View Full Version : Anyone receive the "American Community Survey" in the mail?
16th September 2014, 08:22 PM
I received one of these last week. I opened it up and I thought the census bureau questions were bad. Supposedly I'm "Required By Law (" to answer these.
I promptly looked over the questions and laughed. No fucking way am I answering those questions and quickly threw it into the recycling bin. Waiting for the phone calls, and the rent a census worker to knock on the door.
16th September 2014, 08:31 PM
Haven't seen one. A friend of mine doesn't give a damn what they send him if it's not sent at least certified mail.
16th September 2014, 08:37 PM
Haven't seen one. A friend of mine doesn't give a damn what they send him if it's not sent at least certified mail.
Can't blame him there. No way I'm answering the questions on that thing.
16th September 2014, 08:42 PM
I cross my name out and write return to sender. Let them figure it out.
16th September 2014, 08:57 PM
I received one of these last week. I opened it up and I thought the census bureau questions were bad. Supposedly I'm "Required By Law (" to answer these.
I promptly looked over the questions and laughed. No fucking way am I answering those questions and quickly threw it into the recycling bin. Waiting for the phone calls, and the rent a census worker to knock on the door.
Sounds like a scam... some sort of data mining gambit by a private entity. We're 5+ years away from the next US census. U recall any of the more offensive questions?
16th September 2014, 09:55 PM
I received one of these last week. I opened it up and I thought the census bureau questions were bad. Supposedly I'm "Required By Law (" to answer these.
I promptly looked over the questions and laughed. No fucking way am I answering those questions and quickly threw it into the recycling bin. Waiting for the phone calls, and the rent a census worker to knock on the door.
You are not obligated to complete any "required by law" survey which you never received. :)
If a Census functionary materializes at your door, the phrase of the day is, "I don't understand."
17th September 2014, 02:40 AM
You are not obligated to complete any "required by law" survey which you never received. :)
If a Census functionary materializes at your door, the phrase of the day is, "I don't understand."
In some countries they have squads of "brownshirts" who go around and demand completion of the voluntary survey. The place where I live for instance, enforces mandatory volunteerism in these kinds of situations.
17th September 2014, 05:15 AM
In some countries they have squads of "brownshirts" who go around and demand completion of the voluntary survey. The place where I live for instance, enforces mandatory volunteerism in these kinds of situations.
Census is required to ask the number of people who live at an address. You are required to respond with this information. They will tell you this on the front of the form and there will be a border around the required information.
The following 10 pages (or whatever) of questions are optional but nowhere on the form will they tell you this. You complete the census by answering the number of people and THAT IS IT!!!!
midnight rambler
17th September 2014, 05:53 AM
I cross my name out and write return to sender. Let them figure it out.
You are not obligated to complete any "required by law" survey which you never received. :)
If a Census functionary materializes at your door, the phrase of the day is, "I don't understand."
A friend received a census form in the mail. He noted that the form stated "ALL INFORMATION IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL". He didn't bother with it, but kept it for his records. Then one day a 'census worker' showed up on his doorstep wanting him to complete the form. He told this woman, "Hold on, I'll be right back" and he returned with the form he saved. He asked her, "On this form it says all my info is strictly confidential, is that correct?" to which this census worker replied, "That's correct." He then told her, "Well thank you then, have a good day!" and shut the door in her face. No further contacts were initiated.
17th September 2014, 06:18 AM
Sounds like a scam... some sort of data mining gambit by a private entity. We're 5+ years away from the next US census. U recall any of the more offensive questions?
Unfortunately, not a scam. The census gets away with it by drawing 3.5 million "lucky" volunteers to send these bullshit questions too.
Supposedly the questions are to assist in allocating 400+ billion dollars to states and communities etc. I did some reading on it last night, hell even members found the questions to be intrusive. That's pretty bad when even communist find the questions too invasive.
17th September 2014, 06:18 AM
this is 1-3 decades old intel, mostly pre the 9/11/01 coup/consolidation of power. BUT, in the 80s/90s when I used to occasionally listen to "Money Talk with Bob Brinker", nationally syndicated on Sunday afternoons on AM radio somewhere; he used to give these "SHARK ALERT" FYIs.
Word wuz, the DAJOOZ scammers avoid the USPS like the plague, in their attempts at pulling off their scams. I forget which Household-Name-Gangsta was brought down via a "mail fraud" conviction but apparently, historically, abusing the USPS for fraudulent ends has been the downfall of many scammers. Thus, they would insist their "business" be conducted via UPS, DHL. FedEx, etc....
17th September 2014, 01:37 PM
You are required to respond with this information.
By what authority?
17th September 2014, 02:02 PM
By what authority?
Or request via discovery what evidence they have that the law actually applies to me. You know, instead of volunteering to agree that it applies.
17th September 2014, 03:21 PM
By what authority?
You would have to go back to the original intent of a census. This intent was to apportion taxes based upon population. The authority is Art 1 Sec 2 of the U.S. constitution. If you are not a member of a state then ignore.
17th September 2014, 06:35 PM
You would have to go back to the original intent of a census. This intent was to apportion taxes based upon population. The authority is Art 1 Sec 2 of the U.S. constitution. If you are not a member of a state then ignore.
The Fourth Amendment guarantees the right of all free citizens to not involuntarily divulge information "required" by the Census. The Fifth Amendment may also apply.
The Thirteenth Amendment requires the Census to offer free citizens compensation for the servitude of answering such "mandatory" questions.
Therefore, there is no "mandate" to answer such questions, especially for free.
The IRS charges $50 for a copy of a tax return. I think it only fair that the first question from the Census is also $50, payable to me. I would consider a discount for further questions, say, a trio for an additional $100.
17th September 2014, 09:40 PM
Census is required to ask the number of people who live at an address. You are required to respond with this information. They will tell you this on the front of the form and there will be a border around the required information.
The following 10 pages (or whatever) of questions are optional but nowhere on the form will they tell you this. You complete the census by answering the number of people and THAT IS IT!!!!
Per my limited experience, palani is absolutely correct. The last Census form was answered with "3". They came to the door to insist that we answer other questions, and we said "there are 3 people living here", and stood our ground. Never heard from them again.
18th September 2014, 04:44 AM
Therefore, there is no "mandate" to answer such questions, especially for free.
Many people are delusional on the topic of money. In fact there is none and searching for remedy in the monetary plane is a lost battle.
As to the census as with any agreement the proper way to disengage 'stickies' (contracts that appear from nowhere and adhere) is by NOTICE, FAULT and DEFAULT., do it by registered mail, with return to a notary public agent and when you get done record everything. Shortcuts don't work.
18th September 2014, 04:54 AM
Many people are delusional on the topic of money. In fact there is none and searching for remedy in the monetary plane is a lost battle.
As to the census as with any agreement the proper way to disengage 'stickies' (contracts that appear from nowhere and adhere) is by NOTICE, FAULT and DEFAULT., do it by registered mail, with return to a notary public agent and when you get done record everything. Shortcuts don't work.
"Do it by registered mail"? A notary public? Fight the system by using the system? A simple no, or silent non-compliance, will suffice.
Men & women only owe allegiance to their Master. That is either God Almighty, or the god of the world. And if the latter, you should do as you are told, by his representatives of his governments. For those of us owing allegiance to the Ultimate Master, I am under no obligation to comply with the dictates of those against Him.
18th September 2014, 05:05 AM
"Do it by registered mail"? A notary public? Fight the system by using the system? A simple no, or silent non-compliance, will suffice.
From the mouths of two or more witnesses facts are established. You are but one. The system would prefer you forget about registered mail and convince you that certified is proper. In the commercial plane they would be correct. Registered is original jurisdiction for non-commercial. A notary is a public officer controlled by the secretary of state. His/her attestation carries more weight than other and your statements in front of him/her had best be accurate and truthful or else perjury is possible.
A simple 'no' is 1) a statement and 2) dishonorable. Better is a conditional response such as 'Does this fall under the statute of fraud?' because here you have made no statement and instead are ASKING a question ... As - King. But then if a situation develops you have no witness and cannot prove such details.
Fighting the system? Absolutely not!!! I work with the system at all times.
18th September 2014, 06:06 AM
From the mouths of two or more witnesses facts are established.
Facts exist apart from their human reference.
You are but one. The system would prefer you forget about registered mail and convince you that certified is proper. In the commercial plane they would be correct. Registered is original jurisdiction for non-commercial. A notary is a public officer controlled by the secretary of state. His/her attestation carries more weight than other and your statements in front of him/her had best be accurate and truthful or else perjury is possible.
You refer to Satan's "legal" system. I choose not to participate in it.
I do not rely on government agents for "truth."
A simple 'no' is 1) a statement and 2) dishonorable.
"Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." (KJV - alternatively, from the ESV: "Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.").
Jesus Christ said that. Do you say Christ is "dishonorable"?
Better is a conditional response such as 'Does this fall under the statute of fraud?' because here you have made no statement and instead are ASKING a question ... As - King. But then if a situation develops you have no witness and cannot prove such details.
I do not engage in Babylonian sophistry. Attempting to argue Talmud like a Pharisee.
Fighting the system? Absolutely not!!! I work with the system at all times.
You are of the world, of the system. I choose not to be.
18th September 2014, 02:31 PM
Facts exist apart from their human reference. Facts don't exist at all without someone testifying. For those who don't know what testify means this is taking the witness stand and cupping the cajones in the right hand. Females need not apply. Nor slaves. However in Kentucky there was a murder case in which a horse was permitted to testify as to the identity of the murderer and that testimony was accepted.
You refer to Satan's "legal" system. I choose not to participate in it. Funny. That information concerning multiple witnesses is biblical.
I do not rely on government agents for "truth." They don't give you truth. They give you NOTICE. Big difference. NOTICE becomes truth when you fail to respond.
"Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." (KJV - alternatively, from the ESV: "Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil."). Due process involves the right to inquire. Yea and Nay are statements. Make a single statement and your due process is complete and off you go to hearing where you will be convicted.
Jesus Christ said that. Do you say Christ is "dishonorable"?His words did not follow his actions then so perhaps there are exceptions to all rules?
I do not engage in Babylonian sophistry. Attempting to argue Talmud like a Pharisee. I don't know what Babylonian sophistry is. Could you give an example?
You are of the world, of the system. I choose not to be. Really? What are you doing on a forum that values gold and silver then? Do those in your situation ignore these minerals then?
18th September 2014, 02:53 PM
This is becoming senseless about the census
mick silver
18th September 2014, 03:01 PM
can you copy the form you got ares and paste it here . I have not seen it yet
18th September 2014, 03:02 PM
Facts don't exist at all without someone testifying.
How can one argue with this? Yours is a very liberal concept: facts are whatever someone perceives them to be.
I don't know what Babylonian sophistry is. Could you give an example?
What appears to be your personal style of argumentation.
Really? What are you doing on a forum that values gold and silver then? Do those in your situation ignore these minerals then?
God provided His children metals of intrinsic value with which to trade with one another. This world hates intrinsic value, and aims to replace it with imaginary value conjured from Babylonian sorcery.
18th September 2014, 03:26 PM
can you copy the form you got ares and paste it here . I have not seen it yet
I already round filed it. I would if I still have it. If I get another one I'll copy it into a PDF and post it here for all to see.
18th September 2014, 03:38 PM
Screw their senseless census ..................
Ill make my own
1 how do you like the fluoride poison we put in the water
2 did any kiddies die last year from one of our vaccines
3 how many in this house hold realise the government wants to exterminate them
4 how many here have packed their bags in case they have to go to FEMA summer camp
5 how many here are willing to go to war and die for ..........the banks
mick silver
18th September 2014, 03:41 PM Community Survey ... What is the American Community Survey?The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year -- giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year.
To help communities, state governments, and federal programs, we ask about:
family and relationships
income and benefits
health insurance
veteran status
where you work and how you get there
where you live and how much you pay for some essentials
All this detail is combined into statistics that are used to help decide everything from school lunch programs to new hospitals.
Thank you for your time and effort. It makes a difference!
18th September 2014, 03:44 PM
Screw their senseless census ..................
Ill make my own
1 how do you like the fluoride poison we put in the water
2 did any kiddies die last year from one of our vaccines
3 how many in this house hold realise the government wants to exterminate them
4 how many here have packed their bags in case they have to go to FEMA summer camp
5 how many here are willing to go to war and die for ..........the banks
6 how many in your family think Israel did 9/11
18th September 2014, 03:45 PM Community Survey
from link.........The American Community Survey (ACS) is a mandatory (, .............................
Is the American Community Survey mandatory?
Yes. It is a legitimate, mandatory survey sent to a small percentage of our population on a rotating basis. You are legally obligated to answer all the questions, as accurately as you can.
The relevant laws are Title 18 U.S.C Section 3571 ( and Section 3559 (, which amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221 (
Your answers are important. As part of a sample, you represent many other people. Find out how each question helps your community, your state, and the federal government in questions on the form and why we ask (
Why is the ACS mandatory?......because we said
Response to the survey is mandatory because the American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, replacing the "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years. Learn more ( about what would happen to the American Community Survey if it was not mandated by law.
Can my address be removed?
No. An address may not be removed from the American Community Survey sample as the validity of sample data would quickly deteriorate if selected households were exempted.
We try to keep the number of households in the sample as small as possible in order to limit the cost of the survey and reduce the impact on respondents. We also take steps to reduce the chance that a household will get the survey more than once in a five-year period.
Thank you for your time and effort. It makes a difference,,,haha I doubt it
18th September 2014, 03:46 PM
How can one argue with this? Yours is a very liberal concept: facts are whatever someone perceives them to be. I find most facts are subject to estoppel and laches. In other words should you fail to respond to NOTICE timely you will not be permitted to respond later. I don't believe liberal or conservative present adequate frames of reference from which to judge this concept.
What appears to be your personal style of argumentation. Argument exists in YOUR plane of fiction. In my plane of reality my person style is REASON.
God provided His children metals of intrinsic value with which to trade with one another. This world hates intrinsic value, and aims to replace it with imaginary value conjured from Babylonian sorcery.
Is that where FRNs come from? I thought they were marked Federal Reserve.
18th September 2014, 03:51 PM
from link.........The American Community Survey (ACS) is a mandatory (, .............................
Is the American Community Survey mandatory?
Yes. It is a legitimate, mandatory survey sent to a small percentage of our population on a rotating basis. You are legally obligated to answer all the questions, as accurately as you can.
The relevant laws are Title 18 U.S.C Section 3571 ( and Section 3559 (, which amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221 (
Your answers are important. As part of a sample, you represent many other people. Find out how each question helps your community, your state, and the federal government in questions on the form and why we ask (
Why is the ACS mandatory?......because we said
Response to the survey is mandatory because the American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, replacing the "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years. Learn more ( about what would happen to the American Community Survey if it was not mandated by law.
Can my address be removed?
No. An address may not be removed from the American Community Survey sample as the validity of sample data would quickly deteriorate if selected households were exempted.
We try to keep the number of households in the sample as small as possible in order to limit the cost of the survey and reduce the impact on respondents. We also take steps to reduce the chance that a household will get the survey more than once in a five-year period.
Thank you for your time and effort. It makes a difference,,,haha I doubt it
LOL mandatory..... Get a warrant bitches.
18th September 2014, 03:55 PM
This year's questionnaire:
Previous years:
For example, Question 47 sub-questions a - h want detailed income information. Most will find that the most intrusive and offensive.
18th September 2014, 04:00 PM Community Survey ... What is the American Community Survey?
The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year -- giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year.
To help communities, state governments, and federal programs, we ask about:
age.....................................getting on
sex.....................................i beg your pardon
race...................................bit tired at the moment
family and relationships.......havnt heard from them in years
income and benefits...........OK , yes please
health insurance................what from vaccinations and hospitals
education.........................only since I left school
veteran status................status............. hahahahahah
disabilities...................................... mean not counting the government
where you work and how you get there.......none of your business
where you live and how much you pay for some essentials...........FEMA camp......sell my body for essentials
All this detail is combined into statistics that are used to help decide everything from school lunch programs to new hospitals.
Thank you for your time and effort. It makes a difference!
18th September 2014, 04:18 PM
The OMB number is the part that is approved. It is located on page one and is surrounded by a BOX (the entire page). The information within that box on page 1 is the ONLY information that is required. Wanna fill out the rest of it? Go ahead and volunteer.
The thing with boxes is discussed in the GPO Style Manual. Stop signs and in fact all highway signs are enclosed by similar boxes. These are advisory only and no authority is posted.
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