View Full Version : What You Can’t See on the UN’s Maps of Gaza - Propaganda

2nd September 2014, 05:40 PM
Interesting, I saw this first on fakebook, every comment I scrolled through, at least 100 were pro israel. This jewtube link not so much. This to me proves israel has fully and probably automatically created this crap on social media just like we read here a couple days back.



midnight rambler
2nd September 2014, 05:44 PM
Those crafty and resourceful Palis created themselves a MILITARY FORTRESS(!).

2nd September 2014, 06:10 PM
Those crafty and resourceful Palis created themselves a MILITARY FORTRESS(!).

Let me see if I can grab some comments from social media for you to compare...

I'm not going to waste time formatting this garbage.


Yet it seems nothing can touch israel, it's protected by GOD!

Udeh Nchedo Valentine well I am urging Israel, never to compromise with hamas terrorist jihadist group, do everything within your reach to eliminate them . they have evil plans in them , iran is supporting jihadist everywhere in this world, and that's why they want to dev...See More
Like · Reply · 45 · 13 hrs
Bradford Siazon This only shows that the UN is anti- Israel and pro terrorism
Like · Reply · 70 · 14 hrs

3 Replies · 9 hrs

Lynnette Zweck Israel is protected by God!
Like · Reply · 19 · 13 hrs

4 Replies · 5 hrs

Jeff Shorts I support Israel! The best fighters and the best fighting force! Go Israel!
Like · Reply · 16 · 12 hrs
Nathan Moran Great job my Israeli brother and sisters in arms!!! Grand Rapids, Mi supports you and drop a JDAM for me!
Like · Reply · 13 · 14 hrs

2 Replies · 4 hrs

Stephen Thomas Why not eliminate Hamas
Like · Reply · 26 · 14 hrs

6 Replies · 11 hrs

Lynnette Zweck And Israel stood against this terrorism? Bravo!!! Israel bravo!
Like · Reply · 10 · 13 hrs
Lynnette Zweck No weapon formed against Israel will ever prosper!!!
Like · Reply · 8 · 13 hrs
Alois Eckerstorfer The reaction by Israel is correct. Israel must make all the work in the future. The UN including Obama is not reliable.
Like · Reply · 8 · 14 hrs
Figure Paradise This video is a proof that Hamas had no military base.....This video proof that terrorists Hamas are cowards and dont value their women and children because they hide behind them....Also, they hide behind hospitals, mosques, school and used them.......Also, Hamas committed double war crimes by hiding behind women, children, schools, hospitals, mosques in Gaza, and firing at civilian places in Israel..........That have the word "cowards" written all over.
They always shouted "stop the occupation".......Israel dont occupied Gaza........Hamas terrorists and Gazan occupied Gaza.
Like · Reply · 6 · 11 hrs
Gayle Martin Bentley The UN is not a creditable source and hasn't been for many, many years....
Like · Reply · 6 · 14 hrs
Shirl Gentry We thank God for the protection he has over Israel
Like · Reply · 4 · 11 hrs
Louie Rodriguez Cheers for the IDF and its protection fo Jews.
Like · Reply · 5 · 11 hrs
Violet Britt Great work IDF. You are awesome
Like · Reply · 4 · 11 hrs
Ada Somoza Israel has a leader that knows what he is doing! May god protect Israel and his leader!'
Like · Reply · 4 · 12 hrs
Öz Ahmet Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.
Like · Reply · 4 · 13 hrs

Aliza Kessler Yes you stand against terrorist Hamas.
Like · 2 · 13 hrs
Leah Scheffler How blind and stupid can you Turkish Muslim scum be Öz Ahmet? Get a life, you Loser!
Like · 12 hrs
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Jeff Joinedthecircus
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Charles Moore Israel must eliminate all threats to the people.
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs
Joe Sinderovsky Gaza is not a nation. Palestinians are not a nationality. There is no country called Palestine. The proxy terror war being perpetrates against Israel comes from Iran and Qatar. Hit them first. Take away the money for terror. Give those who want peace in Gaza a chance to live peacefully side by side with Israel.
Like · Reply · 3 · 13 hrs
Robert Edward Slemaker Eliminate the UN and half the problem is gone!
Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs
محمد شكور Stephen Thomas haha..even israel afraid of hamas..that why.. long live PALESTINE!!! we love u
Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs

Jennelyn Derecho It's Hamas who was afraid of Israel because they used children and women as human shield. They didn't respect their churches. Lol!
Like · 8 · 14 hrs
Bill Richards They sure have a bold way to reveal their fear of Hamas!
Like · 8 · 13 hrs
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Jeff Joinedthecircus
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Donna Akers People we have Isis on this site they have killed thousands of people they are Muslim brothers to Isis that they have formed what they did to children was so barbaric beheading them and burying them alive and shooting them in the back of the head.
They come on here pointing their bloody finger at Israel and they hide behind Hamas to spread their lies because Hamas used people as human shields notice how barbaric the
terrorists are Hamas/Isis murders with no conscience no feeling spreading the good word of Muhhammad
Like · Reply · 6 · 13 hrs

Susan Reback Miles on the nose
Like · 13 hrs
Jeff Joinedthecircus
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Marla Prior Walker The world is watching you Israel and we are watching the Almighty God arise on your behalf! He is unctioning us to pray for you, support you and stand with you! God Bless Israel and your great leader Benjamin Netanyahu who was raised up for such a day as this!
Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs
David R. Fox It's to bad that the US isn't helping but God is stronger than bad leadership!
Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs
Gerald Pearce Israel should Bomb them back to the stone age...no mercy
Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs · Edited
Mary Anne Stephenson-Howard An eye opener for sure.
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs
Mardo Mendez we are with you israel
Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs
Denise Adams Hamas came straight out of the pit of hell! I pity the children of Gaza, they are being used as pawns by some of the sickest, most evil, loser men I have ever heard of. GOD bless Israel!
Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs
David Smith The UN Is UNisreali, UNamerican , UNdemocratic and UNrealistic!
Like · Reply · 2 · 12 hrs
Shawn Morom Rabe We all know the UN is basically just a waste of time. It follows the orders of the architects of the New World Order which has no benefit in it for Israel. God sees and will judge in time.
Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs
Joe Sinderovsky Looks like Gaza needs to be cleared to a parking lot.
Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs
Jay Law Funny how all Muslims stand by gaza just because its a Muslim nation. Either way to them whatever a Muslim does is never wrong.
Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs
Tsehaye Ewala The most killer world infection's
Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs
Laetitia Van Der Spuy YES We stand boldly with Israel AGAINST radical Islam terrorists like Hamas and ISIS and all other terrorists. I am from South Africa.
There is a huge difference between freedom fighters and radical ISLAMIC terrorists.
I have made it my business to get into the "mind-set" behind radical Islam. It looks dark.
This is what former radical Islamic, Daniel Shayesteh (who was part of Hezbollah in Iran) says:
"The god and the law of Islam, as well as prophesy in Islam, are all inherently linked to hatred. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ says that God is love (1John 4: 7), and then calls upon people to immerse and submit themselves in His absolute love in order to be able to love others as themselves and bring the tower of hatred down for reconciliation."
Like · Reply · 7 · 14 hrs
Farouk Laatabi Yes we stand against terrorism "the terrorist state" terrorising innocent civilians. ISRAEL.
Like · Reply · 5 · 14 hrs

Albert Starikov gtf out,pos,brainwashed moron
Like · 2 · 13 hrs
Aliza Kessler Yes, you stand against terrorism hamas.
Like · 13 hrs
Jeff Joinedthecircus
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Jordan Perlow Where's the UN map showing the headless bodies???
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Clark Stewart Level every building where they launch rockets from. Exterminate Isis, Hama's and every radical
Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
Pam Byrne UN controlled by terrorists
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Dean Elmore UN--i don't care!! if it were up to me Israel would level gaza and run all the islams out--they are more trouble than they are worth
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Shawn Carrié Propaganda.
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Deborah Miller The UN never tells the whole story...
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Lynnette Zweck Israel sends aid into Gaza and the people BITE the hand that feeds them. Stupidity gone to SEED!
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Lynnette Zweck Sad for the little children who were bribed with lolly to shield terrorists and their weapons.
Men don't hide behind the skirts of women SHAME!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Lynnette Zweck Foolish hamas! Bites the hand that feeds them!
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Damir Vucicevic Proof of war crimes by Israel. Thanks for admitting this.
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Ali Wells Cowen It looks like Israel needs to take out all of Gaza to protect the rest of the world. It would just be the tip of the iceberg.
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Daniel Burak IDF should destroy everything in a few month we are going to have the same problem
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Amir Ahmadi there will be more & more that kinds of red points until you've been pushed down.....
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
محمد شكور UN go to hell...organizations that no function at all..fully with crap!!! still control by Israel..just for show off!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
Yeshua Iscomingback The truth must be told the IDF are amazingly brave soldiers they need to be revered
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
Deborah Norton I love you The Prime Minister of Israel andyour people!
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
Mark Gregg Why does Israel have to keep defend itself for defending itself?
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs · Edited
Cynthia Coffey Whew!!!! It sure ain't Mr Rogers neighborhood!! So many of the bad guys. Now you can really see how God has been blessing Israel by keeping this many sockmonkies from her!
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
Cleide Miriam Scarpelli The UN are a disgrace to the World! RUANDA and SUDAN is an example! They didn't nothing! They are in the side os the Terrorists Always!!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
Doris Hochman We who are aware know full well WHAT THE UN REALLY IS NOW! What American president will have the 'guts' to finally CLOSE IT DOWN!
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
Paul Raj Dear PM, yours is one of the most critical role, on this planet, during the next few months & years? Be bold, be strong in Christ, Son of God & Lord of All. Amen.
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs
Janice Anne McGhee Thank you for the truth full information.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

2nd September 2014, 07:11 PM
Are those the Nazionists that China is supporting? lol!

2nd September 2014, 07:51 PM
Look guys, what you are looking at is the means to the end of the Zionist plan........their final end is to take over ALL OF PALESTINE so that then, the Zionist, can have a country in all of Palestine instead having just a "state" in the same......the only way for them to do that is to get rid of ALL THE PALESTINIAN people, as long as there is one Palestinian in Palestine Israel will be only a state in Palestine.