View Full Version : conquer and divide

30th June 2014, 08:47 PM
That is all I see in social networks and also here. We fight amongst ourselves while TPTB party on. C'mon people get together or we lose. Get a grip, arguing others beliefs are moot at this point.

30th June 2014, 09:08 PM
Most here at some basic level are all on the same page!

Its the details, that screws things up!

Just like any family.

We need to find the common ground, to agree to disagree on some points!

But at a basic level, we all have and are on common ground.

Does pesos.

Android Forum Runner

30th June 2014, 10:02 PM
And why do you think that the jews supported both side of the US civil war........they like to be on the winnind side, no mater who winds.


30th June 2014, 10:18 PM
And why do you think that the jews supported both side of the US civil war........they like to be on the winnind side, no mater who winds.


This is the henglish of the ponce that is admired and loved!


1st July 2014, 12:46 AM
yeah, lets all hold hands and sing kumbayah, that'll solve all our porblems!

1st July 2014, 03:16 AM
And why do you think that the jews supported both side of the US civil war........they like to be on the winnind side, no mater who winds.

Divide and conquer works!

1st July 2014, 05:30 AM
since the PTBs have tainted/distorted/concealed/fragmented anything they could, yes, only empathy can save the world .... we all have a piece of the puzzle, and it is up to us to get all the pieces together.

That is all I see in social networks and also here. We fight amongst ourselves while TPTB party on. C'mon people get together or we lose. Get a grip, arguing others beliefs are moot at this point.

1st July 2014, 05:34 AM
since the PTBs have tainted/distorted/concealed/fragmented anything they could, yes, only empathy can save the world .... we all have a piece of the puzzle, and it is up to us to get all the pieces together.

I'm holding out for a big ol fashioned monster solar flare to save the world. Anything short of that, eh!

Technology has brought many good things, but it has also ensured our destruction.

Let's go back 150 years and start over.

1st July 2014, 05:41 AM
since the PTBs have tainted/distorted/concealed/fragmented anything they could, yes, only empathy can save the world .... we all have a piece of the puzzle, and it is up to us to get all the pieces together.

Its real funny you should say that, because thats exactly how I view your ideas! :D

1st July 2014, 05:47 AM
This is the henglish of the ponce that is admired and loved!


It is not called "henglish" but SPANGLISH.....Spanish-English. What's the matter? don't you know your own language?


1st July 2014, 05:50 AM
It is not called "henglish" but SPANGLISH.....Spanish-English. What's the matter? don't you know your own language?

V Depends on what side of the fence one is on!

I plead the "Fifth" !


1st July 2014, 06:00 AM
Depends on what side of the fence one is on!

I plead the "Fifth" !



1st July 2014, 06:08 AM
The social issues are the ones that are used to divide us.

Everyone thinks CONgress is a mess. We should be able to work together on specific issues without allowing clouding on the divisive (and far less important) social issues.

1st July 2014, 06:17 AM
get a grip Aeon... insults will **never** make you right when coming across a different opinion. It is not a sign of empathy, sorry, but a form of censorship.

Its real funny you should say that, because thats exactly how I view your ideas! :D

1st July 2014, 10:12 PM
get a grip Aeon... insults will **never** make you right when coming across a different opinion. It is not a sign of empathy, sorry, but a form of censorship.

Thats correct, FACTS are what makes me right.

I have no empathy or sympathy for the willfuly ignorant.:o

2nd July 2014, 06:07 AM
Folks, you better learn to seek division and be glad you can be separate. Those preaching unity are also preaching globalism. They WANT to get you frustrated over divisions so that you will not tolerate differences. They WANT you to think that only by us joining together in one happy democratic mob that goodness and peace and prosperity can be had by all.

Bullshit! I say.

Look at a ball game... a boxing match.... a swim meet.... or any other event that involves competition or construction or development. It is the vision and drive of one or a few individuals that makes anything productive. Any time you get a large group agreeing on something, the end result is a diluted sub-standard product.

It does not matter if I agree with you or if you agree with me. What matters is the few who find truth and manage to be separated from the masses of deceived fools. Maybe we here can largely agree on this- most people are deceived and typically don't even care until they feel pain. Those people are the followers and they will follow whoever comes up with an authoritative story for them to believe. These are also the people who will demand that you give them your things because you have and they do not. These are the morons cheering at ball games and fighting over the game as if it means something.

Dividing is good. Dividing is separation. Most people you should want to be separated from.

mick silver
2nd July 2014, 10:22 AM
Dividing is good. Dividing is separation .......... it been this way all though history and it will always be this way

Twisted Titan
2nd July 2014, 01:46 PM
Until i find the truth of things to my own satisfaction, i will keep myself well armed against any who try to encroach on my personal space or freedom