View Full Version : Snowpocolypse

8th September 2014, 04:41 PM
Winter 2013-2014 was one of the worst winters in 20-30 years. Last year they warned about the infamous polar vortex. This year it’s the Snowpocolypse. Whether or not, it is as bad as they say it is going to be. We still should be prepared for the worst possible outcome!

<a href="http://youtu.be/JCK9sytZx88" target="_blank">

(http://youtu.be/JCK9sytZx88)Chances are you will hear a lot about El Niño in the next month or two. Meteorologists and weather science experts at the National Weather (http://2127news.net/2014/09/red-alert-snowpocolypse-not-polar-vortex-winter-weahter-by-the-end-of-sept-2014-through-june-2015/#) Service (NWS) say that there is a 99% chance that the we will start to see a massive cold-front sooner in the year than has ever happened, which will produce not just record-breaking snowfall, but according to Dr. Boris Scvediok, a doctor of global weather sciences, record shattering snow storms across the board, affecting the entire United States.
“For the sake of comparison to the past winter, lets say that your area received a total of twenty inches of accumulative snow for the season. Because this year the snowfall is predicted to start by the end of September or the beginning of October, you can expect to multiply that number by up to five, ten, maybe even twenty times in some areas. In the worst zones, you could see 50 times the amount of snow you’ve had in the past. This is the type of winter the American public needs to prepare for. Several meteorologists are saying not to buy into what the models are showing. I can tell you from forty years of scientific weather research, they are doing you a disservice,” Dr. Scvediok told the Associated Press on Friday. “The Northeast, Ohio Valley, and Midwestern states will definitely get hit the hardest.”
Edward F. Blankenbaker, Senior Administrator of Meteorologists, also told the media that this will be a once-in-a-lifetime kind of snowy winter.
“Pretty much everyone will see snow like they never have in their lives. Most younger people don’t even know what an actual blizzard looks like, but by the end of March, they will be seasoned survivalists,” Blankenbaker said. “Everyone needs to make sure they have their weather emergency kits prepared and ready to go. There will undoubtably be mass power outages, which along with freezing temperatures and enough snowfall to immobilize entire cities, will most likely, and unfortunately, be a very dangerous recipe. Safety always comes first and the time to prepare is right now.”
Along with the mention of severe winter weather, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) predicts supply and demand could cause shortages, causing the prices of bread and milk to increase substantially. FDA spokesperson Rebecca Miller suggests alternatives in preparation of the coming months.
“We are encouraging that you go out and purchase bulk amounts of dry, powdered milk which can be stored in your cupboards. This will prevent frantic trips to grocery stores and super markets as the onslaught of storms begin to fall upon your respected region.” Miller said. “As far as bread, we suggest you buy as much as you can efficiently store in your freezer. Bread can be frozen and thawed without compromising the integrity of its quality. Preparations such as these are crucial and the fact that technology has brought us to a time and place in which such events can be predicted is quite remarkable. So stock up on your powdered milk and fill your freezer with loaves of bread, because once the blankets of snow begin to fall, brave souls will confront the elements to raid stores of these products like some sort of scavenger hunt. Don’t be a part of the Snowpocolypse, it’s a dangerous battlefield of crazed shopping winter bitten weather zombies.”
Public safety organizations also encourage the masses to prepare themselves by obtaining proper necessities. James Satterfield from the National Fire and Safety Advisory Board says preparation can save lives. “Don’t wait until temperatures plummet into a freeze; obtain cold weather clothing and footwear, including wool thermal socks. It is also crucial to have plenty of batteries, candles, weather radios (http://2127news.net/2014/09/red-alert-snowpocolypse-not-polar-vortex-winter-weahter-by-the-end-of-sept-2014-through-june-2015/#), you name it. Get prepared, it’s coming.” Satterfield stated. “First and foremost, make sure you have an effective plan in place to make sure you have plenty of bread and milk.”
Dr. Scvediok says to be prepared for a storm that could come as early as the end of September, and plan for the entire winter season, which this year, he says, will more than likely spread into next June.



old steel
8th September 2014, 05:33 PM
Snow mixed with rain in the local forecast over the next couple days, snowing in Calgary currently, not ready for this shit.

8th September 2014, 05:59 PM
Very little snow last year, no snow this year.....very little water all the way around.......better snow this year or there will be no water next year.


8th September 2014, 06:24 PM
Snow mixed with rain in the local forecast over the next couple days, snowing in Calgary currently, not ready for this shit.

Was in Inuvik this last week and got my first taste....

8th September 2014, 06:38 PM
Still it is now spring in OZ...............http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Colorful_spring_garden.jpg

8th September 2014, 06:52 PM
Still it is now spring in OZ...............

show off :D

8th September 2014, 06:57 PM
show off :D

It was a long cold winter......hehe

Gold Rules
8th September 2014, 07:10 PM
O....................K OO)~

I normally get 20 - 25 feet of snow per year

Sooooo what am I looking at 30 feet ........no biggie bring it ;D

hellll everyone here has serious heavy equipment for snow removal :cool:

Plenty of wood stacked & the propane is full . I am ready

8th September 2014, 08:53 PM
Nekid beaches til January.

9th September 2014, 02:52 AM
Time to build the Piercer. Any traingineers on the forum.

old steel
9th September 2014, 09:22 AM
Was in Inuvik this last week and got my first taste....

Calgary is 2182 miles south of Arctic based Inuvik.

9th September 2014, 01:38 PM
Nekid beaches til January.
Show off! :)

10th September 2014, 04:56 PM
How do you get below normal snowfall in central and southern Florida?

10th September 2014, 04:59 PM
How do you get below normal snowfall in central and southern Florida? Dam good question!

Wishful thinking?

10th September 2014, 05:00 PM
How do you get below normal snowfall in central and southern Florida?
Good question... It melts in higher than normal quantities in the upper atmosphere?

10th September 2014, 06:31 PM
How do you get below normal snowfall in central and southern Florida?

Would it be a decrease in the chances of a 25 yr snow? The lower latitude prediction was what caught my attention too.

10th September 2014, 09:28 PM
If it ever rains in California .................I am going to have a FANCY PARTY!

11th September 2014, 01:52 AM
The most powerful green house gas?

water vapor.

Where does cold come from?

The Sun = absolute 1 = exothermic = radiates = hot = supply of power = Life

The black hole or the Universe = absolute 0 = endothermic = absorbs = cold = demand for power = death.

California...is doomed...

Where the Sun of GOD rules it is warmest...along the equator and where it is summer...The absolute 1 point.

Where the black hole of the Universe rules it is coldest...at the poles and where it is winter...the absolute 0 points.

The cold death claws it's way in from the absolute 0 points eating hot life to power it's advance to the absolute 1 point.

The moisture being sucked from all the drought zones which are hottest is condensing in the cold zones...

expand = hot

contract = cold.

Hot wants to become hotter...life wants to live for as long as possible.

cold wants to become hot...death wants to become life.

Cold death chases hot life...Hot is trapped with no place to go.

Everything is connected with everything.

"Sea ice surrounding Antarctica hit a record high in August and is on track for another record-breaking month in September. Clocking in at a stunning 7.2 million square miles (18.7 million square kilometers), last month's sea ice extent was 4.5 percent above the 1981 to 2010 average and the largest extent since record-keeping started in 1979, according to data released today from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in its monthly State of the Climate Report."

You require massive amounts of heat to charge up the atmosphere with water vapor to power the formation of ice at the poles.

"The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K), at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica, on July 21, 1983. Analysis of satellite data has indicated a probable temperature of around −93.2 °C (−135.8 °F; 180.0 K), also in Antarctica, on August 10, 2010; however, this has not been confirmed by ground measurements. Both readings are lower than the sublimation point of carbon dioxide (dry ice)."

Carbon dioxide freezes at around -109.3 °F (-78.5 °C)

August 7th, 2014

"Thirteen members of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) were trapped and in danger of freezing to death when their base, Halley VI, lost power. Power went down on July 30th and is now partially restored. The BAS waited to report the incident until power came back up, however now reports that the incident was so serious that all science activities have been suspended and emergency contingency plans to abandon some of Halley’s eight modules and attempt to shelter in a remaining few have been prepared."

One Survey member, Anthony Lister, managed to send a out a “tweet” when power came back up, reporting that the outage occurred while the station was experiencing record cold temperatures of -55.4° C (-67.72° F)."

"Solar Cycle #24: On Track to be the Weakest in 100 Years"

When the current USA was born in 1789 was the second greatest solar cycle in 400 years.

The greatest was the 6th solar cycle of the 20th century...Kennedy was installed at the peak...

In the trough...Kennedy was killed...the 1792 US silver Dollar stopped circulating and Viet Nam began.

From 1941 to 2008 was spring, summer and Indian summer or early fall which began 2001.

or global warming...the climate change from summer to fall occurred in leading into 2008.

The fall down from global warming/inflation or economic summer into global cooling/deflation or economic winter.

willie pete
11th September 2014, 03:59 AM
If it ever rains in California .................I am going to have a FANCY PARTY!

Count me In!!!!!

11th September 2014, 12:39 PM
Rapid City sees earliest snowfall since 1888


11th September 2014, 01:54 PM
113 degrees here no rain in sight. Much less snow.

11th September 2014, 07:36 PM
113 degrees here no rain in sight. Much less snow.

The soles of your shoes start to melt and stick at that temp. Hard to keep moving but you've got to when it's that hot.