View Full Version : Male-On-Male Rape Epidemic in Obama’s Pro-Deviancy Military Read more at http://barbw

General of Darkness
21st September 2014, 08:39 AM
When a man enters the military he is ten times likelier to be sexually abused, and in 2012 alone there were an estimated 14,200 reports of male rape.
Read that again. A man who enlists in the United States military is ten times more likely to be on the receiving end of sexual abuse than if he remains in the civilian population. The risk of being raped jumps a staggering 1,000 percent.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/09/19/male-male-rape-epidemic-obamas-pro-deviancy-military/#IvJ8KkIjzij53C3Y.99

mick silver
21st September 2014, 09:02 AM
ass rape me and just wait till we get in a war zone . think about that for a second

21st September 2014, 09:40 AM
Male-on-female rape in the military is ok then?

Prior to the credit system...There was very little money to pay soldiers...So rape and pillage were the spoils of war.

Whenever the Romans from Londinium would invade what is now Scotland...The men and boys all ran into the highlands and left the women and girls behind...to be raped and provide new sons and daughters of what is now Scotland.

21st September 2014, 09:45 AM
ass rape me and just wait till we get in a war zone . think about that for a second

You are in a war zone right now.

The poor unfortunate ass raped vulgar and profane slaves at the bottom of the ass rape hierarchy living to die forever are the supply of pleasure to the demand for pleasure by the rich fortunate ass raping worshipful masters at the top of the ass rape hierarchy dying to live forever.

21st September 2014, 09:45 AM
Probably about the same as getting drafted into the NFL... nothing more popular than a great tight end, amirite?

21st September 2014, 10:00 AM
ass rape me and just wait till we get in a war zone . think about that for a second

My, aren't you a patient one

midnight rambler
21st September 2014, 11:33 AM
Great, now the puppet and his faggot commie pals have rendered America's military a bastion of homo activity. imo this is beyond anything Rome had going on.

21st September 2014, 12:15 PM
ISIS Leader Is Homosexual, Marrying and Sodomizing All New Recruits (http://madworldnews.com/isis-leader-sodomizing-recruits/)

21st September 2014, 12:37 PM
Look at the Roman soldiers in this video from 1973...It first showed up on Broadway in 1971.

They are wearing purple pink shirts.


it's not beyond anything Rome had going on.

I'm a Highlander...I wore a skirt.

In the regimental display case...There is a mirror on the end of a stick.

What was it used for?

Back in the olden days...Queen's would use it to inspect the Highland guards to see if they were wearing underwear and what they were packing.



Obama = Dusk star = Harbinger of darkness.


He was installed by the globalist masters in 2008...He is just a nationalist puppet servant of the globalist master...or a scapegoat.


The USA gain independence from the British monarch and parliament...But there is absolutely zero evidence that the USA gained it's independence from the city of Londinium.

And the US political system is set up just like the new west minister parliamentary system....which is patterned after the Roman system.

The President is the Governor General...

The Vice President is the Prime Minister...

The House of Representatives is the House of Commons...

The parties give it away...

True Republican systems are not supposed to have parties...Just representatives of the people...

The key to the control of the Parliamentary system is the splitting of the population into Right and Left factions...Which is easier for the mass Media to manipulate using persuasion...Like CNN/Town criers...Or Force when that is not enough or is not going to work...911/Reichstag fire

In Canada the head of state is the Monarchy...The Commander in Chief of the military...The CEO in the British East India Corporation was also called the Commander In Chief.

The Representative of the Monarch in Canada who signs bills from the Parliament into Law is the Governor General...

After both houses vote to pay the bill of the enterprise it is sent to the Governor General to sign...It's called Royal assent in what is called a Constitutional monarchial Parliamentary administration system...like the one in Iraq before and after the US regime change operation to remove an installed leader that went rogue...

In England the Monarch as Head of State signs bills into Laws...

The Monarch or Governor General or what is called the President in the USA can Veto a Bill...

So ultimately a Parliamentary system is a Dictatorship hiding behind an illusion of freedom...

The City of London finances all sides...

And you can follow MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. All the way from Babylon to England with the USA and Israel being the children of the mother.

The USA has a mace.

"The design of the mace is derived from an ancient battle weapon and the Roman fasces. The ceremonial mace is 46 inches high and consists of 13 ebony rods – representing the original 13 states of the Union – bound together by silver strands criss-crossed over the length of the pole. Atop this shaft is a silver globe on which sits an intricately cast solid silver eagle."

"For daily sessions of the House, the Sergeant carries the silver and ebony mace of the House in front of the speaker, in procession to the rostrum. When the House is in session, the mace stands on a cylindrical pedestal of green marble to the Speaker's right. When the House is in committee, it is moved to a pedestal next to the Sergeant at Arms' desk. Thus, members entering the chamber know immediately whether the House is in session or in committee. When the body resolves itself into Committee of the whole House on the State of the Union, the Sergeant moves the mace to a lowered position"

In the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand...The "Five Eyes", often abbreviated as "FVEY", refer to an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

"A mace is a staff of office symbolizing authority. The mace is carried in and out of the Commons and Lords Chambers in a procession at the beginning and end of each day. Without the mace in position, each House cannot sit and debate."

"In the House of Commons the mace lies on the table in front of the Speaker when MPs are debating. If there is a Committee of the Whole House then the mace is placed under the table."

"The mace is carried in and out of the Chamber by the Serjeant at Arms in a procession at the beginning and end of each day."

Sergeant at Arms of the United States house of representatives...Paul D. Irving
Sergeant at Arms of the British House of Commons... Lawrence Ward
Sergeant at Arms of the Canadian House of Commons...Kevin M. Vickers
Sergeant at Arms of the Australian House of Commons...James Catchpole
Sergeant at Arms of the New Zealand House of Commons...Brent V Smith

All members are referred to as honorable...and all the houses have party whips.

21st September 2014, 12:47 PM
You all are exponentially decaying while you are praying for salvation from paying for obeying what Satan masquerading as GOD is saying.

21st September 2014, 02:53 PM
An effective military force cannot tolerate rape of any kind. Rape - of women or men - should result in swift execution. This is a failure of military discipline, and portends great misfortune when a real conflict breaks out.

21st September 2014, 03:07 PM
An effective military force cannot tolerate rape of any kind. Rape - of women or men - should result in swift execution. This is a failure of military discipline, and portends great misfortune when a real conflict breaks out.

could be used as blackmail

21st September 2014, 03:33 PM
Sounds like a real bum fight...............

21st September 2014, 04:18 PM
Sounds like a real bum fight...............

bum rushed

General of Darkness
21st September 2014, 06:06 PM
I went shopping and made my mother lunch today. I told her about this and she said, the US has become a disgusting place to live, and thank GOD I've only got maybe 3 more years to live.