View Full Version : Exposed! George Soros Is Funding The Bioweapons Lab At The Focus of Ebola Outbreak!

29th July 2014, 12:31 AM

Twisted Titan
29th July 2014, 04:43 AM
Dabooh7....use to be a pretty good source for info.

Now he is peddling more hype then anything.

Not that i doubt the ebola is a black ops project.

Just not put together the way he claims.

mick silver
30th July 2014, 10:49 AM
I wonder how far down that mother focker bunker go's down

30th July 2014, 12:30 PM
I wonder how far down that mother focker bunker go's down

Not far enough Mick... just not far enough.

old steel
30th July 2014, 01:45 PM
Where is that genocidal evil murdering thing?

We need to confront him, arrest him, try him and execute him.

Or we could skip the first 3 parts and get right down to the order of business.

30th July 2014, 01:53 PM
Be afraid, be very afraid! Seems there's one thing after another to keep the populace in fear.

Warm Water Sparks Flesh-Eating Disease Warning in Florida
Jul 29, 2014, 12:12 PM ET

Florida health officials are warning beachgoers about a seawater bacterium that can invade cuts and scrapes to cause flesh-eating disease.

Vibrio vulnificus –- a cousin of the bacterium that causes Cholera –- thrives in warm saltwater, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If ingested, it can cause stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea. But it can also infect open wounds and lead to “skin breakdown and ulceration,” according to the CDC.

“Since it is naturally found in warm marine waters, people with open wounds can be exposed to Vibrio vulnificus through direct contact with seawater,” the Florida Department of Health said in a statement.

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The infection can also be transmitted through eating or handling contaminated oysters and other shellfish, according to the CDC.

PHOTO: A grouping of Vibrio vulnificus bacteria is pictured in this micrograph.
Getty Images
PHOTO: A grouping of Vibrio vulnificus bacteria is pictured in this micrograph.

At least 11 Floridians have contracted Vibrio vulnificus so far this year and two have died, according to the most recent state data. In 2013, 41 people were infected and 11 died. The proportion of skin and gastrointestinal infections in Florida is unclear, but a CDC spokesman said the ratio tends to be about 1-to-1.

Florida isn’t the only state to report Vibrio vulnificus infections. Alabama, Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi have also recorded cases, and a 2013 outbreak linked to contaminated shellfish sickened at least 104 people in 13 states, according to the CDC.

Most people who contract a Vibrio vulnificus infection recover with the help of antibiotics, but severe skin infections may require surgery and amputation, according to the CDC. People with weakened immune systems are also at risk for blood infections, which are fatal about 50 percent of the time, the CDC notes.

The CDC recommends the following precautions to avoid Vibrio vulnificus infections:

Avoid exposing open wounds to warm saltwater, brackish water or to raw shellfish
Wear protective clothing when handling raw shellfish
Cook shellfish thoroughly and avoid food contamination with juices from raw seafood
Eat shellfish promptly after cooking and refrigerate leftovers

mick silver
2nd August 2014, 12:39 PM
I have started a lot of threads about this m fer he one fock up man . to me this man would love to kill everyone he could by any means

3rd August 2014, 04:57 AM
A doctor with ebola has been brought to a hospital in this country and probably the real reason for it is to give the elite plausible deniability when they turn it loose in this country.


5th August 2014, 10:05 AM
A doctor with ebola has been brought to a hospital in this country and probably the real reason for it is to give the elite plausible deniability when they turn it loose in this country.

Yes, they can say, sorry we thought it most humanitarian to bring these patients back for treatment, despite all pre-cautions somehow the virus escaped, meanwhile they seed the virus covertly, no-one to blame, and many will die...