View Full Version : 9-11 articles, videos, etc.- 13 years out - 2014

9th September 2014, 04:51 AM
Posting just for the record - Dachsie's comments at end here.

Brother Nathaniel just posted a video he made ...


video also posted at YouTube here...


Brother Nathaniel's script for this video...


Brother Nathanael July 24, 2011 @ 5:08 pm

– Text — Text — Text –

Did Israel’s Mossad Do 9/11?
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved

Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth have made the crucial and informed point that it was impossible for a plane hitting the top of the Towers of the World Trade Center to bring down the entire edifices – but have proved, rather – that successive explosions occurred on various floors below.

The following Clip produced by American Patriot on the Live Link Web Site illustrates the most convincing analysis of these successive explosions as one’s eye moves from the top of the Tower to an ongoing continuum of explosions on successive stories below.

American Patriot quotes Scott Forbes who worked as a Data Administrator on the 97th floor of the South Tower that power was switched off for 36 hours the weekend prior to the 9/11 take-down, an unprecedented and first time event.

Drawing the conclusion that “interior demolition devices” were obviously installed prior to the attack, the conjecture that the 9/11tragedy was planned, engineered and executed by Zionist interests is gaining greater currency even among such notables as Dr Alan Sabrosky, former professor of the US Army College. [Clip: “It is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad Operation. Period.”]

In his landmark article, “Treason, Betrayal and Deceit - 9/11 & Beyond,” Dr Sabrosky concludes that only the Israeli Intelligence Agency, The Mossad, had the expertise, assets, the access and the political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground.

Using the ‘Who Benefits’ principle, Sabrosky points out that the Mossad’s incentive dovetailed perfectly with the Jewish neo-con’s program for a catalytic event to mobilize the American public for their Zionist wars, using American military power to destroy Jewry’s enemies abroad – and, I add – to create a police state at home to stifle any criticism of Jewry’s activities and agenda.

Sabrosky also observes that the Jewish-owned mainstream media is more interested in publicizing Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than presenting the overwhelming dissenting views challenging the official 9/11 narrative from experts in various disciplines, whether architects, engineers, scientists, scholars, pilots, or firemen.

In a subsequent article, “Israel’s Hidden Faces,” Dr Sabrosky presents circumstantial evidence that links 9/11 to The Mossad and its Judaic agents in America.

The most striking points of Dr Sabrosky’s exposé and my own research are:

1. The controlled demolition of Tower 7 upon which no plane hit when Larry Silverstein, Jewish owner of the World Trade Center, ordered the Tower taken down hours later with the words, “Pull It,” proves that if one building was wired for controlled demolition, then all three were as well.

2. The company providing security to the World Trade Center, Kroll Associates, was apparently operated by Zionists.

3. The owners and operators of Kroll Associates and their immediate relatives were absent save one Gentile new employee the morning of 9/11.

And only 3 out of 4,000 Israelis working at the Towers were at their jobs and died in the explosions.

And Larry Silverstein, Jewish owner of the World Trade Center, just so happened to have a ‘doctor’s appointment’ that morning.

4. Five Israelis were seen filming the explosions on a roof in nearby New Jersey and visibly celebrating…having set up their cameras before the first plane hit.

Soon, after their arrest – and in spite of the evidence against them – they were released and the case dropped by the then head of the US Department of Justice Criminal Division and soon to be Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Talmudic Jew and Israeli dual citizen, Michael Chertoff.

5. The 9/11 Commission was stacked with pro-Israel appointees, with the Jewish Executive Director, Philip Zelikow, ensuring that nothing deflecting attention from Osama bin Ladin and his supposed ‘19 Arab accomplices,’ would make the final report.

My friends, what we have here is the obvious guilt of The Mossad and the complicity of its Judaic agents in America of the 9/11 tragedy.

All that is missing, as Dr Sabrosky so eloquently points out, is a public confession!


Bro Nate mentions Scott Forbes. Here is the link to the Real Deal radio show Dr. James Fetzer did with Scott Forbes.


Forbes "saw a plane" go into the North (? I think it was) Tower.
Dr. Fetzer believes Scott Forbes saw a hologram and Forbes is one of Dr. Fetzer's very few "eyewitnesses" that "saw a plane."


Sobrosky reinforces the official story of the planes and pushes the idea that Bldg. 1, 2, and 7 were all destroyed by conventional controlled demolition.


This is ALL a reiteration of the Nanothermite Gang's latest story and I don't buy it.

I cannot say what destroyed the Towers but all 7 of the 7 WTC buildings were destroyed and I think it is wrong to only focus on 1. 2 and 7.


There is something wrong with Dr. Sabrosky's story and testimony, sad to say.

Also sad to say, Brother Nathaniel has fallen for the Nanothermite Gang's package hook, like and sinker with Dr. Sabrosky's addition of the Mossad information.

_It all just does not fit together properly.


Everyone refuses to see the connections of the Nanothermite Gangsters to our Mossad possessed US CIA and military industrial apparatus. The Mossad's involvement is presented as some separate appendage, not as an integral part of the USA top levels of government.


I know of one video that I have absolute faith in as being an authentic live video of Building 7 going "down." The video was taken by a person I know here locally and with whom I attended a couple of meetings. His name is Jeff Kantoff and he is an honest and reliable informant. He was in a hotel in NYC on 9-11-01 and he took the video from a hotel windown. He gave the video, I think, firstly to the people who made the Loose Change videos but I think Jeff Kantoff's video was also widely used in many many of the early 9-11 truth videos.

For all the information September Clues people put out, they refuse to recognize that there is at least one solid authentic video. September Clues, at its core, also believes in the Nanothermite Gang's meme minus this Dr. Sobrosky Mossad appendage.

I also believe that all 7 of the WTC buildings must have been destroyed by the same method as there just seems to be strong logic for that but I cannot prove it. The good Bldg 7 video I know of APPEARS to show a conventional controlled demolition, but that does not mean that it was that. It could just mean that it was meant to be destroyed in a way that appeared to be a conventional controlled demolition with placement of phony charges with squids on the floors but with those charges not doing the real work.

Tens of thousands of pounds of RDX, TNT, conventional explosives for each Tower as well as tens of thousands of pounds of "nanothermite" would have had to have been placed on that weekend when there was a power down, that Scott Forbes tells about.


I do not buy the package that Brother Nathaniel presents but it does demonstrate how circumstantial our evidence agains the Mossad actually is. The Mossad's takeover of the inner workings of the entire US intellgence apparatus would need to be shown and it cannot and will not ever be shown.

9th September 2014, 04:12 PM
Was thinking they may pull another with the 13th aniversery , maybe it would be too obvious..

9th September 2014, 05:02 PM
Yeah, it's like we're just waiting for them to hit us again.

There were many things about 9-11 that were outrageously obvious so I don't think they're worried about being too obvious.

One example of obviousness by the plotters/planners of the event was what is referred to as "the dancing Israelis" This actually refers to several little happenings in NYC on 9-11. Involves Mossad front company Urban Moving Systems in New Jersey, two or more white vans or trucks, at least one of which has mural painted on it showing a plane going into a WTC Tower, some people who turned out to be Israeli citizens who were in Liberty Park dressed as Arabs, people dancing and hi-fiving with happiness of seeing the smoking Towers, Israeli citizens who had definite foreknowledge of 9-11 and who were easily caught but then let free to go back to Israel and brag on TV that they were there to film the event. (also involves exploding whicte truck on a NYC street near Trade Center, large amount cash and explosives found in a white van on George Washington bridge)

All these people in these little parts of "the dancing Israelis" story were showing off and bringing attention to themselves so that they were all easily caught. It was like they were begging and daring to be picked up by the police. It was all very obvious and in our faces. It was planned for them to be caught and shown to be Jewish Israeli citizens who had foreknowledge of the event. Then again in our faces, even though they were obviously suspicious and should have been fully investigated and kept incarcerated, our government let them all off scott free. This was some kind of obvious message to the public to realize who is running the whole 9-11 show and no matter how guilty as sin the "dancing Israelis" looked, they are untouchable and let go free. In other words, I think, and I have never heard anyone else express this or a similar opinion, the whole 9-11 dancing Israelis thing was just a part of THE PLAN for 9-11.

Virtually all factions of the 9-11 "truth movement" believe and take at face value "the dancing Israelis" story.

10th September 2014, 11:55 AM
I just noticed today that there is another person who thinks the whole "dancing Israelis" thing is part of the deception. This is the first time in 13 years I have seen anyone express this idea, which seems like something that was so obvious yet no one expressed that view.


excerpts from posting by

HMMMMSeptember 7, 2014 at 8:38 PM

"2) Why would these Israelis make such obvious incriminating actions, such as the towers painted on vans, high fiving at the towers collapse, etc. Is the Mossad really that arrogant? or is it possible that this stuff just one more layer of obfuscation from a different perpetrator? Even all these arrogant actions of Netanyahu (the Gaza devastation, the land grab, etc) seems somewhat like another obvious ploy where the real perpetrators might be using the Israelis as a "straw bad guy" for us all to focus on. I'm inclined to believe that they might be that arrogant.. but I'm also wary of how obvious these events are... Kind of like "hey, look no further than Israel... there's your bad guys". I have not reached a conclusion, but would be interested in your thoughts."

HMMMMSeptember 7, 2014 at 9:01 PM

The more I think about this....

During the planning of this massively complex and spectacular operation where compartmentalized assignments are given...placement an wiring of the nukes... media coordination.... the Naudet brothers operation.... crowd manipulation, etc. All this and..
Now, "OK, who's gonna paint the towers on the van?"
I'm just saying.... Wouldn't some serious perp leader with some common sense have nixed that idea?
Guess that's why we need a real investigation... "

10th September 2014, 02:25 PM


5:00 pm Central time today, Wednesday, September 10.

Dr. James Fetzer show today may be a special show to cover tomorrow's being 13th year anniversary of 9-11-01.

It might be interesting and special. I am just curious to see how he treats this and if indeed there will be a special show on 9-11 today.

I am not looking for any new info because I am pretty familiar with all the theories.

Dr. Fetzer has gained quite a bit of a following due to his excellent coverage of the Sandy Hook hoax, mainly via his many VeteransToday.com articles.
It would seem that he could parlay that advantage he has accrued to carry over to the 9-11 issue and today would seem to be that special opportunity.

10th September 2014, 05:48 PM
Capitol on high alert ahead of 9/11

Capitol officials are bracing for the 13th anniversary of 9/11, which has taken on more ominous significance due to the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Some Senate staff were told to keep their car keys and wallets on their person at all times this week in case the Capitol is evacuated. Staffers were not warned of any specific threat, however.

Senate staffers also said they expect a larger police presence on Capitol Hill this week.

One senior Democratic aide said U.S. Capitol Police have been “more meticulous” about checking IDs.“In regard to the anniversary of 9/11, there will be multiple layers of security enhancements throughout the Capitol Complex; some measures will be visible and others will not,” said Officer Shennell Antrobus, a spokesman for the Capitol Police.

Antrobus said the force would maintain “a constant state of vigilance” and work closely with partners in law enforcement to share intelligence.
“Actionable intelligence information is important as it helps us modify our security plans, when necessary, and coordinate operations,” he said.

The police have taken a relatively low-profile approach to bolstering security to avoid raising anxiety.

A Senate chief of staff told The Hill Wednesday that he had not seen any email or alert from officials raising the threat level.


10th September 2014, 06:00 PM
We are sort of in little-boy-who-cried-wolf mode. We cannot trust anything said by our Senate or Congress or the media. When there is a real imminent threat, we either ignore the warning because we have become desensitized to their many many lies, or we realize we had just better stay constantly in a high state of alert and readiness because relying on warnings for special times is a bad idea.

11th September 2014, 06:00 AM

Berginning at 10:am Central time today, 9-11-14 you can listen to free live stream of several videos about 9-11.

(I think this is free of charge, but not positive)


Profitability and Immorality: Philosophical reflections on 9/11
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Profitability and Immorality: Philosophical reflections on 9/11

By Jim Fetzer

Landmark 9/11 Truth Film Festival to be Live Video Streamed Sept 11th

Coming up Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 1:00 pm Pacific * 4:00 pm Eastern * 20:00 GMT at http://noliesradio.org/filmfestival/
On September 11th, You Get 10 Hours of Live Video Streaming and then you will have 30 Days afterwards to watch the Video Archives of the Films and the Speakers.
sf911truth Film Festivalsf911truth Film FestivalPlease join us in person or on the web-stream for this film festival where we critically examine the most world transforming event of our times. What does the event of 9/11 mean for you and the world? Join others who are attempting to shine a light on this crucial moment in history.

This year’s headline film, “The Anatomy of a Great Deception,” by David Hooper is a fast-paced docu-thriller about the filmmaker’s discoveries while researching 9/11 that eventually led him to deduce that the official story of what transpired that day simply couldn’t be true. Besides the emotional upheaval he felt because of his belief that he was betrayed by his government, he also felt isolated from family and friends who shared neither his conclusions nor his conviction that America had been lied to and used for a larger agenda known only by a few. This film was produced in order to help inspire his friends and family, and the general public, to see the world from his perspective of what happened that day. Sponsored by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. Co-Sponsored by No Lies Radio and AE911Truth.

Coming up Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 1:00 pm Pacific * 4:00 pm Eastern * 20:00 GMT at http://noliesradio.org/filmfestival/
On September 11th, You Get 10 Hours of Live Video Streaming and then you will have 30 Days afterwards to watch the Video Archives of the Films and the Speakers.

11th September 2014, 04:05 PM
I am listening to NoLiesRadio.org - their 10 hour live stream with several different shows about 9-11.
I listened to Dr. Kevin Barrett's show this morning live and it was very good. Dr. Fetzer was his guest/cophost.

But basically the whole 10-hour presentation for today appears so far to be what I guess I will call the "mainstream 9-11 truth faction." All of it, even though there are several Left wing commentators about 9-11, either openly supports or goes out its way to not contradict any tenets of Architects and Engineers for 911 truth and Dr. Stephen Jones Group.

Almost ALL of the research and information Dr. James Fetzer and many of his frequent radio show guests and contributing writers to his VT.com articles is missing or skirted in the presentations so far.

For example, they did a segment on explaining what the air traffic controllers experienced on 9-11 and they also interviewed several professional pilots about the flying feats of that day.
The presentation ended up saying something like "for Hani Hanjour to have done that maneuver at the Pentagon it would have been "extremely difficult."

Whereas, Dr. Fetzer and several others who I guess are of the "fringe 9-11 truth factionS" would say that it was "physically impossible for Hani Hanjour to have done what was claimed in the official story. Dr. Fetzer would say it was 'against the laws of physics and therefore not possible'.

There is a big difference between the two ideas in that example.

Also, I am disappointed that the official 9-11 story is not being looked at from different "layers". For example, ask 'if what the air traffic controllers saw on their screens was not the official story four commercial flights/Big Boeing airplanes, then what could what they saw on their screens have been? Explore and discuss all the possible answers to that. Don't just point out the incredible universal failure of any response to these mysterious planes by our fighter pilots.

Dr. Fetzer seems to be getting much more "ecumenical" in his being with Dr. Barrett and NoLiesRadio and so many of the mainstream 9-11 truth movement. If you carry out belief in several of the things Dr. Fetzer says he has just about proven beyond a doubt to their logical fullest extent, you are deposited very very far away from this mainstream 9-11 truth coverage and crowd, so far in fact that you can't be "dialoging to consensus" with them.

11th September 2014, 06:50 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2014
The Message of the 9/11 Conspiracy in the year 2014
By Michael Hoffman

Today is the 13th anniversary of the US government’s attack on its own people at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City.
In November we will observe the 51st anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the CIA, in cooperation with the US Secret Service that was sworn to protect him.

The U.S. was never the same after the killing of our President, the people were transformed, as was the nation. The same is rightly said of Sept. 11, 2001. It was a landmark in the systemic psychological warfare inflicted on the American people.

What is the message of successful conspiracies like these? First, that those responsible for investigating the criminal conspiracy: the top cops, judges, lawmakers and journalists, neglected to do so. They chose their careers and creature comforts over bringing traitors to justice.

This type of sybaritic treachery recently came to light in England, in the Rotherham Borough Council report which estimated that from 1997 to 2013, Pakistani and other Muslim immigrants systematically raped and sexually trafficked some 1,400 English girls as young as twelve years-of-age, while the British police deliberately looked away, lest they be accused of racism, since all the perpetrators were Muslim. Imagine these well-paid, over-fed police officials in their cozy, well-appointed homes snuggled in the bosom of their families, knowing that the children of poor and middle class English parents were, day after day, sex slaves of Pakistani men, and doing exactly nothing about it. The moral rot is almost inconceivable. Yet, it’s the same perversion of mind and soul exhibited by those who should have investigated and prosecuted the killers of Kennedy, and those who pre-positioned demolition explosives inside the Twin Towers and WTC building seven.

Instead, those who publicize this treason are being classed as a type of conspiracy theory terrorist by Establishment elitists such as Cass Sunstein, for whom “Holocaust denial,” “climate change denial” and doubts about the official accounts of who killed Kennedy and who attacked our nation on Sept. 11, are all part of a seamless fabric of intellectual terrorism. This sort of phantasmagoria should be laughed out of contention, but it is not.

The second message imparted by the Cryptocracy’s immunity in killing the President and bombing the Pentagon and the WTC, is invincibility. In the movie “Patton,” General George Patton (himself a probable victim of an assassination arranged to look like an accident), as played by George C. Scott, states that Americans traditionally love a winner and can’t abide a loser.

Those responsible for the murderous coup that made Lyndon Johnson President of the United States, and which on Sept. 11 gave George W. Bush the pretext he needed to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, destabilize the Middle East, and bring his creature Al Qaeda to prominence, are winners in the sense of their power on earth and apparent invincibility. Since they are the winners, who are the losers? The American people, certainly, a fact which signals that Patton’s formula applies to us -- we can’t abide ourselves. Self-loathing is psychologically destructive and defeating, and leads to further degeneration and perversion. What are the signs?

One would be “Childhood’s End,” in the words of the prophet of the 2001 gateway, Arthur C. Clarke. The Internet invasion of childhood now underway is perhaps the most tragic manfestation. Children as young as 9 and 10 are addicted to iPods, iPads, electronic tablets and mainframe computers. They are hooked, via wireless modem, to an online world where childhood ends. They exist in a catatonic state, tethered to a digital hive. This excessive electronic stimulation bordering on hypnosis, leads to an atrophied attention span in which focusing on reading even one chapter from a serious book is a tall order, while taking part in a family dinner and participating in an extended conversation becomes a tedious bore. And this zombie state is nothing compared to what is coming in the next year or two as the price of full immersion, Virtual-Reality (VR) goggles become more afforable.

After VR becomes ubiquitous, parents will nostalgically dream of the “good old days” when their kids were only half-tethered to hallucination. With the coming of VR the immersion in hallucination will become total, and the ability to distinguish between the real and the fake will be sacrificed on the altar of technological verisimilitude.

At the opposite end of the spectrum of this psychological crippling, are the survivalists whose reaction to the cowardice and treachery which produced the world we inhabit is to give up, declare that “it’s no use,” and head for the hills to save their own skins. Many who do this claim to be Christians, followers of the God-man who said, “For whosoever shall save his life will lose it.”

Survivalists imagine that they are the most virile of all Americans, taking “responsibility” in the face of the coming, “inevitable collapse.” Little do they know that this frame of mind has been seeded by the Cryptocracy just as surely as the other psychologically crippling scenarios we have been examining. Survivalists in days of yore would have been regarded as cowards. In Anglo-Saxon England these survalist types would have spotted the seemingly unbeatable Viking hordes landing on shore and would then flee, leaving protection of the nation to others. Those who will only fight when the odds are in their favor possess the mentality of brigands and pirates. Yet they call themselves family values conservatives as they abandon the field to God’s enemies.

Strange, is is not, that immigrants to the US from China and Mexico, facing overwhelming odds against them, find a way, in many cases, to overcome them? They have the health and the nerve, the hope and the optimism, to take advantage of what they view as a land brimming with opportunity. Often times with not much more than the clothes on their back, they move up the ladder of success, one step at a time. They are overcomers, even though, in the case of most Asian immigrants, they are not Christians. Meanwhile those who abuse the name of Christ by claiming to be His followers, overcome nothing, having decayed into faithless, hopeless people hiding in holes, awaiting the end.

Like the CIA’s JFK assassination, the US government-orchestrated 9/11 terror attacks are aimed at the hearts and minds of the American people, as part of an occult process of paralyzing us psychologically.

Oh ye of little faith! Almighty God permits no challenge to us without also bestowing upon us sufficient grace so that we may overcome the challenge, if we are up to our destiny as sons and daughters of the Most High.

The question is, are we?
Copyright©2014 revisionisthistory.org

Hoffman’s next book is The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, due to be published at the end of the year. His latest Revisionist History newsletter no. 74, “Right Wing Myths with an Endless Shelf Life” will be mailed to subscribers Sept. 19. Subscribe here.

For further research

Michael Hoffman: Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
(at the link, scroll down to this title)

Michael Hoffman: Revisionist History newsletter no. 69:
“King-Kill/33 Fifty Years later”: Symbolism, Psychological Warfare and Revelations in the John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy (at the link, scroll down to issue no. 69)

6th March 2015, 03:59 AM
For some odd reason I cannot copy and past from my Word document where I did a draft of this comment. So will do a very short version.

Dr. Kevin Barrett of NoLiesRadio as well as John Stadtmiller of Republic Broadasting both recently gave a glowing praising interview of Rebekah Roth, purportedly a 30 year airline stewardess, wrote NY Times best seller book Methodical Illusion.


Regicide: The Official Assassination of John F. Kennedy
"Thirty Nine years after the assassination of Preident John F. Kennedy, the truth finally comes to light: In 1996, Robert Trumbull Crowley, former head of Clandestine Operations of the CIA, gave documents of his own top secret operations to his friend, historian Gregory Douglas. "


Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Muller (The Müller Chronicals)

Phony books by so called articulate authors with strong specific knowledge of some aspect of some area of false-flag type deception of the public. Usually the author comes from out of now where and puts out one or two big best seller books, this book by Roth in novel form. The author is someone no one has ever heard of.

I have read two books by attorney Dean Hartwell, Planes Without Passengers, and Rumors Fly, Truth Walks. Both show with strong evidence that no passengers boarded planes and none were photographed at ticket counters and no one has the actual passenger manifests of the four planes, a document called "
the Envelope" that is verified with pilots ans stewardesses on the tarmac right before the doors close on the plane and includes all last minute people who boarded without pre-tickets and all who dropped off of flight after manifest done. Non one has that document for any of the flights. Also the BTS shows two of the flights were never in the air that day, Flight 77 Pentagon and Flight 175 South WTC Tower.

Anyone who knows anything at all about the 4 planes of 9-11 and the passengers knows right off that this woman is using a very old Fedzilla disinfo strategy for covering false flag events and keeping stupid people more mind controlled than ever.

Over the years I have seen several phony book authors and their of so believable sounded information, usually obtained because the have some unverified mysterious sounding high quality inside info, show up and go on several radio shows.

Another example of this phone lie book kind of strategy are a couple of books by Gregory Douglas who wrote book Regicide about JKK assassination and Gestapo Chief about Heinrich Muller. Douglas claimed the widow of the CIA top person Crowley knew or was his next-door neighbor and she gave Douglas to get all the boxes of personal documents and letters of Crowley . They special inside info meme went something like that and sounded fishy as could be.

28th March 2015, 11:23 PM
the targets are all the analysis needed..

office buildings? not nuke plants, not refinery clusters, not ports, not level 4 biohazard facilities, etc

instead effort spent on attacking desks/chairs/file cabinets/commercial office space?


14th September 2015, 12:29 PM
good vid
