View Full Version : Canadian Government WARNS It's Citizens About Criminally Corrupt U.S. Police

16th September 2014, 12:56 AM

16th September 2014, 01:24 AM
Lawless Law Enforcers
In America the 'Terrorists' All Too Often Are the Police
Mon, 09/15/2014 - 10:54
Linn Washington

Two acts of ugly terrorism occurred in Birmingham, Alabama on September 15, 1963.

One act was widely abhorred. The other act ignored.

Many across America know about the 9/15/63 Birmingham murders of four little girls slain in the bombing of a black Baptist church 18-days after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his stirring “I Have A Dream” speech.

However, few know about the Birmingham murder of Johnny Robinson, a 16-year-old shot in the back by a policeman hours after that church bombing.

If the deaths of those four children inside that Birmingham church catalyzed the 1960s-era Civil Rights Movement contributing to the racial progress America now praises itself for achieving, the death of Johnny Robinson represents yet another instance of the regression across America on the issue of effectively addressing lawlessness by law enforcers – lawlessness that most often evades legal accountability.

Historically, America has a history of downplaying brutal behavior by police.

Police abuses – from fatal shootings through false arrests to the gratuitous use of foul or threatening language – are dismissed as isolated acts of a ‘few bad apples’ instead of as an endemic scourge historically impacting minorities and increasing impacting non-minorities. Top policy-makers and even much of the public embrace this dismissal dynamic.

Michael Brown, murdered by a Fergusson cop while surrendering, and two images of modern US policing at workMichael Brown, murdered by a Fergusson cop while surrendering, and two images of modern US policing at work

The policeman who fatally shot Johnny Robinson during disturbances that erupted in the wake of that murderous church bombing never faced criminal prosecution because all-white grand juries (state and federal) excused his shotgun slaying of the boy.

That Birmingham policeman who blasted Robinson with a shotgun, like the men who bombed that city’s Sixteen Street Baptist Church, staunchly opposed eradicating America’s system of legally sanctioned racial segregation. Officer Jack Parker, then the head of Birmingham’s police union, publicly opposed integrating that city’s police department.

“We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.” Dr. King declared during his iconic 1963 speech, during which he twice decried police abuses.

Today most Americans extoll the vision King articulated during that speech while continually ignoring the nightmares he detailed as injustices that drove the need for his ‘Dream.’ Police abuses remain core elements of the nightmare that too many people across America encounter daily.

A dozen years before King’s ‘Dream’ speech a black union leader criticized police brutality during his keynote address at labor convention in Cincinnati. “We are horrified to hear of the many police killings of Negroes from New York City to Birmingham, Alabama,” William R. Hood said in October 1951.

The same year as Hood linked discrimination in the workplace with racist deprivations across American society, an interracial group of Americans delivered a petition to the United Nations charging the American government with committing genocide against African-Americans.

“Once the classic method of lynching was the rope. Now it is the policeman’s bullet,” that seminal yet forgotten petition asserted. “We submit that the evidence suggests that the killing of Negroes has become police policy in the United States and that police policy is the most practical expression of government policy.”

Typical of America’s history of denial on police brutality, federal government leaders viciously attacked those behind the petition instead of the police abuse and other problems highlighted in their petition. Top federal authorities, for example, pulled the passports of petition signers who were scheduled to travel to Europe to meet with U.N. representatives and even enlisted the widow of President Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, to convince U.N. officials that charges in that petition were exaggerated.

They were not, and they still hold true.

Indeed, many of those who continue to protest the early August 2014 fatal shooting of the unarmed and surrendering Michael Brown by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri believe that the killing of blacks and other non-whites is accepted police policy across America.

Bracketing the slaying of Michael Brown was the police chokehold death of Eric Garner in New York City and the fatal shooting of John Crawford inside a Wal-Mart store in a town north of Cincinnati.

One month before the death of Brown in Ferguson, the District Attorney of bucolic Sonoma County California announced that the policeman who fatally shot a 13-year-old Mexican-American boy months earlier would not face prosecution for that controversial slaying.

D.A. Jill Ravitch based her decision not to prosecute Deputy Erick Glehaus for the death of Andy Lopez on a report that absolved Glehaus prepared by an expert Ravitch had hired allegedly for his “independence.” In truth, that expert has a history of consistently siding with police accused of wrongful deaths. Ravitch withheld release of the expert's report until after her reelection.

In 2000, a report prepared for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights harshly criticized the then D.A. and police officials in Sonoma County for excusing each of eight fatal police shootings from April 1995 to September 1997.

The investigative committee that prepared that 2000 report was “appalled at the number of deadly incidents.” The committee's report urged Sonoma’s District Attorneys office to conduct reviews of fatal police shootings that were “fair and impartial.” It's a suggestion that current DA Ravitch did not follow in the Lopez shooting, critics charge.

That 2000 report recommended the creation of a citizen review board to monitor police. Sonoma authorities never implemented that recommendation for the county located sixty miles north San Francisco known for its wines (and ‘weed’).

That report also assailed authorities for the practice of seeking “…to criminalize their victims and marginalize their critics…”

Sonoma authorities, defending Deputy Glehaus, faulted Lopez for having marijuana in his system. (Authorities in Ferguson, Missouri quickly portrayed Brown as a robber who had pilfered a few cigars shortly before his fatal shooting, only to discover later that the video allegedly showing him stealing from a retail store was actually depicting an entirely different person.)

As the 2000 report from the California Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights noted, when police commanders and officers “separate from the greater community to protect individual officers who have transgressed they also become part of the problem.”

Today, politicians, press pundits and preachers across America, portray terrorism as having a foreign face. Yet, for far too many Americans, the terrorists that they encounter daily are the police


16th September 2014, 01:44 AM
Michael Brown, murdered by a Fergusson cop while surrendering, and two images of modern US policing at workMichael Brown, murdered by a Fergusson cop while surrendering

Oh boy...

Indeed, many of those who continue to protest the early August 2014 fatal shooting of the unarmed and surrendering Michael Brown by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri


Deputy Erick Glehaus...Deputy Glehaus

The name is Erick Gelhaus.

Authorities in Ferguson, Missouri quickly portrayed Brown as a robber who had pilfered a few cigars shortly before his fatal shooting, only to discover later that the video allegedly showing him stealing from a retail store was actually depicting an entirely different person.


The excesses of the police are obvious and routine. But peddling utter falsehoods, as above about the robber Michael Brown, serves no constructive purpose. Michael Brown was "unarmed," just like the rabid gorilla in the zoo who will kill you nonetheless. Michael Brown's accomplice in the robbery admitted the video was of Michael Brown.

The cops may not be our friends. But neither are the thugs that they shoot dead.

16th September 2014, 05:21 AM
The cops may not be our friends. But neither are the thugs that they shoot dead.

Funny how so many whites have such a poor opinions of blacks, but you put a basketball or football in their hands and they worship them as hero's.

16th September 2014, 11:55 AM
Funny how so many whites have such a poor opinions of blacks, but you put a basketball or football in their hands and they worship them as hero's.

I do not participate in spectatorship of Babylon's circuses.

Please also note I did not specify "Black" thugs.

7th trump
16th September 2014, 01:07 PM
While the police can be and are corrupt....but they take orders from the DA'a to arrest people. I find DA's to be more corrupt than the cops.

16th September 2014, 01:53 PM
Crimethink?.......you keep defending the cops a little big to much........ got my eyes on you...you try to appear neutral but you are not.


16th September 2014, 03:27 PM
Crimethink?.......you keep defending the cops a little big to much........ got my eyes on you...you try to appear neutral but you are not.


I am puzzled. I have "defended the cops a little big to much"? Not counting your misspellings, I do not understand. Where and when have I done this?

Is there any doubt that "gentle giant" Michael Brown was a thug?

Is there any doubt that most individuals roughly apprehended or even shot dead by the police are thugs?

16th September 2014, 06:51 PM
Misspellings? MISSPELINGS??????.....and proud of it, I am a dumb Cuban refuge with a tenth grade education who made almost three millions dollars the honest way and now has it made..... haven't work in 16 years and now the less I do the more I make hahahaaha.

I don't have to be a Gringo, well.....50% gringo.....to feel what you are doing.......you came into our home out of nowhere and you are a little bit to clean.....you are easy to read....................yours truly......the Cuban refugee.

"Is there any doubt that most individuals roughly apprehended or even shot dead by the police are thugs? " this gaves you away...

16th September 2014, 06:59 PM
Stop and seize (http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/investigative/2014/09/06/stop-and-seize/?hpid=z8)

One of those firms created a private intelligence network known as Black Asphalt Electronic Networking & Notification System that enabled police nationwide to share detailed reports about American motorists — criminals and the innocent alike — including their Social Security numbers, addresses and identifying tattoos, as well as hunches about which drivers to stop.

Hatha Sunahara
16th September 2014, 07:19 PM
While the police can be and are corrupt....but they take orders from the DA'a to arrest people. I find DA's to be more corrupt than the cops.

The laws and the judiciary are corrupt. The whole system is rotten to the core. Cops and DAs do not enforce the 'law'. They enforce the 'will of the legislature' which are corrupt, lawless policies--not 'laws'. You have no say in what those policies are or how they are enforced. The only hope for redemption is that everyone will eventually see how the people in power are criminally insane, and no one will want to have anything to do with them.


16th September 2014, 07:25 PM
yeah but ya gotta support the troops...

16th September 2014, 08:11 PM
"Is there any doubt that most individuals roughly apprehended or even shot dead by the police are thugs? " this gaves you away...

Gives me away as what? Someone who rationally analyzes the facts? I stand guilty on that!

You deny that most criminals roughed up or shot by the police are "innocent"?

16th September 2014, 09:01 PM
Ask the same of those here and you will get your answer........we know because we read.

As a matter of fact.............HEY GANG? ARE MOST OF THOSE KILLED BY THE COPS ......GUILTY OR.......INNOCENT?


16th September 2014, 09:53 PM
Ask the same of those here and you will get your answer........we know because we read.

As a matter of fact.............HEY GANG? ARE MOST OF THOSE KILLED BY THE COPS ......GUILTY OR.......INNOCENT?


Innocent people killed by the police among all those killed by the police is a single-digit percentage. This is a fact. It is not "cop worship."

Killer cops (those who murder) should be put to death. Swiftly. Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri policeman, is not one of them.

I have never been manhandled by the police. My interactions with the police have been very infrequent, in fact. I do not operate under any delusion they are my "friends." Neither do I mistreat them because I hate the Babylon system they represent. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you'll probably leave a police encounter with your body and dignity intact.

16th September 2014, 10:06 PM
I will follow this till the end of time with the rest of the gang.......but for now....nite, nite.


17th September 2014, 08:27 AM
The police have been corrupt and milking tourists for decades...try again.

Exponential growth...continues until stopped...

The Ebola outbreak began back in March...and started out as 1 case then 2 then 4...8 16 32 64.

Just like dominos.


It is invisible until it becomes visible.

The corruption you see existed prior to you seeing it.

It is an effect of the cause.

Not the cause of the effect.

It is a symptom.

What is the cure or solution to the problem?

The one problem that rules them all is fixed by the one solution that solves them all.


The corruption or virus.

Has become endemic

All enemies foreign and domestic.

All enemies foreign and endemic.

"In epidemiology, an infection is said to be endemic (from Greek ἐν en "in, within" and δῆμος demos "people") in a population when that infection is maintained in the population without the need for external inputs."

"Metastasis, or metastatic disease, is the spread of a cancer from one organ to another. The new occurrences of disease thus generated are referred to as metastases (sometimes abbreviated "mets"). It was previously thought that only malignant tumor cells and infections have the capacity to metastasize (also spelled metastasise); however, this is being reconsidered due to new research. Metastasis is a Greek word meaning "displacement", from μετά, meta, "next", and στάσις, stasis, "placement"."

"Gresham's law is an economic principle that states: "When a government overvalues one type of money and undervalues another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation." It is commonly stated as: "Bad money drives out good""

"All it takes is one bad apple to spoil the barrel, and that’s because the one apple that’s gone bad gives off ethylene, speeding the ripening of all the other apples in the same barrel as the bad apple. "

The absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise...or city state...or what you all have been programed to call civilization.

Is ultimately rotten at it's core.

Because at it's core is the take more power than is given equation.

In the beginning it all looks good....At the end it all looks bad.

17th September 2014, 08:37 AM
I will follow this till the end of time with the rest of the gang.......but for now....nite, nite.


What you are following is leading cool and the gang off a cliff...watch out for that last step...It's a loo loo.

I call it the glorious march to doom with glee.

I see it every year...march is spring or 3.

june is 6

September is 9

December is both 0 and 1.

The end of the beginning...Of the cycle...the spring up to the peak of summer or absolute 1 then the fall down to the peak of winter at absolute 0

Because I'm impervious to mind control.

I do not march to December with glee.

I know that ignorance is not bliss.

I see it every year...the first snowflake that falls and shatters the mass cherished delusion.

And since the city I live in has been growing artificially and not naturally.

I'm surrounded by an increasing number of foreigners from warm zones...that have been crying more and more and more...about the shattering of the cherished delusion.

You all are not following...you are being followed...but will not realize it until the terminator robot knocks on your door.

17th September 2014, 09:02 AM
The laws and the judiciary are corrupt. The whole system is rotten to the core. Cops and DAs do not enforce the 'law'. They enforce the 'will of the legislature' which are corrupt, lawless policies--not 'laws'. You have no say in what those policies are or how they are enforced. The only hope for redemption is that everyone will eventually see how the people in power are criminally insane, and no one will want to have anything to do with them.


People have no power to make or break LAW

All that people have the power to make and break are rules and to claim rules are LAW

But if a rule attempts to break LAW

LAW will break the rule.

The rules and the rulers are becoming more and more corrupt.

since power corrupts...absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Truth is absolute power.

Truth = life = something that needs to be something

Lies = death = nothing that wants to be something

Something or LAW/Truth is the supply of power to the demand for power by nothing or a rule/lie that wants to become Truth and never die.

Sorry but every time you use the word LAW as you all do...you are perpetuating the false belief...or lie as Truth.

In a legal system or game system.

You can do something illegal as long as you are not caught and you can do something wrong as long as it is legal.

and when you turn a wrong into a right...not only can you choose to do wrong you must do wrong to sustain existence.

If It were possible to snap my fingers and cause all the rules that are breakable you all demand me to believe are LAW to turn into LAW and be unbreakable.

Civilization as you all know it...Would implode to oblivion in the blink of an eye.

The cherished delusion would shatter.

the needle of reality pops the bubble of fantasy.

LAW is the supply of power.

Rules are the demand for power.

GOD/LAW is the supply of power.

Satan/rule is the demand for power.

You all can murder yourselves following the rules of the game.

The murders will murder you because they do not follow the rules of the game...they make them for you to follow...to you doom.