View Full Version : World Zionists Play Russian Roulette With Alien ETs

19th August 2014, 10:24 AM
cant believe I am reading this on such a site.... The truth is much bigger than what is known

Alien Agenda V: World Zionists Play Russian Roulette With Alien ETs

by Preston James

Have Ruling Super-elite Deviants set up a Secret Cell of Nuclear Weapon Scientists to covertly and quickly develop advanced Nuclear Devices they can then deploy to depopulate America by 90%, in order to avoid a threatened 100% Depopulation ” Reset” by Alien ETs which would include themselves?

Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Space War matters and Alien ET visitors.

If you have not examined all the evidence of such matters that was presented in previous Secret Space War articles, you are probably wasting your valuable time reading this and it will seem like nonsense to you. Why waste your valuable time reading about something that will just not fit into your mind?

You are not allowed to know this information by the Powers That Be (PTB). They don’t really care what you believe as long as it is plausibly deniable, but they have taken extreme measures to make sure you cannot know these things for sure by controlling the USG, the Judiciary, the Major Mass Media and the Educational System.

Note: over the last 50 years hundreds of individuals have been murdered to keep these secrets from you and many thousands have been threatened, or seriously harassed and coerced to stop talking about what they have seen close up. The last several years the whole Intel system of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is breaking down and the facts about the Secret Space War that has been ongoing in America since 1947 can no longer be kept from the public. This article is dedicated to the Great American Heroes who have now made this story possible to be told at Veterans Today.

................... The Dracos are desperate and are pushing their Cutouts hard to do desperate acts against “We the People.”

The Dracos know they are very close to losing once again and being pushed back into the darkness (where they belong). They are exceedingly desperate and afraid but do not want anyone, including their Circles of Twelve to knwo this. That is why they believe that unless they move ahead fast with their Reset Blackmail plan, they will be completely defeated. They have told their WZ Cutouts something like this: “If you do not do your job and come up with an adequate reset plan to eliminate at least 90% of everyone in America while we take you underground to stay in the DUMBs until it is safe to go back, we will strip you of all your powers, wealth and status and throw you to the wolves. Plus we will institute our own Reset Plan which will destroy you along with 100% of the folks on Planet Earth.”

How did this all start and how did Planet Earth get into such a mess?

The BCC and the IZCS were ordered to form a working partnership after WW2 by the World Zionists run out of the City of London who are allegedly controlled by Dracos.

This super crime-coalition was intended to hijack the world and all its resources to fulfill a Draco Alien Agenda. And this was to be done through pre-staged wars to cause mass-death, creation of monopolies to control the economies, issuing of debt-based “funny money” to allow the manipulation of the money supply, creation and use of pernicious usury to create debt-slavery, massive international illegal weapons and drug trafficking to create mass death and chaos.

Perhaps the most closely guarded secret in the world?

alien-alpha-draconian3It has been reported from connected insiders for many years that these WZ Action-Agents the BCC and the IZCS have received their power from help by these Draco Alien ETs and vast private central Bankster Money-Power from the City of London financial District (a separate country inside London with its own ambassadors like the Vatican, which was covertly hijacked by the Rothschilds aka Bauers, when Napoleon was defeated).

Perhaps this is the most closely guarded secret in recent history is this secret alliance and working relationship that was formed between the World Zionists (WZs) from the City of London, and a certain inter-dimensional Alien ET group known to be extremely aggressive and evil known as the Reptilians, Dragons, Order of the Snake, or most frequently as the Dracos.

This Alien ET group the Dracos have been reputed by good sources to be “Energy Vampires” or Parasites that feed off the negative energy of extreme human fear, terror and painful death.

The World Zionists (WZs) are also known as the Rothschild Private Central Banksters that seized the City of London private central Banks through very crafty means that some believe was supernatural and occult driven Intel. Others believe carrier pigeons were used to carry the message of Napoleon’s defeat to London from France, but this is not what official records in the Vatican Basement Secret Library or the secret records of MJ-12 are alleged to suggest.

The closely guarded secret source of the WZs world power has been (in their own words), “the Teeming power of Lucifer.”

It is now known that the WZs have secretly been pure Luciferians who became Occult “Black-Magick Masters” who learned and perfected Black-Magick Arts passed down from Ancient Babylonia through their family “Luciferian Blood Lines. As the official account goes, those initiated into these Babylonian Black-Magick Luciferian Arts each received an individual inter-dimensional Spirit Guide that would appear to them during human sacrifice ceremonies first and then more frequently at other times. These personal spirit guides are viewed by some as inter-dimensional ETs, Demons or Jinns and have a record of assisting their client in mastering evil and oppressing Planet Earth’s masses.

Occasionally non-bloodline individuals who have served the WZs diligently over many years and proved themselves to be remarkably loyal to their evil cause are inducted into their Occult Circles.

alien2This known association between Alien ETs and the Occult (Babylonian Black-Magick) was first discovered by those who studied the reports of Aleister Crowley, reputed to be one of the most evil men that ever lived and called the “Beast 666.” One one noted occasion Crowley claimed that an Inter-dimensional being Seth appeared to walk through the walls of an Egyptian Pyramid he was inside to greet him. According to Crowley’s own sketch this being, it looked exactly like what is typically referred to as an Alien ET Gray.................

ome Muslim Clerics and non-Zionist Christian Pastors believe these Alien ETs are Jinns or evil Demons and thus believe there is a connection between them and pure Cosmic Evil, Satan or the Devil (aka the Dark Side”). And certain individuals within the US Space Command and inside NATO’s Space Command also feel some of these Alien ET entities are remarkably evil in crafty ways, but this belief is apparently not universal among such highly ranked Military Officials.

It is believed by some Intel insiders that the World Zionists (WZs) are essentially completely controlled by these Alien ET Dracos and highly rewarded with power, money, and status for generating massive human suffering and painful death through wars, plagues, hard-kill and soft-kill.

These Draco Cutouts and main Action-Agents, the WZs, have been working hard to enact the Dracos worldwide Alien Agenda which is notably parasitical, evil and produces massive death and intense human suffering all over the world in order to provide the negative energy these Dracos need to remain operational on Planet Earth................ MORE/FULL/LONG

19th August 2014, 10:38 AM
It's Preston James, he's into that sort of thing.

35 Things the Ruling Cabal Doesn't Want You to Know (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?73027-35-Things-the-Ruling-Cabal-Doesn-t-Want-You-to-Know&highlight=Preston+James)

check how many alien articles Gordon "40% Disinfo" Duff (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?73413-Gordon-Duff-What-Can-Be-Told&p=665912&viewfull=1#post665912) has posted @ VT. http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/gordonduff/

19th August 2014, 11:01 AM
I like that guy.... tnx patcolo

from your "35 things" link:
6. Ufo’s are real and are advanced inter-dimensional Anti-Gravity Craft (AGCs) and have been recovered by the American Army Air Corps (now the USAF) after crashing, and have contained alien/ET pilots.These craft have been back engineered, and the USG has entered into several top secret treaties with certain alien groups to obtain ultra-high technology in return for access to human and animals for biological sampling as long as certain rules are met. It turns out that these alien/ET are liars and deceivers, have broken the agreements and some have used humans for food.

7. The secret Shadow Government (SSG) has taken over the majority of these alien/ET treaty issues and has entered into joint programs with these aliens to build underground bases where they have set up hybridization labs to help the alien/ETs develop new hybrid/human beings with Psi-power and super-soldier characteristics.So far these experiments have failed and the aliens have not been able to synthesize the human soul which is what they are after. It is alleged that other major nations like China and Russia have entered into exchange treaties with various alien/ET entities also.

also there: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/02/35-things-the-ruling-cabal-does-not-want-you-to-know/

19th August 2014, 11:02 AM
The 60% truth here would be the lizard bloodlines in London.

19th August 2014, 11:09 AM
the patterns to seize control of the planet are extremely ancient.... as old as money.... that's why was money was invented

19th August 2014, 11:16 AM
If they've been working on this since WW2 they're some seriously stupid mother fuckers! Alien and their human collaborators, a collection of ineptitude.

19th August 2014, 04:38 PM
If they've been working on this since WW2 they're some seriously stupid mother fuckers! Alien and their human collaborators, a collection of ineptitude.

What truth,

their sense of timing and execution doesn't seem more advanced than late cromagnon period.

20th August 2014, 12:25 AM
well if they have wanted a 90% reduction in the population since 1947 they have failed miserably. 1947 population was about 150 million. Todays 320 million. So instead of a 90% reduction we have 100% increase. Another Gov failure I suppose.

20th August 2014, 02:21 AM
http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j273/Redwoodjedi/draconian1.jpg (http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=b-8INYBkO4fdOM&tbnid=hjXOjybjrJjDwM:&ved=0CAgQjRw4Mw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abovetopsecret.com%2Fforum%2F thread510867%2Fpg1&ei=YV30U7--Ho7t8AWX_4LgAw&psig=AFQjCNG_YshjeYcOmShekygrq-RyMOlBzg&ust=1408610017608066)

20th August 2014, 02:24 AM


20th August 2014, 10:15 AM
not so sure as most people are sick one way or another (due to food-genetic manipulation, big pharma pollution, etc) and mind controlled into WW3... it is a slow motion mass murder

well if they have wanted a 90% reduction in the population since 1947 they have failed miserably. 1947 population was about 150 million. Todays 320 million. So instead of a 90% reduction we have 100% increase. Another Gov failure I suppose.

20th August 2014, 11:26 AM
not so sure as most people are sick one way or another (due to food-genetic manipulation, pollution, etc) and mind controlled... it is a slow motion mass murder

Are you claiming there is some sort of soul mining going on?

To wit my response is wouldn't they engineer for the most nutrient rich souls availabe? :)

20th August 2014, 11:42 AM
Rich in what sense?

Are you claiming there is some sort of soul mining going on?

To wit my response is wouldn't they engineer for the most nutrient rich souls availabe? :)

20th August 2014, 05:39 PM
Rich in what sense?

Aha! You are laying claim to an alien soul mine.

Do you suppose they run into the same problems we do with fish farmed Tilapia?

Anyone would want to eat a vigorous soul fish...not a flimsy latent and polluted one. lol!


21st August 2014, 11:22 AM
harvesting souls for evil vs free will.... the only game out there in the universe.

Aha! You are laying claim to an alien soul mine.

Do you suppose they run into the same problems we do with fish farmed Tilapia?

Anyone would want to eat a vigorous soul fish...not a flimsy latent and polluted one. lol!


21st August 2014, 11:28 AM
Then you are talking about demons.

harvesting souls for evil vs free will.... the only game out there in the universe.

old steel
21st August 2014, 11:33 AM
Are you claiming there is some sort of soul mining going on?

To wit my response is wouldn't they engineer for the most nutrient rich souls availabe? :)

They could never handle the THC levels in my brain.

21st August 2014, 01:20 PM
rather psychic and spiritual vampires :)

but evil exists in all levels of creation, aetheric and otherwise... to each level its own evil so to speak... there cannot be any free at all will without it. Earth may be one of the places where the conflict is the more acute.

God gave us free will and Love to terminate evil.. the choice is clearly ours

brotherhood of death thread

Then you are talking about demons.

21st August 2014, 01:34 PM
rather psychic and spiritual vampires :)

but evil exists in all levels of creation, aetheric and otherwise... to each level its own evil so to speak... there cannot be any free at all will without it. Earth may be one of the places where the conflict is the more acute.

God gave us free will and Love to terminate evil.. the choice is clearly ours

brotherhood of death thread

My x wife was the queen of both psychic and spiritual vampirism! True bitch/witch/demon from hell! ;)

Balance, you can not have one without the other!

Good/Evil, Yin/yang , Male/Female, etc!

Doing very well without her!


21st August 2014, 10:34 PM
harvesting souls for evil vs free will.... the only game out there in the universe.

A one sided system, are there really any such systems known in our universe? rhetorical question.

Any leech will make itself known upon a system in an instant,

then be dealt away with or simply ignored as nothing more than a temporary pestilence with little or no free will.
