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4th July 2014, 02:35 PM
APD Investigation Continues After Officer Who Shot 19-Year-Old Claimed Third Body Camera Error

Albuquerque, NM- The Albuquerque Police Department is under scrutiny again after an investigation of APD officer Jeremy Dear revealed that his body camera malfunctioned for a third time while on duty. During his camera’s latest malfunction (http://www.abqjournal.com/404223/news/apd-no-lapel-video-of-mary-hawkes-shooting-2.html) in April 2014, Dear shot a 19-year-old woman who was on the run after being suspected of driving a stolen truck.

Dear shot and killed Mary Hawkes on April 21st of this year after pursuing her her on foot. Hawkes had allegedly abandoned the stolen truck and was fleeing from police when she was confronted by Dear before he shot her three times.

In Hawkes’ autopsy report it was found that all three shots were fired from a downward trajectory. The Office of the Medical Examiner’s report also stated (http://www.abqjournal.com/401474/news/omi-mary-hawkes-fatally-shot-with-three-bullets.html) that Hawkes suffered “seven blunt-force injuries” on her body “including on each knee, the top of her forehead, each forearm, her chest and back of her right hand.”

Albuquerque Police Chief Gorden Eden said (http://www.abqjournal.com/388363/news/apd-chief-provides-new-details-about-mary-hawkes-shooting.html) that there was “preliminary evidence” that suggested she may have pulled a out a handgun and pointed it at Dear. Eden said that a .32 caliber semiautomatic handgun was found near Hawkes’ body.

Hawkes had a troubled history (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqeRnW_IXsE), including previous run-ins with police dating back to when she was 15. A toxicology report (http://www.koat.com/news/omi-autopsy-report-released-in-mary-hawkes-case/26018740#%217Shyn) released in May showed she was under the influence of meth before the shooting and there were multiple drugs found in her system.

It was soon discovered that Dear’s body camera had not captured the incident. Technicians were unable to retrieve any footage of the shooting. Cameras worn on other officers contained footage of the wake of the incident.

Taser International Inc., the company that makes the cameras, stated in its report (http://www.abqjournal.com/420842/news/maker-cant-say-why-camera-didnt-record.html) of Dear’s camera that it had turned off and on several times on the evening of April 20th through the early hours of April 21st: “Before the incident, the camera was powered on around 11:15 p.m. on April 20, then went off around 11:30 p.m., recording once. It was turned on again shortly after midnight, and went off again around 4 a.m., recording three times. It was turned on again around 4:15 a.m. and turned off a minute later without recording anything.”

The report also stated that Dear’s camera had a damaged cable but the camera itself was completely functional. It was missing a clip that helps prevent the camera from disconnecting from the battery.

The April shooting was not the first time that Dear’s body camera failed to capture an incident.

In January 2013, Dear had responded to a brawl occurring in town and had struck “(a 22-year-old suspect) several times in his facial area with a closed fist,” according to his description of the event. His camera was not on at the time, and his partner’s camera had captured the beginning of the fight and its aftermath.

In February 2013, a man was pulled over by Dear for speeding. The man later filed a complaint accusing Dear of using excessive force. The man alleged that Dear had pulled him out of his vehicle and kicked him in the genitals. Dear denied the accusations and claimed that the battery on his body camera died after he pulled the man over.

Dear had also been caught giving conflicting information (http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-albuquerque-police-shooting-20140424-story.html) in a wrongful death suit stemming from an APD-involved shooting in 2011. APD officer Sean Wallace had shot and killed Alan Gomez, a suspect in a hostage situation. Dear had been at the scene of the shooting, and there was audio of Dear telling an investigator that he was unable to see Gomez’s hands before he was shot.

In a deposition months later, Dear said that he’d seen something large, possibly a gun, in Gomez’s hand. As it turned out, Gomez had been unarmed, according to a report from the Department of Justice that stated (http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/spl/documents/apd_findings_4-10-14.pdf) “Gomez was unarmed and did not pose an immediate risk of death or serious bodily harm to the individuals in the house or officers when he was shot.” It has not been reported that Dear was investigated for giving conflicting information.

APD spokeswoman Janet Blair stated that Dear is on desk duty while a criminal and internal investigation continues.

The Justice Department criticized APD’s long-term use of excessive violence in an April report that read “based on our investigation, we have reasonable cause to believe that APD engages in a pattern or practice of use of excessive force, including deadly force, in violation of the Fourth Amendment and Section 14141.”

4th July 2014, 02:56 PM
Albuquerque Police Violated Lapel Camera Policy 60 Times

Posted on May 14, 2014 (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/05/14/albuquerque-police-violated-lapel-camera-policy-60-times/) by Lily Dane (http://www.dcclothesline.com/author/lily-dane/)
http://www.thedailysheeple.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/camera-1024x581.jpg (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/camera.jpg)
America’s Predatory Deadbeats (otherwise known as the Albuquerque Police Department) are in the news again. Will it ever end?

On April 21, Albuquerque police Officer Jeremy Dear shot and killed 19 year-old Mary Hawkes (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/albuquerque-police-shoot-dead-19-year-old-woman_042014). She was suspected of stealing a truck (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/albuquerque-police-shoot-dead-19-year-old-woman_042014), and allegedly was running from police when she was shot:
Albuquerque Police Chief Gordon Eden told the Associated Press that an officer was pursuing the suspect on foot Monday morning when the woman reportedly “stopped, turned and pointed a handgun at close range.”

Mary’s friends told New Mexico Mercury (http://newmexicomercury.com/blog/comments/life_death_and_struggle_on_new_mexicos_mean_street s) that they have a hard time accepting the APD’s version of the story:
“I know for a fact she didn’t have a gun,” insisted friend Jarrich Martinez, who described Mary Hawkes as a caring, non-violent person with a love of the outdoors and animals.
“I just feel very pissed off, how the cops treat us citizens,” the young man continued. “We’re not aliens. We’re people and what is happening is not funny, not cool…cops don’t understand it. They’re on the other end. They’re just picking up paychecks.”

Mary’s death occurred just weeks after the DOJ (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/shocking-findings-doj-discovers-albuquerque-cops-engage-in-a-pattern-of-excessive-force_042014) released their abysmal and troubling findings after a 16-month long investigation into the APD:
Based on our investigation, we have reasonable cause to believe that APD engages in a pattern or practice of use of excessive force, including deadly force, in violation of the Fourth Amendment and Section 14141.

The DOJ released a 40-page evaluation (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/doj-issues-catalog-of-albuquerque-pd-constitutional-violations_042014) that listed the wide range of the APD’s civil liberties violations.

That report also mentioned the department’s lapel camera practices. The DOJ said that requiring lapel camera use is a good policy but that it’s inconsistently used and not enforced strictly by APD:
“We found very few examples of officers being reprimanded for failing to record force incidents,” the report reads (http://www.abqjournal.com/398991/news/no-video-in-several-of-officers-arrests.html). “The fact that few officers were reprimanded for this failure suggests that supervisors have also failed to insist on this form of accountability.”

Now, new information has been released about the shooting of Mary Hawkes. It appears that there isn’t any lapel camera video of the incident, as KOAT (http://www.koat.com/news/lapel-camera-policy-apds-most-violated-in-2013/25931218) reports:
Albuquerque police Officer Jeremy Dear may not have lapel camera video of the night he shot and killed Mary Hawkes, 19.
Action 7 News has learned this is not the first time Dear came back without lapel video.
Several people have filed excessive force complaints against Dear. In at least two of those cases, there was no lapel video to back it up.

Action 7 News learned Dear is far from the only officer who has come back from a call without video.

Robin Hammer is the city’s independent review officer, and it is her job to investigate suspected policy violations. She said (http://www.koat.com/news/lapel-camera-policy-apds-most-violated-in-2013/25931218) that in 2013, APD officers violated the lapel camera policy 60 times – far more than any of the department’s other policies. Hammer said officers are supposed to record every interaction with the public.

She also revealed (http://www.koat.com/news/lapel-camera-policy-apds-most-violated-in-2013/25931218) some of Dear’s past history:
Hammer said officers have told her the camera malfunctioned or the battery died. That’s what Dear said when Hammer asked him about a complaint from February 2013. An Albuquerque man claimed Dear punched him in the stomach and kicked him in the groin during a traffic stop.
“Whether it was a camera malfunction, or whether it was Officer Dear not turning on his camera, either intentionally or unintentionally, we do not know.”

Dear’s video wasn’t recording when he allegedly punched a man while trying to arrest him during a Downtown brawl in January 2013 (http://www.abqjournal.com/398991/news/no-video-in-several-of-officers-arrests.html) either.

In the February incident, the claimant said (http://www.abqjournal.com/398991/news/no-video-in-several-of-officers-arrests.html) Dear put the handcuffs on too tight, and that he urinated in his pants because he was scared of the officer.

Lapel camera videos are a crucial part of investigations, and sometimes are the only evidence that can be used to hold officers accountable for their behavior.

The police chief gets to decide how to dish out punishment (if any) for officers who violate the lapel camera policy.
In Deal’s case, there are no records of him being disciplined for not having lapel camera video.

Missing lapel video violations aren’t the only troublesome finding about Officer Dear, who was hired by the APD in 2007:
The Albuquerque Journal reported that Dear was questioned back in 2011 about his knowledge of another officer-involved shooting that resulted in the killing of Alan Gomez, whose death was one of the killings investigated by the DOJ.

According to the newspaper, Dear told two different stories on separate occasions about the killing, with the second testimony temporarily disappearing in an event drawing the condemnation of a judge overseeing a wrongful death lawsuit. (source (http://newmexicomercury.com/blog/comments/life_death_and_struggle_on_new_mexicos_mean_street s))

This sounds like business as usual for the APD, now often referred to as “Another Person Dead.” (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/05/10/outraged-albuquerque-citizens-demand-arrest-police-chief/)
Lily Dane is a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/albuquerque-police-violated-lapel-camera-policy-60-times_052014). Her goal is to help people to “Wake the Flock Up!”

mick silver
5th July 2014, 11:37 AM
only the best ...... only the best get those jobs