View Full Version : Ebola now out of control in Sierra Leone ............ v

3rd July 2014, 09:52 PM
So, if you ignore it will simply go away.........RIGHT?.......well, surprise, surprise......is getting closer and closer and is coming to take you away. It is a NEW strain of ebola for which they don't have a cure yet..........isolate the people coming to the US for 21 days before allowing them entrance into the US.........this is a freaking WORLD EMERGENCY.

Ebola now out of control in Sierra Leone

nothing about this anywhere over here, yet these people sound absolutely frantic. and the numbers are totally out of sync with the official WHO reports.

also note the observation that this strain of ebola is completely novel.


Sierra Leone Ebola: Kailahun Descendants want Nationwide State of Emergency
By Augustine Samba
Jun 13, 2014, 17:20

As the deadly Ebola infection and death toll surged up in villages and towns of Kailahun District, prominent sons and daughters of Kailahun have become very worried leading to them gathering yesterday Thursday 12th June 2014, at the Saint Edward Primary School at Fort Street in Freetown to plan a way forward. As dozens of them crammed into the compound, it was like a Who’s Who list of distinguished personalities from Kailahun...

In the emergency meeting which started in the afternoon but only concluded in very late hours of last night, Kailahun indigenes representing all 14 chiefdoms and irrespective of their tribes, political affiliations, differences and ideologies unanimously reached special resolutions aim at proffering certain mitigation.

The Kailahun descendants did not mince their words as they expressed grave disappointment with what was unfolding in their district. The indigenes now have demanded of President Ernest Bai Koroma to “immediately” institute a “nation-wide” State of Emergency for the entire country that will address restriction of movement and justify the immediate provision of food and medical aid especially for the residents including health workers, victims and as well as women and children of the district.

In his opening statement, civil society activist Mr. Charles Mambu who chaired the meeting said it was timely for the people of Kailahun to put hands on deck and quickly join other stakeholders including government to fight the Ebola epidemic hemorrhagic fever. He said the rate at which people were dying in Kailahun was now “unbelievable”.

Mr. Victor Lahai, another civil activist, said whilst the government was “so far, not at all serious” to really stop the epidemic, it was a fact that if the epidemic were to hit any of the cities, “it cannot be easily overcome”. In that light, Mr. Lahai said it was timely for President Koroma to proclaim a nation-wide state of emergency as the deadly disease has been shown to now be “far above the abilities of the Ministry of Health”. He called for “all hands on deck, all available resources and all possible attention to be focussed on combating the spread of the killer disease”.

Speaker after speaker repeated for President Koroma to pay direct attention as his Health Minister has proven to be incapable so far. Speaker after speaker reiterated the call of Lahai for President Koroma to proclaim a State of Emergency for all of Sierra Leone.

For his part, Mr. John Benjamin bitterly blamed the government for downplaying the outbreak of the epidemic in the initial days. According to him they, the sons and daughters of Kailahun, were eventually going to take government to task for the deaths of their relatives by the deadly disease. He said they would look into the circumstances under which every single death has occurred. He said every death should be investigated.

John Benjamin reiterated that the government should have been able to better contain the disease when it first emerged because signals and symptoms were well known having been first reported in neighboring Guinea and Liberia and so giving the government more than enough time to have “known what to do when the first set of patients started to die of the symptoms in the remote village”.

The Government Deputy Minister of Labour Minister Augustine Kortu who hails from Kissi Kama, said “at least 18 people have died in Foidu Village” in just the last few days only. He disclosed of many residents having abandoned that village. Having just returned from the Kissi Kingdom, the Deputy Minister said whilst he was there, “too many people have been giving up their ghosts to the deadly Ebola”.

Hon. Moiwa of Constituency 06 said as of yesterday, “34 people have lost their lives in just one week” inside Daru and around Jawei Chiefdom.

Professor Gevao who is also a medical doctor working for the Ministry of Health said it was like the gene of the Ebola in our country was completely difference from the one which appeared in Congo. He disclosed scientist discovery revealed that the Ebola that has broken out in the subregion has different genetic make-up. He said this made the outbreak even more worrying.

Speaking at the meeting, a university student who asked not to be named, said to show the incompetence of the Health Ministry’s efforts at surveillance, despite a female herbalist and her family members dying in sequence in Kissi Teng, [otherwise known as a "bush doctor" ]this went on for several weeks without raising red flags that indeed Ebola had hit Sierra Leone. According to him, this showed that “no surveillance was being done”. He said as soon as rumours started spreading about the herbalist dying from an “offended mystery snake” which then killed her husband and then killed her sister and her grandchildren living with her, the government should have picked up that such deaths in sequence were due to a contagious condition and not a mystery snake adding, “The Health Ministry has totally failed my people in this respect”.

3rd July 2014, 09:57 PM
The most severe Ebola outbreak in recorded history just got worse in the past week with a massive spike in infections and deaths

WEST AFRICA (INTELLIHUB) — In recent months we have been paying close attention to the developing Ebola outbreak that is sweeping western Africa. Just a few weeks ago we reported that officials with ties to Doctors Without Borders and the World Health Organization were admitting that the outbreak is out of their control.

Now new developments came this week as the World Health Organization put out a press release highlighting the increase in deaths and infections in the past few days.

The recent statement said that “as of 30 June 2014, the cumulative number of cases attributed to EVD in the three countries stands at 759, including 467 deaths.”

Between the 25th and 30th of June 2014, 22 new cases of Ebola surfaced, and 14 deaths were reported in three countries. The WHO documented the following statistics. In Guinea there were 3 new cases and 5 deaths. In Liberia, there were 8 new cases with 7 deaths. In Sierra Leone there were 11 new cases and 2 deaths.

On Tuesday, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf issued a statement saying that Ebola has become a national public health emergency.

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“It is illegal under our public health law to expose the people to health hazard such as Ebola,” Sirleaf said, Reuters reports. “Let this warning go out, anyone found or reported to be holding suspected Ebola cases in homes or prayer houses will be prosecuted under the laws of Liberia,” she said.

According to World Health Organization statistics, the highest recorded death toll from an Ebola outbreak was in Congo during the 1976 outbreak, when 280 deaths were reported. This was the also the first recorded outbreak of Ebola. Since then, Ebola has still been a serious problem in Africa, but it has not risen to epidemic levels.

However, the most current situation is getting very dangerous. According to new WHO statistics, Ebola has caused more than 467 deaths in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, with a 38% increase in deaths this week.

A few months back, we reported that there have already been two cases that were suspected to have left the country.

One Canadian man traveling from the area became infected and brought the virus home to Canada. When he was sick at a Canadian hospital, health officials insisted that there was nothing to be afraid of, and that his virus was not actually Ebola, but only an “Ebola-like” virus. However, the fact that this person was recently in an Ebola outbreak area is leaving many to wonder if this is a true Ebola case that is being downplayed by health officials.

Another case appeared in Minnesota, and passed through New York City, according to the CDC.

Preliminary information indicates that the patient flew from West Africa to New York City and caught another flight to Minneapolis. “Given what we know about how Lassa virus is spread to people, the risk to other travelers and members of the public is extremely low,” said Martin Cetron, M.D., M.P.H., director of CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine.

Next Wednesday, health officials from eleven countries will meet in Accra, Ghana, to plan a regional response to the outbreak.

Writer Bio:

John Vibes is an investigative journalist, staff writer and editor for Intellihub News where this article originally appeared. He is also the author of an 65 chapter Book entitled “Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance” and is an artist with an established record label. You can find him on his Facebook.

For media inquires, interviews, questions or suggestions for this author, email: vibes@intellihub.com

3rd July 2014, 10:04 PM
According to World Health Organization statistics, the highest recorded death toll from an Ebola outbreak was in Congo during the 1976 outbreak, when 280 deaths were reported. This was the also the first recorded outbreak of Ebola. Since then, Ebola has still been a serious problem in Africa, but it has not risen to epidemic levels.

So this is a manufactured disease then?

mick silver
5th July 2014, 01:17 PM
if it not on fox news it did not happen

5th July 2014, 03:19 PM
The news by ........... Fox Ponce News