View Full Version : Pesticides

21st September 2014, 07:56 PM
Wondering what pesticides people are using for their vegetable gardens? My cease and desist notices are not really making much impact on the local bug population here.

But seriously what are the safe options out there or are there no 100% safe options for pest control on food items? I've used neem in the past with varying success. Getting the mix right seems to be the biggest challenge. Wondering if there is anything else out there, even home brews for pest control.

22nd September 2014, 05:30 AM
Nature has assigned chickens the role of 'bug collector'. Side benefits are fertilizer and eggs and stewing meat.

23rd September 2014, 11:10 AM
My cousin sent me this. They claim that their process of using elements composed mainly from Ocean water remineralizes the soil, resulting in plants that have healthy immune systems that can resist attack.




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