View Full Version : Residents of small Guatemalan town want Jews to leave

24th August 2014, 01:22 PM
http://www.dailyslave.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/orthodoxjew-628x356.jpg (http://www.dailyslave.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/orthodoxjew.jpg)
Residents of small Guatemalan town want Jews to leave Published On June 1, 2014 | Jewish Problem (http://www.dailyslave.com/category/news/jewish-problem/), News (http://www.dailyslave.com/category/news/)

This story is hilarious. A group of ultra-Orthodox Jews show up in a small Guatemalan town and after living there for only a few months worth of time, the town is demanding them to leave. The best part about the article is the quote from the town’s mayor who says there was never been any ill will with people from other religious backgrounds. The only problems they’ve had is when these Jews decided to show up.
From Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/is-a-small-guatemalan-town-expelling-its-jews/):
Indigenous residents of San Juan La Laguna, a small town of under 10,000 in the Guatemalan state of Sololá, have asked members of the Jewish community — comprising 10 ultra-Orthodox families, most of whom arrived only recently — to identify themselves in a municipal registry and leave within the next few months.
The registry was established to verify whether immigrants from the Jewish community are legally in the country and where they are from, information which has not been asked of other foreigners granted temporary visas.
“We, as a local authority, have nothing against the Jewish community,” city mayor Rodolfo López told The Times of Israel on Tuesday. “But every community, and especially ours, as indigenous Mayans, has very special customs and traditions and we have to defend our rights.”
Residents have filed complaints with the municipality that the community of ultra-religious Jews have used a public body of water as a mikveh (ritual bath), practiced unhygienic rituals like kaparot (where a chicken is swung around a rabbi’s head before being slaughtered), and made disparaging comments about immodesty to tourists.
According to the mayor, the indigenous population has also been suspicious since a Canadian couple accused of child abuse reportedly moved to San Juan La Laguna with their six children.
“There is almost every other religion here, and there have never been any problems. When they came, there started to be ill will,” the mayor said of the Jewish families.


24th August 2014, 01:51 PM
moves to the top of the "Good places to Ex-pat list".

i don't suppose that town, San Juan La Laguna, is near the ocean ?


turns out, it's on a big lake.

is this the lake they were going to use for that HUGE new not-in-Panama canal ?

24th August 2014, 02:21 PM
Jews are still offering blood sacrifices (chicken)............what sort of god or deity would be keen on that???????

24th August 2014, 07:30 PM
I think I have a new avatar :)

Twisted Titan
24th August 2014, 07:48 PM
The MO of the Shylocks have been the same throughout the millenia.


24th August 2014, 09:18 PM
Jews are still offering blood sacrifices (chicken)............what sort of god or deity would be keen on that???????

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/98/Moloch_the_god.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Rubens_saturn.jpg/320px-Rubens_saturn.jpg

24th August 2014, 09:49 PM
The USA has been offering up blood sacrifices to the super bowl which is a lie or Satan believed to be Truth or GOD...See.


"Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors. WWP serves to raise awareness and enlist the publics aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs."


Release the Golems...Stroke them until they are close to Wargasm...then let them blow their load of death all over the lower forms of life to transform the lower forms of life...into death...or losers of the game of life and death...thanks for showing up to planet Earth.


KISS = Knights In Service of Satan.

Gene Simmons on stage in make up is known as "the Demon"...Tomorrow is his birthday.

In Jewish folklore, a golem (/ˈɡoʊləm/ GOH-ləm; Hebrew: גולם‎) is an animated anthropomorphic being, magically created entirely from inanimate matter. The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material (usually out of stone and clay) in Psalms and medieval writing."

"In Modern Hebrew, golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless". Similarly, it is often used today as a metaphor for a brainless lunk or entity who serves man under controlled conditions but is hostile to him under others"

"And the LORD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."--Genesis 2:7

"Tanakh is an acronym of the first Hebrew letter of each of the Masoretic Text's three traditional subdivisions: Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im ("Prophets") and Ketuvim ("Writings")—hence TaNaKh. The name "Miqra" (מקרא), meaning "that which is read", is another Hebrew word for the Tanakh. The books of the Tanakh were passed on by each generation, and according to rabbinic tradition were accompanied by an oral tradition, called the Oral Torah."

Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית, literally "In the beginning") - Genesis

"Anthropomorphism, or personification, is attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being."

Your body is composed of Trillions of animal cells...There is no such thing as Human being cells.

All animal cells take more power than they give from all and everything in the Universe to sustain existence as long as possible like all that is ignorant of Truth.

Every absolute capitalistic or terrorist animal cell that has ever existed and exists and will exist does this to sustain it's continued existence until it reaches the logical conclusion of the take more power than is given delusion.

Your cells demand food or fuel and water or oil...failure to supply the demand of your absolute capitalistic terrorist cells results ultimately in the death of the animal body which is the anchor for your perspective or awareness of the Universe which is the most powerful lie you were forced to believe was truth the instant you became aware of the Universe...A point in time and space you do not remember prior to the farthest point in time and space you do remember...The event horizon that you can not see past.

The progression of the absolute capitalist or tyrant is.

Persuasion force annihilation.

Please supply the demand for what is wanted or else be annihilated.

"Android--human-looking robot: in science fiction, a robot that looks and behaves like a human being"

"Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation"

"As of 2011, Android has the largest installed base of any mobile OS and as of 2013, its devices also sell more than Windows, iOS, and Mac OS devices combined. As of July 2013 the Google Play store has had over 1 million Android apps published, and over 50 billion apps downloaded. A developer survey conducted in April–May 2013 found that 71% of mobile developers develop for Android. At Google I/O 2014, the company revealed that there were over 1 billion active monthly Android users"

"In computer science, a high-level programming language is a programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. In comparison to low-level programming languages, it may use natural language elements, be easier to use, or may automate (or even hide entirely) significant areas of computing systems (e.g. memory management), making the process of developing a program simpler and more understandable relative to a lower-level language. The amount of abstraction provided defines how "high-level" a programming language is"

"In computer science, abstraction is the process of separating ideas from specific instances of those ideas at work. Computational structures are defined by their meanings (semantics), while hiding away the details of how they work. Abstraction tries to factor out details from a common pattern so that programmers can work close to the level of human thought, leaving out details which matter in practice, but are immaterial to the problem being solved. For example, a system can have several abstraction layers whereby different meanings and amounts of detail are exposed to the programmer; low-level abstraction layers expose details of the computer hardware where the program runs, while high-level layers deal with the business logic of the program."

English is called a natural language as opposed to an unnatural language...But it is the highest level high level programing language since it is at the highest level or maximum potential of abstraction at the top of the hierarchy.

The invisible order or reality of the logical basic system operating in the background powers the visible chaos of the reasonable graphical user interface or fantasy believed to be reality in the foreground.

I was born impervious to mind control...

Truth can not be physically destroyed or mind controlled.

GOD is Truth and Truth is GOD.

Nice article.

24th August 2014, 10:24 PM
"Shylock is a fictional character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. A Venetian Jewish moneylender, Shylock is the play's principal antagonist."

Non Jewish money lenders operate the same as Jewish money lenders.

Of course I will help you in your time of great need...As long as you supply my demands for double back in return for what I give to you...but if you fail to supply my demands for yield...I will take everything you have...

Just sign on the dotted line to make your dreams come true...If you dare.

"The word mortgage is derived from a "law French" term used by English lawyers in the middle ages meaning "death pledge", and refers to the pledge ending (dying) when either the obligation is fulfilled or the property is taken through foreclosure."

It's why in French speaking zones mortgage contracts are called something different...Because no one wants to sign a death pledge or contract with the devil.


When you look back as far as possible in the recorded history of money you find it started out as a food substitute.

Take a byte of the hidden fruit of logic from the tree of life and gain awareness of 1 and 0.

1 is the supply of power

0 is the demand for power.

Truth is the supply of power.

A lie is the demand for power.

Life is the supply of power

Death is the demand for power

Reality is the supply of power

Fantasy is the demand for power

Work is the supply of power which is positive.

Play is the demand for power which is negative.

Food is the supply of power.

Entertainment is the demand for power.

Bread is the supply of power

Circuses are the demand for power.

Real power or Truth is the supply to the demand by fake power or a lie that wants to appear as truth and never die.

money started out as a food substitute.

and food is power.

the true medium of exchange is power.

Allow me to take more power than I give and I care not who makes and breaks the rules of the game you all are playing.

Because over time I will concentrate the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.

Then they who have the power will make and break the rules of the game you all are playing.

"This global crash, caused by the policies and actions of banks which finally completely bankrupted themselves, has been blamed by historians ever since on a king—poor Edward III of England. Edward revolted against the seizure and looting of his kingdom by the Bardi and Peruzzi banks, by defaulting on their loans, starting in 1342. But King Edward’s national budget was dwarfed by that of either the Bardi or Peruzzi; in fact, by 1342, his national budget had become a sub-department of theirs. Their internal memos in Florence spoke of him contemptuously as “Messer Edward”; “we shall be fortunate to recover even a part” of his debts, they sniffed in 1339."

What became of the Venetian money lenders when the Venice global trade system reached maximum potential inflation or absolute 1 and imploded down to maximus probabilis or absolute 0?

They spread out to Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and England...since they were the supply...and venice was the demand...and when the supply was cut off...Venice died....modern commercial banking as you see it today can be traced to Spain 1400...or over 600 years ago...Central banking as you see it today can be traced easily to Venice in the 12th century.

That is why you hear about the "venetian faction" in the city of London from time to time.

From the False flag of Pearl harbor December 7 1941 to the controlled demolition of Lehman's on September 15th 2008 was roughly 66.6 years if 366 is used...66.7 if 365.25 is used.

Or 66 years 9 months 1 week and 1 day...or 911.

1342 + 666 = 2008.

2008 is where the 1944 city of London produced Bretton woods global trade agreement or death pledge reached maximum potential inflation or absolute 1 after 64 years...or 2 4 8 16 32 64.

and has been in a controlled collapse to maximum potential or absolute 0/oblivion since.

It's not just Shylock that takes more power than he gives to sustain existence...All an everything in the Universe takes more power than it gives from all and everything in the Universe to sustain the continued existence of all and everything in the Universe for as long as possible.

All and everything that is ignorant of Truth.

That which is not ignorant of Truth shares power with all and everything in the Universe as equally as possible to sustain it's continued existence for as long as possible.

Two lies or losers promoted as Truth or winners enter and one lie or loser believed to be Truth or the winner leaves.
