View Full Version : The Genetics of Black Violence - MAOA Gene

General of Darkness
14th September 2014, 08:02 AM


14th September 2014, 02:38 PM

Here is something quite related but may be separate from what is described in this video.

Hydrofluosilicic acid is what is used to fluroidate almost all city water in the USA. It is bad stuff and it causes lead build up in the brains of black children. This causes the impulse restraint mechanism in the brain to not work properly and causes the children to end up in special education classes and then on to correctional facilities.

None of this has been studied enough. I have sent my city council all the studies but they are determined to keep poisoning us.


October 2009

Almost half the cities in the United States fluoridate their drinking water with hydrofluosilicic acid, and a similar situation exists in those communities today. When I interviewed Professor Roger Masters of Dartmouth University, he told me the CDC tested the level of lead in the blood of over 400,000 children, found it was much higher in the communities that added hydrofluosilicic acid to their drinking water, and the level of lead was highest in Black children. Professor Masters correlated the CDC study with the increase in criminal activity, and I believe that may explain why one in three Black men in the U.S. between the age of 21 and 31 is in prison, on probation, or on parole today. [10]


10. Prof. Roger Masters, Silicofluorides and Higher Blood Lead: A National Problem that Particularly Harms Blacks, Dartmouth College, November 15, 2001.

You can click on a link and find this study but it does not take you to a regular url and gives a warning about contaminated file which I ignored and then copies and pasted into a Word file for my records.


25] Roger Masters, “Silicofluorides and Higher Blood Lead: A National Problem that Particularly Harms Blacks,” November 15, 2001, http://fluoride-class-action.com/wp-content/uploads/Masters-Coplan-Silicofluorides-and-higher-blood-lead-sif-PbinBlacks14-2001.doc.

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14th September 2014, 02:47 PM
How much anti-social behavior in the black community is related to breathing shit air and drinking shit water ?

14th September 2014, 03:25 PM
How much anti-social behavior in the black community is related to breathing shit air and drinking shit water ?

Most white people breathe the same air and drink the same water.

Africa has always been a basket case continent. It is logical to infer that Africans elsewhere will also generally behave the same way.