View Full Version : It's NOT my (our) fault!

midnight rambler
13th September 2014, 02:58 PM
Here locally the big recent story is about a 20 y.o. young woman who apparently disposed of her nearly 3 y.o. toddler son and buried him in a shallow grave. The 'baby daddy' (gotta love that term) hadn't seen his son since late May yet lives in the same area as the 'baby mama'. It wasn't until the last week or two that the 'baby daddy' pushed local LE to try to locate his son (WTF?? ???) and local LE didn't seem to be that concerned about it since the 'baby mama' had custody. The last time that anyone had seen the toddler with anyone other than his mother was in July. Now LE considers it all a BIG FUCKING DEAL and it's all over the media. Few are able to make the connection as to how a society can get to such a point, and I'll tell you why just about everyone seems to miss it and ALL the warning signs - it's the destruction of the family through the embracing of the Death Cult, the culture of death and destruction. It's so easy to blame the mother when it's the society that is sick and made the fertile ground for the circumstances that led to this child's death along with the destruction of the mother's life. That 20 y.o. young woman was someone's baby a mere 20 years ago.

13th September 2014, 03:40 PM
Hell.... you think that is bad... I have been listening to a story here on the radio and you won't believe it. Let's see what media coverage it got....


Remains of 3 infants found in Blackstone home, woman arrested

State’s welfare agency had removed four children from condemned dwelling weeks earlier

By Travis Andersen (http://www.bostonglobe.com/staff/andersen)

| Globe Staff September 11, 2014

BLACKSTONE — Investigators found the remains of three infants inside a squalid, vermin-infested home here on Thursday, two weeks after child welfare officials removed four children from the same address to protect them from suspected abuse or neglect, authorities said.
A woman identified as Erika Murray, a 31-year-old resident of the house, was arrested Thursday night and will be arraigned Friday on a witness intimidation charge, as well as additional unspecified charges stemming from living conditions in the residence, police and prosecutors said.
Authorities would not say whether Murray is related to any of the children who had been living in the house.

Worcester District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr. told reporters near the condemned home at 23 St. Paul St. that the genders and ages of the deceased infants have not been determined, nor have the causes of their deaths. He refused to say if authorities knew the whereabouts of the parents on Thursday evening. He also said that no one has been charged with committing a homicide.
“What we know is that we have three infants that have been found deceased at this residence,” Early said. “The house is filled with vermin. We have flies, we have bugs. We have used diapers, in some areas as much as a foot-and-a-half to two feet high.

“The house is in deplorable condition.”
He said police were first called to the residence, which is within walking distance of police and fire headquarters on the same street, about two weeks ago after a child living in the home told a neighbor that one of the other children had been crying.
The crying child, who is 6 months old, was found covered in feces, Early said, leading the neighbor to call police.
Early said four children, including the 6-month-old, a 3-year-old, a 10-year-old, and a 13-year-old, were then taken from the home by the state Department of Children and Families. He did not explain the lag between the children being taken from the home and Thursday’s chilling discovery.
Early’s office said State Police detectives arrived at the home on Wednesday night and found the remains during their investigation. Early said during the briefing Thursday that officials were continuing to search for additional remains and expected to be working at the home for the next few days.
In a statement, Cayenne Isaksen, a DCF spokeswoman, said the agency had no previous contact with the family until two weeks ago.

“The children are currently in the custody of the Department of Children and Families,” she said. “DCF has never had an open case with this family and learned about this situation through a 51A report,’’ which is a report of suspected abuse or neglect of a child.
Isaksen said that once DCF received the report, the agency notified the district attorney’s office, and that DCF is “working in collaboration with law enforcement to investigate the report.”
It was not immediately clear on Thursday night whether the four children in DCF custody were related to each other or to the deceased infants, or even how many adults had been living in the residence.
“We have to ascertain who was living in the house” as part of the investigation, Early said.
Timothy Connolly, a spokesman for Early, also declined to comment when asked about the parents of the children but said officials expect to provide an update on the case on Friday.

Blackstone is south of Worcester, near Rhode Island. Neighbors on the leafy street listened in stunned silence as Early laid out the details of the discovery. The residents later expressed shock and outrage.
“It’s deplorable,” said Marilynn Soucy, 68. “It’s horrible, and I hope somebody suffers for it. I can’t picture hurting a child.”
She said before Early’s briefing that she thought a woman and her boyfriend lived in the home with a girl and boy. Soucy said she would often see the boy playing outside.
“He always had a red shirt on,” she said.
When state welfare officials took custody of the children, the boy “was in the car of DCF and did not want to come out,” she said. “He was happy to be in there.”
Soucy added that on the same day that DCF took custody of the children, she saw the woman who lived in the home being led to the police station. Soucy said the woman did not appear distressed and was “just walking normal.”

Authorities did not identify any of the adults that had been living in the residence.
Investigators in protective body gear were seen on Thursday coming and going from the house, which was shielded by two blue tents set up in the street. Authorities had set up large spotlights to allow them to work throughout the night.
Another neighborhood resident, Denise Haughn, 49, was shocked even before Early confirmed the gruesome discovery, as the police presence grew steadily heavier during the day and rumors swirled about children living in awful conditions.
“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened in town, that I know of, in recent history,” Haughn said. “This is beyond crazy.”
Another neighbor, Dave Villandry, 38, struggled to contain his emotions after Early announced that three infants had been found dead.
“That’s just absolutely horrifying,” he said, adding that he smelled a foul odor whenever he walked by the house. “This is brutal. Nothing like this ever happens around here. This is a quiet little town. Are you kidding me? Three dead babies?”

a 4th body was taken out... reportedly her husband.

midnight rambler
13th September 2014, 05:15 PM
I noticed that on Drudge a couple of days ago. More indications of a very sick society, a people who have lost their way.

13th September 2014, 06:23 PM
Early said. “The house is filled with vermin. We have flies, we have bugs. We have used diapers, in some areas as much as a foot-and-a-half to two feet high.

Sounds like the beginning of a great compost pile :)

13th September 2014, 07:15 PM
Yes the USA is the compost pile...with the rot at the bottom clawing it way up to the top.

You are all antisocialists...

You all do not care and never did.

The absolute capitalist or antisocialist system is the cause...the waste by product of the lifestyles of the wannbe rich and famous or poor crap that piles up at the bottom is the effect.

Socialism is the solution...but you all do not even have a clue what socialism is...especially the people that pound the table claiming they know.

It's like this...If you claim that you are a socialist...and that you are going to show the world the light...and at the end of your plan...you are thrown up against a wall and shot then thrown into a river.

You are not a socialist...you were an antisocialist that attempted to force other antisocialists into worshiping your ass...and got what you deserved for worshiping ignorance as bliss.

It takes two to tango...and the belief you do not have to do something to sustain your existence...or work...Is obviously death.

involuntary servitude is illegal in the USA unless you commit a crime.

voluntary servitude is legal.

Like to drug dealers...

Conservative dogs and liberal cats are voluntary slaves to the sweet tasting lie that gives them what they want...antifreeze...yummy at the start...yucky at the end.

What looked like the quick fix of life liberty and happiness at the start reveals itself to have been the quick fix of death tyranny and misery at the end.

According to the absolute capitalist religion...If I can manipulate you without your knowledge into doing my bidding...that is your fault...not mine.

Since it takes one to choose to promote or sell a lie a truth and one to choose to buy or believe a lie is truth.

13th September 2014, 09:33 PM
Thank you oh great hypertiger for your words to us unworthy ones.

midnight rambler
13th September 2014, 09:39 PM
Thank you oh great hypertiger for your words to us unworthy ones.

No thread is complete unless and until Twisted Kitty weighs in (although it's on my ignore list).

14th September 2014, 07:00 AM
No thread is complete unless and until Twisted Kitty weighs in (although it's on my ignore list).

Oh, well, here, let me help you out with that:

Yes the USA is the compost pile...with the rot at the bottom clawing it way up to the top.

You are all antisocialists...

You all do not care and never did.

The absolute capitalist or antisocialist system is the cause...the waste by product of the lifestyles of the wannbe rich and famous or poor crap that piles up at the bottom is the effect.

Socialism is the solution...but you all do not even have a clue what socialism is...especially the people that pound the table claiming they know.

It's like this...If you claim that you are a socialist...and that you are going to show the world the light...and at the end of your plan...you are thrown up against a wall and shot then thrown into a river.

You are not a socialist...you were an antisocialist that attempted to force other antisocialists into worshiping your ass...and got what you deserved for worshiping ignorance as bliss.

It takes two to tango...and the belief you do not have to do something to sustain your existence...or work...Is obviously death.

involuntary servitude is illegal in the USA unless you commit a crime.

voluntary servitude is legal.

Like to drug dealers...

Conservative dogs and liberal cats are voluntary slaves to the sweet tasting lie that gives them what they want...antifreeze...yummy at the start...yucky at the end.

What looked like the quick fix of life liberty and happiness at the start reveals itself to have been the quick fix of death tyranny and misery at the end.

According to the absolute capitalist religion...If I can manipulate you without your knowledge into doing my bidding...that is your fault...not mine.

Since it takes one to choose to promote or sell a lie a truth and one to choose to buy or believe a lie is truth.

14th September 2014, 07:04 AM