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1st July 2014, 10:33 AM
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We often come across news saying there is rise in anti-Semitism in this country or that. Such news follow actions like flaring Synagogues, drawing swastikas, causing damage to Jewish cemeteries The expression ‘‘anti-Semitism'' is inadequate, it is a misnomer and is one of the common terms which are erroneously used today. The correct meaning is prejudice, hatred or hostility against Semitic peoples. The remaining Semitic peoples today are mainly Arabs and Jews, the former number approximately 400 millions and the later nearly 14 millions. Among the ancient Semitic peoples one may refer to the Akkadians, Canaanites, Aramaeans, Ugarites, Amorites, Edomites, Moabites, Phoenicians and Aksumites. In spite of these facts the term Anti-semitism or Antisemitimus refers today merely to Jews. Jews are not a race and what unifies them are in fact tradition and belief in mutual destiny. This is a unique case in which a term is used in order to express negative attitude towards one specific people, Jews.

‘Semitic' is an adjective derived from the Hebrew name ‘Shem', the oldest son of Noah as mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 5: 32, 6: 10, 10: 21), or more precisely it is from the Greek derivative of that name, namely Σημ (Sēm), Shemi in Hebrew and Saamiyy in Arabic because shin in Hebrew is equivalent to sin in Arabic.

Arabs are certainly Semites or Semitic people because they belong to the offspring of Shem. Semitic people originated in south western Asia. The term was originally referring to the languages related to Hebrew by the German historian August Ludwig von Schlözer (1735-1809), in Eichhorn's ‘Repertorium', vol. VIII (Leipzig, 1781), p. 161. The ancient Semitic peoples were Nomads who were migrating from Arabia to Mesopotamia, the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Nile River delta many centuries before the Christian era.

The word antisemitism was coined in 1879 from the Greek words ‘anti', meaning ‘against' and ‘Semite', meaning a descendant of Shem. The word was first used by Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904), a German agitator, who created it in order to explain the current anti-Jewish campaigns in Europe. Those campaigns broke out because of religious, economic, cultural or racial reasons. Since the Arab peoples are also Semitic people, it is not an appropriate expression to use. Anti-Jewish, and Jew-hatred, are more accurate and appropriate. It is more than just prejudice. The word came into general use in the past hundred years and encompasses all forms of hostility and enmity manifested toward Jews throughout history See: http://christianactionforisrael.org/antiholo/summanti.html

In the comprehensive New Hebrew-Hebrew dictionary by Avraham Even Shoshan, 6 vols. Jerusalem 1993. p. 2725 and under the term Shemi we find: adjective of Shem son of Noah, Gen 5: 32. The Jews and the Arabs are Semites". In vol 1 p. 120 of the same dictionary under the term ‘antishemi', anti from Greek meaning ‘against' and Semite that is to say anyone who mitnagged v#-sone meaning an objector and hater of the children of the Semitic stock (geza> shemi) and in brackets it is added: and especially (uvemeyuHad) he who hates Israel, enemy , oppressor of Jews (soone Yisra'el, tsoorer ha-yehudim).

In Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem 1972, vol. 14, column 1148 we find among other things the following information:
"...the chief surviving representative of the list (Semites) the Jews and Arabs", …‘‘The problematic nature and evil results of earlier racial theories have led to restriction of the terms Semite and Semitic in careful modern usage to linguistic categories. Aside from the Biblical referent, the linguistic is the only modern scholarly-scientific use of the term. The combination of peoples under the rubric Semites in Genesis 10 is not justified by the linguistic criterion … and in current usage the peoples speaking these languages are called Semitic-today mainly the Jews (Hebrew) and Arabs...".

In the Dictionary of Contemporary English, New Edition, for advanced learners, 5th ed. 2009, p. 1548 we read: "Semitic: 1 a) belonging to the race of people that includes Jews, Arabs, and in ancient times, Babylonians and Assyrians. b) relating to any of the languages of these people. 2 another word for JEWISH and see anti-Semitic at ANTI-SEMITE".

Under anti-Semite on p. 62 it is written. "someone who hates Jewish people" and so anti-Semitism is hatred of Jewish people.

In the New Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus and Medical Dictionary, New York 1991, p. 344: we find "Semite: member of a speech family comprising Hebrews, Arabs, Assyrians, etc., descendant of Shem (Genesis x)

In conclusion it is obvious that the term anti-Semitism or Antisemitism is inaccurate because it is used against Jews only and they form a tiny group among the Semites. Since the end of the 19th century Jews and pro-Zionist movements started to use this term to express hostility toward or to focus on what they considered prejudice against Jews or Judaism. The attempt to differentiate between anti-Semitism meaning against the Semites and Antisemitism meaning against Jews did not establish any roots. Almost all the Jewish Israelis are against the Arabs who are Semites; should they be called anti-Semitic?

An accurate term would be anti-Jewish or anti-Jew etc.

1st July 2014, 11:21 AM
Semitic is a LANGUAGE GROUP consisting of Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian


7th trump
1st July 2014, 02:42 PM
According to your same reference Ponce the word anti-Semite was coined by a German in the late 1800's....and how he used it doesn't really mean the descendants of Shem.
It all depends on the context the word is being used for.
The so called jews are using it in reference to their geneology.

Look at it this way you old fart.
Take the word "car" it can be used in reference to mean a Chevy which is not a Ford, Dodge or Mazda....all of which are cars.

I'll use the word anti-Semite to reference what ever ethnic is using it...and in the context they are using it.
You're making a big deal out of absolutely nothing.

anti-Semitism (n.) Look up anti-Semitism at Dictionary.comalso antisemitism, 1881, from German Antisemitismus, first used by Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904) German radical, nationalist and race-agitator, who founded the Antisemiten-Liga in 1879; see anti- + Semite.

Not etymologically restricted to anti-Jewish theories, actions, or policies, but almost always used in this sense. Those who object to the inaccuracy of the term might try Hermann Adler's Judaeophobia (1882). Anti-Semitic (also antisemitic) and anti-Semite (also antisemite) also are from 1881, like anti-Semitism they appear first in English in an article in the "Athenaeum" of Sept. 31, in reference to German literature.

1st July 2014, 03:33 PM
Why do people talk so much CRAP about such a simple issue?...The Zionist are not Semite but hide behind them in order to do the wrong doings......there are seven races of Semites 30% of Arabs and some Jews of the Bible being some of them....period.


Hatha Sunahara
1st July 2014, 05:54 PM
Anti-semitism is when a Jew/(s) hates you. It's the most convoluted form of passive aggression. The idea of offense and defense get blurred into meaninglessness. Anti-semitism doesn't exist in the absence of a Jewish attitude of Anti-gentilism.

There is a great set of articles written recently by Lasha Darkmoon about 'The Jewish Question'. Here are some links to those aticles:



Also, a very prominent Jewish author--Gilad Atzmon describes how anti-semitism depends on how individual Jews go about establishing their identity as Jews. (In his book called The Wandering Who) Many Jews unabashedly consider themselves superior to all other people on earth. That attitude is, IMHO the prime cause of anti-semitism and anti-gentilism.


1st July 2014, 07:04 PM
interesting: the word antisemtism is designed to silence racism towards jews and to target arab nations in due time.

1st March 2020, 04:59 PM
The word antisemitism was coined in 1879 from the Greek words ‘anti', meaning ‘against' and ‘Semite', meaning a descendant of Shem. The word was first used by Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904), a German agitator, who created it in order to explain the current anti-Jewish campaigns in Europe.

Download The Victory of Judaism over Germany - Viewed from a Nonreligious Point of View (1879) by Wilhelm Marr & Gerhard Rohringer - PDF (1319 kB) - 38 pages. (https://samisdat.info/books/the-victory-of-judaism-over-germany-1879/1879%20-%20Victory%20of%20Judaism%20over%20Germany%20-%20Viewed%20from%20a%20Nonreligious%20Point%20of%2 0View,%20The%20-%20Wilhelm%20Marr%20&%20Gerhard%20Rohringer.pdf)

Interesting read. Almost randomly choosing these few paragraphs to quote because so much of the 141 year old article seems present time and relevant.

In the land of thinkers and philosophers Jewish emancipation dates from 1848. At the same time began the Thirty Years war, openly carried on by Jewry using the described armamentarium.

It was difficult to deny them these arms during a period of storm and stress and after we had been more than half conquered over the centuries by Jewish intelligence. Concerning elections, Jewry immediately entered a statistical contract with us. To be Jewish helped to gain a mandate with relative ease. In order to garner the Jewish vote, the parties, when setting up lists of candidates, had to grant Jewry concessions and this is what is going on to a greater or lesser extent until today.

Up to 1848 the Jews in Germany were predominantly of “democratic” conviction, or at least pretended to be. Later on, Jewry split into parliamentary parties, principally into “National Liberalism” because there the spirit of Judaization, the concepts of utility and practicality, the lack of principles had progressed the most. So far only the ultramontane party has remained free of Judaization. Conservative ruling parties however are teeming with Semitic elements because two thirds of our semiofficial literature are represented by Jews.

The same goal, disintegration of the Germanic state for the benefit of Jewish interests, is consistently pursued everywhere.

The daily press is predominantly in Jewish hands, which have transformed journalism into an object of speculation and industrial production, into a business with public opinion; critique of theater, of art in general --- is to three quarters in the hands of Jews. Writing about politics and even religion is --- in Jewish hands...