View Full Version : newest info coming to light about what caused Joan Rivers

10th September 2014, 12:20 AM

midnight rambler
10th September 2014, 01:26 AM
Let this be a very clear message to all who have some influence when in front of a camera to keep your fucking mouth shut and not say untoward things about the Death Cult's supreme anointed. We will NOT allow the illusion to be shattered. And don't be a hater.


10th September 2014, 02:22 AM
Most likely she was killed by the biopsy of the vocal cords, but these things happen w/o it being murder also. Surgery is a risk and vocal cords are neurologically of course very connected to the breathing mechanism. I would say that it is likely pre-meditated murder if she didn't know and approved of this biopsy prior to the surgery she was in for. Otherwise I would say it is an oddity an ENT specialist do a biopsy at a hospital he doesn't have any relation too, but on the other hand the rich and famous have a way of sidestepping normal procedures which other mortals can't... The fact that the ENT-surgeon came to the hospital with her, would imply her consent...

10th September 2014, 04:04 AM
It would be interesting to know what the exact rules and protocols are. My B I L is an ENT doc so I may ask him.

I just wonder if that outpatient clinic does biopsies legally and does them fairly often. We just seriously do not have enough info to make any pronouncements about whether she was murdered.

If she did not sign for a biopsy, one should not have been done and the ENT doc did wrong and ought to be sued by the family.


I have noticed several radio talk show hosts, as well as home shopping hosts on TV, get raspy voices and have to stop that kind of work because too much continuned talking destroys their vocal cords,, and I bet lead to cancer.

Alex Jones has lost his voice and permanently injuured his vocal cords. Dr. Stan Monteith, though in his 80s now, continues 5 hours of talk radio 5 days a week and his voice is clearly giving out. He ought to cut back in his hours but I think he won't.

There was a show host named Dan Dennis on Home Shopping Network who was commanded by his doctor to stop that kind of work. At that time they were using the hosts for 5 or 6 hours each day of continual talking on air, but now they limit hosts to 3 hours a day.

10th September 2014, 06:06 AM
you guys, do you have to talk about this ?

:) i'm still in mourning ! :)

10th September 2014, 06:21 AM
It may have made perfect sense to do the biopsy at the same time as the other routine surgery was done, you get two procedures done in one anasthesia. Further naturally the hospitals consent form would not include the biopsy, because the dr doing it wasn't one of their employees. However that Dr should have a separate signed consent form, and probably the hospital where the biopsy was done should have asked for a copy of it. In a perfect world that is. However oral consent should be valid too, but the issue of proof of consent is difficult when the patient dies. But the fact that Joan Rivers dragged an ENT specialist with her to the surgery would at least imply she consented to the treatment, and there should be witnesses to that effect.

Still vocal cords are very nerve dense tissue connected to a part of the nervous system that involves breathing, most likely this biopsy killed her, and I think it should be examined whether the procedure is warranted in this case, however usually when a medical dr performs a standard medical procedure even if it is unwarranted and it kills the patient, the dr walks without any reprimand, much worse if you actually help people with unconventional medical procedures. Those are the ones that lose their license.

10th September 2014, 07:22 AM
Why would the "death cult" murder one of their own? Nah, the old hag was to much into worldliness and had gone through tonnes of surgeries like this one before, this is simply the one that made the 81 year old Jewess succumb.

10th September 2014, 07:24 AM
Rivers, who was Jewish, was also criticized for making jokes about the Holocaust and later explained, "This is the way I remind people about the Holocaust. I do it through humor", adding, "my husband lost his entire family in the Holocaust."

My husband lost his entire family in the holocaust... comedy gold.

10th September 2014, 07:26 AM
Why would the "death cult" murder one of their own? Nah, the old hag was to much into worldliness and had gone through tonnes of surgeries like this one before, this is simply the one that made the 81 year old Jewess succumb.

Death by a thousand cuts!

Her cut-o-meter ran hit zero !


10th September 2014, 08:55 AM
It may have made perfect sense to do the biopsy at the same time as the other routine surgery was done, you get two procedures done in one anasthesia. Further naturally the hospitals consent form would not include the biopsy, because the dr doing it wasn't one of their employees. However that Dr should have a separate signed consent form, and probably the hospital where the biopsy was done should have asked for a copy of it. In a perfect world that is. However oral consent should be valid too, but the issue of proof of consent is difficult when the patient dies. But the fact that Joan Rivers dragged an ENT specialist with her to the surgery would at least imply she consented to the treatment, and there should be witnesses to that effect.

Neuro, I guess I question several things you said here, but I still would like to know the FACTS from an M.D. ENT doc.

First of all, the place where JR had the procedure was not a "hospital". It was an outpatient clinic, that I think specializes in endoscopies.

An endoscopy is not at "surgical procedure". I do not know if it is possible to do a biopsy through the endoscope, rather than cutting the person's throat open, but I suspect it is. If an abnormal growth is seen, an instrument can be inserted through the endoscope to obtain a sample of the tissue for further testing (biopsy). It do not know if this is technically and legally called "surgery". A biopsy can be taken in different ways, but it is possible to take a sample or cut of the suspicious tissue sufficiently large so as to excise the entire growth. That in effect, "treats" the growth but technically it is still a diagnostic procedure.

If this outpatient clinic routinely does endoscopies and I think it does, it would seem logical that the wording of their consent forms includes the option of the doctor to do a biopsy during the diagnostic endoscopic exam. The endoscopy and the taking of a biopsy through an endoscope are both considered "diagnostic" procedures.

JR most like consented to outpatient clinic's routine consent form for endoscopies. I do not think her taking her ENT doctor with her means necessarily that she signed a separate consent form with her ENT doctor to intervene in the endoscopy.

I question whether the ENT doc had legal rights to operate the endoscope in that outpatient clinic. I know that in a regular "hospital", an outside doctor can be present in the operating room for consultation during the procedure but for that outside doctor to actively start participating in the procedure would, I think, be illegal if that doctor did not have legal "treatment rights" for working on patients in that facility.

It is my understanding that for an endoscopy whether it is done on the upper, as JR had, or the lower intestinal tract, all the way down into the small intestine, an MD must be present. A radiologist MD and the patient's attending M.D. who may or not be an MD surgeon. An ENT doc is a surgeon kind of M.D.

If the vocal chords are such a tricky area where the breathing passages can seize up, called "laryngospasm" I think, I wonder if this outpatient clinic ever at all does any kind of biopsies on the vocal chords through an endoscope. Of course, all vocal chord biopsies by cutting into the throat from the outside must be done in a full "hospital."

10th September 2014, 09:23 AM
Ok thanks for clarifying. I didn't know that she was in for an endoscopy. Most likely what happened then she was in for an endoscopy and the ENT doc came along to view the results, they saw a growth or discoloration on the vocal cord, and the ENT doc decided he wanted to have a biopsy on that, he asked JR's family, who I understand was there for their consent as JR was under general anasthesia, they gave it, and he inadvertently stopped her breathing, probably from shocking her central nervous system connected with breathing by cutting/irritating a nerve in the vocal cord. Of course this is legal quagmire, even ruling out any sinister motives (which we can't or shouldn't do). I didn't know it was in an outpatient clinic and the primary procedure was an endoscopy, and probably the only procedure the clinic was allowed to do... But they must have had an anastesiologist there.

10th September 2014, 09:36 AM
and he inadvertently stopped her breathing, probably from shocking her central nervous system connected with breathing by cutting/irritating a nerve in the vocal cord.

Even if what happened was an accident, it sure looks like that outpatient clinic was mighty slow in putting her on life support. In other words, they let JR go without breathing way too long, so she was left brain dead and needed to be on life support machines the rest of her life. It seems to me that that is where the possible deliberate "screw up" was -- not getting life support going fast enough. That clinic should have experience in that and should have been on top of that. Many many times in medical situations, the whole darn staff is asleep at the wheel and does not monitor the vital signs monitor screens carefully enough. Being inattentive for just a few seconds can mean life or semi-life and death.

But they must have had an anastesiologist there

I think very often, but maybe not always, endoscopies require general anesthesia and general anesthesia requires an anesthesiologist. For minor outpatient surgery where only local anesthesia is done, like for outpatient eye cataract surgery, a nurse anesthetist will do I think. Even lower GI tract endoscopies can be done in a regular doctor's office under only some kind of anesthesia that is not general anesthesia. To me, poking a metal scope down someone's delicate alimentary canal tissue is a very risky procedure and ought to be done in a radiology department that is within a hospital. A hole poked in that tissue can mean life and death consequences.

Still need FACTS as a lot of what I write is just logic and reason, not definite facts. But reasoning does help us to zero in or the facts and steer us toward asking the right questions at least.

10th September 2014, 09:40 AM
Probably will never know, but I wonder if they did not accedently mess with the vagus nerve, if so what happened could have explained what happened.

It runs right between the trachea and esophagus.


10th September 2014, 09:46 AM
IF it wasn't pre-meditated murder, the anastesiologist may have been busy messaging friends about JR being there, instead of monitoring vital signs. Heck could have done that even if the ENT specialist was there to murder JR...

10th September 2014, 11:47 AM
My husband *lost his entire family in the holocaust*... comedy gold.

Do you KNOW this is NOT true?

My grandfather lost ALL his family to Russian communists, they were ALL murdered 10+ brothers, mother and father
Are you telling me he was "just joking"? That was what drove him to come to America!!

I think you have Jewinitis (a "disease" of those who hate Jews to the point of irrationality)

10th September 2014, 11:59 AM
The fact that the ENT-surgeon came to the hospital with her, would imply her consent

No stupid, it would NOT

"had only signed off on an endoscopy — not the far more dangerous biopsy of her vocal chords."
"Such a procedure is not supposed to be performed outside of a hospital, according to medical experts."


10th September 2014, 12:02 PM
Do you KNOW this is NOT true?

My grandfather lost ALL his family to Russian communists, they were ALL murdered 10+ brothers, mother and father
Are you telling me he was "just joking"? That was what drove him to come to America!!

I think you have Jewinitis (a "disease" of those who hate Jews to the point of irrationality) Many here are, not all, but some.

It is easy to blame everything that goes wrong or bad on someone else , and avoid mirrors.

10th September 2014, 12:06 PM
Hitler killed a lot of people, and many were worked to death in the camps, and many were euthanized and aborted and whatever to build up the superior Aryan race. Both together - maybe 300,000. I do not know, but I do know the 6 million number does not hold up to any true objective scrutiny.

It's mainly the 6 million number paired with the term "holocaust" that does not square with historical record.

I do not think anyone doubts that Russian communists killed from 20 to 40 million innocent people in Russia, including causing mass starvation in the Ukraine. That happened about ten or more years before Hitler became active and yet the only thing the American public ever heard about was the millions Hitler killed. I posted Father Coughlin's Kristalnacht sermon somewhere in this forum.

Hitler and Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin were monsters and I personally do not subscribe to all this whitewashing of Hitler.

It is just that the "Holocaust" has been used as a hammer on people long enough. We need to be able to speak openly and search for facts and truth without fear of being charged with crimes and being called "anti-semites.".

10th September 2014, 12:27 PM
Do you KNOW this is NOT true?

My grandfather lost ALL his family to Russian communists, they were ALL murdered 10+ brothers, mother and father
Are you telling me he was "just joking"? That was what drove him to come to America!!

I think you have Jewinitis (a "disease" of those who hate Jews to the point of irrationality)

The holocaust is a myth in spite of your desire to worship the Jews.

10th September 2014, 01:48 PM
No stupid, it would NOT

"had only signed off on an endoscopy — not the far more dangerous biopsy of her vocal chords."
"Such a procedure is not supposed to be performed outside of a hospital, according to medical experts."


I guess you can not read then, since the ENT-specialist DIDN'T work on the clinic, the clinic COULDN'T have included the biopsy-procedure performed by him in the consent form that she signed at the clinic... Do you really think she brought the ENT-surgeon with her to the clinic to hold her hand? If you read a bit further of my posts in this thread you will also see that I define the legal situation as quagmire, if indeed the ENT -surgeon asked her family for biopsy consent while she was unconscious, which was suggested in the OP video...

10th September 2014, 02:04 PM
Streets of Gold, there really is no call to call someone stupid when we do not know the facts of this case.

The ENT doctor JR brought with her is her regular attending physician and the doctor that referred her to the facility to do the endoscopy. I have already stated that I think the routine consent form singed at the outpatient endoscopy facility probably included the right of the doctor doing the procedure to choose to do a biopsy. I am not positive about that, but if that clinic regularly does biopsies as part of endoscopies, then it would seem that that is covered by their consent form.

JR already signed a general consent form of some kind with here specialist attending ENT doctor. What exactly was on that form is not known but it too may have covered the situation and allowed for his actions, without the family having to give special permission after the procedure was already underway. This ENT doctor was not somebody new called in to the case at the last minute. There is indication that JR was going to a specialist about her cough and raspy voice for many many months, BEFORE she started popping off her mouth about Trannies and such.

The only other thing that is a big question mark to me is if legally that ENT doctor, JR's regular long-time specialist ENT doctor, was permitted to do an endoscopy procedure including a biopsy in that facility.

It is right to investigate things that look fishy but name calling is totally out of order because we are all about equally and monumentally in the dark on this.

10th September 2014, 03:33 PM
JR called Obama a homosexual and is wife a transvestite.....................now she is dead

10th September 2014, 04:11 PM
JR called Obama a homosexual and is wife a transvestite.....................now she is dead

Just a coincidence, what are you one of them conspiracy nuts?

10th September 2014, 04:13 PM
Just a coincidence, what are you one of them conspiracy nuts?

haha .............normally

midnight rambler
10th September 2014, 04:44 PM
JR called Obama a homosexual and is wife a transvestite.....................now she is dead

No, JR said "And Michelle is a tranny...she's a transgender."

Calling Mooshelle a transvestite makes no sense whatsoever while calling it a transgender makes perfect sense when taking it's physique into account (since it has the physique of a man).

10th September 2014, 06:32 PM
Always happens in 3's


10th September 2014, 06:36 PM
No, JR said "And Michelle is a tranny...she's a transgender."

Calling Mooshelle a transvestite makes no sense whatsoever while calling it a transgender makes perfect sense when taking it's physique into account (since it has the physique of a man).

Regular Televits watching folks have no clue what either means, thus the word Tranny

I have a ball with this on automotive forums>

Tranny vs Tranny ( I wont post the obvious for family safety )

10th September 2014, 11:19 PM
Regular Televits watching folks have no clue what either means, thus the word Tranny

I have a ball with this on automotive forums>

Tranny vs Tranny ( I wont post the obvious for family safety )
Aha so she actually said Michelle has a tranny, and that is the reason for the bulge...

11th September 2014, 10:38 AM
Streets of Gold, there really is no call to call someone stupid when we do not know the facts of this case

You're right, he has my apologies

11th September 2014, 10:59 AM
The more I think about this the more I realize that JR's ENT doc was probably examining her problem and symptoms for several months. She was probably referred to this ENT doctor specialist after her "primary care provider" doctor decided she needed a specialist.

I also think the ENT doctor had the legal right to be present and participating in the endoscopy at the outpatient clinic he, the ENT doc, referred her to.

I also think an ENT doc, remember is a surgeon not just as "physician", would of course take advantage of being able to not only participate in the procedure but to "do something" based on his expert opinion. He decided to do something. He decided to insert an instrument in the endoscope and take a biopsy. That is where something went wrong. We do not know exactly what. This ENT doctor was probably a very skilled specialist and not someone hired to kill JR.

It is also probably likely that this ENT doctor did some kind of objective test, maybe xray, in his office and discovered "a spot" or something suspicious looking on JR's vocal chords by this test that he had gotten on her BEFORE he referred her for an endoscopy. He figured the best way for him to get the actual facts about what that suspicious looking spot was was to do an endoscopy and take a biopsy.

Whatever was done for JR immediately after "something went wrong" is unknown. The proper actions may not have been taken IMMEDIATELY AFTER, but several seconds or minutes too late. That would be a hard case to prove in court because all the docs and staff of the outpatient endoscopy facility and the ENT doc and the medical people he may have brought along all stick together and make sure they have the same story and same records and are all on the same page should there be a legal investigation.

Sad to say most people do not even try to get lawyers and look into this legally. There are probably not exact time stamps on each action taken and exactly when on the clock it was taken.

While doctors and clinics may not be completely honest in cases like this where a person becomes brain dead in a medical procedure or in Intensive Care unit or whatever, I do not think all these doctors and medical clinics can be purchased by our darkside government.

There may have definitely been some malpractice or negligence on the part of these medical people, but I think these cases are darn near impossible to prove in court.

If our darkside government wanted to take out JR, they probably would have chosen another method, although that method may have involved some medical setting situation.

Overall, JR was a left wing, Democrat supporting, Jewess, who strongly supported what Obama and our government support - Israel and Zionism.

11th September 2014, 06:00 PM
Overall, JR was a left wing, Democrat supporting, Jewess, who strongly supported what Obama and our government support - Israel and Zionism.

If so then why the transvestite/gay president comment? Forgot to follow the rules?

11th September 2014, 06:25 PM
The private New York City clinic where Joan Rivers stopped breathing while undergoing an outpatient procedure on her vocal cords released a statement Wednesday about the clinic's care following a report that alleged an unplanned biopsy was performed at the facility. "A biopsy of vocal cords has never been performed at Yorkville Endoscopy," the clinic said in a statement.

The clinic, citing confidentiality rules, made it clear that it was not providing specific information about Rivers or any other patient, but rather was describing its standard practices. "General anesthesia has never been administered at Yorkville Endoscopy," the clinic said. "The type of sedation used at Yorkville Endoscopy is monitored anesthesia care. Our anesthesiologists utilize light to moderate sedation."

The New York Daily News, citing an anonymous medical source familiar with the case (http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/clinic-denies-joan-rivers-surprise-biopsy-article-1.1934795), had reported Wednesday that a doctor who traveled with Rivers to the clinic allegedly performed a biopsy that caused the legendary comic's vocal cords to seize up. The doctor allegedly asked the clinic's staff if he could use the facility's instruments when a doctor there spotted "something" on the performer's vocal cords, the Daily News reported.

In response to NBC News' inquiries about Joan Rivers' medical procedure and Yorkville Endoscopy, the New York State Department of Health told NBC News (http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/joan-rivers-death/joan-rivers-clinic-yorkville-endoscopy-under-investigation-n195916) they are "investigating the matter." Rivers stopped breathing during a vocal cords procedure on August 28 and went into "respiratory or cardiac arrest," according to the New York Fire Department. She was then rushed to Mount Sinai hospital, where she died last Thursday at 81.

Who is the doctor?

He must have some weight to keep his name out of any of the publications.

The identity of Rivers' doctor, who identified himself as an ear, nose and throat specialist, is not known at this time.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2750262/Clinic-Joan-Rivers-went-cardiac-arrest-denies-performed-biopsy-says-comedian-not-general-anesthetic-fatal-procedure.html#ixzz3D3oNRcX2
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter (http://ec.tynt.com/b/rw?id=bBOTTqvd0r3Pooab7jrHcU&u=MailOnline) | DailyMail on Facebook (http://ec.tynt.com/b/rf?id=bBOTTqvd0r3Pooab7jrHcU&u=DailyMail)

11th September 2014, 06:34 PM
There are a few "top comediens" who say outrageous things that are just "too true." There used to be a guy whose last name was King and he would say some painfully true and funny things. Don Rickels (or whatever his name was) would be vicious and sarcastic to his audience and it was thought to be funny.

JR was considered at top comediene by the establishment media and entertainment media and she as a Jew was therefore "untouchable." She was allowed or permitted to be the top person in that genre by the people who want to promote feminism, extreme profanity out a female's mouth, and irreverence/cynical attitude toward traditional things that people hold dear and value. She vicously ridiculed Christ and Christianity many times. She made millions pushing her fashionista persona and selling costume jewelry to her groupies - message ? superficial looks and materialism is queen and wins in this world.

Some say she was showing admirable courage for speaking truth to power and speaking out against the establishment, especially the establishment media. No, she knew she would never suffer any consequences for her "free speech" as most of the rest of us would. The media/establishment makes itself appear to be oh so fair and balanced when they let this person say something bombshell negative and very possibly true about our POTUS and FLOTUS,.

It is sort of akin to the idea that a Jewish person can say the Jew word and even speak derogatorily about certain Jews and about Israeli policies etc, but a gentile cannot say the same word and the same things. If they do, they will be pounced on by the Jews.

This APPEARS to the people who follow the MSM and its current stories and celebrities like the media and the left wing media outlets such as Huffington Post who wrote that JR just went "too far" that the left wing media has reasonable morality standards too and that the left wing media outlets do not unquestioningly support "one of their own".

Believe me this whole JR story is a manipulated product of the mainstream media and it is sophisticated and twisted.

I hope I have explained what I was trying to say but I probably did not explain this as well as I could have or should have but my brain had a flat tire about two hours ago.

11th September 2014, 06:58 PM
Good facts. Thanks.

"A biopsy of vocal cords has never been performed at Yorkville Endoscopy," the clinic said in a statement.

If that is a true statement by Yorkville Endoscopy, then they are saying that a biopsy was not performed on Joan Rivers.

" the New York State Department of Health told NBC News they are "investigating the matter.""

I wonder if the family or someone made them start investigating or if they really are not formally investigating and do not have an "open case" on this matter and just said they were investigating to placate the media.

This information just causes more questions to be asked. Things may not have been as "routine" as I was beginning to think they were.
My BIL is an ENT doc from NY so I hope to ask him what is usual and possible and what is unusual and out of the ordinary about this.

13th September 2014, 09:59 AM
I found out from one who knows about this that the ENT doc could have known there was a spot on JR's vocal chords before going to that endoscopy facility with her. ENT docs can do simple 2 minute endoscopy in their own office with no anesthesia and can, often but not always definitively, tell if spot is malignant just by looking at it that brief time. No general anesthesia is necessary - they probably just give the patient some Vistaril or mild sedative in the office.

Now there is the controversy that the endoscopy facility said they never do biopsies and the NY Daily News said this happened during a biopsy at their facility. So big problem there, but the big problem does not necessarily point to conspiracy, it does however seem to point to some lying and some cover up and maybe grounds for a malpractice suit against not only the facility for lying and/or the ENT doc who made some kind of mistake in doing the biopsy or wrongly made the facility let him do a biopsy there.

I still am thinking the conspiracy thing in JR's case is very thin.

Many times in operations on different parts of the body, the patient inexplicably "freezes up" or "seizes up" during the operation. This does not mean the doctor did anything wrong. The doctor may have done the procedure in the most excellent and correct way.

I remember a long time ago I worked in a big teaching institution orthopaedic surgery department. One of the young doctors operated on a girl's spine and the patient "seized up" and caused the knife to injure the spinal cord and the patient was left with a limp for the rest of her life. It was not the doctor's fault and the operation he did was done correctly and served its purpose well.

Off topic and for a separate thread ...

If Michelle is a tranny, from whenceth doth commeth Malia and Sasha?

13th September 2014, 10:09 AM
Off topic and for a separate thread ...

If Michelle is a tranny, from whenceth doth commeth Malia and Sasha?

They are androids!

Or the "stork" delivered them!


13th September 2014, 10:25 AM
I listened to this John Kaminski interviewed by Nick Spero podcast. (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/09/circus-maximus-ep-xxix-september-11-2014.html) I didn't note the time mark, but spero noted that next month (oct) there will be an earth shaking announcement by Michael O, in an interview with some gay rag. ??? first and last I've heard of this.... they didn't carry on with the subject at all.

Always happens in 3's

http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthre...liams-suicided (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?78615-Robin-Williams-suicided)

nah, "autoerotic asphixiation (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?78621-%91Honorary-Jew%92-Robin-Williams-63-found-dead&p=726311#post726311)"

13th September 2014, 07:04 PM
If Michelle is a tranny, from whenceth doth commeth Malia and Sasha?

They clearly do not resemble either of those fags, at all. MKUltra? They have private tutors too?

13th September 2014, 07:56 PM
So all this talk about Joan rivers, what ever happened to robin Williams and being cremated the very next day?

13th September 2014, 08:02 PM
So all this talk about Joan rivers, what ever happened to robin Williams and being cremated the very next day?

You noticed this also? Amazing how Hollywould works.

old steel
13th September 2014, 08:21 PM
Yep and Richard Kiel makes 3.

14th September 2014, 01:35 AM
there is still this that hasnt been fully explained.........I want to believe she is a she otherwise I start getting into visualization difficulties......................


14th September 2014, 05:22 AM

Timeline emerges in Joan Rivers' death
By Susan Candiotti and Susanna Capelouto, CNN
updated 1:58 PM EDT, Sat September 13, 2014

All statement by the Yorkville Endoscopy Clinic in Manhattan are extremely cryptic.

I sounds like the ENT doctor was Dr. Lawrence Cohen was JR's ENT doctor.

"Yorkville Endoscopy said in a statement this week that Dr. Lawrence Cohen "is not currently performing procedures ... nor is he currently serving as medical director." The statement did not say that his departure was connected to Rivers' death and clinic spokeswoman Marcia Horowitz declined to elaborate."

It APPEARS Dr. Cohen WAS a director or THE director of that clinic. He did some kind of procedure, "surgical procedure" on JR, but it is being described as "an apparently minor elective procedure" and not as a "biopsy."

As I stated before, the word "biopsy" can indicate a diagnostic procedure where a tissue sample is taken and sent to lab to see if is malignant OR a biopsy can be taken in a way that the ENTIRE neoplasm or growth or "spot" or "mass" is excised, cut out, and in that case the procedure may not technically be called a biopsy, but is a surgical procedure.

JR was having an "elective procedure" but it appears no one will say what that procedure was. The clinic seems to be saying a biopsy procedure has never been performed at their facility.
""A biopsy of the vocal cords has never been performed at Yorkville Endoscopy."

Be assured that the wording of that sentence has been done very very carefully by the clinic's attorneys."


" Yorkville Endoscopy's website says it is an "ambulatory surgical center" .."

So surgery is done through the endoscope.

14th September 2014, 06:48 AM
there is still this that hasnt been fully explained.........I want to believe she is a she otherwise I start getting into visualization difficulties......................


That's what it looks like when you get your underwear up in a bunch.

14th September 2014, 09:27 AM

Timeline emerges in Joan Rivers' death
By Susan Candiotti and Susanna Capelouto, CNN
updated 1:58 PM EDT, Sat September 13, 2014

All statement by the Yorkville Endoscopy Clinic in Manhattan are extremely cryptic.

I sounds like the ENT doctor was Dr. Lawrence Cohen was JR's ENT doctor.

"Yorkville Endoscopy said in a statement this week that Dr. Lawrence Cohen "is not currently performing procedures ... nor is he currently serving as medical director." The statement did not say that his departure was connected to Rivers' death and clinic spokeswoman Marcia Horowitz declined to elaborate."

It APPEARS Dr. Cohen WAS a director or THE director of that clinic. He did some kind of procedure, "surgical procedure" on JR, but it is being described as "an apparently minor elective procedure" and not as a "biopsy."

As I stated before, the word "biopsy" can indicate a diagnostic procedure where a tissue sample is taken and sent to lab to see if is malignant OR a biopsy can be taken in a way that the ENTIRE neoplasm or growth or "spot" or "mass" is excised, cut out, and in that case the procedure may not technically be called a biopsy, but is a surgical procedure.

JR was having an "elective procedure" but it appears no one will say what that procedure was. The clinic seems to be saying a biopsy procedure has never been performed at their facility.
""A biopsy of the vocal cords has never been performed at Yorkville Endoscopy."

Be assured that the wording of that sentence has been done very very carefully by the clinic's attorneys."


" Yorkville Endoscopy's website says it is an "ambulatory surgical center" .."

So surgery is done through the endoscope.
They probably thought it unnecessary to send off the tissue sample to have it analyzed for malignancy (biopsy) after the patient died. So technically they didn't perform a biopsy

mick silver
14th September 2014, 09:31 AM
Jackie did it and you know it! ... post 46 on the cunt

14th September 2014, 09:46 AM
Jackie did it and you know it! ... post 46 on the cunt

here u go, mick.

get in bed with 2.


14th September 2014, 10:01 AM
It does appear there is some kind word game manipulation regarding using the word "biopsy."

Will do some thinking out loud in what follows but it is just how I think things out.

Another thing that looks fishy to me is

IF Dr. Lawrence Cohen was JR's attending ENT doc and

IF Dr. Cohen was the now-fired director of that endoscopy facility,

It looks like some kind of "conflict of interest" for an ENT doc to be the probably major share holder in the endoscopy facility, and if that ENT doctor is also the "boss" of that endoscopy facility, and he refers his patients to a place for a test and/or procedure that he has control and interest in, he kind of gets to call the shots of what is done on patients at that facility.

If Dr. Cohen was fired, it is a curious thing because he was the boss and he was probably a major share older, that is "the owner", of that outpatient facility.

There is a crafty effort to make it look like there is some controlling Board of Directors who made a decision to fire Dr. Cohen and overruled Dr. Cohen being the "main boss." In other words, the facility wants to appear separate and independent from Dr. Cohen. They are distancing themselves from Dr. Cohen to save their posteriors legally and financially.

There is an effort to preserve the financial viability of that business and keep it open no matter how the state medical board examination of that facility turns out. Things are made to look independent and fair and that money concerns and keeping this probably very profitable business going and to have the clinic sustain an amount of damage that is controllable and the business can stay open.

It is a lot about money and about a lot of money.

If the clinic is a financial corporation (maybe an "LLC" not an inc. ) and there are shareholders and you have a bunch of doctors in New York of all specialties who only refer their patients to that one facility, it is just about the same as a doctor prescribing only one brand of a medicine because the doctor holds stock in the pharmaceutical company that makes that brand of that medicine.

You can see that all of this leads to unnecessary expensive tests being ordered on patients who really do not need them or prescribing a brand of medicine that is much much more expensive than the generic formulation of that medicine.

When one starts looking at the money machinations of the medical field, one enters a very deep rabbit hole.

14th September 2014, 10:08 AM
Or star powered financial empires are being targeted for removal, the way the individual bankers were a couple months back.

14th September 2014, 10:13 AM
Or star powered financial empires are being targeted for removal

good thought

But the "new medicine" empire will be all about killing off useless eaters and only treating and saving people who are somehow important and useful to the new empire.

17th September 2014, 05:30 AM
According to this latest video from CNN, I must correct some of my deductions...


Source: Joan Rivers' doctor took selfie, began biopsy before her cardiac arrest
By Susan Candiotti and Alan Duke, CNN
updated 8:39 PM EDT, Tue September 16, 2014

Dr. Lawrence Cohen was the Gastro-Enterologist ( GI doctor - Gastro Intestinal doctor is sub-specialty of Internal Medicine specialty I think) who was a director and on the staff of Yorktown Endoscopy, where Joan Rivers was undergoing procedure.

Dr. Cohen was not JR's ENT doctor as I originally thought. The Clinic is officially distancing themselves from Dr. Cohen and have fired him, or so it appears. Dr. Cohen by this CNN report is said to have noticed something on JR's vocal chords and allowed the JR's female ENT doctor to do a biopsy.

The possible word game deception goes like this. The "biopsy" was not completed because of the cardiac arrest so that may be how technically the clinic was not lying when they said a biopsy has never been performed (past tense) at their facility. The biopsy was started but not completed.

I am not at all clear what the procedure was aside from the endoscopy. There may have been a procedure done through the endoscope but it may technically be called at "biopsy." Again, I say that it is 99 percent possible that JR's female ENT doc knew before that date, from her exams and brief in-office endoscopy of JR, that JR had "something" on her vocal chords. The ENT doctor probably specifically accompanied her patient to the Yorktown Endoscopy for the specific reason of doing some procedure through the endoscope. The GI doctor, Dr. Cohen, was most like not the doctor that first discovered something on JR's vocal chords.

JR's ENT doctor who came with her and was present and participating in the procedure is apparently a female ENT doctor but we still do not know her name. No charges have yet to be filed against the clinic or the ENT doctor.

According the the doctor who spoke as a consultant to this CNN story, the female ENT doctor did not have legal written privileges to do anything on a patient undergoing a test (endoscopy) at the clinic. That is where the law was broken and why Dr. Cohen was probably fired.

And this is where the conspiracy to kill JR gets resuscitated. Dr. Cohen knew it was unlawful for him to allow JR's ENT doctor to do anything on JR at that facility and yet he did it, risking his career for the rest of his life. That seems mighty peculiar to me. Also, the female ENT doctor risked her career for the rest of her life by doing something that she knew was against the law at that clinic.

The CNN story does not give its sources other than Yorktown Endoscopy "staff" who spoke off the record to CNN reporters.

I read something yesterday that is not really a solid source that the procedure done on JR was a common one done on young singers and people who use their voices a lot. The thing is JR was a person who used her voice a whole lot. She was still doing stand-up comedy and performing often and she a lot of speaking when she was on QVC shopping network shows.

Some say JR was in excellent physical condition for an 81 year old and that there were therefore no reasons not to do an endoscopy on her in an outpatient facility. The doctor in his CNN video said no matter what condition JR was in, you don't do these kinds of procedures on an 81 year old on an outpatient basis.

Off topic a bit, but the recent photos of JR showing her to look "great" and only about maybe 60 years old, are photos that give me the creeps. An 81 year old is not supposed to look that way. It is an extreme artificial face that JR gave to her public. She admitted she had frequent plastic surgeries and said that in her line of business, comedienne, the public demanded that she "look good" or they would not hire her.

mick silver
18th September 2014, 03:20 PM
horn loves joan

18th September 2014, 05:23 PM
The latest info.


Source names throat doc who allegedly started biopsy on Joan Rivers
By Alan Duke and Susan Candiotti, CNN
updated 4:45 PM EDT, Thu September 18, 2014

CNN) -- The doctor who began a biopsy on Joan Rivers' vocal cords before she suffered cardiac arrest last month has been identified by clinic staffers as Dr. Gwen Korovin, a source close to the death investigation said.

Korovin is the same doctor who a clinic staff member told investigators snapped a selfie in the procedure room while Rivers was under anesthesia on August 29, the source said.

Rivers, 81, died a week after suffering cardiac arrest during an appointment at Manhattan's Yorkville Endoscopy clinic.

Rivers' throat doctor is well known for helping an impressive list of celebrities with voice trouble. The list of famous patients who have sung her praises include actors Hugh Jackman and Nathan Lane and singers Celine Dion, Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande.
Accreditation issues for Rivers clinic?
Joan Rivers' doctor allegedly took a selfie
Rivers joked about her own death
Joan Rivers and her plastic surgery

The walls of Dr. Korovin's Manhattan medical office are covered with autograph photos, including from operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti, Broadway star Barbara Cook and actress-singer Julie Andrews.

"I've always been fascinated by the human voice and music," Korovin, 55, is quoted telling the New York Daily News in a profile story last year.

Dr. Korovin's lawyer sent a statement to CNN Thursday in response to the reports:

"Gwen S. Korovin, M.D. is a highly experienced, board certified otolaryngologist. She maintains privileges at one of the city's most prestigious hospitals. She is respected and admired by her peers in the medical community and she is revered by her patients.

"As a matter of personal and professional policy, Dr. Korovin does not publicly discuss her patients or their care and treatment. Further, Dr. Korovin is prohibited by state and federal confidentiality laws from discussing her care and treatment of any particular patient.

"For these reasons, neither Dr. Korovin nor her attorneys will have any public comment on recent press reports regarding her practice. We ask that the press please respect Dr. Korovin's personal and professional policy of not discussing her patients, as well as the privacy of her patients."

Korovin joined Rivers at her appointment on August 28 for an endoscopy procedure intended to diagnose why the comedian was suffering a sore and hoarse throat, a source close to the death investigation told CNN.

Korovin was only authorized to observe while another doctor, gastroenterologist Dr. Lawrence Cohen, performed the procedure, the source said. After Cohen, the clinic's medical director, finished his work, Korovin began a biopsy on Rivers, according to the source.

Investigators believe that Rivers' vocal cords began to swell during the allegedly unauthorized biopsy, cutting off the flow of oxygen to her lungs, which led to cardiac arrest on the morning of August 29, the source said.

Rivers was rushed by paramedics from Yorkville Endoscopy to New York's Mount Sinai Hospital a mile away, where she died a week later.

Korovin was not certified by Yorkville Endoscopy clinic, as required by New York health law, to perform procedures there and no prior consent form signed by Rivers authorizing a vocal cord biopsy were found by investigators, the source said.

It was unclear if Rivers had given verbal consent to the biopsy before being sedated for the endoscopy.

The endoscope was not the only camera used while Rivers was under anesthesia, according to the source. A clinic staff member told investigators that Rivers' doctor took a selfie photo in the procedure room, the source said.

Source: Joan Rivers' doctor took selfie

The clinic is still open, although an accreditation group is calling for it to suspend procedures and surgeries, according to letters obtained by CNN. Patients were seen in the clinic's waiting room Wednesday.

The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) sent representatives for an unscheduled visit to the clinic after hearing about Rivers' cardiac arrest, according to letters from the group.

The letters cited two "deficiencies" found by the representatives, declared the clinic to be in "immediate jeopardy" and placed it on "emergency suspension." The accreditation group said the clinic should stop procedures and surgeries "until accreditation questions are settled."

The clinic sent CNN a statement Wednesday night in response to questions about the accreditation association's letter putting the facility under "emergency suspension."

"Yorkville Endoscopy continues to maintain its federal, state and Quad A (AAAASF) authorization to be operational and provide patient care. Yorkville Endoscopy is committed to adhering to the standards established by Quad A (AAASF)," the statement said.

While the accreditation agency has no power to shut a clinic down, the state of New York does. State health investigators also found deficiencies in Rivers' treatment, according to a source close to the death investigation. These include the participation of River's personal throat doctor.

Timeline emerges in Joan Rivers' death

Yorkville Endoscopy issued a statement last Thursday denying reports that any vocal cord biopsy has ever been done at the clinic, although federal privacy law prevented any patient information from being released.

The day after the denial was issued, the clinic confirmed that Dr. Cohen "is not currently performing procedures. ... Nor is he currently serving as medical director."

The source said that at this time neither Cohen nor the ear, nose and throat doctor have been accused of wrongdoing by investigators.

The clinic declined to respond to the source's comments about a biopsy or a selfie, citing federal privacy law.


We still do not know what procedure Dr Koravin did on JR.
No M.D. connected with JR in this matter is being sued or complained against by the family of JR.

It appears that Yorktown Endoscopy clinic is being investigated by the State Medical Board and they fired their medical director, Dr. Lawrence Cohen, so this clinic must be trying to preserve themselves from the possibility of losing their state license. Dr. Cohen won't lose his medical license but his career is obviously jeopardized by being fired in connection with this high-profile case. Dr. Cohen knew he should have denied Dr. Koravin right to do any treatment or procedure on JR. Dr. Koravin, ENT doctor to many celebrities, knew she was not legally certified to do work on a patient at that clinic but she allegedly did so anyway.

These two doctors KNEW the risk to their careers they took. It is a possibility that each of the doctors were not influenced by those risks and that there was some factor that made them fully willing to take those risks with their careers and reputations.

midnight rambler
18th September 2014, 05:31 PM
Taking a selfie while a procedure underway, about as unprofessional as it gets - not to mention extremely egocentric and SELFish.

mick silver
19th September 2014, 11:02 AM
post 55 do I win anything