View Full Version : 'Magic Island' Seen in Seas of Saturn's Huge Moon Titan

12th July 2014, 07:46 PM
June 23, 2014 07:15am ET

A mysteriously bright anomaly winked in and out of existence on the seas of Saturn's largest moon, Titan — potentially the first time waves, bubbles or some other unknown features have been seen there, scientists say.
Scientists usually call this spot a "transient feature," but the researchers have playfully dubbed it "Magic Island." Titan, the largest of Saturn's 62 known moons, is 50 percent wider than Earth's moon and 80 percent more massive. You can watch a video about the "Magic Island" (http://www.space.com/26326-peculiar-island-appears-on-saturn-moon-before-and-after-spacecraft-shots-video.html) on Space.com.

"What I think is really special about Titan is that it has liquid methane and ethane lakes and seas, making it the only other world in the solar system that has stable liquids on its surfaces," lead study author Jason Hofgartner, a planetary scientist at Cornell University,told Space.com. "It not only has lakes and seas, but also rivers and even rain. It has what we call a hydrological cycle, and we can study it as an analog to Earth's hydrological cycle — and it's the only other place we know of where we can do that." [Titan, Saturn's Largest Moon, Explained (Infographic) (http://www.space.com/19183-titan-saturn-largest-moon-infographic.html)]

vid at link


12th July 2014, 07:47 PM

13th July 2014, 12:21 AM
All the money in circulation has been lent into circulation by the owners of it...that is why it circulates.

All in the master system supply real power or life force to the master lie they believe is truth which then converts the real power into fake power or the servant all slave for...money

That is ultimately owed back to the owners of it from the renters of it and the cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.

The absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise is a machine.

The master system or lie believed to be Truth is the servant of the owners of it but the master of all within it that slave for it.

The owners of the master lie believed to be truth exist outside of it and are supplied with all the positive consequences from it while all the negative consequences are contained within it.

like the compounding interest equation.

C e rt = F

C = Initial deposit...or Ignorance
r = Interest rate...the demand for exponential growth
t = Time which is an exponent.
e = The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71...an irrational number.

e or Euler's number is around 2.71

999/369 = approx. 2.71

666/246 = approx. 2.71

333/123 = approx. 2.71

F = future value or Bliss.

Everyone loves the output of the equation...or cares about it.

the positive

but they do not care about the negative part of the equation.

the negative = positive equation.

The death = life equation.

The exponential decay = exponential growth equation

The 0 = 1 equation.

The ignorance = bliss equation.

Due to the just think/embrace positive (fantasy/lie believed to be Truth) ignore/reject negative (reality/Truth) religion...Or algorithm at the core of absolute self indulgent reason.

the quickest way to prove yourself right is to prove yourself wrong.

That is negative.

the slowest way to prove yourself wrong is to prove yourself right.

that is positive.

fantasy is positive and reality is negative.

So people spend their lives constantly searching for what they do not want to find.

Like David Icke.

He lives in London...Which sits at the top of the commonwealth...or what the British empire which is negative turned into following the 1933 to 1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global trade system...

He's a parasite or net consumer of power living off the yield derived from billions below him in the global hierarchy.

Then factor in that he used to work for the BBC or British brainwashing corporation.

So he's ultimately just an entertainer.

13th July 2014, 09:47 AM

Why would Kubrick choose Jupiter's moon over Saturn's?

Floyd and a team of scientists travel across the Moon to actually view TMA-1. They arrive just as sunlight falls upon it for the first time in three million years. It then sends a piercing radio transmission to the far reaches of the solar system. The signal is tracked to one of the moons of Saturn, Japetus (Iapetus) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapetus_(moon))




13th July 2014, 10:04 AM


13th July 2014, 12:58 PM
"...it has liquid methane and ethane lakes and seas..."

I imagine ExxonMobil is tryinig to figure how to get there, and how to get the hydrocarbons back to earth!

13th July 2014, 03:39 PM
"...it has liquid methane and ethane lakes and seas..."

I imagine ExxonMobil is tryinig to figure how to get there, and how to get the hydrocarbons back to earth!

Sounds like you'd have enough energy to live there for a while, even when cold. Wouldn't the methane burn off at some point with a small spark?

13th July 2014, 06:58 PM
NASA Spots Pac-Man-Shaped Thermal Pattern on Saturn Moon


“Finding a second Pac-Man in the Saturn system tells us that the processes creating these Pac-Men are more widespread than previously thought,” said Carly Howett, lead author of a paper about the phenomenon that was recently published in the journal Icarus. “The Saturn system – and even the Jupiter system – could turn out to be a veritable arcade of these characters.

The current hypothesis about the Pac-Men holds that high energy electrons bombard low latitudes on the sides of Mimas and Tethys that face the sun as they orbit Saturn. These electrons turn those sections of the surface into hard-packed ice, causing them to resist heating or cooling more than the rest of the surface. Also, since Tethys is bombarded by icy particles from Enceladus, the thermal pattern suggests to researchers that the surface alteration is occurring more quickly than the particles can re-coat the object’s surface. The Pac-Man pattern can actually be seen subtly in visible-light images of Tethys’ surface, appearing as a dark lens-shaped region.


13th July 2014, 07:02 PM

A comparison of thermal infrared images of Saturn from the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VISIR instrument) is shown, with an amateur visible-light view from Trevor Barry (Broken Hill, Australia) obtained on Jan. 19, 2011The images were obtained on Jan. 19, 2011, during the mature phase of the northern storm. The second image is taken at a wavelength that reveals the structures in Saturn's lower atmosphere, showing the churning storm clouds and the central cooler vortex. The third image is sensitive to much higher altitudes in Saturn's normally peaceful stratosphere.

13th July 2014, 07:36 PM
Mimas and ethas look like PacMan.