View Full Version : This weeks adventure in the BIG town...... me................. V

30th June 2014, 01:26 PM
Because of that new law that will go into affect tomorrow I decided to get ready, once again, so.....I went to Wally's and bought two full carts of frozen food.....there were only three cashers open with each line with about 9-12 customers, I was in line for about ten minutes when the male fat cashier yelled at me "Hey you back there, the lady in front of you will be my last customer".....and I yelled back "Ok fat boy, you put all this crap back where it belongs" and simply left the store.

You would not believe the prices, and item that cost me only $5.64, last time that I was there, is now $10.96......and like that, everything else.

I then went to the MCdonald and requested two burgers and one senior drink and then asked "What is your price for your apple pie?"......and the wanted $1.00 FOR ONE, that's from the price of 2 for a $1.00 two weeks ago.......100% up in price. Also left without my order. Is not that I didn't have the money but simply that I don't support greed.


30th June 2014, 01:33 PM
Have not stepped into a wallys in close to 20 years, but good for you doing what you did. Evidently they did not want your business.

And because of the screwed/blued weather around the world, food prices are going up and are climbing. (supply and demand)

Kudos, if you left the cart!

That is a major hoot for me!

30th June 2014, 01:59 PM
Come on buddy, I a hoot for you even when I sneeze, I was going to say "when I fart" but it didn't sounded to cool to me hahahahahahhahaah.


30th June 2014, 02:12 PM
Come on buddy, I a hoot for you even when I sneeze, I was going to say "when I fart" but it didn't sounded to cool to me hahahahahahhahaah.


Can you say that and replace the words of the song

"Old McDonald went to town?"

With the words hoot/fart and sneeze?


Android Forum Runner

30th June 2014, 03:28 PM
I cannot compete against a "Android Forum Runner"...............AND THE WINNER IS...........PLUTOOOOOOOOOOOO


30th June 2014, 03:30 PM
I cannot compete against a "Android Forum Runner"...............AND THE WINNER IS...........PLUTOOOOOOOOOOOO


It is just tech,

Get over it you old punta chasing fart!


Like you anyway!

30th June 2014, 03:43 PM
My trip to the big town included watching the gay pride parade in SF yesterday. I was one block away from Market Street, had a couple of hours to kill, and thought what the heck. What a bizarre, yet cool, experience. Total freedom actually, people smoking pot right in front of the cops, topless women.. Peace, love, equality, everywhere. Felt like what it must of been like back in the 60's.

30th June 2014, 03:49 PM
My trip to the big town included watching the gay pride parade in SF yesterday. I was one block away from Market Street, had a couple of hours to kill, and thought what the heck. What a bizarre, yet cool, experience. Total freedom actually, people smoking pot right in front of the cops, topless women.. Peace, love, equality, everywhere. Felt like what it must of been like back in the 60's.

As far as numbers and groups, back in the day during the viet Nam crap and protests there were a huge bunch of people vs the cops.

Austin Tx was a hot bed.

They did not dare do a dam thing against anyone smoking within the group!

Think at the time in texas marajawana could have gotten you a life sentience.

This state is still anal retentive, in many ways.

No homo implied in this post!

30th June 2014, 04:08 PM
Yeah, Dogman, no homo here either, but I definitely got the message from that parade. I stuck out like a sore thumb. Several folks marching in the parade single me out and said "happy pride". I finally realized these people were thanking me for being there. I really started getting into it, and rooting for them.

Like I said, total freedom, you could do what ever you wanted, as long as you were not harming others. It was a great vibe.

We shouldn't be so judgemental of others. That is God's job, not ours.

30th June 2014, 04:56 PM
Like I said, total freedom, you could do what ever you wanted, as long as you were not harming others. It was a great vibe.

We shouldn't be so judgemental of others. That is God's job, not ours.

This was more than likely state sponsored/sanctioned as anything goes. Any other large gathering/parade, their asses would have been handed to them.

The gay parade thing must have been a big thing this weekend. I believe Shitcago had one too.

30th June 2014, 05:48 PM
I then went to the MCdonald and requested two burgers and one senior drink and then asked "What is your price for your apple pie?"......and the wanted $1.00 FOR ONE, that's from the price of 2 for a $1.00 two weeks ago.......100% up in price. Also left without my order. Is not that I didn't have the money but simply that I don't support greed.


I don't know if it's the same where I live, but here, one apple pie is $1, but so is two. Meaning, if you want just one, you pay $1, but if you want two, you still only pay $1.

30th June 2014, 05:50 PM
Peace, love, equality, everywhere. Felt like what it must of been like back in the 60's.

Hitch, if you think the gay pride parade is about peace, love, and equality, you are wrong! They don't want equality, they want everyone to be forced to accept them, even if they don't want to! And, they want brainwashing of our young children to accept them as normal, when they're very much not normal.

30th June 2014, 05:52 PM
I don't know if it's the same where I live, but here, one apple pie is $1, but so is two. Meaning, if you want just one, you pay $1, but if you want two, you still only pay $1. For both or $1 each.

no volume discount.

Sounds like the world ponce lives in is shifting and times will bleed, the money is running away and leaving they that really live there.

Ponce will do good, he made like a squirrel and saved, also being a vet and doing the ss thing as I am/have, promaces were made that if not filled then the nation needs to worry of the shit hitting the real fan. More vets now that the gov really does not want to see get totally pissd off at the gov.

Ponce has his act together, even if he does dumb things as all of us do!

Hows the hand now amigo?

30th June 2014, 06:13 PM
Hitch, if you think the gay pride parade is about peace, love, and equality, you are wrong! They don't want equality, they want everyone to be forced to accept them, even if they don't want to! And, they want brainwashing of our young children to accept them as normal, when they're very much not normal.


You don't have to accept them, or even like them, but you must respect their right to be free. To be who they want to be. I really think that is all they want. To be free and exist.

30th June 2014, 06:16 PM
Franks? one just to be .75 cents.

Dog? hand doing good, able to give you the finger once again hahahahaah


30th June 2014, 06:22 PM

You don't have to accept them, or even like them, but you must respect their right to be free. To be who they want to be. I really think that is all they want. To be free and exist. They may have rights, but until the day I die, I will conciser them unnatural.

I can agree live and let live as long as their lifestyle is not shoved at me to accept,

no one likes to have something distasteful shoved down their throats.

Live and let live as long as no harm is done to anyone= yes!

To the point that one can self destruct as long as it causes no harm = Yes!

But if the actions harm or bother others = No!

30th June 2014, 06:23 PM
Franks? one just to be .75 cents.

Dog? hand doing good, able to give you the finger once again hahahahaah


Back at you bud!

Said with love and feelings!


30th June 2014, 06:35 PM

You don't have to accept them, or even like them, but you must respect their right to be free. To be who they want to be. I really think that is all they want. To be free and exist.

I do have to agree with MF, that it's not enought for them to live as they please...you MUST accept their lifestyle!
And now in school, your children must accept homosexuality as a normal, healthy and beautiful expression of love.

At least you don't have to worry about your son (if you had one) coming home and telling you at the supper table he likes sucking dick and getting fucked up the ass.

Same thing with the race issue. I've met people that are very pro mixed race, until their lilly white young daughter comes home with a very dark male with very African features.

Now that the courts have ruled 'marriage' is no longer just between a man and a women, the door is wide open for any two people that want to get married. Mom and son, dad and daughter, mom and daughter, dad and son, grandfather and granddaughter, brothers/sisters, brother with three sisters, etc....anything goes! If you don't agree, tell me how it's different.

30th June 2014, 06:38 PM
They may have rights, but until the day I die, I will conciser them unnatural.

I can agree live and let live as long as their lifestyle is not shoved at me to accept,

no one likes to have something distasteful shoved down their throats.

Live and let live as long as no harm is done to anyone= yes!

To the point that one can self destruct as long as it causes no harm = Yes!

But if the actions harm or bother others = No!

Would you consider this harm or bothering others when grade school kids are forced to read books like this?


30th June 2014, 06:41 PM
EE, the point is, that you don't have to accept their lifestyle. You just can not infringe upon it.

That is freedom. That is what our forefathers fought for. If they don't harm others, and you try to restrict them, you do not believe in freedom. Your actions prove that.

30th June 2014, 06:46 PM
It's not freedom, it's faggotry and it's disgusting and it should be banned.

30th June 2014, 06:51 PM
EE, the point is, that you don't have to accept their lifestyle. You just can not infringe upon it.

That is freedom. That is what our forefathers fought for. If they don't harm others, and you try to restrict them, you do not believe in freedom. Your actions prove that.

I wouldn't try to restrict anyone, but when they shove their lifestyle in my face, I'm going to say something.
I personally don't believe gays believe in freedom. They are restricing everyone else by creating discrimination/hate laws that only apply to them and don't apply to hetero's. They are forcing their lifestyle on the children and they've ruined the meaning of traditional marriage.
You know in most states, even in some states where gay marriiage is legal, a marriage has to be consumated to be a legal marriage. You know what that means right?

30th June 2014, 06:56 PM
I wouldn't try to restrict anyone, but when they shove their lifestyle in my face, I'm going to say something.
I personally don't believe gays believe in freedom. They are restricing everyone else by creating hate laws that only apply to them and don't apply to hetero's. They are forcing their lifestyle on the children and they've ruined the meaning of traditional marriage.

I thought it was the feminists that destroyed the meaning of traditional marriage.

I think the gays have been judged and held down for so long, a pride day can set them free. All I am saying, is I saw true freedom at that parade. People being free, not judged. That was great, imo.

30th June 2014, 07:12 PM
I thought it was the feminists that destroyed the meaning of traditional marriage.

I think the gays have been judged and held down for so long, a pride day can set them free. All I am saying, is I saw true freedom at that parade. People being free, not judged. That was great, imo.

That's fine, San Fran is the place to exhibit their perversion. Sounds like a great place to bring kids.
Report back when you see the beastiality pride parade. They should have freedom too!

30th June 2014, 07:28 PM
That's fine, San Fran is the place to exhibit their perversion. Sounds like a great place to bring kids.
Report back when you see the beastiality pride parade. They should have freedom too!

EE, don't cloud this with animal abuse. When is a consentual act, between two adult people, to be judged as a crime? To want to restict that, means you think its a crime!!

Where is iOWNme on this topic?

30th June 2014, 07:38 PM
Back at you bud!

Said with love and feelings!


Hey, hey, your hand is cold, what do you think that you are feeling?........got ya.


30th June 2014, 08:43 PM
Hey, hey, your hand is cold, what do you think that you are feeling?........got ya.


Maybe in your wildest dream!

But not my twist !


Android Forum Runner

30th June 2014, 08:47 PM
Fun day for the kids at the Pride Parade.

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac358/jackconrad/junk/1377358904-copenhagen-gay-pride-parade-2013_2490923.jpg (http://s915.photobucket.com/user/jackconrad/media/junk/1377358904-copenhagen-gay-pride-parade-2013_2490923.jpg.html)

30th June 2014, 08:51 PM
Ass pie $1.00.

No thanks man.

30th June 2014, 09:20 PM
Ass pie $1.00.

No thanks man.

Wish I had an ass like that one, at least it would hold my pants up.........at my age my pants keeps falling down......ufffffffffffff


30th June 2014, 09:43 PM
Wish I had an ass like that one, at least it would hold my pants up.........at my age my pants keeps falling down......ufffffffffffff


That is why they make suspenders for! Another name for man pant hanger

I sorta am looking at getting a set myself, get a belly and the hips go poof! And even a belt won't save us!

Android Forum Runner

1st July 2014, 03:26 AM
EE, don't cloud this with animal abuse. When is a consentual act, between two adult people, to be judged as a crime? To want to restict that, means you think its a crime!!

Where is iOWNme on this topic?

You have justified homosexuality as long as it's consentual. At what age do you think it can be consentual?
Kids are sexual at a very early age today, is it okay for an older gay man to seduce with money and/or gifts, a young vulnerable, say 14 yr old boy and that boy consents to it? Are you making your own rules up, or are you using someone else's rules/laws to determine these things? As iOWNme would say (some scribbles on a piece of paper by an IMAGINED 'Athority')

What makes you think sex with animals is abuse? I can't comment, but are some animals willing?
People having sex with animals goes back as far as incest, pedophilia and homosexuality and therefore, is just as normal and natural.
Where do you stand on incest? Sodomy = Okay, Incest = ?


I hear San Fran has a 'Japanese midget gay scat porn fettish sadomasochism pride parade' coming up.
It should be a great family event! Explain to the kids, as long as it's consentual, it's cool!

mick silver
2nd July 2014, 10:12 AM
we are at the point not going to a big town anymore , if we can we buy local , meat cheese eggs honey it all out there if you look

3rd July 2014, 07:15 PM
You have justified homosexuality as long as it's consentual. At what age do you think it can be consentual?
Kids are sexual at a very early age today, is it okay for an older gay man to seduce with money and/or gifts, a young vulnerable, say 14 yr old boy and that boy consents to it? Are you making your own rules up, or are you using someone else's rules/laws to determine these things? As iOWNme would say (some scribbles on a piece of paper by an IMAGINED 'Athority')

What makes you think sex with animals is abuse? I can't comment, but are some animals willing?
People having sex with animals goes back as far as incest, pedophilia and homosexuality and therefore, is just as normal and natural.
Where do you stand on incest? Sodomy = Okay, Incest = ?


I hear San Fran has a 'Japanese midget gay scat porn fettish sadomasochism pride parade' coming up.
It should be a great family event! Explain to the kids, as long as it's consentual, it's cool!

EE, I didn't see any kids at that gay pride parade. It was an adult event. My point was, who am I to judge other adults? Why should anyone one of us restrict their freedom to be who they want to be?

All things aside, nobody harming anybody else, who gives you, me, or anyone the right to judge another person and try and restrict their freedoms. Nobody. That's the bottom line.

For a freedom loving forum, we sure are judgmental here. Freedom, if we agree with it...to hell with the rest, I suppose.

3rd July 2014, 07:18 PM
EE, I didn't see any kids at that gay pride parade. It was an adult event. My point was, who am I to judge other adults? Why should anyone one of us restrict their freedom to be who they want to be?

All things aside, nobody harming anybody else, who gives you, me, or anyone the right to judge another person and try and restrict their freedoms. Nobody. That's the bottom line.

For a freedom loving forum, we sure are judgmental here. Freedom, if we agree with it...to hell with the rest, I suppose.



4th July 2014, 03:23 AM
EE, I didn't see any kids at that gay pride parade. It was an adult event. My point was, who am I to judge other adults? Why should anyone one of us restrict their freedom to be who they want to be?

All things aside, nobody harming anybody else, who gives you, me, or anyone the right to judge another person and try and restrict their freedoms. Nobody. That's the bottom line.

For a freedom loving forum, we sure are judgmental here. Freedom, if we agree with it...to hell with the rest, I suppose.

I hope you didn't think I was attacking your morals, I would use the same argument for anyone that accepts this puplic exibition of perversion.

I do believe in freedom and I would never restrict their right to their degenerate destructive behavior.

I do have a problem with them changing laws that give them more rights then anyone else and their in your face pushing of their perversion on children and in schools. It looks to me that they are the one's that want to restrict the freedom of others.

I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page, that homosexuality is just as natural as incest, pedophilia and beastiality...as long as it's consentual and no one gets harmed.

4th July 2014, 07:40 AM
I do have a problem with them changing laws that give them more rights then anyone else and their in your face pushing of their perversion on children and in schools.

And the televits, books, magazines, radio etc...