View Full Version : So Some of You Think Putin will be a savoir from the Zionists?

29th July 2014, 07:53 AM
Putin: 'I support the struggle of Israel' (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182754#.U9ebeuXg2W4)

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday met with a delegation of rabbis, led by Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, and rabbis of the Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE).

"I follow closely what's going on in Israel," said Putin during the long meeting, which was held in Moscow.

"I support the struggle of Israel as it attempts to protect its citizens. I also heard about the shocking murder of the three youths. It is an act that cannot be allowed, and I ask you to transmit my condolences to the families," added the Russian president, in referring to the abduction and murder of three teens in June by Hamas terrorists.

Rabbi Yosef began by saying "according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood."

The rabbi discussed the ongoing rocket barrage (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182746) on Israel by terrorists in Gaza, a relentless assault that led to IDF Operation Protective Edge being launched this Monday.

"This morning I left the state of Israel, the state of the Jewish people. Several hours before I took off for here, a rocket fell (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182671) right near my home in the capital of the Jewish people - Jerusalem," remarked the rabbi.

Rabbi Yosef added "I don't need to note the panic that fell on my children and grandchildren, who were forced to enter shelters despite having done nothing wrong. It is difficult to describe the psychological damage caused to them. All for the 'sin' of their being born to the Jewish people."

"Despite the difficult situation, I left everything and came here, to ask that you, mister president, act to fight against terror conducted in the name of religion," requested Rabbi Yosef.

"There cannot be a situation where people manipulate religion to slaughter innocents. ...I ask you in the name of the people of Israel: please, bring an end to the violence," added the rabbi.

A true friend of Israel

Putin responded to Rabbi Yosef, asking him to tell Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that he is a true friend of Israel and of Netanyahu. Netanyahu called Putin (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182758) on Thursday, and in their conversation, Putin called for an end to the conflict in Gaza.

Rabbi Lau, former Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi and current Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, spoke in the meeting about his remarkable personal story as a survivor of the Holocaust who later became the chief rabbi of Israel.

In this context, Putin consulted with the rabbis on means of dealing with anti-Semitism, Holocaust deniers and preventing historical revisionism.

Putin noted that the meeting marks 73 years since the massacre of thousands of Jews in Sevastopol in 1942, remarking on the bravery of the Jews who fought against the genocidal Nazi war machine.

"I remember visiting in the Yad Vashem Museum in Israel, which doesn't allow anyone to remain apathetic, and describes the horrifying atrocities that occurred in those days," said Putin.

The president added "here too in Moscow the Jewish community established a Jewish museum that gives a bitter picture of those awful years, and at the same time gives hope to the Jewish people and the Jewish community throughout Russia."

The warm meeting with the Russian president comes at a time when Israel is strengthening its relations with several major countries.

On Sunday, Japan signed an Industrial R&D Collaboration Agreement (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182606)with Israel, making the Jewish state the first country Japan has signed such an agreement with. Israel likewise signed a landmark bilateral trade plan with China (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/180862) in May.

29th July 2014, 07:55 AM
I've always know that he is in cahoots with the kikes, people who believe otherwise are either dumb or to weak to acknowledge the facts.

29th July 2014, 07:59 AM
Israel has finally left the anglo-sphere and is moving to receive more orthodox and segregated apartheid protection under the BRICS.

EU and US have been set adrift after being gut and filleted.

29th July 2014, 07:59 AM
1. Can anyone verify Putin saying this?
2. Do political leaders ever lie to gain an advantage?
3. Do you trust anything you read anymore?

29th July 2014, 08:01 AM
1. Can anyone verify Putin saying this? no
2. Do political leaders ever lie to gain an advantage? Even Putin
3. Do you trust anything you read anymore? Not really

His pictures at the wailing wall should be enough confirmation of where his allegiance lies.

29th July 2014, 08:16 AM
If this is true I then don't know what to say........


29th July 2014, 08:31 AM
If this is true I then don't know what to say........


Ponce being speechless is not a good thing.

old steel
29th July 2014, 08:35 AM
There is an old saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I'm sure Putin has read Sun Tzu's book. When the time is right, get ready for the big double cross.

You can never trust a Russian, i should know. After all, i married one.

29th July 2014, 09:05 AM
All knees will bend!

29th July 2014, 10:23 AM
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, but he IS the enemy of my enemy.

29th July 2014, 10:33 AM
Putin and Netanyahu joining forces in quest for stability (http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0612/putin_israel.php3)

History of poor relations fading as Israel and Russia focus on shared goals, needs

JewishWorldReview.com |

http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/dropcap/m.gifOSCOW — (TCSM) Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Israel today for a two-day visit that publicly emphasizes the dramatic reconciliation and galloping economic cooperation between Moscow and Jerusalem. Experts say that the geopolitical differences between Russia and Israel are not as deep as many people believe. With the exception of sharp disagreement over what to do about Iran's alleged drive for nuclear weapons, differences are greatly overshadowed by a growing array of commonalities.

Topping that list is a shared sense that Russia and Israel alone fully understand the menace of Islamist extremism. Israel believes it confronts extremism on a daily basis, and Putin sees it as a serious threat to Russia's territorial integrity emanating from the restive northern Caucasus region, whose population is mainly Sunni Muslim. Both feel increasingly isolated in the Middle East, with Egypt's newMuslim Brotherhood president hinting that he might revise his country's treaty with Israel, and Russia facing unprecedented hostility from Turkey and the Arab world over its continued support of Syria's strongman Bashar al-Assad.

"The worse Russia's relations with the Arab world, the better they will be with Israel," says Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs, a leading Moscow-based foreign policy journal.

"Russia now finds itself at odds with almost all the Arab countries over Syria, and this could be a long-term trend. Syria is the last Russian client state inherited from the Soviet Union, and it's probably not going to last. New rulers will be far more mistrustful of Russia, and if they are Islamists the feelings will be mutual. At least when they're talking about the threat of radical Islam, Putin will feel mentally very close with Netanyahu," he says.


Putin's first stop after arriving in Israel was the dedication of a monument to Soviet Red Army forces killed in World War II in Netanya. Putin told a crowd of about 600 people that the double-winged white dove erected by Israel "symbolizes the triumph of good and peace. May these values always serve as the basis for friendship between our nations."

Since the collapse of the USSR, the Russian narrative about World War II — that the Red Army liberated eastern Europe from Naziism — has been painfully challenged by many former allies whose new version of history sees the arrival of Soviet forces as the beginning of a new occupation.

"Israel is one of the few countries in the world that fully backs the Russian view on World War II, so for Putin the symbolism here is very important," says Dmitry Maryasis, an expert with the Israeli Studies Department of the official Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow. "The role of the Red Army in liberating Europe is not often celebrated these days, so Russians will receive this signal very warmly."

During the cold war, the USSR supported rejectionist Arab states and the Palestinians against Israel, a position that had ideological roots in the competition between Zionism and Communism in 20th century Europe. But the ideological dimension disappeared with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emigration of more than 1 million Russian speakers to Israel in the 1990s, even before Russia's ties with authoritarian Arab states were moderated by improving economic and political ties with Israel and the West.

"Everything has changed since the end of the USSR, and the relationship with Israel is totally transformed," says Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the independent Institute for Middle Eastern Studies in Moscow. "In Israel, one in seven citizens is Russian-speaking. There are now many prominent Russian-speakers, even at high levels of power, who have feelings of closeness toward Russia. In Moscow, there is no more official anti-Semitism and leaders are pragmatic. In some ways, such as the attitude toward the threat from radical Islamism, we are even closer in our views than Israel is with the US."

Trade has burgeoned; Israeli exports to Russia grew almost fourfold between 2003 and 2008, reaching $3 billion. That may not sound like much, but the areas of economic cooperation under consideration include nanotechnology, energy, and joint military projects, including the production of unmanned drone warplanes. Russia's natural gas monopoly Gazprom is eyeing offshore gas deposits in Israel, while the state-owned Russian Railroads is hoping to participate in a new Tel Aviv-Eilat high speed rail link.


Putin later met with Netanyahu for a full discussion about Syria and Iran that both leaders characterized as detailed and friendly. Experts say that on Syria, at least, the two sides may not be all that far apart.
"Israel supports the Western position that Assad must go, while Russia has been backing Assad," says Mr. Maryasis. "But they're probably much closer than you would think. Israel is not keen to see a big mess break out on its border with Syria — along the Golan Heights — which has been relatively stable for years. Israel might actually prefer the devil it knows, Assad, to what might follow him. There is a very palpable fear in Israel that radical Islamists might follow Assad, and everything will get worse."

Likewise, experts say, Russia's occasional contacts with Islamist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as its efforts to advocate for the Palestinian cause, are no longer viewed in Jerusalem as Soviet-style mischief, but merely the same sort of pragmatism practiced by other powers.

"Russia has always said that its participation is central to any future Middle East settlement, but in reality there's not much Moscow can do," says Georgy Mirsky, an expert at the Institute for World Economy and International relations, Moscow's most important official research center. "At the same time, relations with Israel are moving forward, powered by growing numbers of Russian businessmen and a flow of tourists — Russia is the second biggest source of tourists to Israel these days — and much improved dialogue on the official level."

Iran remains the single major sticking point. Experts say that Netanyahu will probably have given Putin an earful on the need for tougher sanctions and perhaps military measures to stop Iran's nuclear program, while Putin will have urged caution.

"Russia is deeply skeptical that military measures against Iran can have any lasting effect, and is very worried that a war could spread into Russia's own northern Caucasus," says Mr. Satanovsky. "Russia worries that it will cause regional disruption, refugee flows, and no one knows what else might come in the wake of an attack on Iran. This is the one big point on which Russia and Israel are doomed to disagree, and go on disagreeing."

29th July 2014, 10:39 AM
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, but he IS the enemy of my enemy.

The enemy of my enemy is just another tool to exploit to my advantage.

7th trump
29th July 2014, 11:37 AM
If this is true I then don't know what to say........


Ponce, I told you and this forum, to watch Putin........hes one of those from the synagogs of satan.
Israelite zionists and the bolshevic commies are one in the same.....but everyone laughed at me.

29th July 2014, 12:44 PM
Ponce being speechless is not a good thing.

Busy making return trip plans to Cuba.

29th July 2014, 03:33 PM
An Alliance of Necessity:

"The development of mutually advantageous and constructive relations with Israel in the political, economic, humanitarian and other fields was and will remain the priority of Russia's foreign policy." -- President Vladimir Putin

It is not a unique phenomenon for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to call President Vladimir Putin to discuss bilateral issues and security matters. But the premier's call on April 17 (http://www.jpost.com/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Netanyahu-Putin-discuss-Iran-Ukraine-via-telephone-348601)was newsworthy for its timing. Netanyahu's discussion with President Putin occurred just a few weeks subsequent to Russia's annexation of Crimea. The Israeli prime minister underscored Israel's neutrality to the standoff, "trying to maneuver carefully through the Ukraine crisis, not antagonizing or alienating neither Washington nor Moscow," as reported (http://www.jpost.com/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Netanyahu-Putin-discuss-Iran-Ukraine-via-telephone-348601) in The Jerusalem Post.

Putin's Russia and Netanyahu's Israel are valuable strategic partners even during what is perceived as the biggest East-West battle since the cold war. During his conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu in April, President Putin "pointed out that the sharp escalation of the crisis is the result of Kiev's irresponsible policy, which disregards the lawful rights and interests of the country's Russian-speaking citizens," according to the Kremlin statement.

Since the Russia-Ukraine crisis erupted in late March, Israel has deliberately refrained from criticizing Moscow. Israel's silence has managed to irk U.S. officials (https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/news/americas/10861-us-angry-with-israels-neutrality-over-ukrainian-crisis).

"We were surprised Israel did not join the vast majority of countries that vowed to support Ukraine's territorial integrity in the United Nations," said Jen Psaki, the U.S. State Department spokesperson.

Psaki's "surprise" refers to Israel's absence for the March 27 U.N. vote (http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2014/ga11493.doc.htm) when some member states called on all states and international organizations not to recognize Russia's annexation. While Israel's Foreign Ministry said the absence was due to its delegation being on strike, ensuing statements by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman suggested that neutrality would remain Israel's policy.
"Our basic position is that we hope Russia and Ukraine will find a way as quickly as possible to normalize relations, and find a way to talks, and to solve all the problems peacefully," said Lieberman at a Jerusalem press conference in Apri (http://www.jpost.com/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Israel-not-about-to-enter-Russia-Ukraine-fray-Liberman-says-350111)l.

When asked for a follow-up, Yigal Palmor, the Israeli Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry, said: "The Foreign Minister has made a number of public statements on this issue and we do not wish to add anything to them at this point."

The Kremlin has underscored that its presence in Crimea reflects the will of the people who requested their admission to Russia. A referendum was hailed supporting the action, according to Russian authorities.

"The case of Russia's takeover of Crimea was a fait accompli before any significant opposition could be marshaled outside the region," says David Andelman, veteran correspondent and [I]World Policy Journal editor. "Moreover, it's quite clear that the Russians believe that it had never really been removed from Russia. When Khrushchev moved Crimea from Russia to Ukraine, it remained part of the USSR."
It remains clear Israel has tried to remain out of the crisis, largely out of concern that angering Moscow would redound negatively on Israel's security concerns in the region.

"Israeli diplomacy has long embraced the art of the possible," adds Andelman.

While Russia indeed sells arms to some of Israel's biggest adversaries, like Syria and Iran, Putin's Russia also enhances Israel's already vast and potent military arsenal. For instance, "Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is in the final stages of implementing $400 million contract with state-owned Oboronprom for Russian-based production of unmanned aerial vehicles based on the firm's Searcher system," as reported by defensenews.com (http://www.defensenews.com/article/20131123/DEFREG04/311230009/Israel-Seeks-Stronger-Security-Ties-Russia).


29th July 2014, 03:39 PM
Busy making return trip plans to Cuba.

I thought it was Puerto Rico.

29th July 2014, 04:08 PM
An Alliance of Necessity:
I doubt that, they, Netanyahu and Putin, are sweet talking, while stabbing each other's backs. Israel not giving open support in UN to Ukraine irking US leaders, is going to achieve what? US leaders abandoning Israel? LMFAO! They'll be dead by then. They follow Israel no matter what. Putin paying respect to the immense suffering of Jews everywhere every time, he'll still continue to support Russians in Ukraine against Zionist oligarchs in Ukrainian government. Putin has stayed on top in Russia for more than 14 years, because he knows the art of lip service.

29th July 2014, 04:28 PM
he'll still continue to support Russians in Ukraine against Zionist oligarchs in Ukrainian government. Putin has stayed on top in Russia for more than 14 years, because he knows the art of lip service.

A zionist oligarch in Ukraine is probably on equal footing with some moon mining base captain's influence over Earth in a Hollywood sci-fi feature. lol!

Send another zionist robot captain, this one's gone rogue.

29th July 2014, 04:38 PM
Osabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Horn, my dad die at 98 back in 2010, no reason to go back.......last time I was there was in 2008, almost got killed by my own family for money.


29th July 2014, 04:43 PM
last time I was there was in 2008, almost got killed by my own family for money.


Time to rethink the will and testament...

I'm available if you need me :)

29th July 2014, 04:49 PM
They are not my real family, haven't spoken to them in 16 years, the last one was my 1/2 brother who I bought over about 6 years ago.....they were supposed to stay with me but they didn't like here and decided to go to Miami.......neither have I spoken to them since that they.......all that I have is going to my X and my best 3 friends........................I know, I know, all of you guys are now my best friends hahahahah.


29th July 2014, 04:55 PM
I consider myself as some estranged child, Ponce.

And will be there at the proceedings for at least some sort of support stipend. lol!

29th July 2014, 04:58 PM
Only problem is.....unless I get shot here first I am going to be 132 years when I die..........they all will die before me, I HAVE SPOKEN.


29th July 2014, 05:09 PM
Only problem is.....unless I get shot here first I am going to be 132 years when I die..........they all will die before me, I HAVE SPOKEN.


Quit worrying, you'll give yourself a middle age crisis. hehe

30th July 2014, 07:43 AM
A zionist oligarch in Ukraine is probably on equal footing with some moon mining base captain's influence over Earth in a Hollywood sci-fi feature. lol!

Send another zionist robot captain, this one's gone rogue.
Sure they are expendable mere mid-level managers. Possibly what has been going on in Ukraine and Syria now and Georgia earlier is just a show, to get a West-East WWIII going, to decimate the population of useless eaters, and Putin is in on it, helping to build suspense!

31st July 2014, 04:36 PM
well, Canada's national magazine is sucking the Zionist dick


mick silver
2nd August 2014, 11:58 AM

2nd August 2014, 06:01 PM
