View Full Version : MSG Hidden in foods
6th September 2014, 11:17 PM
Interesting work. Here is her website. All the videos are interesting. I finally have seen a reason to consider going gluten free. Pasteurized milk contains msg due to breakdown of casein (thus a strong argument for raw milk).
Here are some of links showing ingredients that are or contain msg in hidden forms:
She does not seem to have any visibility on the fructose issue.
7th September 2014, 05:45 AM
Excellent info and video.
This probably needs to be in a separate forum and we should all try to give tips on what to buy and what to make that avoid these bad ingredients.
I did not quite understand how raw milk does not contain casein. I thought it did. Will have to look that up.
Dr. Russell Blaylock, retired brain surgeon, has written a book and done several articles and YouTube videos about excitotoxins, which glutamates and glutamic acid and MSG are.
Also heard him say "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" is also another name for an excitotoxin.
I posted a transcript soomewhere on this forum recently that I did of Dr. Blaylock, mainly on aluminum subject, that mentions glutamates several times.
Does a Bad Diet Cause Bad Behavior?
September 19, 2013 | 68,236 views
I do not see how this lady works full time in Silicon Valley job and raises four children. That youngest child is not an "autistic child" but is a child that demonstrates "autistic behaviors" at certain times. There is a big difference. Nevertheless it was a heartwarming joyful experience to see how the child now appears happy and intelligent and normal now that her mother has helped her with her diet. (It takes money, good intelligence and adequate time like Catherine Reid has to make this work.)
One thing I have learned from my own health problems as well as from listening to some of the regular health commentators on alternative radio is that the gut, the digestive system, is where about 80 percent of our immune system is.
I developed "leaky gut syndrome" about 4 years ago. It came on suddenly with bouts of hives after eating (urticaria). Bill Sardi, health journalist, told me what it was and what to read up on. I had gallbladder taken out about 3 years ago but really had none of the ususal symptoms or tell talke signs of that problem until right at the end. The doctors do not even seem to know what "leaky gut" is.
I have stopped most gluten/bread. No more added white sugar to anything. No more candy, cookies, patries, etc. No more boxed and canned processed foods. No more soda pop though do sometimes have a can of plain club soda. I have done this for about 5 months and I feel much much better but still slip now and then and try some processed something from the store shelves. I had a bad bout of hives last week from eating a little Kraft barbeque sauce.
It is very expensive to buy a lot of the things this person said she buys, like grass fed beef. Raw milk is hard to find locally too. I have heard strong cases for no milk of any kind and no animal foods of any kind, but my goodness, that just narrows the foods you can eat just too too much.
7th September 2014, 07:32 AM
"natural flavors" is code word for MSG - I had no idea !
7th September 2014, 09:28 AM
Dachsie- milkk does contain casein. Casein is a protein that contains glutamic acid. When milk is pasteurized, the proteins break down and free glutamate is released.
7th September 2014, 12:32 PM
Cows milk........dont drink it ( bells-soup-wars-citi-2011-7&ei=Q7MMVM3jMpLk8AW31IKABQ&psig=AFQjCNGASfxcrpGDs9cw30CzSdYONH3YLg&ust=1410204867916464)
7th September 2014, 03:07 PM
Logged in to thank you for this. Thanks!
7th September 2014, 03:13 PM (
1.“What Foods to Avoid?” Msgtruth.Org. 2007. Msgtruth.Org. 13 Nov. 2007 <>.
2. Blaylock, Russell. "Excitotoxins in Your Diet: How They Affect Your Health." Nurses World Magazine April-May 2007: 42-44.
Background image courtesy of
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Easy Mac. Progresso Soup. Doritos. Ramen Noodles. These products are godsends for those living on an American college student’s budget. However, the adverse effects they have on our health go beyond the gaining of the dreaded “freshman 15.” All of these foods contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is an excitotoxin. When brain cells communicate, neurotransmitters are secreted in small amounts in order to “excite” nearby brain cells and transmit a message. Most scientists believed all neurotransmitters to be relatively benign until 1969, when neuroscientist John Olney discovered two neurotransmitters that are harmful to the brain: glutamate (MSG) and aspartame, which is found in the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas (Newman). These excitotoxins, in essence, “excite” brain cells to death by causing them to be excessively stimulated, resulting in brain damage (Newman).
According to Dr. Byron Newman, “excitotoxicity is something that is connected with virtually everything bad that can happen to the brain--strokes, brain injury, brain tumors, severe hypoglycemia, multiple sclerosis, asphyxia, heavy metal poisoning, and most of the neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease.” In addition to these serious, long-term side effects, the consumption of MSG has negative short-term health effects as well, including headaches, sweating, facial pressure, numbness or tingling around the mouth, heart palpitations, chest pain, and/or asthmatic symptoms (“Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)”). These reactions take effect within one hour after consuming MSG (“Effects of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)”). Many people are familiar with the term “MSG,” but the masses are oblivious to the devastating toll that it takes on the human body.
The number of foods that contain MSG is astounding. It is present in chips, cold cuts, salad dressings, fresh produce that has been sprayed with pesticide, gelatin, and in virtually every food served in every fast food restaurant in the United States (The Natural Health Place). The most alarming fact is the food industry increases the amount of MSG put in our food every year. National consumption of MSG has risen from about one million pounds in 1950 to over 300 million pounds yearly (The Natural Health Place). This raises the following question: if scientists have known about the dangers of ingesting of MSG for over thirty years, why do food manufacturers not only continue to add it to our food, but increase the amount used every year? The answer is simple: manufacturers record larger profits when they add MSG to our food. In “MSG & Aspartame During Pregnancy,” Richard Pressinger reports on Campbell’s Soup’s discovery: when they add MSG to their chicken soup, they only need to use half as much chicken to achieve the same taste as when they don’t use MSG.
In addition, the food industry constantly camouflages the presence of MSG, an underhanded tactic to keep the public from identifying the toxic chemical. MSG can be identified as monopotassium glutamate, yeast extract, calcium caseinate, corn oil, textured protein, and up to twenty other names (The Natural Health Place; “Hidden Sources”). This is not a conspiracy theory. Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, met with a senior executive in the food additive industry, who reportedly acknowledged that “these excitotoxins are going to be in our food no matter how many name changes are necessary” (“Hidden Sources”). It is truly mind boggling how the food industry is permitted to put MSG in our food using such deceptive methods.
Like the brain, there are glutamate receptors in the human eye. According to the article “MSG Found to Injure Retina, Damage Eyesight,” in an experiment conducted in Japan, a group of rats were put on a diet high in MSG for six months. The rats’ retinal nerve layers thinned by up to 75 percent. At the end of the six months, all of the rats had severe vision impairment, simply because their diet was high in MSG (Saleh).
On top of the fact that consuming MSG results in brain damage and vision loss, there is also scientific evidence that MSG is directly correlated with obesity. In another experiment, scientists injected rats with MSG at birth. No rats are naturally obese, but since MSG triples the amount of insulin that the pancreas produces, scientists were able to create “morbidly obese” rats (Van Buren). When the pancreas increases its insulin secretion, it has severe implications in regards to human health; it leads to obesity and insulin resistance, both of which are early stages of type II diabetes. Before MSG was introduced into Americans’ diets, obesity and type II diabetes were rarely found in children (“MSG and Obesity”). Obesity and type II diabetes are now epidemics in America, and the trend could worsen if MSG consumption continues.
The main reason the food industry is allowed to poison us by putting MSG in our food is because the FDA is more interested in protecting the profits of big businesses than doing its job of protecting the health of American citizens. In 1969, shortly after Olney’s discovery, then FDA Commissioner Herbert Ley presented evidence to the U.S. Senate from four studies that, he alleged, demonstrated that MSG was safe (“MSG Kills”). It was later disclosed that two of the studies the commissioner cited were incomplete and two did not even exist (“MSG Kills”). It is even stated on the FDA’s official website that “injections of glutamate in laboratory animals have resulted in damage to nerve cells in the brain” (“FDA and Monosodium Glutamate”). It is a disgrace that a federal organization with as much authority as the FDA blatantly ignores its responsibilities to protect the American people. No matter how it gets into our bodies, MSG damages glutamate receptors, which results in the deterioration of our health. The FDA is well aware of this information but has decided it is more important to assist in lining the pockets of food industry executives than to protect the health of the American people.
After reviewing this information, it is imperative that we as a society become more responsible consumers. MSG is quickly becoming the new cigarette in America; we are becoming addicted to this “nicotine for food,” but the worst part is, we don’t even realize it. So the next time you reach for a snack, remember this: although foods that contain MSG are often less expensive and more appealing, we cannot take lightly the deadly risks of consuming MSG.
7th September 2014, 05:10 PM
I find that interesting and had not heard that before. If that tripling of insulin produced after easting MSG is true for humans, then perhaps this deserves a little more explanation.
People put out large amount of insulin to "deal with" the MSG as it is something the body recognizes as to cause spike in blood glucose level.
As a result the blood glucose level goes down, but it goes down way too much because so very much insulin was produced that insulin did its job too well.
When a person has lowered blood suger, not necessary extremely low like a diabetic or hypoglycemic person would get, but below normal, then the person experiences certain symptoms, one of which is hunger. (also shakiness and emotional lability, headache etc) Then the person grabs or feels the need to get some food in their body very fast to solve their bad kind of hunger feelings. They generally choose a fast food or a convenience food or a sugary food, all of which start the cycle all over again because of high sugar content of the food or more MSG in these kinds of food or both.
So this cycle is set up and the person just feels hunger "all the time" and is always in the blood sugar yo-yo cycle. So eating all the time sets in and weight gain happens.
I think that is an accurate description of what happens due to MSG's causing greatly increased insulin production.
I for a while years ago would regularly eat at a little Chinese restaurant and eat General Tso's Chicken. The sauce probably had lots of MSG in it though I cannot say for sure, but I did seem to gain a lot of weight when I was eating Chinese food regularly and those restaurants are well known for using MSG. The meal itself did not seem to contain a huge amount of calories but it did seem to set off hunger feelings just a short while after the meal. You have to specifically ask them to not use it in the preparation of what you order.
When the cycle goes on long enough over the years, the person gets classified as Type II Diabetic, or "pre-diabetic", or hypoglycemic. In other word, your poor old pancreas gets damaged and worn out and can no longer do a good job of producing just the right amount of insulin in response to what was eaten and the subsequent blood glucose level.
The lady in the video said that her symptoms are fairly mild, like sudden upper respiratory congestion and mucus whereas her child's reaction symptoms are profound and very noticeable as to mental function etc.
So that tells us that in addition to those severe sounding symptoms in this last comment, one should try to notice more mild reactions that may not be very noticeable.
10th September 2014, 03:13 AM
I find that interesting and had not heard that before. If that tripling of insulin produced after easting MSG is true for humans, then perhaps this deserves a little more explanation.
People put out large amount of insulin to "deal with" the MSG as it is something the body recognizes as to cause spike in blood glucose level.
As a result the blood glucose level goes down, but it goes down way too much because so very much insulin was produced that insulin did its job too well.
When a person has lowered blood suger, not necessary extremely low like a diabetic or hypoglycemic person would get, but below normal, then the person experiences certain symptoms, one of which is hunger. (also shakiness and emotional lability, headache etc) Then the person grabs or feels the need to get some food in their body very fast to solve their bad kind of hunger feelings. They generally choose a fast food or a convenience food or a sugary food, all of which start the cycle all over again because of high sugar content of the food or more MSG in these kinds of food or both.
So this cycle is set up and the person just feels hunger "all the time" and is always in the blood sugar yo-yo cycle. So eating all the time sets in and weight gain happens.
I think that is an accurate description of what happens due to MSG's causing greatly increased insulin production.
I for a while years ago would regularly eat at a little Chinese restaurant and eat General Tso's Chicken. The sauce probably had lots of MSG in it though I cannot say for sure, but I did seem to gain a lot of weight when I was eating Chinese food regularly and those restaurants are well known for using MSG. The meal itself did not seem to contain a huge amount of calories but it did seem to set off hunger feelings just a short while after the meal. You have to specifically ask them to not use it in the preparation of what you order.
When the cycle goes on long enough over the years, the person gets classified as Type II Diabetic, or "pre-diabetic", or hypoglycemic. In other word, your poor old pancreas gets damaged and worn out and can no longer do a good job of producing just the right amount of insulin in response to what was eaten and the subsequent blood glucose level.
The lady in the video said that her symptoms are fairly mild, like sudden upper respiratory congestion and mucus whereas her child's reaction symptoms are profound and very noticeable as to mental function etc.
So that tells us that in addition to those severe sounding symptoms in this last comment, one should try to notice more mild reactions that may not be very noticeable.
Excellent physiologic understanding of insulin and blood sugar...
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