View Full Version : Bahman Nassiri........Hagmann and Hagmann

8th August 2014, 01:14 AM
7min in Iranian guy with a lot of inside knowledge and worth the listen.............


Celtic Rogue
8th August 2014, 01:34 AM
This Bahman guy sounds like a crypto jew. Calling for the total destruction of Iran and that Irans problems were all caused by Palestinian sympathizers? It sounds like just what israel wants to happen. He made unsubstantiated accusations... I would have liked more information before I just eat this piece of cake. I am still listening...

Celtic Rogue
8th August 2014, 01:52 AM
I also found this...

Doug Hagmann

Notice that Haggleman's website is "homeland security us": any one that uses the word "security" is using a Jewish codeword for "control". DH probably works for homeland security or CIA, he looks CIA, he's managing the opposition to Jewish fascist control. He a brainwashed Christian who has guests quoting from the Bible, a Jewish written document that has subvert America.

This radio host is meant to appeal to the broad swath of Patriotic American Christians and keep them in line with the Jewish power structure and in the dark about who is in really in control. Not naming the enemy means he is in bed with the enemy. He glorify the Jews and Israel, its not just pathetic, its treason, He is aiding and abetting the Jewish vultures that are feasting on the American corpse.

8th August 2014, 04:51 AM
Don't trust Hagmann and son.

They have yet to be correct about any of their predictions and "insider info".