View Full Version : Grim Ebola prediction: Outbreak is unstoppable for now, doc says.............V

6th September 2014, 10:12 AM
Copied from another site:....................."and many will die"

Grim Ebola prediction: Outbreak is unstoppable for now, doc says

By Rachael Rettner
Published September 04, 2014

A doctor who just returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa predicts the current Ebola outbreak will go on for more than a year, and will continue to spread unless a vaccine or other drugs that prevent or treat the disease are developed.

Dr. Daniel Lucey, an expert on viral outbreaks and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Medical Center, recently spent three weeks in Sierra Leone, one of the countries affected by the Ebola outbreak. While there, Lucey evaluated and treated Ebola patients, and trained other doctors and nurses on how to use protective equipment.

The current Ebola outbreak, which is mainly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, has so far killed at least 1,552 of the more than 3,000 people infected, making it the largest and deadliest Ebola outbreak in history. It is also the first outbreak to spread from rural areas to cities. Strategies that have worked in the past to stop Ebola outbreaks in rural areas may not, by themselves, be enough to halt this outbreak, Lucey said.

"I don't believe that our traditional methods of being able to control and stop outbreaks in rural areas … is going to be effective in most of the cities," Lucey said yesterday (Sept. 3) in a discussion held at Georgetown University Law Center that was streamed online. While the World Health Organization has released a plan to stop Ebola transmission within six to nine months, "I think that this outbreak is going to go on even longer than a year," Lucey said. [5 Things You Should Know About Ebola]

In addition, without vaccines or drugs for Ebola, "I'm not confident we will be able to stop it," Lucey said. There are a few studies of Ebola treatments and prevention methods under way, but more research is needed to show whether they are safe and effective against the disease.

One strategy that could help with the current outbreak is to implement public health "command centers" whose job it is to make sure that tools and equipment sent to the affected regions are properly distributed to places that need them, Lucey said.

When Lucey was in Sierra Leone, protective equipmentfor health care workers made its way to the capital city, but not to the hospital where he was working, he said. "We did not have gloves that I felt safe with," Lucey said, noting that the gloves would tear easily. "We didn't have face shields. We had goggles that had been washed so many times you couldn't see through them," Lucey said.

Another important factor in stemming the outbreak will be community engagement and education to help people in the region understand the behaviors that spread the disease, said Dr. Marty Cetron, director of Global Migration and Quarantine at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is also important to understand the culture of an area so that control strategies are culturally acceptable, Cetron said.

This large Ebola outbreak could have been prevented with an effective public health response at the beginning, said Lawrence Gostin, director of the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University. But the weak health systems of the affected countries left them unprepared to respond to the outbreak, Gostin said.

The international community should have been more generous in supporting poorer countries so they could develop the response capacities needed to contain the outbreak, Gostin and colleagues wrote in a recent briefing for the O'Neill Institute.

To help with the current outbreak, and prevent future ones, Gostin called for the establishment of an international "health systems fund," which would be supported by high-resource countries. The money would be used to strengthen the health systems in those countries, he said.

"We want to avoid leaving these countries in the same kind of fragile health condition" that they are in now, and that is being worsened, Gostin said.

7 Devastating Infectious Diseases
5 Scariest Disease Outbreaks of the Past Century
How Do People Survive Ebola?


mick silver
6th September 2014, 10:18 AM
they already have a vaccine that they will force on us all in time

6th September 2014, 10:30 AM
I am now worry, not for myself but for others........I keep reading notes from around the world and the truth is not being told...I have come up with the following.....the only thing that "could" save you, if you get the Ebola bug, is a blood transfusion from someone that already had it and survive. Learn to isolate yourself and your live in family, if another family member is coming in from far away then have the take off ALL their clothing and then placed them in isolation for AT LEAST 15 days.......stay put till something has been found to fight the virus (but for the blood transfusion), have AT LEAST enough food handy for two years...have clean water to wash everything all the time (don't let your pets out of your area of protection)........make all outside understand that you want them to stay out and make sure that they understand this with the gun that you will be holding.

The situation is worse than what they are telling you.....take care.


mick silver
6th September 2014, 10:38 AM
and many will die

6th September 2014, 12:07 PM
Of course because university educated drones just come up with plans...and they are having a hard time mind controlling all the rest of you drones into following their plans.

And while they are failing to mind control all the rest of you drones...the clock keeps ticking...because while mind controlling all of you is possible...mind controlling GOD is impossible.

Think of it like this...you all are slaves and servants of Satan or the master.

Because you all worship ignorance as bliss.

or negative as positive

or Satan as GOD.


To supply Satan or lie with the power to appear as GOD...to fight GOD...to protect all you devout worshipers of ignorance or Satan as Bliss or GOD...from GOD

The situation is worse than they are telling you?

You mean Satan is deceiving you all?

"Quis ut Deus?, a Latin sentence meaning "Who is like God?", is a literal translation of the name Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎, transliterated Micha'el or Mîkhā'ēl)."

"Michael" appears as the name of several men in the Old Testament. In the New Testament the name is given to an archangel in the Epistle of Jude 1:9 and, in the Book of Revelation 12:7, to the leader of angels who defeat "the dragon" and his fallen angels, a dragon identified in Revelation 12:9 as "that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world".

I know that is what Satan does to you all in order to get you all to supply Satan with power.

GOD is where I receive all my power from...So I never believe Satan is the supply of power...But when Satan is in trouble...Satan makes noise or tries to get my attention.

That is what ignorance does...

Ignorance wants life liberty and happiness.

And I'm the supply of life liberty and happiness.

I can decide to supply Satan with what Satan wants...or YES.


I can decide to supply Satan with what Satan does not want...or NO.

That is why there is are no slaves or servants of Satan that can mind control me.

Because Truth or GOD can not be physically destroyed...or mind controlled.

Those ignorant of Truth or GOD do not know this.

They keep telling me...

Michael...There is not anything impossible if you put your mind to it...and if at first you do not succeed defeating Truth or GOD with a lie or Satan.

Try try again.

I unfortunately know Truth or GOD.

So I just can not be ruled by fantasy or lies promoted as Truth.

It's impossible.

That is why the Internet is so evil...all you negative psychopaths and positive psychopaths can not do anything to me...to force me to believe the lies you demand I believe to be Truth.

The baby seals can not harm my body physically or mind control or deceive me....While the clubbers can not touch me to harm my body physically and they are absolute hapless weaklings when it comes to mind controlling or deceiving me.

In real life out of here...I deceive you all for your own good...because If I reveal myself...you all are programed by your master...Satan...to commit suicide like mindless fools to try to destroy me.

and I can defend myself with ease...Like a bug zapper defends itself from flies that try to defeat it...no contest.

I know you all just absolutely love to worship the cherished delusion you all are good people.

But I will decide...and there is absolutely zero way for any of you to fool me...

I fool you all...all the time...into thinking I'm just like any of you hapless mental and physical weaklings that worship lies or fantasy as Truth or reality.

But I'm not...

Power beyond your abilities to dare in your wildest positive dreams and negative delusions to comprehend scares the crap out of you all...especially now...after years existing in the war on Truth.

You all are terrorized by Satan or the lie you worship as GOD into supplying Satan or the lie you believe is Truth with more and more power to protect you from the wrath of GOD.

When I'm banned...It's because I chose to become visible to supply you with the glorious privilege of making me turn invisible...Which fools you into thinking you have power...please...mosquitos have more power to annoy me than you.

I'm the supply of power...

You all are the demand for power...

The progression of the absolute capitalist or tyrant is.

persuasion force annihilation.

please supply the demand for life liberty and happiness or else be annihilated.

That is what Ebola wants....life liberty and happiness...YES or victory...Not NO or defeat.

It's the only desire of a flower...more and more power.

Ebola is like invisible axe men...and you are a tree...and they all chop down trees faster than they regrow to sustain their life liberty and happiness.

Just like all of you so called Human beings that act like mindless animals and then tell me it is human nature.

And when the trees run out...to power the demand for eternal life...Satan or ignorance is supplied with eternal death.

You all are running for your lives in terror from the Satan you all hate into the warm embrace of the Satan you love.

There is never a lasting victory over ignorance/Satan while the war against knowledge/GOD has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

Ebola = ignorant of Truth GOD...Takes more power than it gives to power life liberty and happiness...the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow or causing death tyranny and misery to power life liberty and happiness to the logical conclusion which is always eternal death.

People = ignorant of Truth or GOD...Takes more power than they give to power life liberty and happiness...the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow or causing death tyranny and misery to power life liberty and happiness to the logical conclusion which is always eternal death.

Michael = knowledgeable of Truth or GOD...Shares power as equally as possible to power life liberty and happiness...The same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow or causing death tyranny and misery in balance with life liberty and happiness to sustain life liberty an happiness and since there is no logical conclusion eternal life is the result.

"Gauss's law for magnetism: magnetic field lines never begin nor end but form loops or extend to infinity."

Truth has no beginning or end = unreasonable = irrational.

Lies believed to be Truth have beginnings and ends = reasonable = rational.

GOD is Truth and Truth is GOD or reality

Satan is a lie and a lie is Satan or fantasy.

Reality is the supply of power.

Fantasy is the demand for power.

GOD always suppies what you need...but not always what you want.

Satan can only obtain what Satan wants when what Satan needs and wants are the same.

Why does GOD or the supply of life liberty and happiness give Satan which is the supply of death tyranny and misery what it needs to sustain existence?

Satan = Nothing that wants to become something = Absolute 0 that wants to become absolute 1 = Duality

GOD = Something that needs to be something = Absolute 1 = Singularity

Truth or something needs to supply power to the demand for power by nothing or a lie that wants to become truth an never die.

Yes...you all have spent your short life spans desperately searching for something you never want to find.

It's why I'm under constant attack by all of you...because you constantly do not think so...until you are forced to think so...

And I constantly exist...even when you do not think I exist.

out of sight and out of mind is the religion of the blind.

Ebloa is invisible to the naked eye...making the cause invisible.

When your body is infected with Ebola...it takes roughly 21 days for the visible effects of the invisible cause to show up.

37 x 21 = 777

3 x 7 = 21.

3 is March where the Ebola showed up...and flight 370 vanished....7 is July where flight 17 was shot down.

both 777's

"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition"

Like black ops...like NATO commandos sent into Syria prior to the visible effect showing up.

YOU ALL = Ignorant suppliers of Satan with power.

Satan gives you what all you devout worshipers of Satan or lie/ignorance believed to be Truth/knowledge or GOD want.

fantasy believed to be reality.

Ignorance believed to be bliss.

You all have to maintain your ignorance in order to enjoy bliss.

Until you reach the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption or cherished delusion of victory

The lifting of the veil on the wedding dress of the abyss to receive the sweet kiss of the apocalypse of bliss.

I have become good at pretending to be ignorant like all of you to fit in.

Here on the internet...I do not have to pretend...because there is no way for you to mind control me or physically annihilate me.

Which protects you from me...not me from you...

Which protects Satan from defeat by Michael...Not Michael from defeat by Satan.

6th September 2014, 12:15 PM

6th September 2014, 02:14 PM
Yes Satan does that too...

Lives and Laughs...

Until the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption or cherished delusion of victory is reached.

Then Satan cries and dies...

Just because I look like one of you pathetic ignorance worshiping creatures masquerading as human beings does not mean I am one of you.

Keep your friends close...keep your enemies closer.

I'm your best friend and worst enemy...Because I'm a singularity.

I try as hard as I can to be your best friend...The problem with that is you begin to think I'm your slave and you are the master.

I have yet to figure out a way to break the sad news to you that I never was your slave...Am not your slave now...and never will be your slave...and there is not anything you can ever do about it.

Shattering your cherished delusions of grandure always hurts your feelings...

and you all are absolute slaves to your emotions...which are the invisible strings or servants pulled by the master to manipulate all you slaves without your knowledge into doing the bidding of the master.

Just because I expose myself to punishments you all run in terror from...Does not mean I'm dumb and you are smart.

Someone has to do the work that all you welfare cases of Satan do not want to do so you can enjoy playing games for a living.

escaping form working for a living is hard work.

physical and mental.

Thinking makes your heads hurt...why?

Because trying to use a lie believed to be Truth to defeat Truth is impossible.

I avoid trying to use a lie to defeat Truth...Because I'm knowledgeable of Truth.

The slowest way to prove yourself wrong is to constantly attempt to prove yourself right...This is what that which is ignorant of Truth does...like the processor in your computer.

The quickest way to prove yourself right is to constantly attempt to prove yourself wrong...This is what that which is knowledgeable of Truth does.

I only am visible because I'm trying to be your best friend...not your worst enemy.

because your worst enemy is not going to ever reveal themselves to you so you have the benefit of annihilating them before they annihilate you.

GOD = Shares power with all and everything perfectly to sustain the existence of all and everything = Socialist.

Satan = Takes more power than is given from all and everything to sustain existence = Antisocialist.

I worship GOD or reality...I share power with all and everything in the Universe as equally as possible to sustain existence.

You all worship Satan or fantasy believed to be reality...You all take more power than you give from all and everything in the Universe to sustain existence.

It's not my fault that is what you continually choose to do in order to sustain your continued existence for as long as possible.

And have been continually doing for all of recorded and unrecorded history.

Good thing you can reproduce or be created out of thin air faster than you return back into thin air...to try try again an again to defeat Truth with a lie.

List of unsolved problems in physics...

"Some of the major unsolved problems in physics are theoretical, meaning that existing theories seem incapable of explaining a certain observed phenomenon or experimental result."

"The following is a list of unsolved problems grouped into broad area of physics."

"Cosmology, and general relativity"

"Baryon asymmetry"

"Why is there far more matter than antimatter in the observable universe?"

Scientists get paychecks from Satan or ignorance trying to prove GOD or knowledge does not exist...So they will never find a solution to this problem...Tisk...Nice make work scheme...

Because GOD is the supply of life or existence or absolute 1 or real 1

Satan which is non existence or absolute 0 or a real 0 that wants to be absolute 1 or a fake 1 is the demand for life.

As long as Satan or ignorance can obtain the required power from GOD or knowledge to turn the real 0 into a fake 1 masquerading as the real 1.

Satan/fantasy or what does not matter can appear to be what does matter or GOD/reality

There is never a lasting victory over fantasy while the war against reality has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

When I'm banished or turned invisible from visible or become out of sight and out of mind...I do not stop existing.

Ignorance = bliss to those ignorant of Truth or GOD.

To me.

Knowledge of Truth or GOD = bliss.

You all think I have a mental problem or am insane.

Well when you try to prove to me and of course yourself that you are sane and I'm insane.

You will go more and more insane trying to defeat Truth with a lie believed to be Truth.

Because Truth is the supply of power or Victory

Lies that want to become Truth are the demand for power or Victory.

the lies you believe are Truth or the weapons you are using to attempt to defeat GOD so that you can obtain absolute power over all and everything.

Are powered by Truth or GOD.

You abuse the power of GOD you are supplied with to create lies promoted as GOD or Truth you demand I believe are Truth.

Without Truth lies can not exist.

Without lies Truth is all that exists.

Without GOD the Universe can not exist.

Without the Universe GOD is all that exists.

Without infinity that which is finite can not exist.

Without that which is finite infinity is all that exists.

Of course infinity does not exist inside the Universe...Only the effect of infinity can be seen...

All that is finite or the fantasy you all believe is infinity or reality...All around you.

Truth is infinite while lies are finite.

You all are ignorant of Truth.

I'm not.

6th September 2014, 02:18 PM
Seems like some serious LSD tigger.

6th September 2014, 03:31 PM

I do not require LSD to become High.

Truth is infinite...Truth supplies me with all the power I need to sustain my position in the Universe.

You all require LSD or another lie believed to be Truth to attempt to rise up and become as high as me...and never will.

Turn on, tune in, drop out

I was turned on at conception...then tuned in...then dropped out...of a black hole...into the black hole of the Universe...of course without the sun of GOD to supply the power to this magic trick...you would not be reading this.

Who programed you so that you can attempt to decode the code I'm supplying to you?

It must suck to be old.


Sorry I do not have the cure to death...other than Truth.

The needle of reality that pops the cherished delusion bubble of fantasy.

Look at all the bubbles of fantasy running for their lives in terror from the needle of reality into the warm embrace of the needle of reality.

Like heroin addicts...They are real good at killing themselves trying to sustain their existence as long as possible.

Or money addicts.

All the addicts or worshipers of lies or Satan believed to be truth or GOD have become good at committing suicide trying to sustain existence as long as possible.

What do you think flies are doing when they are flying into a zapper.

The same thing you have been doing your entire life trying to get to me.

following the path of least effort by taking more power than you give to arrive at the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption or cherished delusion of victory.

What do you think?

Non Americans were put on this planet as target practice for Americans?

To crush like ants to supply power to the demand for power by your military industrial GOD complex?

Judgment day is coming...and you can laugh or cry....It does not bother me...You have freewill...A GOD given right to choose to use or abuse the power you receive from GOD how you see fit.

But no right to escape from the consequences of the free will choice...You can try of course...But never succeed.

You can worship the fantasy or lie you believe is Truth that you have fallen in love with or cherished delusion that you are winning all you want.

Until the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption or cherished delusion of victory is reached.

and then zap...the fly or lie believed to be Truth is reveled to be a lie and dies.

Next...yawn...thanks for showing up to the planet Earth and playing ignorance is entertaining...the game that that the master designed so that the master wins by default...the game or lie believed to be Truth owned by the master.

The servant all you game players slave for to keep playing.

I don't...I supply the power the game needs...not the power the game wants.

It's why the USA is exponentially decaying back into thin air from where it exponentially grew out from....tisk.

It is just a lie believed to be truth...that all you addicts commit suicide slaving for to sustain as long as possible.

The progression of the absolute capitalist...or tyrant is.

please supply the demand for what Satan wants or else be annihilated.

GOD does not need or want anything from any of you all.

Because GOD is the supply of power to you all.

You all are the demand for power from GOD.

GOD always gives Satan what Satan needs...but not always what Satan wants...Victory over GOD...

Satan demands YES or victory.

GOD supplies NO or defeat to Satan or the lie that wants to become Truth and never die.


6th September 2014, 05:34 PM
"Warlock is a member of the alien Technarchy, a race of mechanical organisms that survive by infecting living creatures with the "techno-organic" transmode virus, before draining the life energy ("lifeglow") of the infected organism."

Your lifeglow is being drained from you to power the deathglow or fake illumination you are being mesmerized by with right now.

Do not think so?

Of course not...those ignorant of Truth never think so...Until the visible effects or symptoms of the invisible cause...show up.

Then they are forced to think different.

Oh well it's just human nature....lol...burb...fart...snort.

Actually it is animal nature...Ignorant animal nature...Not knowledgeable human nature

I have an immune system that is way more powerful than you all have...because whatever does not kill you...makes you stronger...or weaker.

and since the Internet has been on...I have been watching you all use the tool as a toy to dumb yourselves down...or become weaker and weaker.

Not smarten yourselves up...Or become stronger and stronger.

You think you can press the panic button of fantasy to escape the problem of reality?

"There is a computer disease (virus) that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!"--Richard P. Feynman

"Richard Phillips Feynman (/ˈfaɪnmən/; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics (he proposed the parton model). For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. He developed a widely used pictorial representation scheme for the mathematical expressions governing the behavior of subatomic particles, which later became known as Feynman diagrams. During his lifetime, Feynman became one of the best-known scientists in the world. In a 1999 poll of 130 leading physicists worldwide by the British journal Physics World he was ranked as one of the ten greatest physicists of all time"

1988 is when I created Hypertiger out of thin air....around when Richard Feynman returned back into thin air.

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."--Albert Einstein

Sorry but I do not play the Lord's game...But my name is Michael...not Albert.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

GOD does not.

Satan rolls dice trying to win against GOD.

GOD gives Satan what Satan needs by showing the result of the roll of the dice...Every time...Thank GOD.

Satan uses the power of GOD to roll dice...GOD stops them from rolling.

The only risk is getting caught...If you are not trying to get away with crimes against humanity that you are committing...You do not have to worry about suffering the consequences of something you are not doing.

Oh...You all do not think you are doing something you are doing?

Praise ignorance as bliss.

Praise the Lord of lies as GOD or Truth.

Well then when you are caught...You will not know why you are suffering the consequences you are suffering....I guess you all will feel as ripped off as all the people outside the USA being ripped off that do not know why they are being ripped off by the good ol US of A.

The Universe is perfectly fair, All and everything in the Universe is supplied with what all and everything deserves, and there is no hope.

Make sure you brush regularly and see the dentist every few months so you all have teeth to gnash when you arrive at teeth gnashing time.

6th September 2014, 05:51 PM
Am I still on Earth?.......either I am on Mars or our friend upstairs if from Mars.


6th September 2014, 06:17 PM
Am I still on Earth?.......either I am on Mars or our friend upstairs if from Mars.


Not enough of an audience on mars.

More like a free ranging keyboard kommando

Borg !



6th September 2014, 06:59 PM
if another family member is coming in from far away then have the take off ALL their clothing and then placed them in isolation for AT LEAST 15 days.......

Now i see why you have nothing to worry about.

15 days naked in a holding cell for your family?

6th September 2014, 07:28 PM
Yes it is beyond your abilities to comprehend...When did you all stop thinking?

You all have been trying to turn me into a mindless drone for decades.

I have become real good as fooling you into thinking your are getting what you want to stop you from hurting yourselves.

You all are the Borg.

You take more power than you give to sustain existence...Just like animals...or Ebola or bacteria...there is no way to stop you from committing suicide fighting to the death to remain asleep or ignorant of Truth to continue to enjoy the daydream or cherished delusion you are awake or knowledgeable of Truth.

all that is ignorant of Truth does this.

Absolute capitalists.

Antisocialists of a feather flock together.

You all believe taking more power than you give or chopping down trees faster than they regrow is the path to eternal salvation or the one true religion.

I know that sharing power as equally as possible or chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow is the path to eternal salvation or the one true religion.

Your religion always leads to eternal damnation.

The glorious march to doom with glee.

26 million parasites in texas sucking the oil and water wells dry...

In the end all of you will annihilate each other pathetically trying to reacquire what you never ever had to begin with or acquire what you never will.

freedom from Truth.

freedom from GOD.

me...where I live...when the USA face plants...everyone will blame the USA for lying to them for decades and decades and deceiving them.

Who are you all going to blame?

The person most to blame for losing Satan's game was created out of thin air the instant you were created out of thin air within the game and can be found by looking into the nearest mirror.

When I'm banned...I'm the one most responsible for making myself visible for a coward to plink to get a hard dink...lol.

The day of reckoning is coming...

Bush said the defenses of America have to be strengthened beyond challenge during his 2000 inauguration speech.

There is no way to make a lie or Satan believed to be Truth or GOD...More powerful than GOD.

There is no way the servants of Satan can obtain the power demanded by Satan to protect them from the wrath of GOD.

I watch American mass media...and you all basically talk about committing crimes against humanity to supply your demands for life liberty an happiness 24/7 now...and you all are so dumbed down...you are oblivious what is going on.

It is amazing how stupid you all are.

The shadow of the hammer is coming down to spatter all the baby seals that think they have it made in the shade on the top of the anvil.

This is the pay later for the lie you believed was Truth stage or future...Of the buy the lie believed to be Truth now stage that is in the distant past.

Enjoy the glowing embers of the good old days while they last.

The positive phase of the lie believed to be Truth was left behind you all in 2008...since then you all have been in the negative or revelation phase of the lie believed to be Truth phase.

You will forced to pay for every lol.


lol some more...buy more lols you can not afford now...and pay for them later.

Might as well bankrupt yourselves to the maximum extent possible.

6th September 2014, 07:35 PM
The funny one will be when the Internet goes down...and then you all will be cut off from the fake light and be in the real dark...and anyone you come into contact with will not be trustable.

Kiss it all goodbye now or be forced to later.

The global system has to exponentially grow forever...It can not stop for any reason...Or poof...the daydream fantasy will collapse into the nightmare of reality.

You all have been in a controlled collapse to oblivion since 2009...a bounce up to 2013...that began collapsing back down heading into 2014.

spring is where the new home buying spike up happens...

with that gone...you have to make it to the next one.

and if the 2013 spring planting...does not translate into a bumper crop for the fall harvest...

It's not going to be a pretty winter...You all have zero clue what is going on.

6th September 2014, 09:32 PM
When I'm banned...I'm the one most responsible for making myself visible for a coward to plink to get a hard dink...lol.

Only a sith would be so attached to an internet avatar and handle.


7th September 2014, 06:44 PM
I believe you may be preaching to the choir here! Anyone agree? \uu\

8th September 2014, 07:27 AM
Now i see why you have nothing to worry about.

15 days naked in a holding cell for your family?
Family traditions!