View Full Version : The Chart That The US Police Force Does Not Want You To See

22nd August 2014, 05:40 PM
USA is #1 once again... that'll teach the cynics. Oh wait...



22nd August 2014, 07:31 PM
Yeah... "latest available year" doesn't do much for me... couldn't be bothered to type the actual number? Sounds like manipulative propaganda to me.

*disclaimer* not that I would necessarily disagree with the results offhand...

midnight rambler
22nd August 2014, 08:56 PM
Source: The Economist, a known Rottenchild propaganda organ. You can bet there's some agenda at play here.

*disclaimer* not that I would necessarily disagree with the results offhand...


22nd August 2014, 09:16 PM
33 cops killed by gunfire in 2013, the lowest number since 1887 (http://articles.latimes.com/2013/dec/30/nation/la-na-nn-police-deaths-20131230)

US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11 (http://www.mintpressnews.com/us-police-murdered-5000-innocent-civilians-since-911/172029/)

Cops Kill 8 Times More Americans Than Terrorists (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/11/17/cops-kill-8-times-more-americans-than-terrorists/)

Hatha Sunahara
22nd August 2014, 10:20 PM
The number seems kinda low to me. I have a strong sense that for the last few years, not a day has gone by when I haven't heard of or read about police killing someone, and often more than one per day. I also read about them shooting and killing dogs and other pets. Probably more often than they kill people. The cops need practice at killing living things, and 409 in a year seems like they aren't getting much practice, given how many of them there are and how often the claim they fear for their lives.

It wasn't long ago, maybe a couple of years, that I saw a story on the news about four cops in a restaurant near Tacoma, WA who were gunned down by a single guy--apparently very fast and a marksman. That dude didn't last long. But the numbers seem low to me. I just wonder if they have some filters that make certain killings not count--like people who die in police custody from being maltreated, or having heart attacks while in custody, or people who are shot and don't die right away, so they claim that they died of some other cause. Sorta like the statistics in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. If a soldier was shot in a battle, and airlifted to Germany where he subsequently died, he wasn't counted as a casualty in the war. So, I think they are manipulating these statistics, like they do all statistics to make themselves look good. There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.


mick silver
23rd August 2014, 09:17 AM
so who are the real Terrorists again ? A Long-Term Trend Towards the Militarization of the Local Police