View Full Version : "This is not a Catholic bashing fest" quote Alex Jones

9th September 2014, 12:37 PM
Just look these links over and decide for yourself. I am not a Catholic apologist and I do not think this forum is meant for big religion arguments so I won't engage in that. I got caught up in the "right wing conservative "patriot" Protestant meme years ago myself and I now have come slowly and painfully off of that deceptive road.

I just have been looking into Alex Jones, Most Holy Family Monastery - "Brothers" Michael and Peter Dimond www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/, and Chris Pinto www.adullamfilms.com movies.

It all blends together the things the patriots in the alternative media care about - rights, federal reserve, gun rights, small government, conservatism, etc. with Protestant forms of Christianity.

It is all interesting to me and I am trying to be objective though I give up pretended objectivity when it comes to trying to understand Christ's teachings rightly.

I would mention that MostHolyFamilyMonastery "brothers" are current advertisers on GCNlive.com during the daily Alex Jones Infowars show, so they are being a bit hypocritical when they solicit as customers for their products which strongly criticize the Vatican II false Catholic church, the generally Protestant, "Catholic bashing", listernership.

Alex Jones interviewed the maker of a Catholic bashing video called

"A Lamp in the Dark" done by Chris Pinto of Adullah Films.


This Chris Pinto guy is a typical Catholic basher who get his research sources from books written by Catholic bashers. Some research.

The "traditional Catholic"sedevacantist "Brothers" who criticize Alex Jones


Alex Jones: the Good and the Evil - 1/5

5 part series of videos

and who criticize the video "Lamp in the Dark"


A Lamp in the Dark Exposed - 1/3 3 part video series

I have to "eat the meat and spit out the bones" from MHFM material.
They do point out some inconsistencies in AJ's whole modus operandi but they perhaps deliberately put the wrong interpretation of Alex Jones not being an "Israeli/Jewish Agent." They say AJ avoids saying anything negative about Israel or Zionism or Jews only because AJ want to stay as mainstream as possible and keep his network and himself "big." That is only a partially correct interpretation.

So all of this back and forth about "the Catholic Church" all can be put in the one same basket that deceives as far as illuminating the Jewish/Zionist/Israeli role in all of this.

I agree that the current Catholic church has been infiltrated profoundly and - read The Plot Against the Church - Maurice Pinay. And the undermining is Satanic and started long before Vatican II.

E. Michael Jones and Robert Sungenis in my opinion have done the best job of trying to explain objectively the Jewish/Zionist/Israeli role in world and USA geopolitics.

9th September 2014, 05:45 PM
This video playlist destroys the very crux of the entire Roman Catholic church
Without Bible evidence (which is necessary) that the Catholic church has real apostolic POWERS as documented here to NOT have it is NO different than any other cult,


Also, any youtube channel which DISABLES comments on videos (like vaticancatholic does) of any controversy is Nazi-like PROPAGANDA

If I had time I could debunk every point they make!

16th September 2014, 02:13 AM
I am amused by those who find the Vatican to be the source of the world's woes, while usually ignoring the machinations of the tribe which brought Mystery Babylon to us.

I am not Catholic. I have never been Catholic. I've never seen any credible evidence that "the Vatican" is behind a fraction of what it is accused of. What is puzzling, though, is why most of the same slobber over themselves about pretend "Israel" in Palestine. From ancient Babylon to Mystery Babylon. Via the Babylonian Talmud.