View Full Version : An exodus which was merely a myth................. V

24th July 2014, 12:49 PM
Like I keep saying..."When the truth comes into the light, the lies will hide in the dark"... Ponce
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om http://hebdo.ahram.org.eg/arab/ahram/2007/4/18/voy2.htm

An exodus which was merely a myth

On the site of an ancient fortress, in northern Sinai, archaeologists of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has announced that it had found some pumice stones, evidence of the terrible disaster and the first known tsunami in history. The volcanic rocks projected in the Sinai during the eruption, 3500 years ago, the volcano Cycladic of Thera, confirm stories Pharaohs.

The cataclysm of Thera, the current Santorini in the Aegean Sea, has been presented through innumerable writings as having preceded or caused the ten plagues of Egypt explained, or a punishment reserved for Levites revolted against Moses. "This discovery is not provided proof of the exodus, archaeology does not confirm this, and it is a myth," said Zahi Hawas, secretary general of the CSA. That the explosion of the volcano occurred, resulting in the decline of the Minoan civilization, Crete. A massive tidal wave would have resulted in the death of 35000 people on the coast south of the Mediterranean and in ashes villages in Egypt, Palestine and the Arabian peninsula. For Zahi Hawas, "if the exodus has occurred, what we do not know, it can not be at this time, but two centuries later, under Ramses II. However, the presence of ash and volcanic rocks on the site of the ancient fortress of Tharo to Tell Hebwa, confirms, in his view, ancient inscriptions referring to the expulsion of the Hyksos, enemies of the Egyptians. Texts suggest, in fact , natural disasters occurred during the era of the Hyksos, a military caste came from the east, and their exodus before the start of the New Kingdom, carried out shortly by the eruption of the Thera volcano. For example, several stories relating to this war show up on a stele of the temple of Karnak S�ti I do, in a description of the route of Horus in a text under Thoutmotsis III or on a papyrus on the war waged by King Ahmos.

The skeletons hyksos

The team also discovered in the Sinai desert the ruins of a fort with four rectangular towers, which date from the eighteenth pharaonic dynasty. This fortress is now considered the oldest structure on the military line of defense, also known as Route Horus. But there was not the slightest proof of the story of the Old Testament, the story of Moses and the Jews, and their exodus from Egypt and their wandering in the wilderness. Two female skeletons, pottery and jewelry were recovered. Those remains were members of the civilization hyksos, an enemy of the people of the ancient Egyptians.

The researchers argue that this discovery is particularly interesting because of the volcanic rocks found on the site of the excavations. They believe that these are traces left by the eruption of Santorini volcano, more than 15 centuries before Christ. Santorini is a small archipelago of volcanic islands in the Aegean Sea, south-east of mainland Greece. This volcano would then have killed more than 35000 people and wiped out the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.

The intersection of war

Showing the foundations of the fort of the XVIIIth dynasty, the oldest ever found in this line of defense, known as the road of Horus, Mohamad Abdel-Maqsoud, the leader of excavations and the director of the central administration of Egyptian antiquities, said that it is testimony to the fierceness of the fighting. "It is here that was established the first large lock of the empire against the conquerors from the east, as the Hyksos," he says, whereas today the Suez Canal is only 5 km. But the basis for subsequent attacks in the Pharaonic empire in the direction of Palestine, with the establishment of a chain composed of a dozen strongholds until what is now known as the Gaza Strip.

This story may have inspired the biblical story of the exodus, according to some scholars. "They can say what they want, I detailed, did not hesitate to say Hawas. I am an archaeologist and my job is to tell the truth. If the truth disturbed, it's not my problem. " The story of the exodus is celebrated as a crucial moment in the creation of the Jewish people. According to the Old Testament, Moses was the son of a Jewish slave who had abandoned on the Nile in a wicker basket to protect the Pharaoh's persecution. Rescued from the waters by the Pharaoh's daughter and raised in the court, he will discover the secret of its origins and, with God's help, will free his people. But archaeologists working in the region have never managed to substantiate the biblical narrative, as to the presence of the Jews in Egypt, there is only one archaeological discovery may confirm it. Many books have been written on the subject, but the debate is for the most part remained quiet in order not to offend believers.

"Without historical evidence, we are forced to say that some things are never arrived: it is the job of an archaeologist," Hawas. The site is a two-hour drive from Cairo, after the bridge Mubarak, in the northern Sinai, in a region called East Qantara. For nearly a decade, archaeologists returning Egyptian soil with the help of surrounding towns daily to try to unearth remnants of the past. This desolate landscape, which is the monotony broken only by a few electrical towers, has generated enthusiasm because it confirms stories told in hieroglyphics or going back to antiquity. The archaeological remains dating in fact more or less at the time, according to the Bible, the Jews fled Egypt and then spent forty years wandering in the wilderness in search of the Promised Land. "The exodus is a myth," said Hawas front of a wall built during the period known as the New Kingdom.

7th trump
24th July 2014, 03:15 PM
Ponce watch this and get some fucking education....what you posted is a complete lie.

Here is prove of Mount Sinai and the exodus complete with Egyptian markings in Saudi Arabia dating to that time.
Everything is in this video...if you watch it...you'll be moved...its all captured on film.
The Bible plainly says where you can find Mount Sinia by following which direction the Israelites went....they went east into Saudi Arabia then....north over the Caucasus mountains.

Heres more video capturing Egyptian chariots in the red sea...where God parted the sea.

24th July 2014, 05:52 PM
It is true that "someone" did scape the Egyptians but it was not the Jews, the Jews stole their story......at this time I forgot their name, I'll find it later.

This was written before the full extent of the holocaust was known, but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar — origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.

And this is why I say to call them by their right name.........KHAZARD and not Jews.

24th July 2014, 06:01 PM
There are several story's in the old testament that date way before the jews, some of the old testament was borrowed from older storys/epic tales from other peoples/cultures that flourished and went poof. Before the jews even thought of getting it together.

Bunch of Plagiarism went on building their written history/story.

24th July 2014, 06:42 PM
Still all that exodus stuff is from the past and what ever the past look at what Israel is today................

In the clip below she says that the British broke their deal to get oil from the Arabs during the war not to let any Jews in to Palestine .............

The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel,

according to Simon Schama. They built the Israeli Supreme Court. They own Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest media agencies in the world. They have a controlling share in the Royal Dutch oil company, the Bank of England and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association). They foment wars, install presidents, dethrone kings and bankrupt nations, such is their power.
The Rothschilds typically operate behind the scenes. In the case of Israel, the Rothschilds engineered WWI and waited until 1917 when Britain was in trouble. The Rothschilds then promised the British Government that they could get the US to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain’s victory of Germany et al. However, they wanted something in return: Palestine. Thus the Balfour Declaration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration) was created, which is an official letter from the British Government Foreign Secretary James Balfour to Baron Rothschild. It states that: ” His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.”
There is a big problem with this. Palestine was never Britain’s to give away. It rightfully belongs to the Arab and Palestinian people living there. The Rothschild Zionist Jews came in, took over and forcibly evacuated and killed millions of Palestinians who lived there. They are still committing genocide to this day. The creation of the Zionist state Israel was massively unjust right from the start. Something conceived in iniquity breeds conflict down the road. It is no exaggeration to say that the founding of Israel itself may be the precursor to WWIII.
Zionist Israel (http://www.toolsforfreedom.com/product-p/1949.htm) controls the governments of the US, Britain, Canada, France and more – and the Rothschilds control Israel.


24th July 2014, 07:00 PM
Still all that exodus stuff is from the past and what ever the past look at what Israel is today................

In the clip below she says that the British broke their deal to get oil from the Arabs during the war not to let any Jews in to Palestine .............

The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel,

according to Simon Schama. They built the Israeli Supreme Court. They own Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest media agencies in the world. They have a controlling share in the Royal Dutch oil company, the Bank of England and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association). They foment wars, install presidents, dethrone kings and bankrupt nations, such is their power.
The Rothschilds typically operate behind the scenes. In the case of Israel, the Rothschilds engineered WWI and waited until 1917 when Britain was in trouble. The Rothschilds then promised the British Government that they could get the US to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain’s victory of Germany et al. However, they wanted something in return: Palestine. Thus the Balfour Declaration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration) was created, which is an official letter from the British Government Foreign Secretary James Balfour to Baron Rothschild. It states that: ” His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.”
There is a big problem with this. Palestine was never Britain’s to give away. It rightfully belongs to the Arab and Palestinian people living there. The Rothschild Zionist Jews came in, took over and forcibly evacuated and killed millions of Palestinians who lived there. They are still committing genocide to this day. The creation of the Zionist state Israel was massively unjust right from the start. Something conceived in iniquity breeds conflict down the road. It is no exaggeration to say that the founding of Israel itself may be the precursor to WWIII.
Zionist Israel (http://www.toolsforfreedom.com/product-p/1949.htm) controls the governments of the US, Britain, Canada, France and more – and the Rothschilds control Israel.

Nail...meet hammer!

24th July 2014, 07:56 PM
Its got to be a terrorist state..................

Turk connection.............


Celtic Rogue
24th July 2014, 11:05 PM
It will be the NWO Capitol. What an ingenious plan that keeps the world helping in their own destruction! The Zionists are the antichrist! People in the US believe that they are doing gods work. Gods work??? some work killing innocents. Sounds more satanic than christ like to me! They say that they are just defending themselves from the Palestinians... but ethic cleasing is not self defense!

13th July 2023, 06:54 PM
I just recently came across Manetho's account of the Exodus.

wikipedia: Manetho (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manetho)

Manetho is believed to have been an Egyptian priest from Sebennytos who lived in the Ptolemaic Kingdom in the early third century BC, during the Hellenistic period.

He authored the Aegyptiaca (History of Egypt) in Greek, a major chronological source for the reigns of the kings of ancient Egypt...

Manetho is described as a native Egyptian, and Egyptian would have been his mother tongue. Although the topics he supposedly wrote about dealt with Egyptian matters, he is said to have written exclusively in the Greek language for a Greek-speaking audience. Other literary works attributed to him include Against Herodotus, The Sacred Book, On Antiquity and Religion, On Festivals, On the Preparation of Kyphi, and the Digest of Physics. The treatise Book of Sothis has also been attributed to Manetho...

Despite the reliance of Egyptologists on him for their reconstructions of the Egyptian dynasties, the problem with a close study of Manetho is that not only was Aegyptiaca not preserved as a whole, but it also became involved in a rivalry among advocates of Egyptian, Jewish, and Greek histories in the form of supporting polemics...

Manetho has been cited as an early example of antisemitism. Manetho's history of Egypt, potentially presented as a counter-narrative to the traditional story of Exodus, portrays Jews negatively; Manetho's depiction of Jews — or Lepers and Shepherds – exudes anti-Jewish themes. While the Old Testament's Exodus tells of the Jews escaping Egypt, liberating themselves, Manetho tells a different story: that Egypt expelled lepers because of their impurity who then chose to revolt against Egypt pioneered by leader Osarsiph — later revealing himself as Moses — who imposed various anti-Egyptian laws. Together with the Shepherds, they conquered Egypt.

Most of Manetho's writings have not survived. Ironically, many fragments were 'saved' by Flavius Josephus writing in the first century to criticize Manetho's anti-Semitism, much like the ADL and Greenblatt give a larger audience and exposure to much current years' 'anti-Semitism' that otherwise most would never have heard of.

jstor.org: Manetho on the Exodus: A Reappraisal. Lucia Raspe, Jewish Studies Quarterly (1998) (https://www.jstor.org/stable/40753208)

Biblical tradition relates how the Lord, having inflicted ten plagues upon the land, brought the people of Israel out from Egypt "by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm." Few amoung the educated non-Jews of classical antiquity would have been familiar with this account. The story of how the Jews, themselves afflicted with leprosy, were forcibly expelled from Egypt, on the other hand, enjoyed considerable popularity in both Greek and Latin literature. It appears at the very beginning of the Hellenistic era in the work of the Egyptian priest Manetho. Variants may be found in the writings of the Alexandrian authors Chaeremon, Lysimachus and Apion. Among non-Egyptian authors, the expulsion narrative was known to Hecataeus of Abdera, Diodorus Siculus, and Poppeius Trogus. Finally, around the turn of the first century C.E., Tacitus was able to present the tale as the generally accepted view on the origin of the Jews.

The original narrative has often been ascribed to Manetho. Equally if not more often, this attribution has been challenged; in fact, it has been claimed, the Egyptian priest never even mentioned the Jews. Indeed, whether the fragments transmitted in his name could have been written in the third century B.C.E. is a question central to our understanding of the origins and development of ancient antisemitism as a whole.

penelope.uchicago.edu: The Fragments of Manetho (Loeb Classical Library edition, 1940) (https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Manetho/History_of_Egypt/2*.html)

The Hyksôs Age, c. 1700-c. 1580 B.C.​

Fr. 42 (from Josephus, Contra Apionem, I.14, §§ 73‑92).
[Josephus is citing the records of neighbouring nations in proof of the antiquity of the Jews.]
[from Manetho's second book of his History of Egypt]

[Manetho:] "Tutimaeus.​ In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of God smote us; and unexpectedly, from the regions of the East, invaders of obscure race marched in confidence of victory against our land. By main force they easily seized it without striking a blow;​ and having overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of the gods, and treated all the natives with a cruel hostility, massacring some and leading into slavery the wives and children of others. Finally, they appointed as king one of their number whose name was Salitis.​ He had his seat at Memphis, levying tribute from Upper and Lower Egypt, and always leaving garrisons behind in the most advantageous positions. Above all, he fortified the district to the east, foreseeing that the Assyrians,​ as they grew stronger, would one day covet and attack his kingdom.

"In the Saïte [Sethroïte] nome​ he found a city very favourably situated on the east of the Bubastite branch​ of the Nile, and called Auaris​ after an ancient religious tradition.​ This place he rebuilt and fortified with massive walls, planting there a garrison of as many as 240,000 heavy-armed men to guard his frontier. Here he would come in summer-time, partly to serve out rations and pay his troops, partly to train them carefully in manoeuvres and so strike terror into foreign tribes. After reigning for 19 years, Salitis died; and a second king, named Bnôn,​ succeeded and reigned for 44 years. Next to him came Apachnan, who ruled for 36 years and 7 months;​ then Apôphis for 61, and Iannas for 50 years and 1 month; then finally Assis for 49 years and 2 months. These six kings, their first rulers, were ever more and more eager to extirpate the Egyptian stock. Their race as a whole was called Hyksôs,​ that is 'king-shepherds': for hyk in the sacred language means 'king', and sôs in common speech is 'shepherd' or 'shepherds';​ hence the compound word 'Hyksôs'. Some say that they were Arabs."​

[Josephus:] These kings whom I have enumerated above, and their descendants, ruling over the so‑called Shepherds, dominated Egypt, according to Manetho, for 511 years.​ Thereafter, he says, there came a revolt of the kings of the Thebaïd and the rest of Egypt against the Shepherds, and a fierce and prolonged war broke out between them. By a king whose name was Misphragmuthôsis,​ the Shepherds, he says, were defeated, driven out of all the rest of Egypt, and confined in a region measuring within its circumference 10,000 arûrae,​ by name Auaris. According to Manetho, the Shepherds enclosed this whole area with a high, strong wall, in order to safeguard all their possessions and spoils. Thummôsis, the son of Misphragmuthôsis (he continues), attempted by siege to force them to surrender, blockading the fortress with an army of 480,000 men. Finally, giving up the siege in despair, he concluded a treaty by which they should all depart from Egypt and go unmolested where they pleased. On these terms the Shepherds, with their possessions and households complete, no fewer than 240,000 persons,​ left Egypt and journeyed over the desert into Syria. There, dreading the power of the Assyrians who were at that time masters of Asia, they built in the land now called Judaea a city large enough to hold all those thousands of people, and gave it the name of Jerusalem....

Dynasties, XVIII,​58 XIX
Fr. 54 (from Josephus, Contra Apionem, I.26‑31, §§ 227‑287).
(Josephus discusses the calumnies of the Egyptians against the Jews, whom they hate.)

[Josephus:] The first writer upon whom I shall dwell is one whom I used a little earlier as a witness to our antiquity. I refer to Manetho. This writer, who had undertaken to translate the history of Egypt from the sacred books, began by stating that our ancestors came against Egypt with many tens of thousands and gained the mastery over the inhabitants; and then he himself admitted that at a later date again they were driven out of the country, occupied what is now Judaea, founded Jerusalem, and built the temple.​ Up to this point he followed the chronicles: thereafter, by offering to record the legends and current talk about the Jews, he took the liberty of interpolating improbable tales in his desire to confuse with us a crowd of Egyptians, who for leprosy and other maladies​ had been condemned, he says, to banishment from Egypt...

[Manetho:] "When the men in the stone-quarries had suffered hardships for a considerable time, they begged the king to assign to them as a dwelling-place and a refuge the deserted city of the Shepherds, Auaris, and he consented. According to religious tradition​ this city was from earliest times dedicated to Typhôn. Occupying this city and using the region as a base for revolt, they appointed as their leader one of the priests of Hêliopolis called Osarsêph, and took an oath of obedience to him in everything. First of all, he made it a law​ that they should neither worship the gods nor refrain from any of the animals​ prescribed as especially sacred in Egypt, but should sacrifice and consume all alike, and that they should have intercourse with none save those of their own confederacy. After framing a great number of laws like these, completely opposed to Egyptian custom, he ordered them with their multitude of hands, to repair the walls of the city and make ready for war against King Amenôphis. Then, acting in concert with certain other priests and polluted persons like himself, he sent an embassy to the Shepherds who had been expelled by Tethmôsis,​ in the city called Jerusalem; and, setting forth the circumstances of himself and his companions in distress, he begged them to unite wholeheartedly in an attack upon Egypt. He offered to conduct them first to their ancestral home at Auaris, to provide their hosts with lavish supplies, to fight on their behalf whenever need arose, and to bring Egypt without difficulty under their sway. Overjoyed at the proposal, all the Shepherds, to the number of 200,000, eagerly set out, and before long arrived at Auaris. When Amenôphis, king of Egypt, learned of their invasion, he was sorely troubled, for he recalled the prediction of Amenôphis, son of Paapis. First, he gathered a multitude of Egyptians; and having taken counsel with the leading men among them, he summoned to his presence the sacred animals which were held in greatest reverence in the temples, and gave instructions to each group of priests to conceal the images of the gods as securely as possible. As for his five-year‑old son Rapsês,​ he sent him safely away to his friend.​ He then crossed the Nile with as many as 300,000 of the bravest warriors of Egypt, and met the enemy. But, instead of joining battle, he decided that he must not fight against the gods, and made a hasty retreat to Memphis. There he took into his charge Apis and the other sacred animals which he had summoned to that place; and forthwith he set off for Ethiopia​ with his whole army and the host of Egyptians. The Ethiopian king, who, in gratitude for a service, had become his subject, welcomed him, maintained the whole multitude with such products of the country as were fit for human consumption, assigned to them cities and villages sufficient for the destined period of 13 years' banishment from his realm, and especially stationed an Ethiopian army on the frontiers of Egypt to guard King Amenôphis and his followers. Meanwhile, the Solymites [or dwellers in Jerusalem] made a descent along with the polluted Egyptians, and treated the people so impiously and savagely that the domination of the Shepherds seemed like a golden age to those who witnessed the present enormities. For not only did they set towns and villages on fire, pillaging the temples and mutilating images of the gods without restraint, but they also made a practice of using the sanctuaries as kitchens to roast the sacred animals which the people worshipped: and they would compel the priests and prophets to sacrifice and butcher the beasts, afterwards casting the men forth naked. It is said that the priest who framed their constitution and their laws was a native of Hêliopolis, named Osarsêph after the god Osiris, worshipped at Hêliopolis; but when he joined this people, he changed his name and was called Moses."

[Josephus:] Such, then, are the Egyptian stories about the Jews,​ together with many other tales which I pass by for brevity's sake. Manetho adds, however, that, at a later date, Amenôphis advanced from Ethiopia with a large army, his son Rampsês also leading a force, and that the two together joined battle with the Shepherds and their polluted allies, and defeated them, killing many and pursuing the others to the frontiers of Syria. This then, with other tales of a like nature, is Manetho's account. Before I give proof that his words are manifest lies and nonsense, I shall mention one particular point, which bears upon my later refutation of other writers. Manetho has made one concession to us. He has admitted that our race was not Egyptian in origin, but came into Egypt from elsewhere, took possession of the land, and afterwards left it. But that we were not, at a later time, mixed up with disease-ravaged Egyptians