View Full Version : Is the Fed scared of Bitcoin?

5th August 2014, 04:41 PM
Game Changer: Bitcoin research at the Federal Reserve and how I've lost my job (http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2cpew8/game_changer_bitcoin_research_at_the_federal/)

UPDATE: I'm traveling and hence haven't answered any more questions. I've gotten many more inquiries and as I said in one of the posts am currently vetting various outlets. I decided against giving proof to a community member and will instead opt for disclosure with a reliable business/economics news source. Stay tuned.

The Background: I'm a trained economist with a B.S. in Computer Science, a M.S. in Operations Research, and a PhD in Econometrics. I interned at the NY Fed during my degree, worked at a macro trading hedge fund, and now work at the major S.E. Fed branch doing econometrics and related modeling. I've had a long running interest in bitcoin and was one of the first people to publish a working paper on FPGA based bitcoin miners at a Georgia university focused on technology. I know bitcoin, technology, and economics on a theoretical and applied level. I'm not motivated by money (see my move from hedge fund to fed); I'm an applied academic with an incessant drive for research.

The Job: I function as a briefing researcher at the Federal Reserve. My primary research interests are the statistical modeling of developing currencies and the integration of those models into our massively parallel simulations for policy projections and forecasts. In layman's terms, I do the lower level mathematical/statistical research and then brief senior management (fed governors) at our regular meetings.

At the beginning of May, my team and I were assigned to an exploratory project. Typically summer is the off-season and most of the projects are time fillers that result in a few papers/presentations and are then archived and never heard of again. This project was different. We were given a direct research assignment from the Board of Governors a few hours after the conclusion of their May 29th closed meeting.

The Assignment: We and as far as I know several other research teams across the Fed system were tasked with creating a bitcoin report. I assigned my team to run the typical econometrics simulations and forecasts we do for developing currencies. Thinking this was summer doldrum busy work, we were diligent on calculations and modeling but definitely did not go out of our way to provide extra insight. At the end of June, I presented the report to my Fed governor and was met with strong disapproval and a sense of upmost urgency. Long story short, I almost lost my job for not taking this project as seriously as I should have and the Board of Governors renewed the projct and gave us explicit research directions along with weekly addendums.

The Dirty: We were directed to upgrade our modeling of bitcoin from developing currency to a major currency. In addition to all of the common modeling and forecasting that task entails, we were instructed to do full simulations of money flows, interest rates, multi currency derivative baskets, risk metrics, and their effects on global macro monetary policy and trade agreements. What we found was shocking. Even with a mediocre adoption rate and variable growth rate, bitcoin severly disrupts how we model, forecast, and ultimately understand currency interactions to make monetary policy decisions. This is a huge technological, monetary, and policy disruption which leaves the Fed, the US govt, and other entities with much less control. Our best case scenarios are modeled upon current bitcoin adoption rates which have simulated a tipping point for the year 2026 (worst case 2021); this time frame projects the Fed (via the dollar) to lose its dominant global monetary policy maker status - instead everything will superceded by bitcoin.

I presented this updated report along with all of our modeling work and simulation outputs which were statistically and independently verified to the Board of Governors. The Board was highly alarmed and interrogated me and my fellow researchers in a 3 day session trying to understand every point of our research. It must be remembered that unlike politicians, the Board of Governors is a very well educated and empirical group with an ability to conceptually grasp complicated research.

The Outcome: Three weeks after the report, my research team was disbanded, I was moved to a tiny regional federal reserve branch and given virtually no research resources. Similar fates came to my team members and most of us are actively trying to pursue opportunities outside of the system. While the classified information nondisclosure agreements bind us in many ways, I personally will try to go back into the trading industry with a keen eye on bitcoin as my primary research interest.

It is clear to me that Bitcoin has fundamentally changed the spectrum of how we view and model economics. The central banks are afraid, the governments are afraid, and they would rather bury the truth by firing their own dedicated researchers and archiving the reports than embrace change and building a sustainable economic future.

If you have any questions feel free to AMA, I will try my best to answer.

17th August 2014, 09:16 AM
While I don't know if this guy is telling the truth. It wouldn't surprise me that they are afraid of this technology. It completely cuts them out of the loop since they don't control it. Blockchain technology is a game changer. No longer require the trust of an organization to manage your money. Just think of how many other things you require government to do but could be done by Blockchain technology.

17th August 2014, 09:36 AM
The central banks are afraid, the governments are afraid, and they would rather bury the truth by firing their own dedicated researchers and archiving the reports than embrace change and building a sustainable economic future.

Sure its either that,

or pure hapless promotion of the unsustainable bitcoin itself.


17th August 2014, 10:08 AM
Sure its either that,

or pure hapless promotion of the unsustainable bitcoin itself.


Where are you getting the chart from? Don't go pulling an Al Gore on us. The entire chart from the first block until the most recent one for transaction volume can be found here: https://blockchain.info/charts/estimated-transaction-volume?timespan=all&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address=

I'm not really seeing a drop off that the above chart is showing.

17th August 2014, 11:12 AM
https://blockchain.info/charts/estim...ale=0&address= (https://blockchain.info/charts/estimated-transaction-volume?timespan=all&showDataPoints=false&daysAverageString=1&show_header=true&scale=0&address=)

I'm not really seeing a drop off that the above chart is showing.

Thanks for that, Ares.

I suppose if we zoom far enough out from the milkyway galaxy,

our view may be inhibited when we enter another galaxy.



22nd October 2014, 08:43 PM
Fascinating. But there are two problems. One:

Our best case scenarios are modeled upon current bitcoin adoption rates which have simulated a tipping point for the year 2026 (worst case 2021); this time frame projects the Fed (via the dollar) to lose its dominant global monetary policy maker status - instead everything will superceded by bitcoin.
Why, oh why, would someone who's in-the-know think the dollar will remain dominant until 2021?

Second, I am suspicious that it was the US government itself, probably NSA, which invented bitcoin. NSA has the computer power to crack codes and follow the money. It gives them the power to track private, "anonymous" transactions the world over. Although it's conceivable that they're scared because when they let the jeanie out of the bottle they didn't think it would be such a success.

23rd October 2014, 05:00 AM
The Fed went out of existence in 2012. It truly deserves a RIP rather than any implication that a dead entity can be resurrected and have an opinion on BITCOIN.