View Full Version : Central Banking at Jackson Hole: Simplistic Dialectic, Significant Ramifications - Se

mick silver
25th August 2014, 11:03 AM
http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/35582/Central-Banking-at-Jackson-Hole-Simplistic-Dialectic-Significant-Ramifications/Janet Yellen Takes On Jackson Hole ... The economic-policy debate in the U.S. is moving from, "Why is the recovery so sluggish?" to "Is inflation starting to get out of hand?" This shift is premature, to say the least. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen should say so Friday when she addresses the annual summer confab of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. – Bloomberg editorial - See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/35582/Central-Banking-at-Jackson-Hole-Simplistic-Dialectic-Significant-Ramifications/#sthash.hLamuneY.dpuf more at link

mick silver
25th August 2014, 11:06 AM
Market Crash? The Moon Is Blue and Reuters Makes a Reasonable Prediction By Staff News & Analysis - August 25, 2014 Here's what it will take to trigger the next stock market correction ... As Wall Street hit another new record Thursday, it is worth considering what could cause a serious setback in stock market prices around the world. Since I started writing this column in 2012, I have repeatedly argued that the rebound in stock market prices from their nadir in the 2008-09 global financial crisis was turning into a structural bull market that could continue into the next decade. Asset prices, however, never move in a straight line. It has been more than two years without even a 10 percent correction and five years without a 20 percent setback. This cannot go on. – Reuters - See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/35588/Market-Crash-The-Moon-Is-Blue-and-Reuters-Makes-a-Reasonable-Prediction/#sthash.IXC2mIk9.dpuf

25th August 2014, 12:26 PM
I like to read Dr. North's translations of Yellen's speeches. He did the same thing with Bernanke, and it's always good for a laugh.

Yellen Served a Heaping Plate of Waffles and Syrup at the FED's Annual Jackson Hole Junket (http://www.garynorth.com/public/12823.cfm)

If Janet Yellen had not earned her Ph.D. in economics, she could have been a great short-order cook at Waffle House.

Yellen is as long-winded as Bernanke. She lards her speeches with footnotes, just as he did. She is as evasive as Greenspan, but she uses academic jargon and peripheral statistics to do her work.

Her first Jackson Hole speech shows how adept she is.

First, some background. The FED said in December 2012 that an unemployment rate of 6.5% was one of the two benchmarks to use as a way to evaluate when to raise interest rates. The other was CPI growth at 2%.

To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored. The Committee views these thresholds as consistent with its earlier date-based guidance. In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.

The CPI increase, July 2013 to July 2014, was 2%.

In short, both of the targets have been reached.

So, will the FED raise rates? Which rates? How? The European Central Bank has contracted the monetary base for over a year, and long-term bond rates have fallen. Meanwhile, the short-term ECB rate has dropped like a stone since October 2013.

To avoid dealing with this problem -- the #1 policy problem facing the FED -- Yellen is waffling. Her speech was pure waffles and syrup.

More at link...

25th August 2014, 12:54 PM
Look, all of the words and statistics put out by Yellen and other government economists are a bunch of hogwash.

The CPI, the GDP, the unemployment statistics are all a big joke.

The stock market is a giant scam. Computer algorithms make about 90 percent of the trades and whoever has the fastest computer that is closest to the trade placement info will make the most successful nanosecond frontruns. Goldman Sachs, five years ago, was said to make one hundred million dollars profit every single day this way, and I'm sure the figure is much higher now. Stocks of companies are not properly valued on the performance and production and management of a company.

The commodities prices , including gold and silver, are totally manipulated. Their price is based on paper futures trading, not their intrinsic value.

The Fed is jumping through all kinds of hoops these days to keep the dollar as the world's reserve currency but that is sinking fast. When the dollar goes, down goes into total third-world oblivion the USA.

Liars, cheats, thieves ALL !

The love of money is the root of all evil.

25th August 2014, 01:13 PM
I'm waiting for the Janet Yellen calendar.

As it turns out, the Dianne Feinstein calendar is very useful for resolving Viagra overdoses. I think the Yellen calendar could be additionally useful in painful situations.

25th August 2014, 01:35 PM
There is never a lasting victory over lies/ignorance/fantasy/negative while the war against Truth/knowledge/reality/positive has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.

The knowledgeable worshipful masters of space and time rule the ignorant vulgar and profane slaves of space an time.

1941 to 1971 = spring or March or 3

1971 to 2001 = summer or June or 6

2001 to 2031 = fall or September or 9

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you'd have the key to the universe" -Nikola Tesla

2001 to 2008 was early fall or Indian summer

"An Indian summer is a heat wave that occurs in the autumn. It refers to a period of above-normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost."

1971 was the crossing from spring below to summer above...2001 was the crossing from summer above to fall below.

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”--Zbigniew Brzezinski...Between Two Ages: The Technetronic Era, 1971.

1971 was where the NEW ECONOMY showed up.

The Nasdaq which was the worlds first totally electronic digital computerized stock market was turned on...and the World trade centers rose up.

The Nasdaq hit the singularity at Y2K and collapsed down along with the world trade centers into 911 in 2001.

That was the KILLING FROST...in 2001

from the false flag of Pearl harbor December 7, 1941 to the controlled demolition of Lehmans September 15 2008...was roughly 66.6 years.

Or 9 months 1 week and 1 day...or 911


All the markets globally have been transformed over the past 43 years into electronic digital computerized video games...and you all have been transformed into electronic digital video game players.

"HyperTalk is a high-level, procedural programming language created in 1987 by Dan Winkler and used in conjunction with Apple Computer's HyperCard hypermedia program by Bill Atkinson. The main target audience of HyperTalk was beginning programmers, hence HyperTalk programmers were usually called authors, and the process of writing programs was called "scripting". HyperTalk scripts are fairly similar to written English, and use a logic structure similar to the Pascal programming language."

"HyperCard is an application program and programming tool for Apple Macintosh and Apple IIGS computers, that is among the first successful hypermedia systems before the World Wide Web."

"Hypermedia, an extension of the term hypertext, is a nonlinear medium of information which includes graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks. This contrasts with the broader term multimedia, which may include non-interactive linear presentations as well as hypermedia. It is also related to the field of electronic literature. The term was first used in a 1965 article by Ted Nelson"

"A pioneer in the call for a global network, J. C. R. Licklider, psychologist/computer, scientist proposed in his January 1960 paper, "Man-Computer Symbiosis": "A network of such [computers], connected to one another by wide-band communication lines [which provided] the functions of present-day libraries together with anticipated advances in information storage and retrieval and [other] symbiotic functions.""

"US authorities considered ways to communicate in the aftermath of a nuclear attack. How could any sort of "command and control network" survive? Paul Baran, a researcher at RAND, offered a solution: design a more robust communications network using "redundancy" and "digital" technology."

"At the time, naysayers dismissed Baran's idea as unfeasible. But working with colleagues at RAND, Baran persisted. This effort would eventually become the foundation for the World Wide Web."

"Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider (March 11, 1915 – June 26, 1990), known simply as J.C.R. or "Lick" was an American psychologist [1] and computer scientist who is considered one of the most important figures in computer science and general computing history." March 11...311

"In October 1962, Licklider was hired by Jack Ruina as director of the newly established Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) within DARPA, with a mandate to interconnect the United States Department of Defense's main computers at Cheyenne Mountain, the Pentagon, and SAC HQ. There he formed an informal group within DARPA to further computer research. He began by writing memos describing a distributed network to the IPTO staff, whom he called "Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network""

"In 1969, this "distributed" concept was given its first large-scale test, with the first node installed at UCLA and the seventh node at RAND in Santa Monica. Funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency and called ARPANET, it was intended for scientists and researchers who wanted to share one another's computers remotely. Within two years, however, the network's users had turned it into something unforeseen: a high-speed, electronic post office for exchanging everything from technical to personal information."

"In 1983, the rapidly expanding network broke off from its military part, which became MILNET. The remainder became what was called ARPANET. In 1989, the ARPANET moniker was retired in favor the "Internet," which had also been described as the "information superhighway." These days, the Internet continues to expand, stringing together the World Wide Web, an all-encompassing, affordable, universal multimedia communications network"

"Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA, DFBCS (born 8 June 1955), also known as "TimBL", is a British computer scientist, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He made a proposal for an information management system in March 1989, and he implemented the first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the Internet sometime around mid November of that same year"

That is what the just think positive baby seals are taught...That "TimBL" invented the Internet.

I created Hypertiger in 1988...

My real name is Michael Leopard.

Hyper text mark up language.



I helped to build the electronic digital computerized version of the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise or what you all have been trained or programed to call...civilization.

Or the Matrix you all were created out of thin air within and depend upon to sustain your existence...The fantasy world you are floating around in right now that you believe is reality.

I know how what you don't know how and do not want to know how works.


Is a puppet...An installed scapegoat to blame...A servant of the master.

The FED is a broken coo coo clock and the Fedchair is the birdie or servant of the master kicked out to chirp the lies promoted as Truth that all the slaves of the servant have been trained or programed to buy or believe are Truth.

The FED is an effect of the cause promoted as the cause of the effects.

The choice to take more power than is given is the cause...The FED is the effect or consequence

How the greater fool game called markets operate.

The sheep of main street are the supply of life savings into the market.

The wolves of wall street are the demand for life spendings out of the market.

When the supply of life savings into the market by the sheep of main street is more than the demand for life savings out by the wolves of wall street...The numbers exponentially grow and the arrow turns green and points up to Heaven.

When the supply of life savings into the market by the sheep of main street is less than the demand for life savings out by the wolves of wall street...The numbers exponentially decay and the arrow turns red and points down to Hell.

Uncle Salty
25th August 2014, 02:04 PM
I helped to build the electronic digital computerized version of the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise or what you all have been trained or programed to call...civilization.

Thanks Kitty Kat.

25th August 2014, 02:51 PM
when I was young I was hunted by bullies...but I was fast...so fast that I was uncatchable...I eventually had gangs of kids hunting me trying to prove that I was catchable...only to find out that...I really was uncatchable...I was like a tree that axe men wanted to chop down...but I could move...making it a challenge...

But I was caught a few times because it's hard to be running around all the time...but that is the worst part...because when the axe men did get close enough to chop me down...they found out my bite was way worse than my bark.

I'm trying to get you caught up to me or arrive at the logical conclusion I'm at...before you arrive at the logical conclusion I'm at following the reasonable assumption you are following to the logical conclusion...So you can see the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory you are following to the logical conclusion before you arrive at it and are forced to accept the defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory you are following at the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption or cherished delusion of victory.

"The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.""--October 17, 2004, The New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, "Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush," quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush (later attributed to Karl Rove)

Left behind and playing catch choking in the dust...

"A lunar calendar is a calendar that is based on cycles of the lunar phases. Because there are slightly more than twelve lunations (synodic months) in a solar year, the period of 12 lunar months (354.37 days) is sometimes referred to as a lunar year."

"The oldest known lunar calendar was found in Scotland; it dates back to around 8000 BC"--interesting fact...or fiction...

"A system of mensuration employing 60-degree vectorial coordination comprehensive to both physics and chemistry, and to both arithmetic and geometry, in rational whole numbers ... Synergetics explains much that has not been previously illuminated ... Synergetics follows the cosmic logic of the structural mathematics strategies of nature, which employ the paired sets of the six angular degrees of freedom, frequencies, and vectorially economical actions and their multi-alternative, equi-economical action options ... Synergetics discloses the excruciating awkwardness characterizing present-day mathematical treatment of the interrelationships of the independent scientific disciplines as originally occasioned by their mutual and separate lacks of awareness of the existence of a comprehensive, rational, coordinating system inherent in nature"--Buckminster Fuller (1895-*1983) from Synergetics

"The Babylonian system of mathematics was sexagesimal (base 60) numeral system. From this we derive the modern day usage of 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 360 degrees in a circle. The Babylonians were able to make great advances in mathematics for two reasons. Firstly, the number 60 is a superior highly composite number, having factors of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 (including those that are themselves composite), facilitating calculations with fractions. Additionally, unlike the Egyptians and Romans, the Babylonians had a true place-value system, where digits written in the left column represented larger values (much as in our base ten system: 734 = 7×100 + 3×10 + 4×1). The Sumerians and Babylonians were pioneers in this respect."

"A month is a unit of time, used with calendars, which was first used and invented in Mesopotamia, as a natural period related to the motion of the Moon; month and Moon are cognates."

"The following types of months are mainly of significance in astronomy, most of them (but not the distinction between sidereal and tropical months) first recognized in Babylonian lunar astronomy."

sidereal month

synodic month

tropical month

anomalistic month

draconic month

"The golden ratio is also called the golden section (Latin: sectio aurea) or golden mean. Other names include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine section (Latin: sectio divina), golden proportion, golden cut, and golden number."

The square root of 5 is important...

"For astronomy and calendar studies, the Metonic cycle or Enneadecaeteris (from Ancient Greek: ἐννεακαιδεκαετηρίς, "nineteen years") is a period of very close to 19 years (golden number/time) that is remarkable for being nearly a common multiple of the solar year and the synodic (lunar) month. The Greek astronomer Meton of Athens (fifth century BC) observed that a period of 19 years is almost exactly equal to 235 synodic months and, rounded to full days, counts 6,940 days. The difference between the two periods (of 19 years and 235 synodic months) is only a few hours, depending on the definition of the year."

"A mechanical computation of the cycle is built into the Antikythera mechanism."

"The cycle was used in the Babylonian calendar, ancient Chinese calendar systems (the 'Rule Cycle' 章) and the medieval computus (i.e. the calculation of the date of Easter). It regulates the 19-year cycle of intercalary months of the Hebrew calendar."

"Traditionally, for the Babylonian and Hebrew lunisolar calendars, the years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 are the long (13-month) years of the Metonic cycle. This cycle, which can be used to predict eclipses, forms the basis of the Greek and Hebrew calendars, and is used for the computation of the date of Easter each year."

How do you find the golden time or golden year of the cycle?

You divide the year by 19 and if it is perfectly divisible...It is the start or the end of the Metonic cycle.

Ebola...is 5 letters and begins with the 5th letter of the alphabet...or epsilon.

The most common letter...

The biggest out breaks of Ebola known?

1976, 1995, and the current one 2014.

1976 1995 and 2014...are all 19 years apart and all divisible by 19.

1900 is a golden Year...and 1911 is where the first solar cycle of 11 years ended...1911+30 = 1941 which is where the US sprung up out of the great depression or winter of deflation into the summer of inflation.

"5 is believed to be the only odd untouchable number"

The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition.

flight 370 vanished in march...when the Ebola outbreak started.

March is 3

flight 17 was shot down in July...The DOW hit 17,138 on 7/16...DOW 17,000 and flight 17 both were shot down on 7/17.

July is 7

1+2+3+4+5 = 15/5 = 3

15 = 5+5+5

5+6+7+8+9 = 35/5 = 7

3x5 = 15 = 5+5+5

111+222+333+444+555 = 1665/5 = 333

555+666+777+888+999 = 3885/5 = 777

1665 + 3885 = 5550

333 + 777 = 1110 in half = 555.

3 5 7

fight 17 is a 777.

37 x 21 = 777.

it was shot down from 33,000 60 km from Russia.

37 miles = 59.545 kilometers


3rd prime = 5
5th prime = 11
7th prime = 17

3+5+7 = 15


37 x 33 = 1221

37 = 12th prime
73 = 21th prime

From march 8th to July 17th = 131 days.

131 is the 5th prime which the numbers that compose the prime add up to 5.

It is the 32 prime...3+2 = 5

You can see how 131 relates to 37 or the 12th prime and 73 or the 21st prime.


17 x 21 = 357

357 + 753 = 1110 in half = 555.

The knowledgeable worshipful masters of space and time rule the ignorant vulgar and profane slaves of space and time.

The masters of the markets do all the buying/hiring and selling/firing while the slaves of the markets follow along and speculate.

25th August 2014, 02:57 PM
Here we go again!

What round is it?

25th August 2014, 03:15 PM
Thanks Kitty Kat.

Yes it's not exactly fun being toyed with by the tool you all use as a toy I helped to create for you to play with.

But cutting the power to the daydream of fantasy off would hurt your feeling and if it was not turned back on quick enough...You all would start dying in mass numbers due to exposure to the nightmare of reality.

So there is not much I can do...Other than to remain invisible...

I figure That as long as you can not really harm me due to net neutrality...I should at lest try to supply you all with fair warning that play time is running out.

I'm not your master or your slave...I share power as equally as possible with all and everything in the Universe to sustain my continued existence for as long as possible.

Have you been keeping track of time to see how long I remain visible before the dungeon master pushes the magical button to banish me from the dungeon?

I have been toyed with for decades now...And in 2 decades no one has proven me wrong.

Other than by proving might makes right.

You say 1+1 = 3

I say it is 2

You spend a variable amount of time attempting to prove to me and yourself that 1+1=3.

Until you can not stand it and drop an atomic bomb on me...to obtain what you want...victory.

Please supply the demand for what is wanted Yield/Victory...or else be annihilated.

Please believe the lie I'm telling you is Truth or else be annihilated.

progression of the absolute capitalist or tyrant is.

persuasion force annihilation.

when liberal persuasion fails conservative annihilation prevails.

Might makes right.

Or NO means YES.

In real life in a room of 99 psychopaths that will stab me to death if I refuse to believe 1+1=3...Sure...When in Rome...do as the Romans.

Whatever floats your Titanic to the bottom of the Atlantic.

25th August 2014, 03:40 PM
Like Breaking Bad.

Jesse Pinkman knew how to rub two sticks together to produce plasma or fire

Walter White AKA Heisenberg knew how to rub a magnet and copper together to produce plasma or an electrical flame...a way more powerful magic trick.

You can hire me for all the gold in the world...But you will not be able to buy the secret to ruling the world with all the Gold in the world from me.

Because eventually I will have all the Gold in the world using the secret of ruling the world to obtain it.

But Jesse Pinkman working with Heisenberg as a servant eventually learned the secrets of the master.

I know how to construct the game you all are playing and how it works...You all know how to exist within it and play it.

A game designed by the owners of it so they always win by default.

It would be stupid to create a game to play that you would lose by playing it.

That is why the owners of the game you all are playing do not play it...That is what you all are hired/employed by the master or employer/owner of the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise to do...

25th August 2014, 03:43 PM
Great analogy .................Jackson HOLE.............the FEDS massive hole that sucks in all wealth


25th August 2014, 04:22 PM
the poor getting poorer rich getting richer effect has shown up due to the take more power than is given equation at the core of the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise.

The net producers of power = the power plants or slaves...The lower class.

the net consumers of power = the light bulbs or upper class masters and their middle class servants

In 2008 the slaves or net producers of power reached their maximum potential to supply the demand of the masters and their servants or net consumers of power for power...The absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise is yield starved and all within it are basically cannibalizing each other desperaty trying to satisfy their demand for power...game over.

the people crying that there has been no recovery are doomed unfortunately.

The slaves or net producers of yield do the maximum work for the minimum pay to supply the demand of the net consumers of yield or masters that do the minimum work for the maximum pay...So they can afford to hire the middle class servants to polish their nobs.

Because the net producers of yield or lower class slaves have been imploded down towards absolute 0...you can not make up the difference there....or you kill the goose that is laying the golden eggs.

And the net consumers of yield or upper class masters which have imploded the net producers of yield down towards absolute 0 the past 33 years to power the explosion of the net consumers of yield up to absolute 1 the past 33...need all the power they can reap to supply the demands of the middle class servants of the upper class masters.

so the only place to mak up the difference is to implode the middle class.

The funny part is that the population outside the USA is basically being exponentially decayed or put to death to supply the demand of the population in the USA for exponential growth to sustain their life so they have the glorious privilege of crying to the FED.

The FED is the demand for power from the lower class slaves...to supply the upper class masters and their middle class servants with the yield they want.

The FED is not the supply of real power...it is the supply of fake power.

The slaves are the supply of real power to the FED which converts it into fake power to supply the demand of the masters and their servants for fake power or money that they foolishly believe is real power.

The slaves in the USA and world at the bottom of the absolute capitalist hierarchy or pyramid scheme...have reached their maximum potential to supply the demands of the masters and their servants at the top of the absolute capitalist hierarchy of pyramid scheme.

the masters and their servants that are dying to live forever...have infinite demand for power to sustain their existence..

the slaves that are living to die forever...have a finite supply of power to sustain they existence.

The poor slaves are Kleenex that the rich masters wipe their asses with....and as long as the production rate of Kleenex or supply is greater than the destruction rate of demand of Kleenex from the magic Kleenex box...it's no big deal...

but when the demand by the created out of thin air fantasy all the masters and servants are floating around in that they believe is reality...becomes greater than the fractional reserve of slaves or reality can supply.

time for the absolute capitalist system to die...game over.

25th August 2014, 04:38 PM
the FED is not even where all the credit which is debt used as money originates from.

The demand for real power from the slaves to convert into fake power to supply the demand of the masters and servants for yield is by the 5700 individual commercial banks in the USA and their 10's of 1000's of branches.

and only a percentage of those branches are even FED member banks.

the 100 + central banks globally are not the supply of credit...all the commercial banks within all the economic zones you call nation states are the supply of credit or fake power they created from the real power they are supplied.

You all really do not have a clue how monstrously deceived you all are.

The entire inflationary history of the USA and world has been financed this way the past 600 years...but the maximum potential was reached in 2008...and now the deflationary history of the world is being financed.

The past 7 decades can be considered to be a blow off top...that is trying to collapse down...but you all are fighting to the finish...keep up the great sacrifice...

Since the USA is at the top of the Bretton woods global trade hierarchy...they get first dibs on inflation...Iceland, Ireland, Spain Portugal, Greece, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Iran etc...they get first dibs on deflation...as the USA caves in and the supply of debt inflation from the USA is cut off.

I have no idea why you all think you all are victims...you all have options...all the people down in district 12 or the deflation zones being put to death to sustain all of you up in district 1 or the inflation zone...are out of options.

Uncle Salty
25th August 2014, 04:51 PM
You all would start dying in mass numbers due to exposure to the nightmare of reality.

Karma is karma. When it's time to go, it's time to go.

25th August 2014, 05:47 PM
Karma is karma. When it's time to go, it's time to go.

The masters of the market do all the buying/hiring and selling/firing....the slaves of the market follow along and speculate as to when.

The master above can see when the slaves in the mud brick pits are becoming exhausted...so the masters know when its time for the slaves to be flushed down the toilet or go long before the slaves know when it's time to go.

The baby seals below that do not know are just waiting around to be secret hand shake clubbed to heaven by those that do know when to press the club you all to hell or sell button.

All that you have been taught about markets is pure hilarity...laughable.

Once you know how the system or game you all are playing and have been playing your entire lives and believing you are winning really works.

when the supply of real power or resources/reality runs out to power the supply of fake power or resources/fantasy believed to be reality or money...It's game over.

That is what is being kept hidden from you all...The reality that there is zero way to save the fantasy world and the USA.

The system is based on taking more power than is given from all and everything...the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow or causing the exponential decay of reality to power exponential growth of the red white an blue fantasy all are floating around in and believe is reality.

imploding real 1's into real 0's to explode 0's into fake 1's.

When the supply of real 1's powering the demand of the fake 1's or fantasy believed to be reality for power...runs out.

The life liberty and happiness of the antisocialists turns into the death tyranny and misery of the antisocialists.

In the end or at the logical conclusion or final solution of the take more power than you give delusion.

you all annihilate each other attempting to acquire what you never had to begin with or acquire what you never will.

freedom from Truth.

freedom from GOD.

Takes more than a belief or disbelief in GOD or Truth to save you.

You have to know GOD or Truth.

There is never a lasting victory over Satan/ignorance/lies/fantasy while the war against GOD/knowledge/truth/reality has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.


I was born march 5th...

The third month...and Pisces is 69...yin and yang...Karma.

3 69

5 is the third prime.

3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5

6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5

9/6 = 1.5 or 0.5+0.5+0.5

"The irregular daily movement of the Sun was known by the Babylonians, and Book III of Ptolemy's Almagest is primarily concerned with the Sun's anomaly. Ptolemy discusses the correction needed to convert the meridian crossing of the Sun to mean solar time and takes into consideration the nonuniform motion of the Sun along the ecliptic and the meridian correction for the Sun's ecliptic longitude. He states the maximum correction is 8 1⁄3 time-degrees or 5⁄9 of an hour"

5 divided by 9 = 0.55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.... Wheeeeeeee.

60/9 = 6.666666666666666666666666666666666666666666...Whe eeeeee.

x that by 5 = 33.3333333333333333333333333333333...Wheeeeeee.

It's like a roller coaster ride...


You know what Math you were taught in grades 1 up to High school?

The Math that the master teaches the slave...In order to be able to slave for the master better.

How about University?

The Math that the master teaches the servant...In order to be able to serve the master better.

69 x 5 = 345

345 + 543 = 888


Eight is composed of two circles that meet at a singularity point.

Your eyes are two black holes or absolute 0's that are cold...they are the demand for power...light is hot and the supply of power from the sun of GOD or absolute 1.

"The Möbius strip or Möbius band, also Mobius or Moebius, is a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. The Möbius strip has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It can be realized as a ruled surface. It was discovered independently by the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858"

"The Möbius strip has several curious properties. A line drawn starting from the seam down the middle will meet back at the seam but at the "other side". If continued the line will meet the starting point and will be double the length of the original strip. This single continuous curve demonstrates that the Möbius strip has only one boundary."

There have been several technical applications for the Möbius strip. Giant Möbius strips have been used as conveyor belts that last longer because the entire surface area of the belt gets the same amount of wear, and as continuous-loop recording tapes (to double the playing time).

"In finance, the rule of 72 and the rule of 69 are methods for estimating an investment's doubling time. The rule number (e.g., 72) is divided by the interest percentage per period to obtain the approximate number of periods (usually years) required for doubling. Although scientific calculators and spreadsheet programs have functions to find the accurate doubling time, the rules are useful for mental calculations and when only a basic calculator is available"

These rules apply to exponential growth (hyperinflation) and are therefore used for compound interest. They can also be used for exponential decay to obtain a halving time or half life (hyperdeflation) The choice of number is mostly a matter of preference, 69 is more accurate for continuous compounding, while 72 works well in common interest situations and is more easily divisible. There are a number of variations to the rules that improve accuracy.

360/5 = 72

365/5 = 73

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on 15 March said that the last signal was received at 08:11 Malaysian time.

flight 370 vanished march 8th 3 x 8 = 24

37 x 24 = 888

73/9 = 8.11111111111111 repeating forever...

69 is more accurate for continuous compounding...or exponential growth/decay...doubling time/half life.

Flight 370 x 1.5 = 555.

55.5 doubled = 111 doubled = 222 doubled = 444 doubled = 888 doubled = 1776.

"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."

May 1 = 5/01

5.01 x 133 = 666

37 x 36 = 1332 x 5 = 6660

"The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City occurred on the 254th day of the year. 1609 is the 254th prime number. Note that explorer Henry Hudson first came across the island of Manhattan on 9/11/1609."

There are 111 days remaining until the end of the year...from 911

3 x 37 = 111

111322 + 322111 = prime.

"And the LORD said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"--Genesis 3:22

Skull and bones (death) 322.

The tree of life or 1...The tree of death or 0

take a byte of the hidden fruit of logic from the tree of life and gain awareness of 1 and 0

The tree of logic and the tree of reason.

The masters of logic rule the slaves of reason.

Truth or logic is the supply of power to the demand for power by reason or a lie that wants to become Truth or logic and never die.

The one problem that rules them all is fixed by the one solution that solves them all.

The easiest prey of the hunter gatherer is the farmer and the simplest operation is the protection scheme.

The purpose of the police and military is to protect the top or cause from the bottom or consequence.

All money is decreed money...fiat...

The top or domain master/Lord says this is money...Or else...period end of story....

You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...

Where do I get this GOLD coin?

You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...

What if I refuse?

Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...

There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...

3:22 And The LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
3:23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
3:24 And the LORD drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.

Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?

It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchical food powered make work enterprise...

The city state...Or Civilization...

The thing you were created out of thin air within...The thing you are in right now.

The lords or worshipful masters of the land rule the vulgar and profane slaves or peasants of the land.

In real life my name is Michael.

It would be silly to be named Michael if I did not know the secret of the word of GOD...Like Michael is supposed to know.

mick silver
26th August 2014, 07:02 AM
For more than a decade, now, Federal Reserve policy has been guided by the fear of one economic bogeyman: the presumed danger of "price deflation." The fear is unfounded and the inflationary "solution" only leads to disaster. During Alan Greenspan's and Ben Bernanke's watches at the helm of America's central bank and now under Janet Yellen, the claim has been that the U.S. needs enough price inflation to ward off the danger of falling prices. Indeed, it was the concern around 2003 that America might experience a period of generally falling prices that led team Greenspan-Bernanke to undertake an episode of monetary expansion and low interest-rate manipulation for a five-year period that generated the housing, investment and consumer debt bubbles that finally burst in 2008-2009. The result was the "great recession" from which the U.S. economy has still not fully recovered. - See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/35592/Richard-Ebeling-Fighting-Deflation-Results-in-Inflationary-Disaster/#sthash.iDb4O4yz.dpuf

26th August 2014, 07:11 AM
My answer to.......why is the economy so sluggish?......all that you make is going to the bankers and none for personal use to improve the economy.


mick silver
26th August 2014, 07:15 AM
ponce with all your silver you could jump start the economy and that would help all your buds here if you gave us all a few thousand ozssssssssss

26th August 2014, 07:18 AM
Mick? I don't have as much as you think that I have..........but happy I am because I will live very well.....remember that right now I am living only with my SS and I am living very well.......have no debts and you also can live very well.....there is need and then there is greed......don't be greedy.


26th August 2014, 07:22 AM
ponce with all your silver you could jump start the economy and that would help all your buds here if you gave us all a few thousand ozssssssssss

& just what would you do with your silver? hmmm, I'm guessing the same as the PONCE, & HOLD IT? That'll never boost the economy.

26th August 2014, 07:25 AM
MNeagle? I am also worried about that.......what will I do with my silver?, good question....specially since I have all that I need...except maybe for a good looking little blond.....preferable is she is a nurse hahahahahaahhaah.


mick silver
26th August 2014, 07:26 AM
dig a bigger hole

26th August 2014, 07:28 AM
I for one, wish you would not live like a pauper Ponce. Eat well (no more frozen 10/$10 wally-world junk), sleep in your bedroom year-round, hire a maid, etc.

You've worked & earned your riches, enjoy them a bit imo.

mick silver
26th August 2014, 07:30 AM
ponce I live with in my means , I don't spent what I don't have today . I pay with cash and save what I can for tomorrow in the form of silver and some gold . plus are food bill a month is low , we grow are raise a lot they's days . one reason I buy stuff from sales

26th August 2014, 07:35 AM
Mick? the Chinese people are already listening to some weir sound in their living room. I'd better stop digging from up here :)

Living like a pauper is living like a pauper if you think that you are living like a pauper.....different people have different opinion of the world because your real world is in your mind by what your see and think........Me? as crazy as I am my world is a wonderful one, as long as I am left alone........and that's why I live alone and far from everyone..........hummmmmmmm I think that I need a rubber room.


mick silver
26th August 2014, 07:40 AM
here you go ponce http://whatimeant2say.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/rubber-room.jpghttp://verticalventures.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/rubberroom.jpg

26th August 2014, 08:13 AM
Always remember that no matter how little you have there is always someone that have less than you.....so be happy.

Think of how little the Palestinians have and everyday they have less and less, including lees people because they are getting killed like rats while the world ignores all........SHAME ON YOU.