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24th July 2014, 05:12 PM
Now bed bugs have joined them

Senate Undergoes Emergency Cleaning After Woman Drags In Bedbugs
Betsy Rothstein 7:32 PM 07/23/2014

The Architect of the Capitol took emergency measures Wednesday to handle a bed bug problem in a Senate Office Building, including closing off a restroom for a couple of days with yellow police tape.

So watch out Senate aides and tourists approaching the sixth floor of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. bedbugsBedbugs are not easy to shake.

The trouble began prior to a Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing held Wednesday in which some attendees—lobbyists, presumably—employed people to wait in line for them. This is a common practice and sources tell us it falls under the jurisdiction of the Rules Committee chaired by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

A female in line–one of the placeholders–had bedbugs. Sources tell The Mirror she was physically removed from the scene after one of her fellow line sitters noticed bugs crawling all over her. Apparently the bugs were also found in a women’s restroom.

“We’ve been on high alert all day for the damned creatures,” said a Senate aide on condition of anonymity. “People are pretty much on lockdown, scared to leave their offices.”

Question: Will the Senate take steps to ensure that hired sitters are not infested with invasive bugs? Will Silkwood showers be a way of the future?

To be sure, the expression “Don’t let the bedbugs bite” just took on a whole new meaning for anyone in or near Dirksen.

The Mirror put in a call to the Architect of the Capitol’s office and wrote Schumer’s press secretary, as well as aides at the Rules Committee. Unfortunately, since it’s evening, everyone in the AOC office has gone home. They told me to call back in the morning.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/07/23/senate-undergoes-emergency-cleaning-after-woman-drags-in-bedbugs/#ixzz38Qyzs1gR

24th July 2014, 05:15 PM
Let them have a party , bedbugs and cockroaches should mix very well!

24th July 2014, 05:30 PM
whats so strange about that, most government departments are parasites.......

24th July 2014, 05:36 PM
Jejejejejejejejeejejej........... <--------------that says it all.

PS: Were there any illegals in the building? hummmmmmmmm, don't want them to get any bugs from the poleticians.


24th July 2014, 05:48 PM
That's just one very small nest in a larger area call Washington DC, the really dangerous ones are walking around in plain sight.

24th July 2014, 06:07 PM
All sarcastic comments aside, how many bedbugs would need to be crawling on someone prior to many of them falling off?

Is this a cover for something else?

24th July 2014, 06:16 PM
Senate office building completely infested with parasites

Anyone could of told you that. That place is crawling with senators. Every single one of them is a fucking parasite.

mick silver
25th July 2014, 11:46 AM
I hope they took them home also