View Full Version : This must have sliped Midnight Ramblers mind.....

16th September 2014, 12:38 PM
Why dont you go look at your PM's from Sept 2013 where you asked me this exact question from this thread:


Here is a copy in case you forgot:

Re: Question for ya

http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by midnight rambler
Hey, I appreciate your stand and all, but I was wondering if you currently have any 'unexpired' state issued ID in any form, whether issued by 'the state of...' or the USG? TIA

My answer:

Of course i do. I have a DL, SS, etc. All from my former 'slave' days. LOL What is USG and TIA?

I dont play any of the 'freeman' games. The entire 'soveriegn/freeman' thing is based on BLAMING THE VICTIM. Its a bunch of bullshit, and actually further legitimizes the system, as if ANYTHING they do is legitimate. LOL

Why do you ask?

16th September 2014, 12:39 PM
Now that we have that cleared up, can you articulate to me WHY this matters without contradicting yourself?

midnight rambler
16th September 2014, 12:54 PM
THAT constitutes 100 times?? lol And it certainly wasn't in the open for the entire forum to witness for themselves.

You sound just like Shillary: "What does it matter?!?!?!"

It matters 'cause if you carry and use ANY state issued ID (not including a passport since a passport does NOT establish residency...res-ident...res [property], ident [identity of the property]) on the corporate state to establish WHO YOU ARE as in you're apparently unable to stand on your own two feet with respect to your IDENTITY (you apparently have no issue relying on the state's created LEGAL FICTION with your name which renders you the state's bitch since legal fictions can only deal with other legal fictions).

And if you can't pick on what's going on from that, then:

"To those who understand no explanation is necessary; to those who don't understand no explanation is sufficient."

7th trump
16th September 2014, 01:00 PM
Now that we have that cleared up, can you articulate to me WHY this matters without contradicting yourself?

It wont be MR who's contradicting himself....it'll be you.

Why do you have a slave drivers license if you beleive you are "free"?
Are you upset you cannot drive without one?
Is your problem with "YOU" having to get a drivers license.....and not the system?

If you are truely free then why did you volunteer on going to the DMV and applying for a drivers license?

Is your problem based on the fact that YOU cannot or do not know how to defend yourself in court as a result of being cited for not having a drivers license while driving?
If thats the case then it YOU who is lost....not the system.
So when are YOU going t oact like you "OWNYOURSELF" instead of applying for a slave drivers license?

Your problem has always been rooted in you becuae its YOU who does not undestand the system.

I work and yet dont have taxes being deducted or withheld because I did can defend myself in court....infact the IRS leaves me alone because none of my pay is considered a "wage"......not the reportable "wage" they (the IRS) has any interest in.

BTW, you broke forum rules by posting a PM....I got a 3 day ban for doing that once....wonder if the mods here will follow forum rules as well and give you a 3 day ban?

16th September 2014, 03:33 PM
No one "owns" themselves. There are two owners of all human beings: the manufacturer, or the god of this world.

That means, you can be a servant of God, who is All Good, or, you can be a servant of the world, which is run by the Devil using various representatives and entities.

No person is "sovereign." Only One which is self-existing is sovereign. God can destroy you, both body and soul, if you do evil. Or, the god of this world can destroy you, body only, if you resist its evil.

I choose to be a servant of God.

16th September 2014, 03:36 PM
No one "owns" themselves. There are two owners of all human beings: the manufacturer, or the god of this world.

That means, you can be a servant of God, who is All Good, or, you can be a servant of the world, which is run by the Devil using various representatives and entities.

No person is "sovereign." Only One which is self-existing is sovereign. God can destroy you, both body and soul, if you do evil. Or, the god of this world can destroy you, body only, if you resist its evil.

I choose to be a servant of God.

Cool story, bro!

16th September 2014, 03:51 PM
THAT constitutes 100 times?? lol And it certainly wasn't in the open for the entire forum to witness for themselves.

Oh yes it was. On multiple occasions. But since you cant remember that YOU PERSONALLY already asked me this question, why would i think you would remember asking it a year ago?

Now, why would you ask this question to me AGAIN? Only 1 of these two things can be true:

1 - You forgot you already asked me. In this case it proves for a fact that it doesnt matter to you what my answer was. If it mattered logically or in principle you would have remembered it.


2 - You remembered you already asked me. In this case it proves for a fact that it doesnt matter to you what my answer was. If it mattered logically or in principle you would have remebered it.

Either way you seem to be the one with the 'agenda'. And your 'agenda' is that you dont like my username when you see it and you dont like the word 'anarchy'. Its not that you can logically rebut my position, its that you dont understand or even comprehend the principles being discussed.

But neither of these change the FACT that you live your entire life by voluntaryism, self ownership and the non aggression principle. Which means you are an Anarchist.

Your belief system doesnt match your belief system.

It matters 'cause if you carry and use ANY state issued ID (not including a passport since a passport does NOT establish residency...res-ident...res [property], ident [identity of the property]) on the corporate state to establish WHO YOU ARE as in you're apparently unable to stand on your own two feet with respect to your IDENTITY (you apparently have no issue relying on the state's created LEGAL FICTION with your name which renders you the state's bitch since legal fictions can only deal with other legal fictions).

Im interested, where did you find this information?

"To those who understand no explanation is necessary; to those who don't understand no explanation is sufficient."

I agree! LOL

16th September 2014, 03:59 PM
It wont be MR who's contradicting himself....it'll be you.

Why do you have a slave drivers license if you beleive you are "free"?
Are you upset you cannot drive without one?
Is your problem with "YOU" having to get a drivers license.....and not the system?

If you are truely free then why did you volunteer on going to the DMV and applying for a drivers license?

Is your problem based on the fact that YOU cannot or do not know how to defend yourself in court as a result of being cited for not having a drivers license while driving?
If thats the case then it YOU who is lost....not the system.
So when are YOU going t oact like you "OWNYOURSELF" instead of applying for a slave drivers license?

Your problem has always been rooted in you becuae its YOU who does not undestand the system.

I work and yet dont have taxes being deducted or withheld because I did can defend myself in court....infact the IRS leaves me alone because none of my pay is considered a "wage"......not the reportable "wage" they (the IRS) has any interest in.

Debate me LIVE. Or shut the fuck up

BTW, you broke forum rules by posting a PM....I got a 3 day ban for doing that once....wonder if the mods here will follow forum rules as well and give you a 3 day ban?

I 'broke' the forum rules? LOL Do these 'rules' alter morality?

Midnight specifically asked me a question, PUBLICLY, attempting to try and make me look 'bad'. Since he chooses these actions, i choose to post his pm. Its not surprising you would say this, because you know you have been dishonest in pm's to me. Maybe i should post those as well?

I think i'll let my own conscience decide if i should post his pm's or not, not some arbitrary 'rules'. I know this is impossible for you to comprehend because of your severe case of Stockholm Syndrome. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)

16th September 2014, 04:04 PM
No one "owns" themselves. There are two owners of all human beings: the manufacturer, or the god of this world.

I bet if we both use reason logic and evidence we can arrive at the absolute PROOF of self ownership before we can get to the absolute PROOF of your 'God'.

7th trump
16th September 2014, 04:09 PM

Debate me LIVE. Or shut the fuck up

I 'broke' the forum rules? LOL Do these 'rules' alter morality?

Midnight specifically asked me a question, PUBLICLY, attempting to try and make me look 'bad'. Since he chooses these actions, i choose to post his pm. Its not surprising you would say this, because you know you have been dishonest in pm's to me. Maybe i should post those as well?

I think i'll let my own conscience decide if i should post his pm's or not, not some arbitrary 'rules'. I know this is impossible for you to comprehend because of your severe case of Stockholm Syndrome. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)

open a thread up right here on this forum and LETS DEBATE

16th September 2014, 04:29 PM
No person is "sovereign."

Sovereign is an office much like coroner or sheriff. Anyone in office is a 'person'.

and the High Priests, were Gods Representative in the Old Testament;
and our Saviour himselfe as Man, during his abode on earth:
So the Holy Ghost, that is to say, the Apostles, and their successors,
in the Office of Preaching, and Teaching, that had received the
Holy Spirit, have Represented him ever since. But a Person,
(as I have shewn before, [chapt. 16.].) is he that is Represented,
as often as hee is Represented; and therefore God, who has been
Represented (that is, Personated) thrice, may properly enough be said
to be three Persons; though neither the word Person, nor Trinity
be ascribed to him in the Bible. St. John indeed (1 Epist. 5.7.) saith,
"There be three that bear witnesse in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Spirit; and these Three are One:" But this disagreeth not,
but accordeth fitly with three Persons in the proper signification
of Persons; which is, that which is Represented by another.
For so God the Father, as Represented by Moses, is one Person;
and as Represented by his Sonne, another Person, and as Represented
by the Apostles, and by the Doctors that taught by authority from
them derived, is a third Person

16th September 2014, 05:57 PM
I bet if we both use reason logic and evidence we can arrive at the absolute PROOF of self ownership before we can get to the absolute PROOF of your 'God'.

As I said, you may be owned by the manufacturer, or the god of this world. Your denial of God does not change this. Be default, you are owned by the god of this world. And appear to be proud of this.

You are not self-existing, and therefore, cannot "own" yourself. Self-ownership is prerequisite upon an ability to defeat death. Do you have such power?

16th September 2014, 06:00 PM
Sovereign is an office much like coroner or sheriff. Anyone in office is a 'person'.

You refer to the noun. I refer to the adjective.

God has sovereign, or ultimate, power.

Sovereignty is required for self-ownership.

16th September 2014, 06:52 PM
You refer to the noun. I refer to the adjective.

Perhaps you can give me an example of 'person' used as an adjective as I am aware of none.

16th September 2014, 08:15 PM
Perhaps you can give me an example of 'person' used as an adjective as I am aware of none.

Please review an authoritative dictionary. Noah Webster's 1828 will suffice.

1. Supreme in power; possessing supreme dominion; as a sovereign ruler of the universe.

2. Supreme; superior to all others; chief. God is the sovereign good of all who love and obey him.

7th trump
16th September 2014, 08:31 PM
I see you admit to having a DL and SSN........please explain why you "believe" they were issued to you fruadulently?

I ask because claiming they were fraudulently issued to you is a complete line of BS.
They weren't forced upon you....you applied for them or someone did for you in either case you volunteer using them.

17th September 2014, 02:54 AM
It wont be MR who's contradicting himself....it'll be you.

Why do you have a slave drivers license if you beleive you are "free"?
Are you upset you cannot drive without one?
Is your problem with "YOU" having to get a drivers license.....and not the system?

If you are truely free then why did you volunteer on going to the DMV and applying for a drivers license?

Is your problem based on the fact that YOU cannot or do not know how to defend yourself in court as a result of being cited for not having a drivers license while driving?
If thats the case then it YOU who is lost....not the system.
So when are YOU going t oact like you "OWNYOURSELF" instead of applying for a slave drivers license?

Your problem has always been rooted in you becuae its YOU who does not undestand the system.

I work and yet dont have taxes being deducted or withheld because I did can defend myself in court....infact the IRS leaves me alone because none of my pay is considered a "wage"......not the reportable "wage" they (the IRS) has any interest in.

BTW, you broke forum rules by posting a PM....I got a 3 day ban for doing that once....wonder if the mods here will follow forum rules as well and give you a 3 day ban?

Here are the forum rules...

For anyone who has been wondering, these 7 simple rules are the LAW of this forum, as most recently published by JohnQPublic (The forum owner). They are in their final form, and will not be altered in the future:

Rule #1 - Be respectful to everyone on the board. No flaming, bashing, or baiting or attacking each other. Keep conversation on an intelligent level. If you get very angry, please sign off for a little while and think about it.

Rule #2 - No spamming, or porn. Informational linking and posting is fine. Moderators will determine where to draw the line.

Rule #3 - Stay on topic. If you want to ramble, please go to the lounge.

Rule #4 - Do not use this board for any illegal purposes. Do not endanger individuals. Vicious threats of violence will not be tolerated, whether against forum members or public figures/groups.

Rule #5 - Moderators will interpret these rules. Moderators will try to be fair.

Rule #6 - Respect the privacy of PM (private messaging).

Rule #7 - Do not reveal personal information about members, including moderators.

These rules are what the moderators are using as a guideline for their actions here, and they are what you should all become familiar with if you would like to stay and participate in the forum.

If you want to discuss these rules, there is an open thread in the "Board Communications" sub-forum called "The Board Rules". Here is the link:


This thread is locked and stickied, and is posted at the top of multiple high traffic sub-forums for all of you to view.
As IOWNME, merely posted a question from midnight rambler which midnight rambler appears to have posted many times on the open forum, even though technically in breach of rule #6. I am going to be lenient in this case and warn IOWNME, don't post PM's again. I use rule #5 in this case.

It is however interesting that IOWNME took a whole year to admit in public what he admitted in private, a privacy that midnight rambler respected. The egg is on IOWNME's face here. For now I let it rest at that.

A thought just occurred to me, maybe Hypertiger should be relegated to the lounge, according to rule #3? I think Madfranks or JQP could reduce the posting privileges of Hypertiger to only be allowed in the lounge. It is a bit milder than a permanent ban...

17th September 2014, 05:02 AM
Please review an authoritative dictionary. Noah Webster's 1828 will suffice.

I guess that means you couldn't find an example of 'person' used as an adjective either. That is good because 'person' is not an adjective. 'In-person' is one adjective form but not what was being discussed.


A sovereign is a legal man .. a legal fiction.

17th September 2014, 05:54 AM
It is however interesting that IOWNME took a whole year to admit in public what he admitted in private, a privacy that midnight rambler respected. The egg is on IOWNME's face here. For now I let it rest at that.

I said this publicly years ago. Why dont YOU PERSONALLY go find my posts? I tried using the search function, to no avail. And since i cant find the posts, it must mean i am a liar, right?

I guess if i spend hours finding it, will YOU then be the one with egg on your face? LOL

Is the really the level of intellect you have to offer?

YOUR not letting anything rest. You stir the pot constantly.

17th September 2014, 05:56 AM
I see you admit to having a DL and SSN........please explain why you "believe" they were issued to you fruadulently?

Becaaue full disclosure is never given. And you know it. You lost this discussion, AGAIN.

I ask because claiming they were fraudulently issued to you is a complete line of BS.
They weren't forced upon you....you applied for them or someone did for you in either case you volunteer using them.

Your right, they werent forced on me, but that isnt what fraud is. DO you even understand what we are talking about here?

So since my mom signed me up for ss when i was 12 hours old, i 'volunteered' into it. Typical STATIST mentality. You lost this discussion, AGAIN AGAIN.

midnight rambler
17th September 2014, 05:57 AM
Sui Juris maintains AND USES his legal fiction identity apparently in an attempt to 'go along to get along', IOW he's essentially an enabler for the corporate state. lol

17th September 2014, 07:00 AM
As I said, you may be owned by the manufacturer, or the god of this world. Your denial of God does not change this. Be default, you are owned by the god of this world. And appear to be proud of this.

You are not self-existing, and therefore, cannot "own" yourself. Self-ownership is prerequisite upon an ability to defeat death. Do you have such power?

There are two things we own. Our name while we live, and ability to know pain and suffering. Crazy Horse

17th September 2014, 07:23 AM
You stir the pot constantly.

lol! who's the kettle?

7th trump
17th September 2014, 08:13 AM
Becaaue full disclosure is never given. And you know it. You lost this discussion, AGAIN.

Your right, they werent forced on me, but that isnt what fraud is. DO you even understand what we are talking about here?

So since my mom signed me up for ss when i was 12 hours old, i 'volunteered' into it. Typical STATIST mentality. You lost this discussion, AGAIN AGAIN.

Its not their duty to disclose anything to you.
Its your duty to understand what it is you are signing.....do you understand?

When you volunteer your signiture....its not their legal duty to disclose a damn thing to anyone. You are responsible for your own actions.....but it appears IOWNME doesnt want to be responsible for his OWN resposibility.

I can and have defended myself because I went and understood what the W4's purpose is.
The W4's purpose is for the employee to participate in Social Security where the earnings are then considered "wages"....26usc 3121(a) "wages" (social security) first and foremost and 26usc 3401(a) "wages" (for the purpose of withholding and deductions).
Any person, individual, human being that decides to participate in SS is considered a (US citizen, they sign the W4 under penalty of perjury to being such a second class citizen where they are subject to the government). This second class citizen only has congressional "civil rights".....not the Bill of Rights. This is why you can go to the SS website and see the Q and A's and clearly see that participation is not mandatory.....straight from the governments mouth.
I took this info to my employer who then reviewed it and contacted the SSA who advised him that I do not need to participate which therefore voided the W4 altogether.
I do not participate in SS and do not have any W4 on file with the employer....we both enjoy the idea that, I nor the employer, are getting hit with any employment taxes.
Its a win win for the both of us.
I actually act and do what you complain about....I have less involvement with the government than you do......I'm basically more of an anarchist than you are....but I do not consider myself an anarchist....I dont mind the government...because I understand government better than you.
And I do like the fact that there is an armed force to keep out invading armies...p[olitical enemies are a different subject.....but I have bigger guns than any political foe...their advantage is to keep the population confused about laws....I do not volunteer my money to them to finance pulling the wool over my eyes.

The best thing you can do is stop litening to idiots like Larken Rose, Pete Hendrickson, Irwin Schiff....they're failures........over and over again!

17th September 2014, 08:19 AM
You're a slave unless your last name is Rothschild.

17th September 2014, 08:31 AM
I said this publicly years ago. Why dont YOU PERSONALLY go find my posts? I tried using the search function, to no avail. And since i cant find the posts, it must mean i am a liar, right?

I guess if i spend hours finding it, will YOU then be the one with egg on your face? LOL

Is the really the level of intellect you have to offer?

YOUR not letting anything rest. You stir the pot constantly.
I dont read every post of yours. All I know you broke rule #6, and I let you get off with a warning. Apparently not appreciated. I hope you appreciate not to post others private messages any more though...

A question though did I ever do anything before which you took personal offense to, considering your line 'constantly stirring the pot'? I don't have any recollection of ever having any problem with you before?

17th September 2014, 09:25 AM
You're a slave unless your last name is Rothschild.
It is the last name that throws you directly into commerce. The same is true with anyone whose surname is Rothschild.

midnight rambler
17th September 2014, 11:16 AM
Debate me LIVE. Or shut the fuck up


open a thread up right here on this forum and LETS DEBATE

Well crap. Did I miss the LIVE debate?!?!?!? ???

General of Darkness
17th September 2014, 02:13 PM
While I have no dog in this hunt, I will vouch for MR, I've spent many an hour on the phone with him and Enzo is one of the puppies he bred. Salt of the earth kinda guy and is about 50% of the cunt that I am. :)

Now with that being said, I have NO IDEA how all this shit works, but I would say there are some gray areas and I think it would be great to have an informative discussion about it, versus attacking someone I like, because then I'll turn into a sonofabitch and that doesn't serve any purpose and ultimately destroys any constructive discussions. Just my 2 cents.

17th September 2014, 06:38 PM
There are two things we own. Our name while we live, and ability to know pain and suffering. Crazy Horse

I agree in principle, but question whether we own even our name. Last I heard, my name was 15 cents to any marketing data aggregating corporation.

17th September 2014, 06:39 PM
You're a slave unless your last name is Rothschild.

A Rothschild chooses to be a slave to the god of this world, the Devil. That is why the "Red Shield" is of satanic origin.

midnight rambler
18th September 2014, 07:29 AM
Debate me LIVE. Or shut the fuck up


open a thread up right here on this forum and LETS DEBATE

Bump to the top still looking forward to this LIVE debate.

midnight rambler
18th September 2014, 04:58 PM
Debate me LIVE. Or shut the fuck up

http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by 7th trump http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=727131#post727131)

open a thread up right here on this forum and LETS DEBATE

Another bump for Sui Juris so he doesn't experience slippage of the mind. lol

19th September 2014, 05:42 AM
Another bump for Sui Juris so he doesn't experience slippage of the mind. lol

Do you know what a LIVE debate is? Its where we talk LIVE in REAL TIME so contradictions can be pointed out, and then clarifications can be made to ultimately get to the core principle of someones position. Ive posted this a ton of times and you know it. Are your being dishonest again?

Ive challenged every single member here who has ridiculed my position to a LIVE DEBATE. Including YOU.

Im totally confident in my position, that i am fully capable of articulating my position, clearly using reason and logic. Yet for all the people who disagree with me or even troll me, there isnt one person here willing to step up to the plate and actually debate me LIVE in REAL TIME?

I wonder why that is? LOL

I hurt your feelings, i get it. How about you actually think about what i say, instead of going into childish fits?

EE said he would debate me. I sent him a PM........All i heard back were CRICKETS. Same with Carl, 7th Trump, YOU, Horn, Hoarder, Palani, etc. Wouldnt it be easy to destroy my position? I mean you cant leave my posts alone here, but then when called into the real world, you cower in the corner? Why is that? What does it say about a man when he constantly opens his mouth on the internet, but then when challenged to back it up LIVE in REAL TIME, he changes his tune?

Not one of you have the courage to actually put your position on the line, and to defend it in a live real time no bullshit arena.

19th September 2014, 06:07 AM
EE said he would debate me. I sent him a PM........All i heard back were CRICKETS. Same with Carl, 7th Trump, YOU, Horn, Hoarder, Palani, etc. Wouldnt it be easy to destroy my position? I mean you cant leave my posts alone here, but then when called into the real world, you cower in the corner? Why is that? What does it say about a man when he constantly opens his mouth on the internet, but then when challenged to back it up LIVE in REAL TIME, he changes his tune?

I will debate you live.

I guarantee if you think you will bully me into a corner, that's not a debate. If you want a structured debate, hence "structured"...I bet a lot of folks would take you up on your offer.

If you want to push an agenda and throw another member of this forum "under the bus", I doubt you'll get many offers.

19th September 2014, 06:23 AM
I will debate you live.

I guarantee if you think you will bully me into a corner, that's not a debate. If you want a structured debate, hence "structured"...I bet a lot of folks would take you up on your offer.

If you want to push an agenda and throw another member of this forum "under the bus", I doubt you'll get many offers.

I don't think this debate will go well. As soon as Sui starts telling you you have mush between your ears, you are nothing but contradictions, your beliefs don't match your beliefs, you're a dishonest person and the rest of his character assassinations, it can go nowhere but downhill. We've never came to terms on anything here...why would it be any different live?

7th trump
19th September 2014, 08:05 AM
Do you know what a LIVE debate is? Its where we talk LIVE in REAL TIME so contradictions can be pointed out, and then clarifications can be made to ultimately get to the core principle of someones position. Ive posted this a ton of times and you know it. Are your being dishonest again?

Ive challenged every single member here who has ridiculed my position to a LIVE DEBATE. Including YOU.

Im totally confident in my position, that i am fully capable of articulating my position, clearly using reason and logic. Yet for all the people who disagree with me or even troll me, there isnt one person here willing to step up to the plate and actually debate me LIVE in REAL TIME?

I wonder why that is? LOL

I hurt your feelings, i get it. How about you actually think about what i say, instead of going into childish fits?

EE said he would debate me. I sent him a PM........All i heard back were CRICKETS. Same with Carl, 7th Trump, YOU, Horn, Hoarder, Palani, etc. Wouldnt it be easy to destroy my position? I mean you cant leave my posts alone here, but then when called into the real world, you cower in the corner? Why is that? What does it say about a man when he constantly opens his mouth on the internet, but then when challenged to back it up LIVE in REAL TIME, he changes his tune?

Not one of you have the courage to actually put your position on the line, and to defend it in a live real time no bullshit arena.
You want me to debate you, but only on your terms (you get to pick the social media and topic)....I offer this forum as the social media and all I hear are crickets from you.

I beleive its you who is scared to debate......being live has nothing to do with debating......lets debate right here on this forum where your offer to debate came into existence.

midnight rambler
19th September 2014, 08:40 AM
That's what I was thinking...mind slippage. lol

Gawd I love irony.

but then when called into the real world, you cower in the corner? Why is that?

More irony. Sui Juris you cower before the corporate state when you rely upon the state to establish your identity. Why is that? Are you a closet statist??

19th September 2014, 10:54 AM
I dont read every post of yours. All I know you broke rule #6, and I let you get off with a warning. Apparently not appreciated. I hope you appreciate not to post others private messages any more though...

A question though did I ever do anything before which you took personal offense to, considering your line 'constantly stirring the pot'? I don't have any recollection of ever having any problem with you before?
With the risk of stirring the pot... Bump! Did I ever have a problem with you before?

19th September 2014, 06:22 PM
I don't think this debate will go well. As soon as Sui starts telling you you have mush between your ears, you are nothing but contradictions, your beliefs don't match your beliefs, you're a dishonest person and the rest of his character assassinations, it can go nowhere but downhill. We've never came to terms on anything here...why would it be any different live?

The only reason I could think it would be different, is that some people's personalities are different live. Maybe it would not be a 'you suck' bulldog attack session...maybe it would be.

Personally, I would nominate you EE to do a live session, not me. Just for the fact that I don't think I'm interesting enough, nor knowledgeable enough to make it worthwhile for folks to listen. But, it would be worth it, I think, just to hear and listen to Sui's arguments. IE, put a voice behind the posts. That's the only reason why I would volunteer to something like this. It was his idea anyway. My two bits.

midnight rambler
19th September 2014, 06:38 PM
Sui Juris likes to talk the talk (and browbeat the shit out of others) but apparently he's unable to walk the walk seeing how he relies on the corporate state for establishing his identity (unable and/or unwilling and/or incapable and/or incompetent to take responsibility for himself and his actions IOW be a full liability man on the land, he seems to prefer the corporate state benefit of limited liability via his legal fiction granted him by the state).

19th September 2014, 09:15 PM
Highlights from the Debate
