View Full Version : 5 takeaways from Obama's ISIS speech

mick silver
11th September 2014, 08:39 AM
(CNN) -- When President Obama announced his plan Wednesday nigh (http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/11/politics/isis-obama-speech/index.html?hpt=hp_t1)t to launch air strikes in Syria against ISIS, he opened a new chapter in the American war on Islamic extremism. Click here (http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/10/politics/isis-obama-speech/index.html?hpt=hp_t1)to get all the facts on President Obama's speech to the nation on his new strategy to combat ISIS with air strikes in Iraq and Syria. Or click here (http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/10/politics/transcript-obama-syria-isis-speech/index.html?hpt=po_c1) to read the transcript.
But below are some key themes identified by CNN's military and political commentators and reporters:
It is a stunning turnaround from his previous policy - This new strategy represents a turnaround by President Obama on so many levels; there are things the President refused to do that that he is now doing. He had said he would not arm Syrian rebels. He had said there would be no air strikes in Syria. Now the President says the U.S. and it's coalition will hunt down ISIS wherever it may be. But it is important to note that the President never used the word 'war.' He calls this a counter-terror operation - Jim Sciutto - CNN Chief National Security Correspondent
Related: Sen. John McCain has showdown with Jay Carney over Obama speech on CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/10/politics/carney-mccain-isis/index.html?hpt=po_c1)

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/140910215610-ac-intv-mccain-carney-president-obama-speech-isis-00013026-story-body.jpgMcCain: You don't have the facts, Carney

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/140910211520-05-obama-0910-story-body.jpgObama: No U.S. ground troops vs. ISIS

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/140910233119-cnn-tonight-tom-foreman-microsoft-bing-pulse-00004724-story-body.jpgForeman takes 'Bing Pulse' during speech
It was a speech the president did not want to give - Let's take a step back. This is a speech the President never intended to give, didn't want to give, and has been ambivalent about what he ought to do. This is a President whose narrative was killing Osama bin Laden and ending two wars. What he did tonight when he stepped up to the microphone, he essentially said, "I am going to get involved in large airstrikes over two countries in a conflict that could well outlast his administration. There is no end point to this." I think for the president tonight, this was a very difficult speech for him to give. - Gloria Borger - CNN Chief Political Analyst
Related: Strong reaction to Obama statement 'ISIL is not Islamic' (http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/10/politics/obama-isil-not-islamic/index.html?hpt=po_c1)
Enacting Obama's vision presents real issues for the military - I put myself in the position of my friend, Gen. Lloyd Austin, Combatant Commander, Central Command. What is he hearing right now? I think what Gen. Austin hears was, "Let me get this straight. You want me to expand operations into a country that is having a civil war, where we don't like the leader of the country. We're expanding operations in a country that is still having a religious war and has a little bit of turmoil in their government. You're are asking me to train more forces, bring potentially a 40-member coalition together and conduct air strikes where I don't hurt innocents." - CNN military analyst Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, U.S. Army, ret.
Related: As Obama prepares for ISIS fight, where are the doves? (http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/10/politics/obama-isis-doves/index.html?hpt=po_c2)
Obama was candid about the risks to Americans and the military - The President was candid about the threat of ISIS, the long term nature of the challenge and the risks of military action. Using Yemen and Somalia as examples of the fight against terrorism is understandable given the unpopularity of Iraq/Afghanistan, but critics were quick to say ISIS is a bigger, more complex challenge. More than anything, long term success relies on players that for years have proven unreliable: the Iraqi government, the Syrian opposition and regional partners, like the Saudis. - John King, CNN Chief National Correspondent
It strangely threw in a pitch for the American economy - I thought the first part of the speech as he talked about the attack on ISIS was strong and presidential and serious. You could quibble with it, I am sure there will be disagreements. But as a presidential speech, it did very well. What surprised me was the second part of the speech when he started to talk about how well the country is doing with jobs and leading around the world. I think for an awful lot of people, America is feeling pretty blue right now. I think those kind of assertions don't ring true to a lot of people. It seemed to me it detracted from the main message of the speech. - David Gergen - CNN commentator and former adviser to presidents from both political parties

11th September 2014, 12:41 PM

O has horns

Obama Plans To Fight ISIS By... Giving More Weapons To ISIS? http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 09/10/2014 16:05 -0400

Iraq (http://www.zerohedge.com/taxonomy_vtn/term/10041)
President Obama (http://www.zerohedge.com/taxonomy_vtn/term/11020)
Saudi Arabia (http://www.zerohedge.com/taxonomy_vtn/term/11356)


It appears that, in a rush to get his strategy out the door, President Obama overlooked his key "do nothing stupid" foreign policy plan.


So - to be clear - the strategy to defeat ISIS is to arm more of the same "rebels" that ultimately split off and became, well, ISIS?
Perhaps it's better if Obama sticks to his original "no strategy" plan after all... if only for the people, not so much the military-industrial complex of course.
* * *
Remember Those ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels That The U.S. Armed? ISIS Got Some Of Those Weapons Too (http://www.ijreview.com/2014/09/175685-remember-moderate-rebels-syria-obama-armed-isis-got-weapons/)
As the Syrian Civil War has waged on over the past few years, the United States, along with Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, decided to arm the Syrian rebels under the “Free Syrian Army” umbrella.
The shipments of former Yugoslavian Army weapons held by the Croatians, along with newly manufactured Croatian weapons, began in November 2012, according to The Telegraph UK. The weapons were flown out of Croatia on chartered flights to Jordan and then smuggled into Syria.
Fast forward to the rise of ISIS and their blitzkreig campaign across northern Iraq. An investigation by the arms control organization Conflict Armament Research has found that various U.S. supplied weapons have wound up in the hands of ISIS.
AFP reports:

The study by the London-based small-arms research organisation Conflict Armament Research documented weapons seized by Kurdish forces from militants in Iraq and Syria over a 10-day period in July.

The report said the jihadists disposed of “significant quantities” of US-made small arms including M16 assault rifles and included photos showing the markings “Property of US Govt”.

It also found that anti-tank rockets used by IS in Syria were “identical to M79 rockets transferred by Saudi Arabia to forces operating under the Free Syrian Army umbrella in 2013?.
The U.S.-made small arm in question is the M16A4 assault rifle. It is the main service rifle of the U.S. Marine Corps and sees limited use in the U.S. Army. More importantly, thousands of them were supplied to the Iraqi Army. The source of ISIS’s M16s, along with other U.S. made weapons, is likely captured Iraqi Army stocks.
As for the M79s, they were part of the arms shipments from Croatia that were meant for the Free Syrian Army. The weapons were either captured, or acquired by former FSA fighters as they joined ISIS.
The lesson to be learned here is that foreign policy decisions often have unintended consequences. As the U.S. contemplates what future action it will take to combat ISIS, it needs to be sure to learn those lessons of the past.


11th September 2014, 01:10 PM
I saw something today on another site that caught my eye.


11th September 2014, 01:29 PM
Perhaps had he offered to bomb the Ottoman Empire neither Syria nor Russia would have any complaints?

11th September 2014, 05:46 PM
Mike King analyses the Obama speech through responding to New York Times propaganda headlines.


NY Times: Obama, in Speech on ISIS, Promises Sustained Effort to Rout Militants

President Obama expanded the campaign against ISIS to include airstrikes in Syria and more American advisers in Iraq, but he sought to distinguish the new action from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS fighters on parade in Raqqa, Syria. The group has seized wide sections of Syria and Iraq.
NY Times: Struggling to Gauge ISIS Threat, Even as U.S. Prepares to Act

As President Obama prepares to send the United States on what could be a years long military campaign, American intelligence agencies have concluded that the group poses no immediate threat to the United States.
NY Times: New Military Campaign Extends a Legacy of War

President Obama on Wednesday night may have ensured that he will pass his successor a volatile and incomplete war, just as he inherited one when he took office.


A trio of very telling headlines on today's front page confirms what we at The Anti-New York Times have been forecasting from Day 1 of this ISIS scam. What Obongo could not pull off in 2013 (an attack upon Syria), he can now initiate in 2014. Sulzberger's scribblers tell us that this project will be "years long" and will be handed down to Obongo's "successor". The eternal 'War on Terror' just got another extension.

But the most astonishing admission contained in these headlines is this:

"American intelligence agencies have concluded that the group poses no immediate threat to the United States."

So, the ISIS bogeyman isn't coming to America after all? It was all just a scare tactic. Yes sir. All it took to finally get us to Syria was a pair of B-Movie quality You Tube videos of a bogeyman in black pretending to sever the heads of what were actually fellow CIA-Mossad agents. Oh well, I suppose we should all be thankful that they didn't have to resort a new "9/11" on this 13th anniversary of "9/11". That false-flag operation really did kill innocent people.

And what do the Syrians have to say about Obama's decision to bomb ISIS in Syria? It is their country after all. Ali Haidar, Minister of National Reconciliation Affairs, told reporters in Damascus:

"Any action of any type without the approval of Syrian government is an aggression against Syria."

And how does Syria's Russian protector feel about the coming bombardment of ISIS? Foreign Minister Lavrov:

“There are reasons to suspect that air strikes on Syrian territory may target not only areas controlled by Islamic State militants, but the government troops may also be attacked on the quiet to weaken the positions of Bashar Assad’s army.”

To reiterate what the Anti-New York Times had forecast in August 28th issue:

One can see it coming:

"Sorry Mr. Assad. We didn't mean to take out your artillery pieces. We thought your troops were ISIS. Oops!..... Sorry Mr. Assad. We didn't mean to take out your anti-aircraft defenses. We thought those were ISIS missiles. Oops!.....Sorry Mr. Assad. We didn't mean to take out your power grid. We though that was an ISIS barracks. Oops!'

You know what Mr. Assad? Neither our airstrikes nor the Syrian army is capable of containing Mossad, er, I mean ISIS. We're going to have to send in some ground troops, to protect Syria. Because we're your friends. OK?"

It's only a matter of time before Syrian forces and American aircraft come into hostile contact. What the response from Russia, Iran and China will then be is anyone's guess. That may be the point in the drama where the Baltic and Japan cards are played against the Russia-China alliance.

How bloody damn convenient that the strange and sudden rise of ISIS should benefit the agenda of the 'powers-that-be' so much. How 'convenient' indeed.

Hey Boobus Americanus! Director Bibi Satanyahu and his cast of YouTube actors are laughing at YOU!

Hatha Sunahara
12th September 2014, 09:00 AM
I watched Obama's speech, and I got a strange sense of deja vu--going back to Baghdad Bob (Mohammed Al Shahaf) the information minister for Saddam Hussein who kept spewing out the lies until the American troops were in his studio. I think the same thing happened in the last days of WWII--that the German propaganda machinery kept spewing out lies until the American or Russian military shut them down. The troops in this case are the alternative media stories about ISIS--that it is a creation of the CIA, and the growing awareness that all the news and all government policy is a pack of lies.


12th September 2014, 09:14 AM
The troops in this case are the alternative media stories about ISIS--that it is a creation of the CIA, and the growing awareness that all the news and all government policy is a pack of lies.

I would like some FACTS and EVIDENCE about ISIS. Even the alternative media spends 90 percent of their time reacting to and giving their interpretation of MSM stories about ISIS, but the alternative media, as far as I can tell, provide us no more facts and evidence about ISIS than does the MSM.

All this talk of ISIS is very fear-producing. Images of people being decapitated and crucified is very fear-producing. Both the msm and the alternative media sell us on the ideas that ISIS is very real and something we rightly ought to be afraid of and try to take definitive action against.

If a war is wanted, and it is, then you have to have a real and scary enemy, and like Al CIAda and the Mujahadeen and Hitler and Sadam and so many bogeymen before that were sold to us, ISIS is our bogeyman du jour.

Obama's puppet masters want an excuse to take over Syria.

I believe "we" stopped it one time about a year ago by prayer and fasting by Christians who did not want the US to attack and invade Syria. We all need to start praying and fasting again, but I do not see any "Christian" organization imploring us to do so.

But we can do this as individuals and we should.

12th September 2014, 10:49 AM
I would like some FACTS and EVIDENCE about ISIS. Even the alternative media spends 90 percent of their time reacting to and giving their interpretation of MSM stories about ISIS, but the alternative media, as far as I can tell, provide us no more facts and evidence about ISIS than does the MSM.

All this talk of ISIS is very fear-producing. Images of people being decapitated and crucified is very fear-producing. Both the msm and the alternative media sell us on the ideas that ISIS is very real and something we rightly ought to be afraid of and try to take definitive action against.

If a war is wanted, and it is, then you have to have a real and scary enemy, and like Al CIAda and the Mujahadeen and Hitler and Sadam and so many bogeymen before that were sold to us, ISIS is our bogeyman du jour.

Obama's puppet masters want an excuse to take over Syria.

I believe "we" stopped it one time about a year ago by prayer and fasting by Christians who did not want the US to attack and invade Syria. We all need to start praying and fasting again, but I do not see any "Christian" organization imploring us to do so.

But we can do this as individuals and we should.

The Christians are terrified of ISIS because of the 24/7 fear mongering by Fox news. They are sold on war and are ready to send their children to death to stop this perceived threat.

One thing that is strangely absent from all the constant ISIS threat talk, is Israel?
Where is Israel (our bestest ally in the world) in helping the US to fight this coming battle?
Why is ISIS not threatening to blow Israel off the map when they are practically on their doorstep?
Why would ISIS want to come to the US and poke a stick at the biggest military in the world?

12th September 2014, 11:05 AM
One thing that is strangely absent from all the constant ISIS threat talk, is Israel?

Yes, strangely and deliberately absent.

Over many years, the msm and the "mainstream alternative media", which includes RT and Press TV, will be talking about some major Middle Eastern geopolitcal issue, but they never mention Israel.

How can this be?

A powerful moneyed country with many nuclear warheads located right physically in the middle of the Middle East and it is never mentioned, as if Israel has absolutely nothing to do with anything going on in the Middle East.

To me, that is lying by omission and the truth is not in them.

Remembering that the terms "USA", "CIA and UK" and "Saudi Arabia" are synonymous with "Israel" helps some in protecting our minds from the constant onslaught of lies.

12th September 2014, 11:55 AM
ISIS is a creation of CIA, MI6, and Mossad.

You all are playing catch up and you never will...Because you are nothing more than content consumers...or slaves of the content producers or master.

The problem is you WANT.

The Internet supplies what you WANT...You will continue to demand the Internet to give you what you WANT until you get what you WANT.

The Internet is the servant of the master that you all are slaves of.

Take a byte of the hidden fruit of logic from the tree of eternal life and gain awareness of 1 and 0

GOD/Truth which needs to be Truth/GOD = reality = power plant = supply of power = Absolute 1 that needs to be absolute 1.

Satan/lies that want to be Truth/GOD = fantasy =demand for power = Absolute 0 that wants to be absolute 1

Something which is infinite or Truth needs to supply power to the demand for power by nothing which is finite or a Lie that wants to become Truth and never die.

Israel is a visible nationalist slave domain ruled by the invisible globalist domain master.

So is the USA and the UK and all the nationalist slave domains.

The invisible order of the globalist master is the demand for power while the visible chaos of the nationalist slaves are the supply of power.

Quis ut Deus?, a Latin sentence meaning "Who is like God?", is a literal translation of the name Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎, transliterated Micha'el or Mîkhā'ēl).

"Michael" appears as the name of several men in the Old Testament. In the New Testament the name is given to an archangel in the Epistle of Jude 1:9 and, in the Book of Revelation 12:7, to the leader of angels who defeat "the dragon" and his fallen angels, a dragon identified in Revelation 12:9 as "that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world"."

"The sentence Quis ut Deus? is particularly associated with Archangel Michael.[3][4] In art St. Michael is often represented as an angelic warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword, and shield, as he overcomes Satan, sometimes represented as a dragon and sometimes as a man-like figure. The shield at times bears the inscription: Quis ut Deus,[5] the translation of the archangel's name, but capable also of being seen as his rhetorical and scornful question to Satan."


See the picture?

The Sword of Truth or absolute 1 shatters the shield of delusion.

The Shield of Truth or absolute 0 annihilates the sword of lies.

The Sun of GOD or Absolute 1 = exothermic...Radiates...YES...
The Black Hole of the Universe or Absolute 0...endothermic...Absorbs....NO...

Power corrupts...absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Truth needs to supply the demand for power by the life and death of lies that want to become Truth and never die.

Creation Preservation Annihilation.

birth life death.

Explosion out of nothing up to Something then Implosion down from something in to nothing.

All the visible nationalist slave domains are lies promoted as and ultimately believed to be Truth.

Lorded over by the invisible globalist domain master.

You all believe Satan is GOD because Satan or the master lie has kept you all ignorant of Truth or GOD.

But it takes two to tango.

One to choose to promote or sell a lie as Truth...or content provider...or master

One to choose believe or buy a lie promoted or sold as Truth...or content consumer...or slave.

You have to choose to believe a lie is Truth to be deceived.

I can not be deceived.

Because I know Truth or GOD.

You all think believe and have faith in lies or Satan believed to be Truth or GOD.

What do all you slaves and servants of the master lie or Satan you worship as GOD or Truth going to do?

You will fight to the death to remain asleep or ignorant of Truth/GOD to continue to enjoy the daydream or cherished delusion/Satan that you are awake or knowledgeable of Truth/GOD

That is what you all are trained by the master lie or Satan believed to be Truth or GOD that you slave for till the day you die...to do.

A lie you believe is Truth is a reasonable assumption and when you fall in love with a lie believed to be Truth it becomes a cherished delusion.

You all will fight to the death to protect what you cherish from harm.

Michael annihilates lies and shatters delusions.

You all fight to the death protecting the lies or hopes and delusions or dreams you believe are Truth from.

If banishing or ignoring me is how you prove me Wrong...All you accomplish is proving me Right.

Good thing GOD is Michael's best friend...Or else the demons masquerading as angels would have killed me along time ago.

You know why Satan and you do not ask me questions?

Because you hate the answers.

Because you all log on to the Internet seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

You log on trying to obtain what you want...lies believed to be Truth.

Not what you need...Truth.

That is why you can not find Truth.

Because you all are searching for something you do not want to find.

The logical conclusion of defeat of the reasonable assumption or cherished delusion of victory.

Satan = the demand for life Liberty and happiness.

GOD = the supply of life liberty and happiness.

Satan wants to become GOD.

Michael is like GOD and knows that it is impossible to become GOD.

Satan the eternal optimist claims I'm a pessimist for believing that it is impossible to become GOD.

I do not believe it is impossible for a lie to become Truth.

I know it is impossible for a lie to become Truth.

Satan is ignorant of Truth.

Michael is knowledgeable of Truth.

12th September 2014, 12:08 PM
GOD does not need help getting across the street.

Satan needs help getting across the street.

I can choose to use the power of GOD to supply Satan with YES...victory.

Or choose to use the power of GOD to supply Satan with NO...defeat.

Like what do you want me to do?

Satan wants help to become GOD.

I only supply what Satan needs

Not what Satan wants.

The only way Satan can obtain what Satan wants from me.

Is when what Satan needs and wants are the same.

GOD needs to be infinite.

Satan needs to be finite.

It is impossible to supply Satan with what Satan wants even if I wanted to.

I do not have infinite power to supply the demand by Satan or eternal death for infinite power to become GOD or eternal life.

old steel
12th September 2014, 01:10 PM
Where are these beings you refer to as God and Satan?

Ever seen one or talked to one?


You want to know why we slaves are in the mess we find ourselves?

Because there isn't one ******* person in the entire country with the balls that this guy has, that's why!

Including you, pussykat.

Not one!


12th September 2014, 01:27 PM
I saw something today on another site that caught my eye.


they seem totally made up to me.

12th September 2014, 01:36 PM
ISIS is a creation of CIA, MI6, and Mossad.

You all are playing catch up and you never will...Because you are nothing more than content consumers...or slaves of the content producers or master.

The problem is you WANT.

The Internet supplies what you WANT...You will continue to demand the Internet to give you what you WANT until you get what you WANT.

The Internet is the servant of the master that you all are slaves of.

Take a byte of the hidden fruit of logic from the tree of eternal life and gain awareness of 1 and 0

GOD/Truth which needs to be Truth/GOD = reality = power plant = supply of power = Absolute 1 that needs to be absolute 1.

Satan/lies that want to be Truth/GOD = fantasy =demand for power = Absolute 0 that wants to be absolute 1

Something which is infinite or Truth needs to supply power to the demand for power by nothing which is finite or a Lie that wants to become Truth and never die.

Israel is a visible nationalist slave domain ruled by the invisible globalist domain master.

So is the USA and the UK and all the nationalist slave domains.

The invisible order of the globalist master is the demand for power while the visible chaos of the nationalist slaves are the supply of power.

Quis ut Deus?, a Latin sentence meaning "Who is like God?", is a literal translation of the name Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎, transliterated Micha'el or Mîkhā'ēl).

"Michael" appears as the name of several men in the Old Testament. In the New Testament the name is given to an archangel in the Epistle of Jude 1:9 and, in the Book of Revelation 12:7, to the leader of angels who defeat "the dragon" and his fallen angels, a dragon identified in Revelation 12:9 as "that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world"."

"The sentence Quis ut Deus? is particularly associated with Archangel Michael.[3][4] In art St. Michael is often represented as an angelic warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword, and shield, as he overcomes Satan, sometimes represented as a dragon and sometimes as a man-like figure. The shield at times bears the inscription: Quis ut Deus,[5] the translation of the archangel's name, but capable also of being seen as his rhetorical and scornful question to Satan."


See the picture?

The Sword of Truth or absolute 1 shatters the shield of delusion.

The Shield of Truth or absolute 0 annihilates the sword of lies.

The Sun of GOD or Absolute 1 = exothermic...Radiates...YES...
The Black Hole of the Universe or Absolute 0...endothermic...Absorbs....NO...

Power corrupts...absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Truth needs to supply the demand for power by the life and death of lies that want to become Truth and never die.

Creation Preservation Annihilation.

birth life death.

Explosion out of nothing up to Something then Implosion down from something in to nothing.

All the visible nationalist slave domains are lies promoted as and ultimately believed to be Truth.

Lorded over by the invisible globalist domain master.

You all believe Satan is GOD because Satan or the master lie has kept you all ignorant of Truth or GOD.

But it takes two to tango.

One to choose to promote or sell a lie as Truth...or content provider...or master

One to choose believe or buy a lie promoted or sold as Truth...or content consumer...or slave.

You have to choose to believe a lie is Truth to be deceived.

I can not be deceived.

Because I know Truth or GOD.

You all think believe and have faith in lies or Satan believed to be Truth or GOD.

What do all you slaves and servants of the master lie or Satan you worship as GOD or Truth going to do?

You will fight to the death to remain asleep or ignorant of Truth/GOD to continue to enjoy the daydream or cherished delusion/Satan that you are awake or knowledgeable of Truth/GOD

That is what you all are trained by the master lie or Satan believed to be Truth or GOD that you slave for till the day you die...to do.

A lie you believe is Truth is a reasonable assumption and when you fall in love with a lie believed to be Truth it becomes a cherished delusion.

You all will fight to the death to protect what you cherish from harm.

Michael annihilates lies and shatters delusions.

You all fight to the death protecting the lies or hopes and delusions or dreams you believe are Truth from.

If banishing or ignoring me is how you prove me Wrong...All you accomplish is proving me Right.

Good thing GOD is Michael's best friend...Or else the demons masquerading as angels would have killed me along time ago.

You know why Satan and you do not ask me questions?

Because you hate the answers.

Because you all log on to the Internet seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

You log on trying to obtain what you want...lies believed to be Truth.

Not what you need...Truth.

That is why you can not find Truth.

Because you all are searching for something you do not want to find.

The logical conclusion of defeat of the reasonable assumption or cherished delusion of victory.

Satan = the demand for life Liberty and happiness.

GOD = the supply of life liberty and happiness.

Satan wants to become GOD.

Michael is like GOD and knows that it is impossible to become GOD.

Satan the eternal optimist claims I'm a pessimist for believing that it is impossible to become GOD.

I do not believe it is impossible for a lie to become Truth.

I know it is impossible for a lie to become Truth.

Satan is ignorant of Truth.

Michael is knowledgeable of Truth.

I was wondering.....Can you break this down for me?


12th September 2014, 03:32 PM
President Obama expanded the campaign against ISIS to include airstrikes in Syria

I'll guess he's working closely with the Assad regime on this?

Yeah didn't think so.

12th September 2014, 03:37 PM
America has always been at war with Nazism Communism Terror al-Qaeda ISIS.

12th September 2014, 03:49 PM
Mike King wrote that, not Dachsie.

12th September 2014, 07:46 PM
America has always been at war with Nazism Communism Terror al-Qaeda ISIS.


12th September 2014, 09:19 PM

Why is Israel Absent from ISIS Fight?

September 12, 2014
(left, Netanyahu waxes eloquent Thursday)

Why do we suspect that Israel's opposition to ISIS is for show only?

by Henry Makow Ph.D

What's wrong with this picture?

Israel gets $3 billion a year in military aid from the US. Over the last 60 years, the Jewish state has received about $250 billion worth of airplanes and armaments. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chase-madar/israel-military-aid_b_4759159.html)

Yet when Obama appeals for a "a broad international coalition" to fight ISIS, which supposedly threatens the whole Middle East, Israel is not asked to join (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/184994#.VBHyq_ldXE4). Canada, Germany, Australia, France, Turkey ..all are asked..but not Israel.

Israel is the strongest military power in the region. But apparently it bears no responsibility to help contain this "threat."

How serious could Obama (or Israel) be about combating the Islamic Caliphate?

However, don't count Israel completely out. Netanyahu will contribute large quantities of hot air:

On Thursday, an Israeli website reported (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4570128,00.html), Netanyahu said that "Israel fully supports Obama's call for a united action against ISIS."

The Likud leader stressed that all terror groups "present a clear and present danger to the peace and security of the world and to our common civilization" and that if "they gain ground somewhere, they gain ground everywhere."

Fighting these groups "requires weapons, defensive and offensive, but above all it requires - I believe - clarity and courage. Clarity to understand they're wrong and we're right. They're evil and we're good. No moral relativism there, at all," insisted Netanyahu.

Apparently things haven't always been so black and white.

(The "new face of terror": Mossad agent (http://www.globalresearch.ca/isis-leader-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-trained-by-israeli-mossad-nsa-documents-reveal/5391593)al-Baghdadi. Our Zionist colonial elite conspires against us..)

Netanyahu showed us his true colors last June, after ISIS captured Mosul.

"ISIS is good for Israel," he told Tel Aviv University's INSS think-tank. (http://rehmat1.com/2014/06/30/netanyahu-isis-is-good-for-israel/) Washington should stay out of the Iraqi conflict - and let the Sunni militants defeat the Shia-dominated government of prime minister al-Maliki and break-up Iraq. "This will weaken Iranian influence in the Arab region." he said.

Apparently Israel's fondness for ISIS is reciprocated:

Asked in July why ISIS wasn't helping Hamas, an ISIS spokesman said (http://www.algerie1.com/actualite/daech-allah-ne-nous-a-pas-ordonne-de-combattre-israel/), "it is not interested in fighting Israel at this time. Rather, its focus remains fixed on dealing with "Muslims who have become infidels."
He said that "In the Qur'an, Allah ordered us not to fight Israel or the Jews."In response to Israel's "Operation Protective Edge," ISIS said that they were simply too busy killing fellow Muslims to bother with a war on Jewish people. "The greatest answer to this question is the Qur'an, where Allah speaks about the nearby enemy-those Muslims who have become infidels-as they are more dangerous than those which were already infidels," explained an ISIS spokesman (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/07/09/Islamic-State-Not-Interested-In-Fighting-Israel-At-This-Time).

As readers of this site know, ISIS was created by the CIA, the Mossad (http://henrymakow.com/2014/08/ISIS-are-Sunni-Impostors%20.html) and Saudi Arabia to get rid of Assad of Syria. Has it gone rogue? I doubt it.

Israel has admitted to treating 1,000 wounded Syrian rebels (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2014/06/11/why_israel_is_tending_to_the_syrian_rebels_wounded ) in its hospitals over the last 14 mos. How many of these were ISIS? Do you think this is the extent of their involvement?

The question remains, just how serious is Obama about stopping ISIS, a group Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia started in the first place?

Is this just a back door way to help "moderate" rebels (http://time.com/3319658/obama-isis-speech-iraq-syria/) and finally eliminate Assad?

What is the Illuminati's hidden agenda? Terror attacks on America by ISIS? Albert Pike's World War Three pitting "Islam" against the Zionist West, minus Israel, who shall be protected?

Palestinian Parody of ISIS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5nigZzgf4Y)
Ten Signs ISIS is a Scripted Psyop (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/09/10-signs-that-isis-is-scripted-psyop.html)
Russia Warns US Against Air Strikes in Syria (http://m.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29154481)

First Comment from Dan:

Let's not overlook a bit of news that media mostly suppressed. August 26th UK Guardian:

Syria offers to help fight Isis but warns against unilateral air strikes (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/26/syria-offers-to-help-fight-isis-but-warns-against-unilateral-air-strikes)

Walid al-Moallem, the Syrian foreign minister, said his government was ready "to co-operate and co-ordinate" with any side, including the US, or join any regional or international alliance against Isis. But he said any military action inside Syria should be coordinated with the Syrian government.
"Any strike which is not co-ordinated with the government will be considered as aggression," he said.

Sound reasonable? Obviously "ISIS" is Assad's enemy. Our State Department and politicians have condemned Assad for fighting them as a 'Tyrant'.

This announcement followed the "Dictators" recent re-election by Syrian voters, August 25th.

I live in one of the largest American cities, and 'international' city - absolutely everybody is here. This is where I keep my finger on the pulse of American public perception. Yet NOT ONE person I've asked has heard of either of these news items.

The Administration never publicly responded to the Syrian government's rational offer to co-operate with the US and NATO insofar as breaking up ISIS.

Exactly one year ago, Sept. 11 anniversary week, or officially "Patriot (act) Day", Obama withdrew his demand for Congressional approval to bomb Syria.
The web of lies had gotten a bit crossed when Media was reporting we were backing 'the rebels', who turned out to be the same 'Al Queda' (now ISIS) the sheeple thought we were fighting. They blew their cover. Worse, they were already massacring the indigenous Syrian Christians who lived there unmolested since the first century.

The Administration is so Christian-hating that they seemed to believe their own propaganda that 'this is not a Christian nation'. They thought they had all the Churchians under televised hypnosis, but people noticed. More importantly, military combat CO's noticed and might have mutinied if they'd been ordered to fight FOR Al Queda and blow up Christians.

The Administration lost that round. During the months of October and November all the presidents and prime ministers flew to meet with Netanyahu or vice versa to 'huddle' and get the new play. Including Putin.

I can only conclude that the same scenario that former Gen. Wesley Clark explained in this clip.

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
Everything that's happened since 911 was due to a plan to 'take out' Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and IRAN. It's not ALL about Israel. Zionists have a big stake it but the plan is a combine of the powerful ancient mafias behind Globalism.

Israel is hardly 'missing' from the war on Syria. They've already carried out missile attacks on strategic targets in Syria for years. Four days ago the IAF stepped up sorties on the Syrian border. http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/09/07/iaf-bolsters-sorties-along-syrian-border-any-spillover-will-cost-them-dearly/

Keep in mind Israel seemed 'missing' from the 2002 Baghdad Blitzkrieg and Iraqi occupation too. They won't squander their US supplied jets and missiles so long as the US is willing to assume the high costs of war in budget deficits and lives.

Comment from Steve:

Thursday morning, NBC rebroadcast their live Today Show coverage of the events of 9/11/01. Video, such as is posted on your site is always debunked as having been "altered." But, this morning, they showed the "real" events. Or at least the "real" events as they were presented that fateful day. Being able to watch the shots of the plane entering and exiting the tower on a modern HD plasma screen leaves little doubt that "nose in/nose out" is exactly what was shown.

I recorded it with a modern DVR and have replayed it multiple times. I made the mistake of posting an observation of that on Dailykos. I have been suspended from that site for three days because they do not allow anyone to question the "established facts" of that day.

Given that we are about to be dragged into yet another war which can be directly traced to 9/11, somehow the American public needs to become aware of what really happened. Otherwise intelligent people act exactly like those who deny the reality of climate change because they simply do not want to recognize THE TRUTH. It isn't pretty, but it is still the reality of that event.

You can find this article permanently at http://henrymakow.com/2014/09/Israel-Missing-from-ISIS-Fight .html (http://henrymakow.com/2014/09/Israel-Missing-from-ISIS-Fight%20.html)

13th September 2014, 02:50 AM
Given that we are about to be dragged into yet another war which can be directly traced to 9/11, somehow the American public needs to become aware of what really happened. Otherwise intelligent people act exactly like those who deny the reality of climate change because they simply do not want to recognize THE TRUTH. It isn't pretty, but it is still the reality of that event.

9-11 Big Lie type games have been happening on the American people since the beginning of WWI and really probably long before that too.

Some say the reason the American public are unable to "recognize the truth" is because of the emotional / mind control inflicted by the trauma of watch 9-11 on TV, the Big Lie box. They stop critically and consciously evaluating what we are being told by the media. A psychologically protective mechanism kicks in and they push the trauma into their subconscious and just go along with the government/media lies. (This theory comes from, among others, Lenon Honor, a recent guest on John Friend show.)

I do not buy that theory completely. It is true for many perhaps. But I think people realize what a terrible situation we the people are in. We don't know if these "events" and false flags are real or not. We see with our reasoning mind that, incredibly, they are big staged hoaxes often involving kiling many innocent people and that "our government" is doing this and is going to keep on doing it. Given the reality of this situation we are in, they decide to just keep plodding along in their daily jobs and lives and see there are no gains for them for speaking out.

They realize they have a job to keep and bills to pay and kids to support and a marriage to keep together, and that there will be reprisals if they express their dissent and disbelief at the big stories being operated on us all. They learn real quick what frinds and family think of their "truth telling" and efforts to "wake them up." That behavior is different from emotional suppression and emotional "shut down."

I don't know whom to attribute that quote but the bit about "those who deny the reality of climate change" kind of ruins his otherwise good comment, but don't get me started on "climate change."