View Full Version : John Friend fired from American Free Press

10th August 2014, 01:51 AM
I heard the July 29 JFriend interview with Fritz Berg (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/07/the-realist-report-friedrich-paul-berg.html) which apparently caused this. Berg's disparagement of some AFP principals took place in the last 1/3 of the show, I believe towards the end... but I don't feel like finding it again. :p U can listen if you're curious...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

John Friend no longer writes for American Free Press (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html)

Yesterday I received a letter from Willis Carto, publisher of both American Free Press and The Barnes Review, notifying me that I will no longer be writing for AFP. The letter reads in part:

Dear John,

As of August 10 we need to discontinue your weekly columns for American Free Press. [...]

[...] we realize that you interview unsavory characters on your web radio site. Interviewing Fritz Berg so that he can spew forth his hatred of me and everything we ever have worked for is not acceptable. Listeners to your program no doubt constitute readership from AFP. We would appear very strange if we tolerated this. You have a name with AFP and your reckless actions damages us in the view of the people who read AFP and listen to you.

Making one mistake with Metzger was hesitantly excused. You had to know of his irrational hatred of all of us here at AFP and especially of me when you spoke with him before you listed him as you (sic) guest on our blog radio.

Fritz Berg caused our home to be invaded with a force of 120 agents, with a helicopter and snipers on the hillside. He swore in an affidavit that Carto "was stealing money from older people" to make it elder abuse perhaps. The San Diego sheriff's department and the Costa Mesa police used his sworn statement to invade us.

In the future, for your own sake, always have the people you let talk freely vetted for their soundness and truthfulness.

Yours truly,
Willis A Carto

Some background is necessary for the record. I began writing for AFP in June of last year, so I had been contributing to the newspaper for just over a year. Although I do not like the direction AFP is going, and their ridiculous stance on certain topics (especially the alleged Sandy Hook "shooting" and the Boston "bombing"), I always felt honored to be contributing to the newspaper. I have admired Willis Carto and The Barnes Review particularly for some time now (I still do), so I was ecstatic when I first began writing for the paper. I really didn't know that much about AFP until I began contributing, at which point I purchased a subscription and began reading the weekly paper. I think AFP is a great concept that could easily attract 50,000 or more subscribers. However, given it's current direction and leadership, I simply do not see that happening. I see it as an essentially irrelevant and ultimately obsolete enterprise under it's present management. Of course, that is my opinion, which could very well turn out to be incorrect.

I've been disillusioned with the paper and the clique of people behind it for a while now. I never understood the irrational, unhinged, and quite vicious behavior of key AFP writers, especially Michael Collins Piper and Keith Johnson, directed towards those of us questioning the alleged Sandy Hook "shooting" and the Boston "bombing". AFP's official stance, as a newspaper, was to accept the mainstream media's and official government's depiction of both events, despite a total lack of legitimate evidence and the bizarre behavior of alleged eyewitnesses, survivors, and family members of purported victims of these events. What is even more bizarre and unexplainable about this situation, is that AFP's official motto (http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/about.html) is: "The media is the enemy." And yet AFP was (and still is) blindly accepting the mainstream media's official narrative explaining Sandy Hook and Boston (amongst other alleged events)? Something just doesn't add up here.

Quite frankly, it was embarrassing for me to be writing critically about Sandy Hook and interviewing a variety of individuals who have thoroughly researched and debunked this alleged "shooting", while AFP was uncritically accepting and supporting the official narrative. Making matters worse, some of the most prominent writers for AFP were (and probably still are for all I know) viciously and irrationally attacking anyone disputing or even questioning the official narrative. I think it's pretty clear at this point that the alleged Sandy Hook "shooting" was in fact an elaborate media production presented to the public via the mass media as a real event. It was a hoax, and most people who have critically investigated it recognize this fact.

Anyone who has followed my website and radio program understands the drama and controversy I am referring to.

Another incident which occurred earlier this year caused further disillusionment with and alienation from AFP. I have never publicly discussed this situation, but I think it's necessary to state this for the record. Chris Petherick, the editor for AFP, asked me to go to Copenhagen, Denmark to cover the Bilderberg Conference. He asked me to go roughly a month and a half before the event was to take place, and I immediately said yes. Of course I would go to Copenhagen and cover Bilderberg! I was excited, and began making plans and arrangements for the trip. I had all sorts of ideas, and planned on creating a daily blog which could be updated throughout the day with brief blog posts, photographs, and videos of AFP's coverage of Bilderberg. I also was attempting to make arrangements with Jeff Rense to not only promote AFP's coverage of Bilderberg on his website, but also appear as a guest on his radio program while in Copenhagen, generating AFP some much needed exposure to a large audience and demographic of the alternative media.

About a week before I was scheduled to go to Copenhagen, the editor of AFP sent me an email saying that I would not be going after all. Needless to say, I was disappointed and frustrated, particularly because I had made some serious arrangements in my private life to make sure I could attend the conference. Apparently, AFP did not want to spend the money on sending me to Copenhagen, and canceled the trip at the last minute. I am speculating here, but I think that my trip to Copenhagen was never actually approved by Carto (and his wife, who apparently has a lot of influence with AFP for whatever reason). Perhaps it was approved, and they decided to cancel sending me to Copenhagen after I had Tom Metzger scheduled to appear on my radio program (more on that below). I really don't know, and it ultimately does not matter. What I can say though is that based on my experience one is either "in" with the main players at AFP, or one is not. You either had influence in the organization and its direction, or you didn't and you were treated like an outsider. I was most certainly in the latter category.

Regarding Carto's understandable offense with having scheduled Tom Metzger, who I never actually interviewed, and Fritz Berg, who I did, on my radio program, I can only say that I simply do not know all of the details of the past (and apparently on-going) conflicts between these individuals. Shortly after I scheduled Tom Metzger to appear on my radio program (mid to late April of this year, if my memory serves me right), AFP's editor called me and told me to cancel the program, which I did. This was when I was broadcasting on AFP's BlogTalkRadio platform (now defunct), and I did not understand the history between Metzger and Carto. From what I understand now, Metzger (amongst many others) has made some serious accusations against Carto, accusations which I do not even entirely understand, let alone which I can objectively verify.

As regulars here know, I recently had Fritz Berg on my program (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/07/the-realist-report-friedrich-paul-berg.html) to discuss "Holocaust" revisionism, and when I asked him about the Institute for Historical Review, he attacked Carto. I did not anticipate or expect Berg to attack Carto - I did not even know they had a dispute at the time. I certainly didn't invite Fritz Berg on my radio program to trash Willis Carto; I invited him on to thoroughly debunk the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative of WWII, which I think we did quite successfully.

Looking back on it, it was a mistake on my part to even bring the subject up - it wasn't necessary. I am interested in the history of "Holocaust" revisionism, the players involved, and how it has evolved. Fritz has been involved with the "Holocaust" revisionist movement for many years, so I thought he could elucidate on these subjects. Again, I didn't expect him to attack Carto, especially considering Carto publishes one of the only truly pro-White, pro-NS, "Holocaust" revisionist publications in the world today (The Barnes Review (http://barnesreview.org/), which I still recommend subscribing to).



I have read George Michael's Willis Carto and the American Far Right (http://shop.americanfreepress.net/store/p/22-Willis-Carto-and-the-American-Far-Right.html), which discusses the coup against Carto and takeover of the IHR by Mark Weber and other individuals connected to him. But I do not know all the details of this dispute, which to my mind has never been properly clarified or explained.

All I know is that since Mark Weber took over the IHR, he has done very little to advance "Holocaust" revisionism and the truth about Adolf Hitler and WWII, at least not in a major, revolutionary way. Willis Carto, on the other hand, has done a great deal to advance "Holocaust" revisionism and the truth about Adolf Hitler and WWII. That fact alone speaks volumes, and is the primary reason why I respect and admire Willis Carto, and still do, despite his decision to end my relationship with AFP.

During my time writing for AFP, I always tried to remain professional and objective, be a "team player" so to speak, and I think I was for the most part. I plugged AFP and The Barnes Review on every radio program I hosted or appeared as a guest on, and tried my best to promote both the newspaper and The Barnes Review in an effort to attract more subscribers. I don't know how successful I was, but I tried my hardest.

In any case, I'm pretty sure I didn't have a future with AFP. I'm not convinced AFP itself even has a future, at least in the long term given its current management and leadership. I did enjoy my time writing for the paper, and I wish them (and The Barnes Review) the best of luck in the future.

I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that many of the major players involved with AFP - including Carto (his wife in particular), Michael Collins Piper, and perhaps others - did not care for my presence and affiliation with the organization. And that's fine. Given the nature of my political, religious, and historical interests and perspectives, plus my extreme distrust and overall analysis of the mainstream mass media, it is probably best AFP distances itself from me, and I distance myself from AFP. My "reckless actions" in wishing to interview some of the most controversial, yet brilliant and insightful, individuals in the alternative media is certainly a liability far too great for AFP.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 5:15 PM 7 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html#comment-form)

10th August 2014, 10:10 AM
Looks like RBN is shuffling some things around too. Clint Richardson's show is in Limbo.

The Corporation Nation Radio Show is in Limbo! (http://corporationnationradioarchives.wordpress.com/2014/08/07/the-corporation-nation-radio-show-is-in-limbo/)
Republic Broadcasting has more Programming Changes – Actually this means Bob Tuskin is Gone?? http://republicbroadcasting.org/outcast-radio-with-don-campbell-moves-to-nights/

Corporation Nation Radio Show Still in Limbo!!

Apparently a Time of Great Change at RBN??

10th August 2014, 07:36 PM
JFriend posted to the comments thread (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html#comment-form) of his AFP blog in the OP:


John Friend August 10, 2014 at 12:29 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html?showComment=1407698995807#c62088889933068 308)

Michael Collins Piper sent the following comment by email:


I'm giving you fair warning.

Everybody on this list (along with some other people, including some big names that I don't think you would like to alienate) know full well that I was fired from AMERICAN FREE PRESS and was out of work with no pay for six weeks (even while I was in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery—not a hoax, as you might suggest) and was then rehired.

And I didn't even know that AFP was going to send you to Denmark. That's how much in the loop I was. Believe it or not, I told Mark Glenn tonight when I heard about it that, although I would have rather seen you beaten and whipped (Fetzer would probably enjoy doing that to you), you would have probably done a good job there. You are full of energy (though it's dangerous energy, I've come to realize, perhaps your way of exorcising your inner demons) and you have a certain superficial charm that is common to those of a sociopathic bent.

I am very much "out of the loop" at AFP and hardly in any position to do any damage to you. I am lucky to be getting a paycheck.

The very creative anonymous postings at your blog, endorsing your position and casting aspersions on me (and others) are entertaining reading for anyone who knows what I have been through, physically, financially, emotionally, professionally for the last year, beginning, not coincidentally, with your malicious attack on me in the company of your big fat floppy friend Jim Fetzer, which the inestimable Carolyn Yeager commented on quite accurately at the time.

No, John, you didn't cause my grief, but I do get irritated with silly giggling and chirping like I heard coming from you and Jim Fetzer, who—he rushes to tell us—has been married twice. I know one old queen (Christopher Bollyn's chief counsel) who has been married five times.

I am quite computer ignorant so I am requesting that you publish this on your blog under my name.

There's much more I could say, but I won't, but I am warning you: don't force me to really let loose on you. I may be down and out, and indeed I am, suffering from crippling foot pain (which you publicly scoffed at) and working with a heart that is barely working, but I am still full of a lot of angry energy and I would frankly be able to make fish-food out of you if I so desired.

Some day you and I need to chat about that correspondent of yours who used to be in prison. (Yes, I know all about him.)



also see: Thread: Bollyn on DBS, Hufschmid, Piper, Thorn, CIA (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26690-Bollyn-on-DBS-Hufschmid-Piper-Thorn-CIA)

11th August 2014, 08:02 AM
Wasn't Willis Carto and AFP outed as controlled opposition after the Bollyn debacle?

11th August 2014, 09:04 AM
^ I thought so... Bollyn is perhaps my most trusted independent journalist. JFriend has been a rising star for ~3 years already; my only beef is his dogmatism about "No Planes @ WTC, video fakery." He seems like a "True Believer", who believes that widespread 911 awareness all hinges on everyone's realizing the truth of this NP@WTC theory!! Anyways, as I commented at his blog:

AnonymousAugust 10, 2014 at 8:19 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html?showComment=1407727196280#c35129603340681 18172)
John, AFP Bollyn'ed you!!


^ Long page there, but much about AFP & associated personalities. Use your browser's text-search function (CTRL-F) for any of: AFP, Lane, Carto, Piper. This is one meaty find, for example: "AFP and Disinformation: How it works"

I don't think everything Bollyn has written about AFP&Co appears on that 'disinfo' page, because the subject has come up in his Q&A postings before, and it seems those disappear after falling off the bottom of his homepage. Here's one example from June '14:

Consider inviting Bollyn onto your show, John. Whatever differences you 2 probably have over WTC theories; you have 2 major things in common: WHO did 9/11, and now, internal treachery at AFP.

11th August 2014, 09:07 AM
Another well known commenter:

Fredrick Toben (http://www.blogger.com/profile/10879883642993210408) August 10, 2014 at 11:40 PM

(http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html?showComment=1407739243535#c68598596334116 40738)

What’s this, John?

1. I just read through your blog – interesting indeed how matters implode –

2. It’s funny how during the 1990s I tried to bring together the two groups – we had them together for our 1998 Adelaide conference, then in 2004 when the Sacramento conference fell through and Weber refused the compromise of calling it something like the Zundel Conference in order to ensure the East and West coast participants would attend, I only learned about the deeper issues – that of the Carto life-time bankruptcy on account of the Weber-Revisionist action against his enterprise, which Carto built up.

3. Metzger and Berg were leading the push against Carto and they can share the blame for the IHR not having become a fully-fledged tertiary institution. The structures were all there, the individuals with academic qualifications were on the board, etc. And then basic greed kicked in and individuals were blinded – they just didn’t know what it takes to run an enterprise, let alone begin one, as we noted with the slow demise of the IHR.

4. I was repulsed by the fact that the have-nots used legal means with which to enrich themselves. I could draw a close parallel with what happened to me and how legal means were used on me to shut me up and to stop me from asking questions – just on 20 years through the courts and bankruptcy at the end of the process.

5. For me it is interesting that all this happened around 1993, which was a significant year for Revisionism’s thrusting at the Holocaust-Shoah narrative with great success: Zündel had his 1985 and 1988 convictions overturned; Hayward wrote his Revisionist thesis; Germar Rudolf confirmed The Leuchter Report with his own report; the IHR, which had always been a part of the Carto enterprise, was about to be endowed, which would have enabled it to become a full tertiary institution – that was the plan, but some Revisionists thought otherwise. So the enemy within got to work. David Cole had obtained the Piper “confession” about Krema I and at the same time had made contact with a wonderful Rabbi who taught him how to ask the right questions! I have never seen any evidence of Cole ever having been bashed up, and so I now consider his role was that of Jewish interests trying to be out front again to claim credit for exposing the so-called Holocaust hoax. As I said elsewhere, had Hayward not given me a copy of his thesis to present as evidence in my court case that Revisionism is an academic subject, then we would have had Jews, Hayward-Cole – (Berg?), being the ones who demolished the Holocaust – never mind Zündel, Faurisson, et al, who contributed to it. This is the sticking point in Cole’s book – why would he go so hard on these two and attempt to ridicule their work? Easy answer – without Zündel’s court cases we would still have 4 million dead at Auschwitz, and Faurisson’s maxim: ‘No holes, no Holocaust’ still holds, as does his challenge: ‘Show me or draw me the homicidal gas chamber!’ Fritz Berg’s railway shed gassing idea is a logical distraction – as is so much of the material that is generated by those who don’t really wish this Holocaust Revisionist work to end, not until the survivors have passed on because for them it is also a job on which to survive – and that imperative Carto understood so well.

6. Also in your blog I like the religious person coming in with that Biblical slant – we are Israelites – such mythological matter does not clarify issues – anyone who uses the Bible as a guide for moral uprightness has problems, just as anyone who relies on Talmudic inspiration has moral problems – in my considered view!

7. Anyway - you, Hunt, Blakeney Martinez and Royle are the thrusting individuals who are interested in finding out the truth of a matter – I am like old Wotan now, a Wanderer, and I can only look on how the human drama continues to unfold in your care.

8. I am ccing this email for informational purposes only, and to a few per Bcc.

9. Best wishes – and rest assured there will be more upheavals because life is trouble- only death is not; to be alive you need to take off your belt and look for trouble! But then you also need to find a soul you can call your own as so beautifully expressed in Beethoven’s 9th where Schiller’s words advise us we may find universal brotherhood but only he who can call one soul his own may enter Elysium:

Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,
Daughter from Elysium,
We enter, burning with fervour,
heavenly being, your sanctuary!
Your magic brings together
what custom has sternly divided.
All men shall become brothers,
wherever your gentle wings hover.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
Mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund! Whoever has been lucky enough
to become a friend to a friend,
Whoever has found a beloved wife,
let him join our songs of praise!
Yes, and anyone who can call one soul
his own on this earth!
Any who cannot, let them slink away
from this gathering in tears!

Al the very best.
Fredrick Töben

11th August 2014, 09:13 AM
and a couple other actors in this melodrama, clicking the DATES goes to the source,

Tom Metzger (http://www.blogger.com/profile/09386366332218887223) August 10, 2014 at 7:39 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html?showComment=1407681587415#c80815257867441 2804)

I sent a measage detailing most of the sordid Jean Farrel affair with facts only I and the conspirators seem privy to. I have not seen those facts passed on.Which leads me to beleive those that claim they want the truth are only satified if it comes from "ACCEPTABLE SOURCES".

Carto is upset that someone would charge him of defrauding old ladies. I remember back in the seventies when Carto Hysterically pleaded for immediate money otherwise Liberty Lobby would loose the Liberty lobby building. I am sure many senior ladies sent him lots of money. Later it was proven that he actually owned the building all along.The Kicker was he sent the fund appeal to his own mother! In California when I had associations with Willis Carto every year their would be a Hitler birthday party on april 20 .I attended a couple but they tended to be like Hollywood Nazi events.with even with a few WW2 uniforms.Their was no doubt that carto helped arrange these parties. but when ask by the press or others if he was a NAZI he would strongly deny it. Actually he sued one person for identifying him as a NAZI and he lost the case.While he may be a Nazi he surely isnt a traditional National Socialist.Willis is a National Capitalist.

Eric Hunt (http://holocausthoaxmuseum.com)August 10, 2014 at 1:04 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html?showComment=1407657886181#c18985206258960 47586)

You're in good company!

I heard through the grapevine that because Mr. Berg helps produce my videos, I'm not allowed to write for any of Mr. Carto's operations either. Doesn't seem very rational to me.

You and I have nothing to do with this decades-old squabble and don't even know the full story. Most of this is a surprise to us.

It doesn't seem like a rational thing to do, fire you, a radio host, because your guest said something against Mr. Carto. You clearly didn't know anything about this problem, were you supposed to screen all of your guest choices by Mr. Carto, to see if they are on bad terms? Seems like ego protection.

This is your first time ever talking to Fritz Berg, you OBVIOUSLY didn't know about Carto and Berg's past relationship.

And even knowing it now, should you care? Would you have done anything differently? It was clear listening to the interview that you were asking a veteran of the Revisionist struggle many questions, trying to get more information.

It's not your fault you had one of the world's top experts on the phony "Holocaust" narrative and he decided to tee off on Carto, John.

Mr. Berg will go down in history as the engineer who debunked diesel gassing claims, as well as eyewitness gassing corpse coloration. He's an essential figure in Revisionism and is worth interviewing often to learn more about any aspect of "The Holocaust".

You did not know about this past squabble. To fire you just like that, rather than give you a warning - (Hey, please don't have that guy on to disparage me again) raises suspicions.

I don't think you or I really care about this past squabble. We just want to get the message out, and of course to win.

Friedrich Paul Berg (http://www.nazigassings.com) August 10, 2014 at 2:22 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/08/john-friend-no-longer-writes-for.html?showComment=1407705720316#c95265033799842 0715)

There n-e-v-e-r was any sworn statement from me or even "sworn" testimony from me in any of the legal proceedings that Carto and I were both involved in.You might test this simple fact by asking Carto to please send you a copy of my alleged "sworn statement." You will get nothing because there is nothing. Short of that, you might ask Carto to at least provide a date for that "sworn statement."

No one used any statement from me to "invade" Carto's house or property. The invasion such as it was, was based as I understand it, entirely on the fact that the California Judge Maino was simply trying to recover some of what Carto had taken from the IHR without any authorization.

If you really want to heed Carto's advice about "soundness and truthfulness," stay far away from Willis Carto.

Friedrich Paul Berg
Learn everything at www.nazigassings.com (http://www.nazigassings.com)
www.Gaschamberhoax.com (http://www.Gaschamberhoax.com)

11th March 2015, 02:58 AM
This could go in a number of threads. Red Ice (http://www.redicecreations.com) w/John Friend (http://www.therealistreport.com/). JF kicks arse here, really succinct & effective in describing his journey to trutherdom, and summarizing his core WW2/911/JWO issues, aided & abetted by host Henrik Palmgren whose journey & views are pretty congruent with JF's.

1st 'free' hour only here (71 mins); will return & post 2nd 'members' hour if/when either JF or Mami's (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/) posts the whole show.

John Friend - Hour 1 - Demystifying the New World Order: From WWII to 9/11 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/03/RIR-150309.php)
March 9, 2015

John Friend is an independent blogger and journalist based in Southern California who maintains TheRealistReport.com. John focuses primarily on the events of 9/11, WWII revisionism, media deception and psychological warfare, power and influence of the Zionist Lobby in America, and the systematic assault upon and subversion of traditional Western European civilization. He is currently working on a book which will be examining and demystifying the "New World Order" conspiracy often discussed in the alternative media in an attempt to clarify the main goals and ultimate agenda of the Global Power Elite.

We begin our discussion with reflections on what it�s like to awaken to the big lies, to tread into the darkness and dig into the murky areas where the truth lies, a process that is immensely difficult and depressing at best. John explains how the disillusioning events of 9/11 triggered him to take a closer look at the frightening narrative our government concocted to promote the institutionalization of the idea of the global �War on Terror.� John outlines some of the key foreign policies hatched from the fiasco, who was in control of the World Trade Center complex at the time, and Israeli players who had direct ties to the crime ring involved.

Then, we consider the roles of the mainstream media/entertainment industrial complex and the educational system in perpetuating our fabricated history, the demonization of truth seekers who dare to criticize the diabolical, tyrannical agendas these events continue to promote, and the ongoing assault on Western traditionalism.

In the members� hour, we weigh up what it takes to objectively analyze the verifiable facts of the multitude of controversial and taboo issues eroding away our cultural and moral framework. We deliberate the urgency for informed, talented individuals to get motivated, take a stand, and spread the truth widely in the spirit of love and concern. We end with strategies for breaking through to our overwhelmingly politically correct, programmed, monoculture so they can effectively hear the alarm being sounded and join in the fight for the best interests of Western civilization.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2015/RIR-150309-johnfriend-hr1.mp3)

16th August 2015, 06:54 AM
JFriend published this ~2.5 months ago. I saw it at the time, but didn't think to post it here (cross-posting this to 3 relevant threads). But I just returned to it in my searching for something else. It's odd coz JFriend was fired by Carto last year. And then, "at some point" (??), was re-hired... JF never posted a similar blog entry announcing his return to AFP, the way he did when he was fired last year (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?78597-John-Friend-fired-from-American-Free-Press).

Thursday, May 28, 2015
Willis Carto: Champion of the American Right (http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2015/05/willis-carto-champion-of-american-right.html)

Esp notice the 30 comments, many good ones. One posts audio of a 2006 MCP/Carto radio show interview.
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php...52743137342838 (http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=04399652743137342838)

Another comment points to this disgusting Keith Johnstein Sandy Hoax researcher hit piece, "Sandy Hook Parents Could Be In Danger (http://americanfreepress.net/?p=17698)"

...more about KJohnstein in the Spingola/Shark thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?75243-Spingola-Jumps-Shark-Supports-Zion-gov-s-Official-Sandy-Hook-Story).

12th September 2015, 12:17 PM
John Friend: forced out of his job (http://crazzfiles.com/john-friend-forced-out-of-his-job/)

Posted on September 12, 2015 by The Crazz Files (http://crazzfiles.com/author/adam/) in News (http://crazzfiles.com/category/news/) // 0 Comments


ESCONDIDO — A 29-year-old clerical employee in the Escondido City Manager’s Office was forced out of his job this week after city officials learned he operates an anti-Semitic website and is active in a movement that blames Jews for the 9/11 terror attacks.

Poway resident John Friend was hired by Escondido about three months ago as a division coordinator, which is responsible for a variety of administrative duties in the City Manager’s Office including supervising support staff and helping develop office policies and procedures, according to the city’s website.

City officials said they were unaware at the time that Friend is an outspoken blogger and contributor to several white supremacist publications.

Friend told a reporter he finds “inspiration and guidance from America’s Founding Fathers” as well as “white Christian patriots” such as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.

City Manager Clay Phillips said he was unaware of Friend’s activism until a reporter began asking questions about it on Tuesday and a second person called in the same tip.

Friend — an “at will” employee for the city — said he was called into his supervisor’s office on Wednesday and given the option of stepping down or being fired. He chose to resign.

Though he enjoyed his job, Friend — who had previously worked part-time in Escondido’s recreation department — said he wasn’t surprised he was ultimately let go.

“(I thought) it was inevitable that my political and historical views would become known to the city,” he said in an email to the Union-Tribune. “I thought that their knowledge of my writing, publishing, and speaking activities, as well as the political and historical perspective I openly espouse, would ultimately result in my termination.”

Phillips said he could not comment in detail about the situation because it’s a personnel issue.

However, he said, “John worked in this office and I did find out about some of his writings on the Internet and it certainly raises concerns for the city and for me personally as his boss.”

Sources said Friend kept his political beliefs quiet while working and was generally well liked in the office.

In an email interview with the Union-Tribune, Friend said he didn’t list any of his writings or website work on his resume or in his job interview, but neither did he try to conceal his political or social views.

On his website, therealistreport.com, Friend posts stories that assert, among other things, that the Holocaust is a false and inaccurate interpretation of history made up by the Jewish-dominated media, and that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the Israel government to create the international war on terrorism.

In a blog post five months ago, he said “The huge numbers of ‘holocaust survivors’ — well into the hundreds of thousands still today — are undeniable proof that the extermination claims are a hoax… The Nazis kept them alive as best they could under nearly impossible circumstances. The real mass murderers were the western Allies.”

In his email to the Union-Tribune, Friend said he considers himself a white Christian American patriot who finds philosophical and intellectual inspiration from America’s Founding Fathers.

“I have also researched and studied a number of important, yet completely marginalized and in many cases demonized, White Christian patriots including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, George Lincoln Rockwell (the founder of the American Nazi Party… and many others.”

Friend said while he is highly critical of the federal government, he was impressed with the leaders and employees of Escondido and that he enjoyed his time there.

“To my knowledge, no one in the office had complained about me, and I was unaware of any complaints emanating from the outside public relating to my work performance,” he said.


http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/...-anti-Semitic/ (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/sep/10/escondido-fired-city-manager-office-anti-Semitic/)

12th September 2015, 01:54 PM
Full Q & A w/ J. Harry Jones of the San Diego Union-Tribune (http://therealistreport.com/full-q-a-w-j-harry-jones-of-the-san-diego-union-tribune/)
September 11, 2015 (http://therealistreport.com/full-q-a-w-j-harry-jones-of-the-san-diego-union-tribune/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 14 comments


Below is the full text of the Q&A between myself and J. Harry Jones, a reporter for The San Diego Union-Tribune (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/) who wrote an article entitled, “Ex-city worker runs anti-Semitic website.” (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/sep/10/escondido-fired-city-manager-office-anti-Semitic/) Mr. Jones’ article (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/sep/10/escondido-fired-city-manager-office-anti-Semitic/) was published on the U-T‘s website on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 6:05 p.m. Pacific time zone. The article also appeared in the Friday, September 11, 2015 print edition of the newspaper on page B1.

http://renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/UT-183x300.jpg (http://renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/UT.jpg)

J. Harry Jones: Please describe what happened Wednesday. Were you told why you were being fired? Technically, did you resign in lieu of termination?

John Friend: On Wednesday, September 9, 2015, at approximately 8 a.m., I was invited into a Conference Room with my direct supervisor, Robin Ekblad, Executive Assistant to the City Manager (http://www.escondido.org/city-manager.aspx), Sheryl Bennett, Director of Administrative Services (HR) (http://www.escondido.org/human-resources.aspx), and Graham Mitchell, Assistant City Manager (http://www.escondido.org/city-manager.aspx). I was immediately informed that my employment with the City of Escondido (http://www.escondido.org/home.aspx) was officially terminated, and that I had the option of either accepting the termination or resigning in lieu of termination. I chose the later, and officially resigned in lieu of termination.

Jones: Given your high profile Internet presence, did you feel eventually that your beliefs would become known to the city and what did you think their reaction would be?

http://renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/AFP1-300x240.jpg (http://renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/AFP1.jpg)

Friend: Given my high profile Internet presence, along with being a regular reporter for American Free Press (http://americanfreepress.net/), a bi-weekly national newspaper, and a regular contributor to and member of the Board of Contributing Editors of The Barnes Review (http://www.barnesreview.org/), a bi-monthly historical review magazine affiliated with American Free Press (http://americanfreepress.net/), I felt it was inevitable that my political and historical views would become known to the City. I thought that their knowledge of my writing, publishing, and speaking activities, as well as the political and historical perspectives I openly espouse, would ultimately result in my termination.

Jones: What was your job title and when did you start in the City Manager’s Office?

Friend: I was the Division Coordination (http://agency.governmentjobs.com/escondido/default.cfm?action=viewclassspec&classSpecID=879202&agency=2306&viewOnly=yes) in the City Manager’s Office for the City of Escondido. You will have to check with the City for the exact dates of my employment, but I can say that I was employed as the Division Coordinator for roughly 3 months.

Jones: Briefly, can you describe your political philosophy? You described yourself as a White Christian Patriot. What does that mean?

Friend: My political philosophy has evolved over the years, and will continue to evolve as I continue my research, journalistic endeavors, and scholarly activities. I have always had a very open mind, and am willing to entertain and objectively analyze a variety of political, historical, philosophical, and religious perspectives.

As I stated in our discussion this morning, I consider myself a White Christian American Patriot, and find philosophical and intellectual inspiration and guidance from America’s Founding Fathers, most especially Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, George Washington, and Andrew Jackson. I have also researched and studied a number of important, yet completely marginalized and in many cases demonized, White Christian patriots including Adolf Hitler (http://christogenea.org/videos/putting-adolf-hitler-perspective), Joseph Goebbels (http://christogenea.org/podcasts/dr-joseph-goebbels-those-damned-nazis-december-8th-2012), George Lincoln Rockwell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaCHBmGWcBc), Willis Carto (http://therealistreport.com/willis-carto-champion-of-the-american-right/), Corneliu Zela Cordreanu (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu), Dr. David Duke (http://davidduke.com/),Dr. Kevin MacDonald (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/), and many, many other heroic and courageous thinkers, intellectuals, philosophers, publishers, and statesmen (http://www.amazon.com/Populism-vs-Plutocracy-Universal-Struggle/dp/0935036504). All of these individuals, and many others, have shaped my worldview and political philosophy. I am confident I will discover other important thinkers that will further shape my worldview and political philosophy in the future. As I say, I am very open minded, and have dedicated myself to the pursuit of truth above all else, certainly above any sort of political or personal agenda.

I consider myself a White Christian American Patriot, and I am engaged in a struggle for truth, sanity, and White Christian revival in this great nation, which of course was founded, built, and developed by White Christian men and women from Europe. I myself am White, I am Christian, I am an American, and I am a Patriot, so it only makes sense that I describe myself as a White Christian American Patriot. I think that is the most accurate description of my political views. I always avoid the “Left-Right”/Republican-Democrat paradigm, because it is entirely absurd and irrelevant at this point in time. It’s a distraction – a way for the elite media and political establishment to prevent the American people from waking up to the bigger picture and recognizing that their is in fact an agenda to systematically demoralize, displace, and disenfranchise White Christian Americans from the very country their ancestors fought and died for to establishment and develop. This is unacceptable to me, and millions of other White Christian American Patriots in this nation.

Make no mistake, our time is coming, and sooner than most people think.

I think it’s very clear, and millions of Americans (White and non-White) are starting to recognize this fact, that there is a war on White people being waged on a daily basis by the elite mass media, Hollywood, political establishment, and academia. Generally speaking, White people are demonized and slandered in our history books, and are blamed for all the ills plaguing this world. White people are accused of “oppressing” and “holding down” non-Whites. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, and I could elaborate on all of these points, as well as many other related points, at great length if you’re interested.

Suffice it to say, Whites are the only racial or ethnic group in America who are demonized, ridiculed, and ultimately prevented from effectively organizing along political, cultural, and philosophical lines. When White people recognize their White racial identity, have pride in their race, ancestors, civilization, and accomplishments, and attempt to organize politically or culturally we are called “racist” and “Neo-Nazis” and “White Supremacists” – childish, ridiculous insults that should outrage and appall all red-blooded Americans who believe in the U.S. Constitution and our historic political traditions.
I am more than willing to elaborate on my political and historical views in the future. I would not be writing, saying, and otherwise communicating the ideas and perspectives that I am without knowing for certain they are/were true. I can easily prove everything I am espousing, and am more than willing to do so if you, or anyone else for that matter, are interested.

Jones: Do you plan on challenging your dismissal from the Escondido job?

Friend: I do not plan on challenging my dismissal from the City of Escondido. However, I do hope to obtain clarification on some important facts relating to my resignation in lieu of termination.

Jones: Do you think it is fair that you were terminated?

Friend: I think it was fair that I was terminated, because ultimately my employment status was up to the discretion of my supervisor (and her superiors, I would presume), as I was officially classified as an “at will,” unclassified, non-union employee. The City should be able to clarify this for you, so please do not quote me on this.

Jones: When you applied for the job, did you take pains to purposely withhold your personal political beliefs from the city? Have you had similar problems with past jobs?

Friend: I did not take pains to withhold or conceal my political and historical views from the City during the hiring process or at any other point of time of my employment. I have no comment on your second question.

Jones: Had anyone in the office complained about you, to your knowledge?

Friend: To my knowledge, no one in the office had complained about me, and I was unaware of any complaints emanating from the outside public relating to my work performance. I refer you to the City for further clarification.

I had a great experience working for the City of Escondido, both as the Division Coordinator in the City Manager’s Office and as a part-time Recreation Specialist. The City of Escondido is an outstanding organization comprised of very dedicated, professional, and passionate individuals who are committed to serving the residents of the city and doing everything in their power to improve the community. As you know, I am very critical of the ruling political establishment and the criminal factions manipulating and controlling the federal government (and mass media, banking establishment, etc.), especially at the highest levels. However, my experience working for the City of Escondido demonstrated that government can in fact be a force for good as long as there are honorable, honest, and competent individuals managing and governing the organization.

As far as I can tell, the City of Escondido, led by Clay Phillips, the City Manager, Mayor Sam Abed (https://www.escondido.org/city-council.aspx) and the other City Council members, and the various Department Heads and Supervisors, is managed and governed by such individuals. It was truly an honor and blessing to work with such great people, and I wish them all the best.

Best regards,
John Friend

www.TheRealistReport.com (http://therealistreport.com/)

see comments @ http://therealistreport.com/full-q-a-w-j-harry-jones-of-the-san-diego-union-tribune (http://therealistreport.com/full-q-a-w-j-harry-jones-of-the-san-diego-union-tribune/)

13th September 2015, 08:47 AM
didn't know Escondido was such a great city. They got a great coin dealer, and a real decent 50's night car show.

OK, and they have a good YMCA with a good outdoor swimming pool.

my brother used to work for the local newspaper.

his boss was a big time bird fanatic.

said his boss used to walk around with a special back apron ... and bird shit all up and down his back ...
from having birds sit on his shoulder while he was working.

Anyway ... getting back to John Friend -

I think the Jooos were involved in his firing. I think this is the second time he's been fired for his political beliefs.

My guess is, some Joo-supporter was assigned to find out his new job - and to stir up shit.

That would mean, staking out his home, and following him to work.

Assistant city coordinator - not exactly a high-profile position.

back in 2014, about JF & the softball team


13th September 2015, 09:01 AM
Escondido boy probably had agenda at the work place from that statement, I'd probably have fired him if given the chance.

13th September 2015, 06:46 PM
Escondido boy probably had agenda at the work place from that statement, I'd probably have fired him if given the chance.

what part of which statement are you talking about?

I defer this topic to Shami's dedicated thread:
Realist Report Owner Fired in Real Life for Website (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?85116-Realist-Report-Owner-Fired-in-Real-Life-for-Website)

13th September 2015, 10:14 PM
what part of which statement are you talking about?

All the I am, I am, I ams.

I myself am White, I am Christian, I am an American, and I am a Patriot, so it only makes sense that I describe myself as a White Christian American Patriot

I can only imagine sitting next to someone like that at the work place,

if they place more than 2 I ams in any 1 sentence I expect 20 to come sometime soon,

maybe San Diegan, vegeterian, modern major general is next and that's just too much.

14th September 2015, 02:34 AM
^ that was (a portion of JF's answer) in response to the report's direct question,

Jones: Briefly, can you describe your political philosophy? You described yourself as a White Christian Patriot. What does that mean?

do you ask such direct questions of your coworkers? does the JF/Jones interview, or the resulting SD-U-T article indicate anywhere that JF espoused his beliefs to his coworkers, unsolicited? :|~ on the contrary...

14th September 2015, 07:53 AM
The entire reply is tainted as some sort of script, imo. I only picked one sentence that appears spewed from some agenda driven robot, or he's repeated it to numerous people in the past... Even when Jones describes him under 3 labels provided by him earlier he then adds a 4th in American. Its a wholly over the top reply. Including the start and end, that it or he is prepared to evolve even further into new and unfounded labels in the future.

14th September 2015, 09:10 AM
The entire reply is tainted as some sort of script, imo. I only picked one sentence that appears spewed from some agenda driven robot, or he's repeated it to numerous people in the past... Even when Jones describes him under 3 labels provided by him earlier he then adds a 4th in American. Its a wholly over the top reply. Including the start and end, that it or he is prepared to evolve even further into new and unfounded labels in the future.

when the US media encounters people who touch a nerve by telling the truth -

they are straitjacketed by a 'play-book', a set of rules.

as they try to balance all those inputs, their functional IQ drops at least 40 points.

14th September 2015, 09:28 AM
Maybe its just that.

I can only sympathize with any white american christian patriots

who must feel now as though they're black and listening to their version of Rev. Al Sharpton.

Someone said the blind shall lead them.

14th September 2015, 12:14 PM
From what I've been able to gather, he's a real guy using his real name who just lost a real job in the real world for a real cause he believes in.

More power to him. At this stage of the game, I'd say he's pretty fucking brave. If he's for real.

Of course, it's possible I'm wrong. His name, ..John Friend.. sounds staged. So he could be a staged cyber-military honey pot set-up or something,
but it's not like he's asking anyone to follow him or send him money.

If he identifies as being a White Christian American Patriot, then good for him.

14th September 2015, 01:58 PM
Of course Santa, i'm sure there is any number of blacks who think Al Sharpton is most courageous.