval times) occupied the time prior to the invention of humanism.

3rd July 2014, 01:55 PM
Do YOU PERSONALLY follow these moral principles in your day to day life?

Well, I think the whole thing/system is flawed. The only one I can truly live by is "Non-Aggression".

"Voluntaryism" comes across that no-one should use force, coercion, or threats on another individual. This can only happen in an enclave with other like-minded individuals. Our dog-eat-dog world of consumerism/materialism [to some degree] has been around since the Roman Empire [and even earlier, but not as much]. Since "Voluntaryism" will never happen, no-one can say they truly have "Self-Ownership". When I was born, I was given a number -- and I'm compelled to live out my life with that number.

It sounds very good, a "Hey, I'm ok, you're ok -- we're all ok" mentality; but too Utopian. There will always be a Despot vying for control of the masses. Since the sheeple are willing to give up their freedoms in the name of feeling "safe", and by being given bread-and-circuses; all I have to say is -- dream on buddy.

3rd July 2014, 03:33 PM
What I believe matters only to me and can be of no concern to you.

Then why did you post here?

3rd July 2014, 03:36 PM
Well, I think the whole thing/system is flawed. The only one I can truly live by is "Non-Aggression".

So YOU PERSONALLY violate 'Voluntaryism' and 'Self Ownership' daily?

"Voluntaryism" comes across that no-one should use force, coercion, or threats on another individual. This can only happen in an enclave with other like-minded individuals. Our dog-eat-dog world of consumerism/materialism [to some degree] has been around since the Roman Empire [and even earlier, but not as much]. Since "Voluntaryism" will never happen, no-one can say they truly have "Self-Ownership". When I was born, I was given a number -- and I'm compelled to live out my life with that number.

Do YOU PERSONALLY use Voluntaryism on a daily basis?

It sounds very good, a "Hey, I'm ok, you're ok -- we're all ok" mentality; but too Utopian. There will always be a Despot vying for control of the masses. Since the sheeple are willing to give up their freedoms in the name of feeling "safe", and by being given bread-and-circuses; all I have to say is -- dream on buddy.

Anarchy is not 'utpoian', it is a description of REALITY which YOU PERSONALLY live by 99% of the time. Im trying to get you to see that.

Do you think the 'majority' of people told the Founders that their ideas were to 'utopian'? What do you think would have happened if the Founders decided to not follow moral principles because the 'majority' didnt agree with them?

Your contradictions are ENORMOUS.

7th trump
3rd July 2014, 04:04 PM

The only anarchist in the world found migrating in Brazil to escape illegal loggers.
And yet they aren't "true" anarchists. They have a tribal way of life as a group under one leader (a dictator).

Anarchy is just a myth.
iownme cannot be an anarchist.......if he was he wouldn't be posting on a "social" forum using the social internet media.
Show me one example of anarchy...past or present please...you cant...there isn't any!

3rd July 2014, 04:32 PM
Then why did you post here?
Mostly to rebut faulty presumptions. When you are irrational do you expect others to enable your disease by agreeing with you? Or should the flaws in your logic be openly questioned?

When you weed your garden do you expect to pass them off to others as a cash crop?

3rd July 2014, 04:47 PM
Anarchy is not 'utpoian', it is a description of REALITY which YOU PERSONALLY live by 99% of the time. Im trying to get you to see that.

Do you think the 'majority' of people told the Founders that their ideas were to 'utopian'? What do you think would have happened if the Founders decided to not follow moral principles because the 'majority' didnt agree with them?

Your contradictions are ENORMOUS.

Listen, do not preach or pontificate to me.

Even 500 years ago + when there were no whites here, and the Indians lived in their tribes [absent of any government] -- there was no Voluntaryism or Self Ownership. You had to contribute and conform or you would be booted out -- and that meant a quick end to your life. What you are proposing has never existed, because it never can.

The Founders of the United States were wrong, they made a big mistake. They thought Direct Democracy led to mob-rule.

The closest thing to true freedom is Swiss-style government. Direct Democracy, just like the ancient Greeks.

4th July 2014, 06:03 PM
It sounds very good, a "Hey, I'm ok, you're ok -- we're all ok" mentality; but too Utopian.

Utopia is the prime cause of everything... imagine a caveman watching the stars and dream.... or a bird flying or the ocean while standing on the beach... seeing a prey in the distance, but out of reach.... etc

everything came true, now we have telescopes, we have airplanes and boat and submarines... riffles... etc

We all dream the world we want for ourselves and make it come true... the problem is that minds are so detached from Reality that all they can dream of is more control, xenophobia, egalitarianism, dooming earth for the sake of profits, etc... unfortunately, it is not a dream but an absolute nightmare.

5th July 2014, 07:17 PM
Utopia is the prime cause of everything... imagine a caveman watching the stars and dream.... or a bird flying or the ocean while standing on the beach... seeing a prey in the distance, but out of reach.... etc

everything came true, now we have telescopes, we have airplanes and boat and submarines... riffles... etc

We all dream the world we want for ourselves and make it come true... the problem is that minds are so detached from Reality that all they can dream of is more control, xenophobia, egalitarianism, dooming earth for the sake of profits, etc... unfortunately, it is not a dream but an absolute nightmare.

You're comparing apples with oranges. Saying, "I want to be able to fly", or "I want to look at other planets the best way I can [Hubble]", is different than a societal modal.

One has to assume that everyone will always adhere to the "three golden principles". For anarchy to work, it has to be 100% all the time. Sorry man, it sounds fantastic [communism does too, on paper] but I would focus on something realistic...

5th July 2014, 09:40 PM
"Nature abhors a vacuum" Aristotle

The good thing about these threads is it demonstrates who the shills are.

6th July 2014, 08:15 AM
Listen, do not preach or pontificate to me.

Even 500 years ago + when there were no whites here, and the Indians lived in their tribes [absent of any government] -- there was no Voluntaryism or Self Ownership. You had to contribute and conform or you would be booted out -- and that meant a quick end to your life. What you are proposing has never existed, because it never can.

The Founders of the United States were wrong, they made a big mistake. They thought Direct Democracy led to mob-rule.

The closest thing to true freedom is Swiss-style government. Direct Democracy, just like the ancient Greeks.

You didnt answer one single question i posed to you. Not because you couldnt, but because you know it would show the inherent contradictions in your position. And instead of actually questioning or thinking about anything, you would rather default to your 'comfortable' position while contradicting yourself.

I know for a FACT that you personally follow these 3 Golden Principles every single day of your life. Yet you argue against them, because you dont like the word 'Anarchy' and because you are a racist.

In your 'perfect limited White government' you would STILL follow these 3 Golden Principles. Do you know why? Because they are inherent in man. They are inherent in nature. They exist in reality.

You keep talking about the 'closest thing' to freedom. Do you think man will ever get to the point where he will have real freedom? How will that be achieved? Do you see a logical progression in man's understanding of Philosophy, Morality and Classical Liberalism? Does man keep creating smaller and smaller 'Governments'? Where will this lead to?

If you agree with these Principles, but dont think they will practically work, that is a different debate. But the time to talk about things that matter are when no one else is talking about them. For me to stand up and say "Slavery is wrong!" is no big deal , because everybody knows that. The time to say "Violating morality to achieve morality is insane and irrational", IS NOW! I dont care if i am the only one saying it. I dont care if it takes 500 years for everyone else to say it. All that matters is that it happens, and that is inevitable.

7th July 2014, 06:10 PM
You didnt answer one single question i posed to you. Not because you couldnt, but because you know it would show the inherent contradictions in your position. And instead of actually questioning or thinking about anything, you would rather default to your 'comfortable' position while contradicting yourself.

I know for a FACT that you personally follow these 3 Golden Principles every single day of your life. Yet you argue against them, because you dont like the word 'Anarchy' and because you are a racist.

In your 'perfect limited White government' you would STILL follow these 3 Golden Principles. Do you know why? Because they are inherent in man. They are inherent in nature. They exist in reality.

You keep talking about the 'closest thing' to freedom. Do you think man will ever get to the point where he will have real freedom? How will that be achieved? Do you see a logical progression in man's understanding of Philosophy, Morality and Classical Liberalism? Does man keep creating smaller and smaller 'Governments'? Where will this lead to?

If you agree with these Principles, but dont think they will practically work, that is a different debate. But the time to talk about things that matter are when no one else is talking about them. For me to stand up and say "Slavery is wrong!" is no big deal , because everybody knows that. The time to say "Violating morality to achieve morality is insane and irrational", IS NOW! I dont care if i am the only one saying it. I dont care if it takes 500 years for everyone else to say it. All that matters is that it happens, and that is inevitable.

OK, I'm not debating this any longer. You don't get it. It isn't about what I do, it's about everyone else.That's the problem.

If you want to look at this wearing rose-coloured glasses, a neck-brace and blinders -- fine. I'm not bothering anymore.

mick silver
8th July 2014, 06:56 AM
More Government Means Less Freedom

8th July 2014, 01:38 PM
OK, I'm not debating this any longer.

instead of actually questioning or thinking about anything, you would rather default to your 'comfortable' position while contradicting yourself.

You don't get it. It isn't about what I do, it's about everyone else.That's the problem.

You sound like the 'Government' trying to convince me to give up my Liberties because the Boogyman may come get me.

8th July 2014, 04:07 PM
You sound like the 'Government' trying to convince me to give up my Liberties because the Boogyman may come get me."The Gummit" is your boogeyman. Those who run it and the mass media and Federal Reserve are the problem. You can't get around that no matter how much jewjitsu you spout.

8th July 2014, 04:14 PM
"The Gummit" is your boogeyman. Those who run it and the mass media and Federal Reserve are the problem. You can't get around that no matter how much jewjitsu you spout.

Yes, i know you IMAGINE that 'Government' is your best friend and protector, as long as it is filled with White Christian males. LOL

Do you realize how intellectually void you look when you resort to name calling? You cant rebut anything i post using reason and logic. You can only call me a 'Jew' so in your tiny frail mind, you can IMAGINE that you are the smart virtuous one, and I am the bad dumb idiot. You dont have to actually think about anything, just resort to your comfort zone of no depth intelligence and racism.

You win!


24th August 2014, 07:12 AM
Doesnt the term 'All men are created equal' (as laid out by Jefferson in the DoI) really just translate to 'each individual owns themselves'?

Doesnt the term 'All men have the right to Life, Liberty and Property' (as laid out by Jefferson in the DoI) really just translate to 'Voluntaryism' and the 'Non Aggression principle'?


24th August 2014, 07:25 AM
You bagelmunchers are always trying to "transalate" things with a twist.

Who controls the mass media?

24th August 2014, 07:28 AM
Doesnt the term 'All men are created equal' (as laid out by Jefferson in the DoI) really just translate to 'each individual owns themselves'?

Doesnt the term 'All men have the right to Life, Liberty and Property' (as laid out by Jefferson in the DoI) really just translate to 'Voluntaryism' and the 'Non Aggression principle'?


If you want full disclosure Hobbes provides it. You might not like his conclusions but feel free to reject his logic and substitute your own. Without an open mind though you will be wasting your time and energy.

25th August 2014, 07:18 AM

Someone obviously forgot the vast number of enforced compliance standards and patent technology, used as principle building blocks in Youtube videos.

25th August 2014, 08:45 AM
It's good that they put out their anarchist propaganda in cartoon, stick figure form, it fits the mentality of those who believe in it....

25th August 2014, 10:41 AM
You bagelmunchers are always trying to "transalate" things with a twist.

More name calling? Can you even articulate your thoughts on this subject without resorting to ad-hominem attacks and character assassination?

Who controls the mass media?

Im going to see if i can find the principle of your statement.....Im betting you dont have one.

The principle of your statement seems to be that the MSM is an A-moral entity, meaning it is not good or bad. It seems you IMAGINE it is a 'Evil' entity when it is run by 'Evil Jews', but that it could be a 'Virtuous' entity if it were ran by 'white male Christians'.

You NEVER attack the moral principle behind the MONOPLY of the Media, you attack the color of the skin and the religion of the people running it. This is not a moral principle but an unintelligent biased bigoted opinion.

The moral principle you are to blind to see is this: 'Government' has no moral right to use FORCE to control competiton. Since no individual man has the moral right use FORCE to stop competition, then it logically implies that 'Government' cannot do this either as a man cannot delegate a right he does not have.

I dont care WHO runs the MSM or the Federal Reserve. The MONOPLOZED MSM is a SYMPTOM to the real problem, but your Jewish Masters have done an excellent job of distracting you with things that matter not. You keep hacking away at those tiny little branches, there are some of us who are quietly striking at the root.

25th August 2014, 10:43 AM
It's good that they put out their anarchist propaganda in cartoon, stick figure form, it fits the mentality of those who believe in it....


WHATEVER you do, dont actually rebut the message, attack the messenger.

'They' is me. I made this animation from scratch, and it was my first one. Have YOU ever animated anything Carl?

Can you articulate to me what is 'propaganda' about Voluntaryism?

(you know, the thing you live your entire life by every single day LOL)

25th August 2014, 10:47 AM
Someone obviously forgot the vast number of enforced compliance standards and patent technology, used as principle building blocks in Youtube videos.

Is this supposed to be an intellectual reply of some sort?

Youtube offers free video uploads. I made a video. I uploaded it for free. It was a 100% VOLUNTARY transaction. Where does this contradict the Voluntaryist position?

Hatha Sunahara
25th August 2014, 10:51 AM
I'm amazed at the number of people posting here who think that tyranny is normal and OK and justified. But I shouldn't be because I'm aware of the conditioning we all go through in public schools, and by the mainstream media through the TV. What really amazes me, and remains unexplained, is how few people are able to break out of that conditioning, or how few even want to break out of it. Why is almost everybody so afraid to re-examine what they believe? The only explanation I can imagine for that is that the level of self-confidence, and courage found in the population is infinitesimal. On top of teaching us all to conform and obey, the people doing the social engineering have atomized us so that we all believe that if we deviate from any 'correct' path, we can count on being completely alone and without support, and that we will be hounded to death by labels such as 'extremist'.

We're headed for a tragic rendezvous with fate. When TSHTF, the vast majority of people will be completely unprepared, and will have no option other than to do the bidding of TPTB in exchange for either some benefit, or safety from harm. Virtually no one will be able to stand alone, or count on any help from anyone in trying to pursue a better future. TPTB have a monopoly on 'association'. We are all supposed to be alone, and to refrain from any 'non-directed thinking'. I think what I am seeing is the extinction of freedom, which is something that exists somewhere inside your mind. Freedom is a path forbidden by the tyrants who rule this world. The principles described in the OP video are the principles of freedom applied in the real world. All they require is a change in thinking, which we are all capable of, and a change in behavior, which we are all capable of.

I was watching the Servant King videos, and it strikes me that the principles of anarchism are what Marcus calls 'God's Law'. TPTB are mortally fearful of a widespread apprehension of God's Law. If everyone adopted them, TPTB would have no power,

But TPTB have nothing to worry about. They know that deep down inside most of us have fear where there should be courage. It's because we all believe we can count on no support for any deviant thinking or behavior. They have taught us to be 'self-policing'. They can see that in this forum, and just about everywhere else.


25th August 2014, 10:54 AM
your comfort zone of no depth intelligence and racism.

More name calling? Can you even articulate your thoughts on this subject without resorting to ad-hominem attacks and character assassination?Pot calling the kettle black.

mick silver
25th August 2014, 10:56 AM
right and wrong is something you learn at a young age , it not something most will ever learn later on . seeking truth one has to look under many rocks to see

25th August 2014, 11:02 AM
Is this supposed to be an intellectual reply of some sort?

Youtube offers free video uploads. I made a video. I uploaded it for free. It was a 100% VOLUNTARY transaction. Where does this contradict the Voluntaryist position?

Youtube, your Ip might have been available somewhere around the year 4000 ad.

If u want to be a true voluntarianist go back to using smoke signals.

25th August 2014, 11:05 AM
Youtube, your Ip might have been available somewhere around the year 4000 ad.

If u want to be a true voluntarianist go back to using smoke signals.

Again, you dont have the intellectual acumen to rebut my position, so you resort to attacking me for using Youtube....LOL

And you KEEP replying to my threads. Do you like me THAT much? LOL

25th August 2014, 11:13 AM
Its easy, all you need is 2 sticks and a blanket.

You can own those if u like.

25th August 2014, 11:18 AM
I'm amazed at the number of people posting here who think that tyranny is normal and OK and justified.....

Hatha How do you figure that anyone opposed to the childishly, simpleminded notion of anarchism equates to people being for tyranny?

Hatha Sunahara
25th August 2014, 11:52 AM
How do you figure that anyone opposed to the childishly, simpleminded notion of anarchism equates to people being for tyranny?

Did I say anything about people being opposed to anarchism? Or that people support tyranny? I just said that people think that tyranny is normal, and they don't oppose it for that reason. The whole post is a commentary on how thoroughly people are conditioned to think in approved ways, and how that conditioning is done. Are you suggesting that this conditioning doesn't happen? Or that people are encouraged to do independent thinking? You'd have to ignore an awful lot of evidence to conclude that.


25th August 2014, 01:11 PM
........I just said that people think that tyranny is normal, and they don't oppose it for that reason..


No, you said: "I'm amazed at the number of people posting here who think that tyranny is normal and OK and justified..."

You must have a reason for believing that people posting here think tyranny is normal and OK. And seeing as there are people with common sense here who reject the childishly naive beliefs of anarchist ideologues, one can reasonably assume that you were referring to those as the ones who, in your view, may think tyranny is normal and OK.

And yes I agree, people are conditioned to think in approved ways....

You opened the door I walked in....

Hatha Sunahara
25th August 2014, 02:28 PM
Carl, do you think I'm attacking you personally? I'm not. I'm not attacking anyone personally. And I'm not going to identify anyone who falls into the category of those I'm criticizing. If you want to know who I'm referring to, read the posts in this thread, and come to your own conclusions. I'm not interested in making trouble for people, or offending anyone who can't take criticism.


25th August 2014, 02:42 PM
people posting here think tyranny is normal and OK.

but but , its all we have ever known...................................;D

25th August 2014, 03:57 PM
I'm amazed at the number of people posting here who think that tyranny is normal and OK and justified. But I shouldn't be because I'm aware of the conditioning we all go through in public schools, and by the mainstream media through the TV. What really amazes me, and remains unexplained, is how few people are able to break out of that conditioning, or how few even want to break out of it. Why is almost everybody so afraid to re-examine what they believe? The only explanation I can imagine for that is that the level of self-confidence, and courage found in the population is infinitesimal. On top of teaching us all to conform and obey, the people doing the social engineering have atomized us so that we all believe that if we deviate from any 'correct' path, we can count on being completely alone and without support, and that we will be hounded to death by labels such as 'extremist'.

We're headed for a tragic rendezvous with fate. When TSHTF, the vast majority of people will be completely unprepared, and will have no option other than to do the bidding of TPTB in exchange for either some benefit, or safety from harm. Virtually no one will be able to stand alone, or count on any help from anyone in trying to pursue a better future. TPTB have a monopoly on 'association'. We are all supposed to be alone, and to refrain from any 'non-directed thinking'. I think what I am seeing is the extinction of freedom, which is something that exists somewhere inside your mind. Freedom is a path forbidden by the tyrants who rule this world. The principles described in the OP video are the principles of freedom applied in the real world. All they require is a change in thinking, which we are all capable of, and a change in behavior, which we are all capable of.

I was watching the Servant King videos, and it strikes me that the principles of anarchism are what Marcus calls 'God's Law'. TPTB are mortally fearful of a widespread apprehension of God's Law. If everyone adopted them, TPTB would have no power,

But TPTB have nothing to worry about. They know that deep down inside most of us have fear where there should be courage. It's because we all believe we can count on no support for any deviant thinking or behavior. They have taught us to be 'self-policing'. They can see that in this forum, and just about everywhere else.


Amazing insight Hatha. Maybe i should take notice on your 'delivery'. LOL

25th August 2014, 04:26 PM
Carl, do you think I'm attacking you personally?

HathaNo and wouldn't bother me much if you were, I'm just messing with you.

It's not like anything we say here is gonna make one whit of difference anyway.

Just pissing away time...

25th August 2014, 04:31 PM
Clarify, nothing we can say or do, can make any difference.

Less than 1% percenters vs the vast majority!

Best to enjoy life as long or short it may be!

Than fighting tilting windmills with sticks.

My plug nickles worth as opinions go.

25th August 2014, 04:37 PM
I just said that people think that tyranny is normal, and they don't oppose it for that reason.


People in Nashville?

25th August 2014, 04:40 PM
Clarify, nothing we can say or do, can make any difference.

Speak for yourself, Carl & Dogmen.

Me and Ponce are the trend setters...

25th August 2014, 05:02 PM
Speak for yourself, Carl & Dogmen.

Me and Ponce are the trend setters...

True love?




18th April 2017, 02:27 AM
bump... as a reminder of the dire times ahead

we cannot fight evil with evil, unless we seek to be engulfed by it

18th April 2017, 06:09 AM
Looking forward to the cleansing

bump... as a reminder of the dire times ahead

we cannot fight evil with evil, unless we seek to be engulfed by it

18th April 2017, 06:21 AM
nothing we can say or do, can make any difference.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke

it is not really about doing however but knowing that coercion is a plague and the dire consequences of supporting it silently or encouraging it by ignorance

22nd April 2017, 06:59 AM
Hope all of the GSUS'ers are alive and well!


22nd April 2017, 08:49 AM
Hope all of the GSUS'ers are alive and well!


Welcome back!