View Full Version : "Comcast Declares War on Tor?"

14th September 2014, 09:36 PM

:D --> https://www.torproject.org/projects/obfsproxy.html.en

14th September 2014, 09:47 PM
Just shows that flags are in place and when tripped kaddy bar the door!

If you post nothing is hidden, they know you are trying to hide!

The noose is tighting

I got a note from my provider to stop down loading movies from the bay a few years ago, or!

I stopped!

Digital fingerprints last forever on the net.

They are smarter than us, when they want,

old steel
14th September 2014, 09:53 PM
They aren't smarter, they just make the laws to their benefit because they have all the control and power.

14th September 2014, 09:56 PM
Just shows that flags are in place and when tripped kaddy bar the door!

If you post nothing is hidden, they know you are trying to hide!

The noose is tighting

I got a note from my provider to stop down loading movies from the bay a few years ago, or!

I stopped!

Digital fingerprints last forever on the net.

They are smarter than us, when they want,

I expect a ban on Tor and VPNs within five years. In Britain, the City of London Police (PIPCU) are stomping on VPNs and proxies regularly.

Until the ban, there are many things free citizens can do, some of them cost-less. Tor is one. HTTPS Everywhere is another. Make them work.

Not everyone who wishes to hide is a criminal. Well, maybe a thought criminal. :)

15th September 2014, 01:56 AM
They aren't smarter, they just make the laws to their benefit because they have all the control and power.

Exactly they are ALWAYS stupider than us simply by the fact that they are part of it,believe in the corruption and are part of the matrix. For what ever reason they may claim or believe in the end they have been programmed.

15th September 2014, 05:59 AM
Or you could host a Tor node. Tell Comcast you host a Tor node because you believe in helping others circumvent censorship in their home countries. :)

15th September 2014, 07:08 AM
FWIW, I have comcast and I use Tor regularly, and I've never been contacted about it.

15th September 2014, 07:28 AM
The NSA has backdoors to Tor. It's a trap. If you use it you'll be under more government scrutiny than ever.

The article originally reporting this was scrubbed from the Internet mind you.

15th September 2014, 09:26 AM
The NSA has backdoors to Tor. It's a trap. If you use it you'll be under more government scrutiny than ever.

The article originally reporting this was scrubbed from the Internet mind you.

Hmm, good to know.

15th September 2014, 09:53 AM
The NSA has backdoors to Tor. It's a trap. If you use it you'll be under more government scrutiny than ever.

The article originally reporting this was scrubbed from the Internet mind you.

Did they take their own site down?

Their facepuke page is up and recent.


Hatha Sunahara
15th September 2014, 10:06 AM
I recommend that everyone using Tor please continue doing so. I also recommend that anyone using Comcast, please terminate your service with them, and find an alternative ISP.

Comcast supports internet copyright trolls who have brought suits against hundreds of thousands of alleged 'pirates'. The only evidence the trolls have in their suits are IP addresses, which only identifies who pays the bills for internet service, not who is a pirate. Nevertheless, the trolls offer a deal to drop the suit--pay them what it would cost you for a lawyer to defend yourself. This guarantees that most of the defendants are screwed whatever they do. Not a single case has ever gone to trial--everybody either settles or defaults (files no reply to the complaint and gets a judgment against them). Comcast is a major player in this feeding fest of copyright trolls and travesty of justice. Comcast deserves to have all their customers desert them. Their policies proclaim loudly to their customers "We hate you." If you're one of their customers, make it mutual.
